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电教媒体作为一种先进的教学手段被引入课堂,有效改进了教与学的活动方式,使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中,优质、高效地获得知识,发展能力,形成个性,从而给外语教学带来了新的希望。尤其是小学阶段,电教媒体的引进,对激发学生兴趣、提高课堂教学效益起到了举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

全文主要从四个方面,来论述电教媒体在新课程改革中的作用:一、创设情境,激趣诱读;二、引人入境。熟读精思;三、凭借情境,学会积累;四、运用情景,激趣导说;巧妙地运用网络及多媒体优化组合,创设情景;在教师的点拨下,让学生自读、自悟、自练、自说;利用信息技术手段开拓学生自学的渠道,为新课程改革开拓新渠道。  相似文献   

随着电教媒体优越性的不断显现,电教媒体越来越受到教师们的重视。在信息技术突飞猛进的今天,巧妙地借助电教媒体,能有效地突破教学重难点,激发学生的强烈的学习兴趣,激活学生的敏捷的思维,提高学生口语交际能力,还在培养学生无限的想象力、挖掘学生的学习潜能、发展学生智力等方面有着极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

随着我国教育事业的快速发展,电教媒体已经成为课堂教学活动的一部分.教师利用电敷设备开展教学活动,有利于丰富教学内容,促进教学效率的提升.  相似文献   

音乐教育作为艺术教育的一种实施方式,在幼儿园教育工作中占着极其重要的地位。由于幼儿年龄偏小,各方面的能力都还没有发展完善,如果要对幼儿实施较深层次的教育影响只能是一种设想,而无法真正施行。但是,人类对于音乐的敏感可以说是与生俱来的,所以,通过音乐的影响达到教育幼儿的目的是一种较为可行的办法。那么,怎样才能开展好音乐教育活动?  相似文献   

"数形互译"是数形结合的基本形式.数形结合是小学数学教材编排的重要原则,也是小学数学教材的一个重要特点,更是解决问题时常用的方法.数与形的有机结合,是培养学生形象思维能力的一个有效过程.  相似文献   

伴随着新课改的进程以及信息技术在课堂中的广泛应用,美术教学与信息技术进行整合变得越来越重要。下面就新课改下电教媒体在美术教学中所扮演的角色谈几点浅显认识。  相似文献   

在当今的时代,班班通已在大部分学校中应用。但是现代的网络教学也有不少负面作用,比如教师的组织作用减少,学生易受到干扰,注意力不够集中,不好统一管理等等。在小学数学教学过程中恰当地运用一些传统电教媒体可使学生快速、高效地获取知识、发展思维、形成能力,可谓投入少见效大,同时在不少偏远地区没有先进的网络资源,而那些淘汰的传统电教设备正可以发挥余热。  相似文献   

《语文课程标准》明确指出:语文课程丰富的人文内涵对学生精神领域的影响是深广的,语文课程应该是开放而富有创新活力的,语文应  相似文献   

董凤敏 《网友世界》2012,(23):8+10-8,10
在小学语文课堂教学中,多媒体的运用为优化语文课堂教学创造了条件、注入新的活力,使教学达到最优化,取得理想的教学效果,提高教学效率。笔者就电教媒体在语文教学中作用谈了一些体会。  相似文献   

本文首先阐明视听资料在医学教育中的作用,进而对在网络时代利用视听资料在医学教育中展开多种形式的教与学,通过视频点播教学,课外自习,医学终身教育这三方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

王策  何炎祥  王云  张春林 《计算机工程》2005,31(6):171-172,199
提出了一种基于视音频特征和文本信息的新的场景自动分割技术.其基本思想是先探测新闻视频的镜头边界,再用文本检测方法识别主题字幕帧以得到分割信息.用短时能量和短时平均零交叉率参数探测静音分片.将视音频特征和文本信息相结合以实现自动场景分割.实验使用135 400帧的测试数据达到了85.8%的准确率和97 5%的重现率.实验结果表明此方法是有效的、稳健的.  相似文献   

