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信息技术已成为拓展人类能力的创造性工具,但在基层远程教育机构现实情况下,信息技术与课程的整合不仅仅局限于实现教学内容的呈现方式、学习方式、教学方式和互动方式的变革,而在于通过"以课程为单元"的信息技术与课程的整合,有效实现对教学模式层面的整合.  相似文献   

正信息技术是目前发展最快、关联度最高、渗透能力最强、可持续发展能力最突出的关键技术,深刻影响着经济社会的发展。信息化的本质就是对信息技术、产品和服务的应用。信息技术的特点和作用决定了建设节约型社会离不开信息技术的支持,信息化是实现节能降耗减排的重要手段。以信息技术改造提升传统工业,转变发展方式。信息技术具有高度融合性,能与所有产业融合,是提高效率、节省能源和原材料、提高效益的科学手段。信息化是经济结构  相似文献   

信息技术与学习方式的整合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习方式是学科教学的核心。笔者在《网络科技时代·信息技术教育》2002年第1、2期分别发表过《课程整合的内涵与功能》、《课程整合的操作策略》两篇拙作。本文将探讨信息技术与学习方式的整合,试图进入学科教学的核心——讨论信息技术与学科教学的整合,将课程整合的研究引向深入。  一、信息技术与学习方式的整合信息技术与学习的整合,是指以计算机多媒体技术和计算机网络技术为核心的信息技术在教学中的运用,改变了学生的学习方式和交流方式,实现了真正意义的数字化学习。信息技术与学习方式的整合,主要体现在如下几个方面:1.信息技术…  相似文献   

信息技术与课程结合是学习方式的革命,该文以信息技术参与下的研究性课程改革为研究目标,通过对教学和评价方式的设计以及网络教学平台的建构,实现了信息技术和课程内容有机融合,在教学过程中信息技术作为有效的"导学"工具,共同完成课程教学任务从而达到提升教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的飞速发展,信息技术对数学教育的价值、目标、内容以及教学方式产生了很大的影响.小学数学课堂教学离不开信息技术,如何在教学中有效地使用信息技术,实现教师教学方式、学生学习方式、师生互动方式的转变,不断提高课堂教学效率,提高学生学习的层次和效率的目的,是我们全体小学教师一个长期不懈的研究课题.  相似文献   

信息技术与体育课程整合带来了学生学习方式的变革。在传统的教学过程中一切都是由教师主宰,从教学内容、教学策略、教学方法、教学步骤甚至学生做的练习都是由教师事先安排好的。而在信息技术的交互式学习环境中,学生可以按照自己的学习基础、学习兴趣来选择所要学习的内容和适合自己水平的练习。信息技术与学科课程的整合,实现了教学内容的呈现方式、学生的学习方式、教师的教学方式和师生互动方式的变革。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和课改的深入,现代信息技术在幼儿园教学活动中的运用越来越被重视和推广。《上海市学前教育课程指南》指出:“幼儿园应积极推进信息技术在课程实施中的有效应用,逐步实现信息技术与幼儿园课程的优化整合,建立由教学辅助软件和多媒体学习软件交织构成的立体的信息环境,发挥种种网络技术手段的作用,以实现教育内容的呈现方式、幼儿的学习方式及师生互动方式的变革,  相似文献   

随着新一轮基础教育阶段改革的深入,信息技术与学科的整合是当前教育改革的热点问题.教育部在<基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)>中指出:"大力推进信息技术在教学过程中的普遍应用,促进信息技术与学科课程的整合,逐步实现教学内容的呈现方式、学习方式、教师的教学方式和师生互动方式的变革,充分发挥信息技术的优势,为学生的学习和发展提供丰富多彩的教育环境和有利的学习工具.  相似文献   

《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》指出:"大力推进多媒体信息技术在教学过程中的普遍应用,促进信息技术与学科课程的整合,逐步实现教学内容的呈现方式、学生的学习方式、教师的教学方式和师生互动方式的变革,充分发挥信息技术的优势,为学生的学习和发  相似文献   

信息技术与学科课程教学的整合,正在成为当前我国信息技术教育的一个热点问题。教育部在《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》中提出:“大力推进信息技术在教学过程中的普遍应用,促进信息技术与学科课程的整合,逐步实现教学内容的呈现方式、学生的学习方式、教师的教学方式和师生互动方式的变革,充分发挥信息技术的优势,为学生的学习和发展提供丰富多彩的教育环境和有力的学习工具。”由此可见,新一轮基础教育  相似文献   

2011年新版ISO/IEC20000的发布,为IT服务管理的实施提供了参照标准。本文根据ISO/IEC 20000:2011版中的IT服务可用性要求,提出面向客户服务级别需求设计和实现IT服务的可用性,并指出可用性设计是实现高质量IT服务的有效途径。  相似文献   

This study aims at exploring the IT governance capabilities that enable organizations to achieve IT‐based synergies. Following existing work on the contextualization of theories and drawing on the resource‐based view of the firm (RBV), we develop an RBV of IT‐based synergies in two steps. First, we adopt existing context‐specific constructs and relationships from prior work on IT governance capabilities, IT relatedness, and synergies to develop a preliminary contextualization of the RBV. Second, to further refine our theoretical framework, we conduct an exploratory field study that includes interviews with 26 CIOs and other IT executives from 21 multibusiness firms. Our findings suggest that IT governance capabilities lead to IT‐based synergies through IT relatedness and business process relatedness. We found regulation‐oriented IT governance capabilities (IT roles and IT processes) to increase IT relatedness, while consensus‐oriented IT governance capabilities (IT groups and relational capabilities) had a positive effect on business process relatedness. Our results suggest that, in isolation, IT and business process relatedness lead to IT cost synergies, while collectively enabling IT‐induced business synergies. Our study is among the first to treat IT relatedness as an endogenous construct and to explicitly integrate business process relatedness into the IT governance domain. Our context‐specific decomposition of IT governance capabilities helps to better explain their links to IT and business process relatedness. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the tension between IT‐based synergies and business‐IT alignment. Decision‐makers are guided in developing IT governance capabilities to achieve IT‐based synergies.  相似文献   

