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皮秒加速器安全保护主要联锁电子枪、476 MHz微波功率源和2856 MHz触发信号以确保人员与机器的安全.本文重点介绍由ADAM5511和基于单片机的定时触发器实现的紧急硬联锁和用以提高系统的运行效率的上位机辅助逻辑设计.经过修改和测试,安全设计已满足机器运行的联锁要求.  相似文献   

A compact pulse radiolysis apparatus using a BNL-type s-band photocathode RF gun is now under development at Waseda University. The laser pulse is used for excitation of the photocathode and for generation of white light, which is used for analyzing light in the pulse radiolysis.The system design is shown in Fig. 1. For absorption spectroscopy with wide wavelength region, the white-light continuum was used as analyzing light. The white light continuum was generated by focusing the high intense IR laser into the water cell. The available wavelength was 400-950 nm. Typical data obtained is shown in Fig.2 by using the system. We have performed a deconvolution technique to know the time resolution of our system. For this purpose, we have assumed the shapes of the electron pulse and the laser pulse as Gaussian distributions. Furthermore, the difference of velocity in a sample cell between the electron pulse and the laser pulse due to the refractive index of a sample was also taken into consideration and assuming that the hydrated electrons are formed as a step function and the response function is Gaussian.Thus, time resolution of the system was estimated by deconvolution of the experimental data.We have achieved a time resolution of about 26ps by measuring time profile of hydrated electrons in H2O.  相似文献   

高压缩重子物质(Compressed Baryonic Matter,CBM)实验装置飞行时间谱仪利用由多气隙电阻板室(Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber,MRPC)探测器构建的超级模块实现高密度、高精度的粒子飞行时间测量,该超级模块可支持高达320通道的高精度时间测量能力,数据率高达6 Gbit·s~(-1)。为实现超级模块探测器的性能评估,提出一种基于千兆以太网的分布式数据读出方法,利用片上系统技术实现读出节点的千兆网络传输能力。测试结果表明,针对单条数据传输路径,原型读出模块在全链路情况下,能实现约467 Mbit·s-1的综合数据传输速率。读出方案中事例组装、命令发送、状态显示等功能均运行正常。  相似文献   

张琳  李嘉庆  卢成荣 《核技术》1999,22(1):28-31
利用微机和单片机构成分布式控制系统参与对加速器的控制,实现了加速器在一定范围内等间隔能量点的自动调节。动态显示和稳定机器工作状态,采集并保存实验数据作为日后实验运行参数的查询和调用。  相似文献   

To improve the accuracy and usability of the superconducting electron cyclotron resonance ion source with advanced design in Lanzhou (SECRAL),an upgraded version of the control system was designed and tested.This paper details the architecture of the opimized control system and presents the results of its use in the long-term operation of the accelerator.The control system software,based on Visual C++,was developed following the model-view-controller architecture design pattern.The data acquisition system was based on a field-programmable gate array integrated circuit.In addition,control strategies were optimized for higher operational stability.The upgraded control system was tested with a U33+ ion beam at SECRAL,where it provided a data acquisition time of less than 1 ms.The fast reaction time and highprecision data processing during beam tuning verified the stability and maintainability of the control system.  相似文献   

设计了一个纳秒高压脉冲装置,脉冲电压可达16kV,前沿上升时间为10ns,此装置已用于加速器时间分析系统,系统的物理分辨时间小于0.8%,时间半高宽为25ns。  相似文献   

张硕成  王丹  敬岚  乔卫民  马云海 《核技术》2006,29(9):710-712
为满足我所电子加速器的控制要求而自主研发了调压器控制系统.该系统的设计包括系统硬件设计、电路设计、工控机和单片机控制软件设计.控制功能模块采用RS232和RS485通信接口,可以根据需要选装光纤接口建立工业光纤通讯网络,进一步扩展使用范围并提高通讯系统的可靠性.实际应用表明,系统在无人值守情况下可自行调整并稳定调压器输出电压,可满足电子加速器调压器的精确控制和自动控制要求.该系统依据通用设计原则,具备实现简单、易于维护、可扩展性好及成本低廉等特点,在其他工业控制自动化领域也有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

