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Verapamil is a chiral calcium channel blocking drug which is useful clinically as the racemate in treating hypertension and arrhythmia. The published pharmacokinetic data for verapamil enantiomers in the rat model are limited. Utilizing a stereospecific high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) assay, the enantiomeric disposition of verapamil is reported after intravenous (1.0 mg kg-1) and oral (10 mg kg-1) administration of racemic verapamil to the rat model. After intravenous administration the systemic clearance of R-verapamil was significantly greater than that of S-verapamil; 34.9 +/- 7 against 23.7 +/- 3.7 mL min-1 kg-1 (mean +/- SD), respectively. After oral administration, the clearance of R-verapamil was significantly greater than that of S-verapamil, 889 +/- 294 against 351 +/- 109 mL min-1 kg-1, respectively. The apparent oral bioavailability of S-verapamil was greater than that of R-verapamil, 0.074 +/- 0.031 against 0.041 +/- 0.011, respectively. These data suggest that the disposition of verapamil in the rat is stereoselective; verapamil undergoes extensive stereoselective first-pass clearance after oral administration and the direction of stereoselectivity in plasma is opposite to that observed in the human.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic profiles of oral and intravenous etoposide have been compared in 9 children receiving the drug either as a single agent or in combination chemotherapy. The plasma etoposide levels were estimated using a competitive coated antigen ELISA technique. The median bioavailability was 48% and beyond 30 min after either oral or intravenous injection there was little difference in the plasma profile. The duration of plasma concentrations above 1, 5 and 10 micrograms/ml following either route were compared. It is concluded that unless the height of initial peak concentration is of therapeutic value the oral route should be comparable in children provided that twice the intravenous dose is administered. The short elimination half-life results in low plasma levels beyond 12 h and suggests that a twice daily regimen may be preferable.  相似文献   

We report on anaphylactoid reactions (urticae at the injection site and along the injection vein) after intravenous injections of pethidine in two patients. Skin tests with pethidine were negative, but intravenous challenge showed urticae. These results indicate that the reactions were due to a non-immunological mechanism resembling pharmacological intolerance. Retrospective analysis revealed a 5.6% incidence of pharmacological intolerance reactions to intravenous pethidine in 519 patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Staphylococcal species are the most common cause of nosocomial infections in the neonate. Because of staphylococcal resistance patterns, vancomycin has become the drug of choice for treatment. Although the blood stream is the usual site of infection, premature infants are at increased risk for the development of meningitis. The aim of this study was to determine vancomycin cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentration and penetration following intravenous (IV) administration in critically ill premature infants. STUDY DESIGN: A multiple-dose, open-label, case series was performed at a level III neonatal intensive care unit in a university teaching hospital. Three critically ill premature infants, 26 to 31 weeks of gestation requiring a course of IV vancomycin for suspected or proved sepsis were studied. Vancomycin was administered intravenously at 20 mg/kg, every 18 to 24 hours over 60 minutes. Serum and CSF vancomycin concentrations were obtained and pharmacokinetic analysis and CSF penetration was calculated. RESULTS: Serum vancomycin pharmacokinetics were consistent with those previously reported. CSF vancomycin concentrations ranged from 2.2 to 5.6 micrograms/ml and the calculated vancomycin CSF penetration ranged from 26% to 68%. CONCLUSIONS: CSF penetration of vancomycin after IV administration was much higher than that reported in older infants and children. This higher penetration may improve clinical outcomes in neonates with central nervous system infections. These data should be encouraging to clinicians who choose to use IV vancomycin for neonatal meningitis.  相似文献   