Abstract. Information technology (IT) leaders — companies that successfully exploit IT to achieve business results — generate immense interest among practitioners and academics. From a practitioner's perspective, IT leaders provide benchmarks of leading IT management practices which others may emulate to achieve success. From an academic perspective, IT leaders provide the 'data' for the creation of frameworks and theories of IT management. While US IT leaders are regularly assessed by academics, trade magazines, consultants and benchmarking firms, there has been no Europe-wide assessment of IT leadership. This neglect is detrimental to European IT practitioners and academics who may discover that American IT management practices are not transferrable in the European context. In this article, we analyse the construct, context and statistical validity of six methods for identifying European IT leaders. Based on this analysis, two methods (expert ratings and citation counts) were used to generate a preliminary list of European IT leaders and laggards. While individual experts were reticent about volunteering their ratings, their collective view appears to generate a worthwhile list with high construct validity. Citation counts represent a more accessible process for list generation, with high statistical validity. However, an attempt to correlate expert ratings with a list based on citation counts confirms that the latter has questionable construct validity.  相似文献   

本文采取实证分析的研究方法,以某商业银行A软件开发中心IT项目KPI体系为例,分析IT项目KPI体系建立与执行的过程。本文认为IT项目KPI体系建立与执行的成功关键在于:指标设计、应用及考核流程中体现IT项目实施工作的特殊性,把KPI体系与IT项目实施过程有机地结合起来,建立并运作KPI考核反馈机制。  相似文献   

杨杰 《计算机安全》2010,(10):18-21
重点研究IT审计中的信息安全审计,对信息安全审计技术按照不同的审计角度和实现技术进行分类,并在不同的实现方式间进行比较。最后提出一种实现全面审计系统的方式,为实际使用中综合应用不同产品实现企业内部信息安全审计提供了一种实用的方法。  相似文献   

In these times of a tight IT labor market, talented IT workers enjoy a mobility previously not experienced. Better offers constantly come their way, and often they accept these offers and leave behind frustrated and betrayed IS managers. the reasons that IT professionals choose to work for an organization or leave it for another vary as much as these professionals' skills and personalities and organizations' cultures and IT functions. Trying to establish a match between an organization's goals and functions and an IT professional's goals and needs will help IT managers hire and keep the IT talent they need.  相似文献   

This introduction to the special issue dedicated to strategic planning presents the complexity and dynamics of global enterprise IT management in today's tight and unstable economic environment. IT managers and enterprise executives can achieve their overall business success by opening channels of communications among their normally independent organizational silos and by creating an enterprise-shared culture that recognizes the critical role IT has in this endeavor.  相似文献   

For more than a decade, the authors have studied the best, worst, and emerging information technology sourcing practices in 543 large and small organizations world-wide. From an initial focus on cost reduction in the early 1990s, the authors found that customers now expect many business advantages from IT outsourcing, including better service, infusion of new technology, transformation of fixed IT budgets to variable IT budgets, improved business processes, and even increased revenues. In short, customers expect IT outsourcing to transform IT functions into lean, dynamic groups that respond quickly to business needs and opportunities. But how do customers actually achieve such business advantage? Customers must become adept at managing four continual processes to successfully exploit IT outsourcing:
  • Assess the in-house IT portfolio to determine which activities are best outsourced
  • Evaluate market options for the best sourcing models and best suppliers to achieve customer objectives, ranging from simple ASP provision to the creation of customer-supplier joint ventures
  • Craft contracts to align customer and supplier expectations and incentives; and
  • Continually manage supplier relationships.
Major supplier lessons are also identified, which call for superior supplier integrity in selling, negotiating, and delivering IT services. The overall lesson is that outsourcing can achieve significant results, but it requires new management capabilities.  相似文献   


IT systems pervade our society more and more, and we become heavily dependent on them. At the same time, these systems are increasingly targeted in cyberattacks, making us vulnerable. Enterprise and cybersecurity responsibles face the problem of defining techniques that raise the level of security. They need to decide which mechanism provides the most efficient defense with limited resources. Basically, the risks need to be assessed to determine the best cost-to-benefit ratio. One way to achieve this is through threat modeling; however, threat modeling is not commonly used in the enterprise IT risk domain. Furthermore, the existing threat modeling methods have shortcomings. This paper introduces a metamodel-based approach named Yet Another Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Framework (Yacraf). Yacraf aims to enable comprehensive risk assessment for organizations with more decision support. The paper includes a risk calculation formalization and also an example showing how an organization can use and benefit from Yacraf.


This study aims to develop a new methodology in IT Portfolio Management (ITPM) to address the impact of portfolio priorities on IT strategies in a multi-business unit firm. The methodology includes a new ITPM model and uses simulated scenarios to overcome limitations due to insufficient real-world organizational IT portfolio data. The weight scores generated by the proposed ITPM model can enable the firm to create a rational viewpoint to improve its IT investment efficiency while establishing IT priorities to achieve enterprise strategic goals. Such an approach would enable firms to reduce their reliance on CIO intuition in guiding firms’ technology portfolios.  相似文献   

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