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Seven crude oils from Cretaceous Mishrif reservoir rocks in the southern Mesopotamian Basin, South Iraq were studied to describe oil characteristics, providing information on the source of organic matter input and the genetic link between oils and their potential source rock in the basin. This study is based on biomarker and non-biomarker analyses performed on oil samples. The analysed oils are aromatic intermediate oils as indicated by high aromatic hydrocarbon fractions with more that 50%. These oils are also characterized by high sulfur and trace metal (Ni, V) contents and relatively low API gravity values (19.0–27.2° API). The results of this study indicate that these oils were derived from a marine carbonate source rocks bearing Type II-S kerogen that were deposited under sulphate-reducing conditions. This is primary achieved from their biomarkers and bulk carbon isotope and inorganic element contents (i.e., S, Ni and V). The absence of 18a (H)-oleanane biomarker also suggests a source age older than Late Cretaceous. The biomarker characteristics of these oils are consistent with those of the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous source rocks in the basin. However, biomarker maturity data also indicate that the oils were generated from early maturity source rocks. This appears to result from the type of kerogen of the source rock, characterized by a high-S kerogen (Type II-S).  相似文献   

This study describes the fingerprinting of crude oils from different Egyptian oil formations using gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The samples were obtained from Gindi, Abu El gharadig, south deep Abu El gharadig, Dahab- Merier and Faghur basins from Western Desert. Diagnostic biomarkers parameters applied in this study provide evidences about the source of organic matter, the depositional environment and maturity of the studied oils. The results showed that the crude oils of Faghur basin are believed to be originated from mixed source predominately terrestrial with chief contribution of clastic rocks deposited under oxic conditions. However, the crude oils from Gindi, Abu El gharadig, South deep Abu El gharadig and Dahab- Merier basins were generated from marine carbonate source rock deposited under anoxic depositional environment.  相似文献   

Twenty-two oil samples and eight source rock samples collected from the Tarim Basin,NW China were geochemically analyzed to investigate the occurrence and distribution of phenylphenanthrene(PhP),phenylanthracene(PhA),and binaphthyl(BiN) isomers and methylphenanthrene(MP) isomers in oils and rock extracts with different depositional environments.Phenylphenanthrenes are present in significant abundance in Mesozoic lacustrine mudstones and related oils.The relative concentrations of PhPs are quite low or below detection limit by routine gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) in Ordovician oils derived from marine carbonates.The ratio of 3-PhP/3-MP was used in this study to describe the relative abundance of phenylphenanthrenes to their alkylated counterparts-methylphenanthrenes.The Ordovician oils in the Tabei Uplifthave quite low 3-PhP/3-MP ratios(0.10),indicating their marine carbonate origin,associating with low Pr/Ph ratios(pristane/phytane),high ADBT/ADBF values(relative abundance of alkylated dibenzothiophenes to alkylated dibenzofurans),low C_(30) diahopane/C_(30)hopane ratios,and low Ts/(Ts+Tm)(18α-22,29,30-trisnorneohopane/(18α-22,29,30-trisnorneohopane+17α-22,29,30-trisnorhopane)) values.In contrast,the oils from Mesozoic and Paleogene sandstone reservoirs and related Mesozoic lacustrine mudstones have relatively higher 3-PhP/3-MP ratios(0.10),associating with high Pr/Pli,low ADBT/ADBF.high Ts/(Ts + Tm).and C_(30) diahopane/C_(30) hopane ratios.Therefore,the occuirence of significant amounts of phenylphenanthreiies in oils typically indicates that the organic matter of the source rocks was deposited in a suboxic environment with mudstone deposition.The phenylphenanthreiies may be effective molecular markers,indicating depositional environment and lithology of source rocks.  相似文献   

Eight crude oils collected from different oilfields distributed within the northern, central and southern Gulf of Suez basin to detect the distribution of triterpanes and steranes biomarkers as indication of organic matter input and depositional environments of crude oils and lithology of organic matters. This achieved throughout the application of gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis. The results revealed that the Gulf of Suez samples are believed to be of marine organic matter input deposited under anoxic depositional environment. Off shore samples S3 and S4 from Central Province of Gulf of Suez basin show low maturity levels, while the other samples which were of higher maturity levels.  相似文献   