沈佳蓉  沈立人  刘亚娟 《核技术》2007,30(3):192-195
现代大型加速器控制系统大都采用分布式控制系统,系统使用网络交换各类数据.各种控制动作及数据获取要求各智能控制器的CPU基于时间进行调度,因此时标系统在分布式控制系统中具有极其重要的作用.本文论述了采用软件实现的时间同步系统及其所采用的时间协议和原理以及达到的精度等.  相似文献   

吕建钦  谢大林 《核技术》1997,20(9):555-560
介绍了600kV强流微秒脉冲加速器中束流脉冲化系统的物理设计、工艺结构特点、粒子动力学计算、聚束腔的静态特性调整与测量、高频功率发射系统以及载束实验结果。  相似文献   

紧凑型D-D中子发生器为工业物料中子活化分析提供稳定可靠快中子源,其控制系统需要实现对加速器现场多设备远程参数调节和状态监测,保证中子发生器持续稳定运行,采用PC机加智能仪器构成的分布式结构,设计开发了一套基于Lab VIEW的综合控制系统,将My SQL数据库接入控制系统,实现中子发生器各设备主要运行参数的保存与查询。系统测试稳定,并成功应用于该中子发生器的调试和实验中。  相似文献   

In this paper we report the real-time beam loss monitoring (BLM) system at the storage ring of SSRF.The BLM-XS detectors and Ethernet data acquisition system are used in this system.Some applications and experiments of the BLM system are also presented.The BLM system provides dynamic information of beam loss for the storage ring,and is helpful to ensure the facility commissioning,investigate the problems of machine,optimize the machine parameters and further increase the beam lifetime.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the injection and extraction control system design for SSRF,which is a distributed control system aimed at stability and reliability of the pulse power supplies,PPS(Personnel Protection System)and MPS(Machine Protection System).The hardware environment is mainly based on PLC(Programmable Logic Con- troller),and ARM(Advanced RISC Machine)is also applied for studying stability of the power supplies.WinCC and EPICS(Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System)have been selected as the platforms of SCADA(Super- visory Control and Data Acquisition).For unifying the interfacing to the control computer,all front-end equipments are connected via Industrial Ethemet.  相似文献   

This article presents the design and implementation of a microcontroller-based system for the automatic movement of control rods in nuclear reactors of either power or research types. This system is controlled automatically, is linked to a personal computer system, and has manual controlling ability as well. The important features of this system are: automatic scram of the control rods, activation of alarm in emergency situations, and the ability to tune the control rod movement course both upwards and downwards. In this system, a small tank has been improvised as a coolant reservoir for pool type reactors such as Tehran Research Reactor and its water level is continuously adjusted by special sensors. Also, this system can be applied for controlling various types of control rods such as the regulating rods, safety rods and shim rods; can be connected to all reactor measurement tools and systems such as the period meter, power meter and flux meter; and can receive feedback signals from them. The devised system can be calibrated with these measurement tools by two special potentiometers in the related electronic board. The processes of this system have been simulated by the SIMULINK tool kit of MATLAB software and all responses of the system, including oscillation and transient responses, have been analyzed.  相似文献   

王贵诚  洪军 《核技术》1995,18(9):569-572
简要介绍了NSRL200MeV电子直线加速器的电子枪触发系统研制中的ns功率脉冲的获得、抗干扰技术及直流高压的隔离技术,并给出了该电子枪系统实际发射束流的波形图。  相似文献   