Over the last decade research has been pursued on all aspects of streaming media. While many theoretical results have been reported in the literature, few performance results of large‐scale systems have been published. In this report we specifically explore the scalability aspects of our Yima streaming media architecture in an end‐to‐end test environment. With Yima, it was our goal to design and implement an architecture that would scale in performance from small to large systems. Some of the design features include (1) a multi‐node cluster architecture based on commodity hardware and custom software, (2) media type independence (support ranges from 500 Kb s MPEG‐4 to 45 Mb s HDTV, at both variable and constant bitrates), (3) fine‐grained online scale up/down capabilities, and (4) a client‐controlled rate smoothing protocol. We briefly discuss the design and implementation of these capabilities of Yima and then thoroughly evaluate its scalability through several sets of experiments. Our results show that Yima scales linearly (within the range of our test parameters) as a function of the cluster size and also as a function of available resources such as network bandwidth and CPU performance. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Adolescents produce and distribute a vast quantity of digital media content. A growing literature examines the sexually explicit (i.e., nude) content that adolescents share online. Because adolescents' sexual content need not be sexually explicit, however, this study examined the sexual intensity with which adolescents choose to present themselves in the context of a social media platform. Exemplifying the variability of adolescents' online sexual self-presentations, survey participants (N = 265; age range: 13–15 years) constructed social media profiles using components (e.g., photos, fashion brands) that varied in sexual intensity. In accord with predictions drawn from the Media Practice Model, the study found that the sexual intensity of adolescents' online self-presentations is a product of the sexual self-concept, a relationship that is partially mediated by sexual media diet and moderated by extraversion. This study bridges emerging research on sexual self-presentation with established literature on adolescents' sexual media uses and effects.  相似文献   

视听语言是电影的艺术形式,动画作为一种电影类型,是通过视觉和听觉向观众传达信息的。美国和日本作为全球动画潮流的风向标,结合了本民族特点运用独特的视觉语言符号和声音创作模式,形成了风格迥异的视听风格。文章旨在通过美日动画影片创作方法上的差异分析,来研究动画视听语言的综合运用和发展趋势,寻找成功商业动画的视听语言创作模式,促进中国动画的产业化发展。  相似文献   

全新试验床力促RFID标签研发日前,美国佐治亚理工大学研究人员成功研发一套全新试验床,该试验床旨在帮助无线射频制造厂商评估、判断数以百计的无源标签的运行情况,同时,该试验床可以在无需每次试验搭建新平台的情况下,迅速测量新无线射频标签的雏形状态。  相似文献   

未来市场需要这样的设备无线多路系统的应用、蜂窝数据附加无线保真(Wi-Fi)功能以及蓝牙技术的应用让外设设备,如打印设备、蓝牙耳机等变得方便易用。另外,全球卫星定位系统的应用、数码相机的应用也  相似文献   

In this article, we present numerical modeling and upscaling procedures for highly fissured and discontinuous geologic media, such as ‘karsts’. In particular, we propose a geomorphological generation model, and we address the ‘upscaling’ problem for flow in a highly fissured porous medium (‘what is the macroscale hydraulic behavior of the fissured porous medium?’). The morphological model is partly Boolean, based on statistical distributions of discrete objects (voids), combined with a (random) continuum representation for the underlying porous matrix. Various methods for constraining these two types of media are discussed (self-consistent thresholding; genetic dissolution). Hydraulic simulations are then conducted with the 3D finite volume code BIGFLOW, for the case of 3D composite media with constant matrix and high ‘fissure/matrix’ permeability contrast. The hydrodynamic equations are based on either Darcy’s linear head loss law, or on a linear/quadratic combination of Darcy and Ward–Forchheimer quadratic law (inertial effects). The numerical experiments are conducted for saturated steady flow under permeametric boundary conditions. They are used to analyze the equivalent macroscale behavior of fissured media, as well as quasi-percolation effects, in comparison with analytical results and bounds (Darcian case, low Reynolds). In addition, at moderate to large Reynolds numbers, the macroscale effects of non-Darcian (inertial) head losses are also analyzed.  相似文献   

作为一名信息技术教师不仅要有扎实的专业知识,还要能灵活运用教学语言来调动学生的学习积极性,在新课程改革过程中,不仅要保持原有的用词准确规范、表达简明扼要外,还要注意语言表达的几种转变:由命令式转变为商讨式、由评判式转变成建议鼓励式、由灌输式转变为引导式、由统一的语言转变为开放的语言、由单一的评价转变为评价的多元化,使得我们的教学语言更符合新课程标准,更加有效地提高课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

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