A series of anhydrous closed-system pyrolysis experiments were performed on pure pristane and octacosane and a sample from the Maoming oil shale to measure the effect of thermal maturation on pristane and phytane carbon isotopic fractionation compared with individual n-alkanes. The result showed that pyrolysis of pure pristane and octacosane caused 1.8‰ and 5.1‰ increase in δ13C values, respectively. Experiments on the oil shale sample showed 2.0‰ and 2.2‰ variations in pristane and phytane δ13C values, respectively, but an average 5.5‰ enrichment in 13C for the individual n-alkanes. This indicates that the effect of thermal maturation on pristane and phytane δ13C values is weaker compared with n-alkanes. The results further suggest that the stable carbon isotopic distribution of pristane and phytane can be used as a correlation tool.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地一里坪地区新近系是一个潜在的油气勘探领域,前人研究表明上油砂山组及上干柴沟组内部分层段发育有优质的烃源岩层段。为明确其沉积时期古湖泊的环境特征与优质烃源岩层段发育的控制因素,选取了研究区2口取心井:里3井的上油砂山组和博1井的下干柴沟组开展了有机地球化学、碳氧同位素分析等测试工作。分析结果表明:一里坪凹陷里3井上油砂山组沉积碳酸盐δ^13C值介于-6.4‰~-1.7‰之间,平均值为-3.2‰,δ^18O值介于-11.8‰~-6.4‰之间,平均值为-9.2‰;茫崖凹陷博1井,上干柴沟组沉积碳酸盐岩δ^13C值介于-2.1‰~-1.5‰之间,平均值为-1.84‰,δ^18O值介于-12.4‰~-4.9‰之间,平均值为-9.66‰。通过碳氧同位素、岩性及周缘大地构造背景综合判别表明:一里坪地区整体为处于半开放—开放、微咸水湖泊环境,湖平面震荡频繁,平均气温相对较低,气候变化频率较快。通过沉积环境与烃源岩分布关系研究,研究区相对优质烃源岩主要发育于咸化环境内,与柴西烃源岩发育特征一致;同时,湖水平静期、气候相对温暖湿润时期也发育较好的烃源岩。一里坪地区咸化中心是下一步天然气勘探的重要方向。  相似文献   

对塔北隆起北缘原油进行了轻烃单体烃碳同位素组成分析,刻画了原油的轻烃组成特征.所有轻烃化合物中,环戊烷系列化合物碳同位素在不同原油之间差异最小,对原油成因的鉴别意义小于其他化合物.优选的其他化合物碳同位素在不同成因原油中呈现出显著规律,轮台油气田煤成油轻烃单体烃碳同位素较重,主要位于-21‰-19‰之间;大涝坝油气田湖相油次之,位于-25‰-21‰之间;雅克拉油气田海相油最轻,位于-31.5‰-28‰之间.典型寒武系—下奥陶统来源的YN2井原油分布特征独特.上述分布特征揭示轻烃单体烃碳同位素组成可作为可靠的原油成因判识指标,尤其对于凝析油与轻质油更为有效.  相似文献   

Thirteen crude oil samples from fractured basement reservoir rocks in the Bayoot oilfield, Masila Basin were studied to describe oil characteristics and to provide information on the source of organic matter input and the genetic link between oils and their potential source rock in the basin. The bulk geochemical results of whole oil and gasoline hydrocarbons indicate that the Bayoot oils are normal crude oil, with high hydrocarbons of more than 60%. The hydrocarbons are dominated by normal, branched and cyclic alkanes a substantial of the light aromatic compounds, suggesting aliphatic oil-prone kerogen. The high abundant of normal, branched and cyclic alkanes also indicate that the Bayoot oils are not biodegradation oils.The biomarker distributions of isoprenoid, hopane, aromatic and sterane and their cross and triangular plots suggest that the Bayoot oils are grouped into one genetic family and were generated from marine clay-rich source rock that received mixed organic matter and deposited under suboxic conditions. The biomarker distributions of the Bayoot oils are consistent with those of the Late Jurassic Madbi source rock in the basin. Biomarker maturity and oil compositions data also indicate that the Bayoot oils were generated from mature source rock with peak oil-window maturity.  相似文献   