Hydraulic control rod drive technology (HCRDT) is a newly invented patent and Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology Tsinghua University owns HCRDT's independent intellectual property rights. The hydraulic cylinder is the key part of this technology, so the performance of the hydraulic cylinder directly affects the function of the integrated valve and the HCRDT. First, the theory Model II which considers the change of inlet velocity has been obtained and the pressure transient has been analyzed. Second, based on the abnormal conditions occurring in the operation of the mechanism, the working performance is obtained and the results are verified by the experiment. Third, the sensitivity analysis of the parameters of hydraulic cylinder was carried out. The results show that the calculated values are in good agreement with the experimental values. The Model II has better numerical stability than the Model I. The influence of various parameters on the operation characteristic of hydraulic cylinder is obtained. The model can be used to analyze and optimize the performance of the HCRDT.  相似文献   

在WinXP系统下,基于LabVIEW开发了RPC-Gd热中子探测器的性能测试系统.结合LabVIEW图形显示能力和仿真仪器面板功能,通过调用外部动态链接库机制,封装CAMAC的I/O接口命令为功能函数子Ⅵ系列,以此将各电子学插件编译为功能模块.根据不同实验的要求可对功能模块进行灵活选择和设置.测试系统具有开放性、可移植性,使用界面友好简易.  相似文献   

In 2004 the Hungarian Paks NPP completed a project for upgrading the reactivity measuring system applied during reactor startup experiments. Almost all components of the previous system were replaced, only ex-core ionisation chambers remained unaltered. New hardware and software components were introduced for neutron flux signal handling, for data acquisition, as well as for measurement evaluation and data presentation. High-precision picoamper meters were installed at each reactor unit, current signals are handled by a portable signal processing unit. The system applies an accurate on-line reactivity calculation algorithm based on the point-kinetic model with six delayed neutron groups. Detailed off-line evaluation and analysis of startup measurements can be performed on the portable unit, as well.The paper describes the architecture, data acquisition modules, services and man–machine interface of the new system. Functions and results are illustrated with measured data recorded during a startup of Unit 3. In 2003 and 2004 the RMR was installed and tested at all Paks NPP units successfully and now it is in regular use during unit startups.The second part of the paper illustrates an extension of the new system to perform reactivity measurements using the well-known Rossi-α and Feynman-α statistical methods. The modified system was needed to estimate the reactivity of a subcritical system formed by damaged fuel assemblies stored at the fuel service pit of Paks Unit 2. Theoretical background of the applied algorithms is outlined, then results of validation tests and on site measurements are treated. The measurements have shown that the subcriticality of the damaged fuel was sufficiently deep if the high boron concentration in the fuel service pit was maintained.  相似文献   

熊慎寿  谭映雷 《核技术》2003,26(3):174-178
本文扼要地介绍了光束线3W1A及其实验站辐射安全联锁系统的设计、系统的构成、系统功能作用和操作规则。此外,还为两个实验大厅研制并安装了同步辐射运行状态实时显示装置和电子注入自动报警与语音提示装置。这种自动报警装置和辐射安全联锁系统为实验人员和其他工作人员的人身安全提供了可靠的保证。  相似文献   

In this work we describe a multi-parameter data acquisition system (DAQ) which has been developed for the Shanghai EBIT.This system is operated at the collision research platform which includes a recoil-ion momentum spectrometer (RIMS).We have employed DAQ based on the VME system,which is a very fast developing system within the RIMS community,and with which we can reach data transfer rates of up to 160 Mb.s-1.The software developed for DAQ based on UnisDX-XP is also described.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of instrumentation and control (I&C) systems of a pressurized water reactor (PWR) type nuclear power plant (NPP) in Korea. Yonggwang unit 3, which was constructed as a basis model for a Korea standard nuclear power plant (KSNP), is selected as an example for the presentation. This overview is derived from analyzing the I&C systems based on a top-down approach. The I&C systems consist of 30 systems. The 183 I&C cabinets are also analyzed and mapped to the systems. The overview is focused on an interface between the systems and the cabinets. This information will be used to understand the implementation of the I&C systems and to group the systems for an upgrade.  相似文献   

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