The present work aims to evaluate the organic geochemistry of the crude oils recovered from Ashrafi and GH oilfields within the Gulf of Suez to assess and investigate oil characterization, maturation, source depositional environments and oil families. The saturated hydrocarbons were determined by gas chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Pristane/phytane, isoprenoids/n-alkanes, CPI, homohopane, diasteranes, gammacerane index, C29 20S/20S+20R, C29/C30 hopane and Ts/Tm are determined. The results suggest that the studied crude oils belong to marine oil and are characterized by high level of maturation and sourced mainly from organic matters of marine origin with few terrestrial inputs.  相似文献   

对华北北部中、上元古界83个样品的有机质碳同位素组成测定的结果,分布区间为-35‰~-26‰,据此研究其有机质类型和沉积环境,根据干酪根相对富集^12C(δ^13C值小于-28‰)认为基干酪根类型为腐泥型和腐殖-腐泥型;有机碳含量越高且有机质类型越好的样品有机质碳同位素组成越径。根据所分析样品的有机质丰度及生烃潜量,下马岭组、铁岭组和洪水庄组生烃潜力较好。  相似文献   

研究油气充注对于寻找勘探目标和落实井位部署都十分重要。为此,以渤海湾盆地民丰洼陷北斜坡为例,选择盐斜233井、永斜932井及盐22井区开展现场碳同位素检测工作,并基于全新的碳同位素测量仪器在钻井现场获取的大量碳同位素数据,比对该区生产井天然气的碳同位素数据、组分数据,结合烃源岩演化、原油地球化学特征、储层沉积环境与物性特征,分析天然气在单井的充注特征和区域上的充注范围,探讨利用碳同位素现场检测手段来判识油气充注的可行性。研究结果表明:①盐斜233井沙四纯下亚段发生了深层油气的充注,天然气为深层原油裂解气与本地烃源岩热裂解气的混合气;②永斜932井沙三、四段天然气为本地烃源岩的热裂解气,但个别井段存在着深层天然气充注;③盐22井区油藏伴生气碳同位素值在该区中部重两侧轻、南重北轻,与储层物性分布特征一致,反映高成熟天然气的充注受储层物性控制;④盐22井区原油为本地烃源岩成熟阶段产物,而天然气则是在本地原油伴生气基础上存在着深层高成熟产物的充注。结论认为:①民丰洼陷北斜坡西北向存在着一个高成熟油气充注区,是有利的油气勘探目标;②碳同位素现场快速检测技术能够提供大量连续的立体碳同位素数据,可以快速分析油气充注特征、判断油气来源与成因,为油气开发部署提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对四川盆地东北地区下寒武统海相页岩的现场解吸,获取气样并进行了组分和稳定碳同位素分析。结果表明,页岩气的甲烷含量介于96.39 % ~98.83 % ,其他组分含量较少;各组分相对含量随着解吸时间和累积解吸气量呈现规律性变化,该变化规律可能为泥页岩对不同气体吸附能力的差异所致。页岩气甲烷稳定碳同位素组成(δ13C1)在-32.20 ‰ ~-29.50 ‰ 之间,乙烷稳定碳同位素组成(δ13C2)介于-37.70 ‰ ~-36.60 ‰ ,所有气样均有δ13C113C2的"逆序"特点,这可能是在高成熟阶段,液态烃裂解气与早期生成的干酪根裂解气混合作用所致。随解吸时间增加,δ13C1约有2.3 ‰ 的分馏,这可能与气体在解吸过程中的扩散作用有关。  相似文献   

The present work aims to using the application of GC, GC/MS, UV, and FT/IR spectroscopy organic matters extracted from sedimentary hydrocarbons from six coastal stations located in the Gulf of Suez and proposed to evaluate hydrocarbons in the sediments. The results the origins of hydrocarbons are multiple sources from terrestrial inputs, biogenic, and pyrolytic. Abundance of vascular plant n C23n C33 alkanes with a high odd-to-even predominance, pristane, and phytane beside nC29/nC17 ratios and the presence of biogenic hopanes indicate the predominance of biogenic in combination with petrogenic hydrocarbons. FT-IR spectroscopic analysis indicates high concentrations of aliphatic hydrocarbons as well as mono- and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons are useful tool in organic geochemistry studies. UV analysis for organic matters incorporated in sediments reveals that oil pollutants have considerable amounts of aromatic compounds.  相似文献   

Five crude oil samples from five wells and 33 oil-containing sandstone reservoir rock samples from six wells of Chang 7 sub-unit were systematically studied to determine hydrocarbons in these oil reservoirs whether are the mixtures of oil components derived from different source rocks or from the same source rock during oil filling process over geological times. Sequential extraction was applied to the oil-containing reservoir rocks to deserve the free and adsorbed oils. The distribution of alkanes, hopanes and steranes and the correlation diagram of Pr/n-C17 versus Ph/n-C18 show that these oil components and crude oils have similar parent materials. And on this basis we compared the thermal maturity of the crude oils, the free oils and adsorbed oils and found that the thermal maturity of these oils is different. The cross plot of C29αα-20S/(20S+20R) versus C29ββ/(αα+ ββ) and the correlation diagram of Pr/n-C17 versus Ph/n-C18 both show that the crude oils have highest thermal maturity, followed by the free oils and then the adsorbed oils. The ratios of ∑C21?/∑C22+ for the crude oils and free oils are greater than the adsorbed oils, indicating the crude oils and free oils have suffered more thermal stress and extensive cracking than that of the adsorbed oils. These geochemical data reveal that hydrocarbons in these oil reservoirs and crude oils were derived from the same source rock with different thermal maturity over geological times.  相似文献   

The composition and carbon isotope distribution of shale gas from the Longmaxi Formation in the Dingshan area were measured, and their responses to thermal maturity (Ro) were analyzed. The results show that the shale gas is mainly composed of methane (97.98–98.99%), ethane, propane and nonhydrocarbon gases (N2 and CO2) and is an organic high temperature oil-type cracked gas. The wetness value [(C2+C3)/(C1+C2+C3) × 100%] ranges from 0.39% to 0.74%. The early (Ro > 1.3%) residual kerogen and crude oil cracking gas was mixed with the late (Ro > 2.0%) secondary cracking gas, resulting in the full inversion of the carbon isotope sequence (δ13C1?>?δ13C2?>?δ13C3).  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地沾化凹陷渤南洼陷沙河街组三段沉积了面积广、厚度大、含碎屑组分的碳酸盐岩,蕴含着大量页岩油。通过岩相特征描述、陆源碎屑来源分析、初始生产力和氧化还原环境分析,探讨了渤南洼陷有机质富集的成因机制。对L69井进行了连续密集取样,根据岩性特征和沉积构造,主要划分为块状泥晶灰岩、透镜状泥晶灰岩、纹层状泥晶灰岩和纹层状亮晶灰岩;通过主微量元素、有机碳氮同位素、无机碳氧同位素实验对陆源碎屑来源进行讨论,稳定的Al/K和Al/Mg说明L69井碎屑组分的物源均一;通过对比研究全岩和干酪根有机氮同位素,对沉积时水体及沉积物的氧化还原环境进行恢复;通过Ba元素的含量、干酪根有机碳同位素,及其与有机氮同位素的耦合关系探讨生产力的变化。在此基础上对研究区油气生成与保存的机理进行了探讨,推测研究区内的陆源输入带来了营养物质,促进了湖盆中藻类的生长,产生了大量有机质。有机质在沉降过程中不断消耗氧气,导致了水体内部出现还原环境,进而促进了有机质的埋藏和保存。  相似文献   

彩南油田原油属特殊类型,原油碳同位素和生物标志物分布研究以及地质分析表明它们属于二叠系、三叠系和侏罗系原油的混合原油。原油全油稳定碳同位素计算表明,无论是侏罗系原油与二叠系原油混合还是与三叠系原油混合,在彩南油田原油中侏罗系烃源岩的贡献均为50%~65%。生物标志物绝对含量拟合计算表明,侏罗系烃源岩的贡献平均为62%,三叠系为15%,二叠系为23%。与彩南油田原油类似的原油仅分布于阜康凹陷侏罗系三工河组以上地层中。因此,该类原油主要来源于阜康凹陷侏罗系烃源岩,其次为二叠系和三叠系烃源岩。图3表1参15  相似文献   

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