This study characterized the pharmacokinetics of clentiazem (CLZ) after a single intravenous bolus (IV) and oral (PO) dose in humans. Twenty-four healthy male subjects (28.5 +/- 5.2 years; 77 +/- 8.2 kg) received IV (20 mg) and PO (80 mg) doses of CLZ as part of a four-way, randomized, complete crossover study. Serial blood samples were drawn up to 48 hours after administration of the drug. Plasma samples were analyzed for CLZ and three metabolites by a high-pressure liquid chromatography method. The values (mean [CV, %]) for systemic clearance, volume of distribution at steady-state, and half-life of CLZ were 63.6 L/hour (23.5), 756.1 L (19.1), and 10.6 hours (33.1), respectively, after IV administration. The peak plasma CLZ concentration (Cmax) and time to Cmax were 37.0 ng/mL (38.7) and 3.7 hours (22.9), respectively, with a lag time after PO administration. The absolute bioavailability of PO CLZ was 45% (30.7). The ratio of area under the curve of N-desmethyl CLZ to that of CLZ increased from 0.15 (57.0) after IV to 0.60 (21.4) after PO administration, suggesting a significant first-pass effect. The mean residence time and mean absorption time of CLZ were 12.3 hours (24.3) and 3.1 hours (88.1), respectively. The plasma concentration-time data of CLZ can be described by either a one- or two-compartment pharmacokinetic model.  相似文献   

Performance in rats (Rattus norvegicus) was measured on a differential reinforcement of low-rate schedule (DRL 45-s) in 1.5-hr sessions after 2 mg/kg intravenous (IV) or 10–20 mg/kg intraperitoneal (IP) cocaine administration, with each dose given twice and separated by 3–5 days. For successive IV doses, cocaine effects were similar, with minimal within-subject variability. For IP cocaine, the effects were not always similar; performance was variable and sometimes remained at baseline level. These diminished effects occurred following either the 1st or 2nd IP injection. A parallel pharmacokinetic study of cocaine confirmed that within-subject variability existed in cocaine concentration-time profiles after IP cocaine, and that a low serum cocaine concentration-time profile could account for the diminished effects. The IP route for cocaine administration should be used with caution. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Eptifibatide, a synthetic peptide inhibitor of the platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor, has been studied as an antithrombotic agent in a variety of acute ischemic coronary syndromes. The purpose of the present study was to characterize the disposition of 14C-eptifibatide in man after a single intravenous (i.v.) bolus dose. 14C-Eptifibatide (approximately 50 microCi) was administered to eight healthy men as a single 135-microgram/kg i.v. bolus. Blood, breath carbon dioxide, urine, and fecal samples were collected for up to 72 hours postdose and analyzed for radioactivity by liquid scintillation spectrometry. Plasma and urine samples were also assayed by liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry for eptifibatide and deamidated eptifibatide (DE). Mean (+/- SD) peak plasma eptifibatide concentrations of 879 +/- 251 ng/mL were achieved at the first sampling time (5 minutes), and concentrations then generally declined biexponentially, with a mean distribution half-life of 5 +/- 2.5 minutes and a mean terminal elimination half-life of 1.13 +/- 0.17 hours. Plasma eptifibatide concentrations and radioactivity declined in parallel, with most of the radioactivity (82.4%) attributed to eptifibatide. A total of approximately 73% of administered radioactivity was recovered in the 72-hour period following 14C-eptifibatide dosing. The primary route of elimination was urinary (98% of the total recovered radioactivity), whereas fecal (1.5%) and breath (0.8%) excretion was small. Eptifibatide is cleared by both renal and nonrenal mechanisms, with renal clearance accounting for approximately 40% of total body clearance. Within the first 24 hours, the drug is primarily excreted in the urine as unmodified eptifibatide (34%), DE (19%), and more polar metabolites (13%).  相似文献   

Adenine, 8-oxyadenine, and 2,8-dioxyadenine were analyzed, by Dowex-50 column chromatography, in rabbit urine four hours after IV infusion of the following doses of adenine in mg/kg: 2, 4, 8.75, 17.5, 35, 70, 140 and 210. The average excretion in mole percentage of the dose was: adenine, 11.1; 8-oxyadenine, 6.1; and 2,8-dioxyadenine, 6.2. The percentage of excretion of 8-oxyadenine and of 2,8-dioxyadenine was unrelated to the dose of adenine. At doses of adenine of 35 mg/kg and above more than 80 per cent of the 2,8-dioxyadenine in the urine was in the form of microscopic pale yellow spherical particles. The particulate 2,8-dioxyadenine was found in the kidney in a very small amount at the dose of 70 mg/kg and in much greater quantities at 140 and 210 mg/kg.  相似文献   

In this study we present a modified diagnostic routine PCR (polymerase chain reaction) technique for the detection of specific enteroviral nucleic acid sequences in human body fluids, the use of which would reduce the number of false-positive results, the costs and the concentration of reagents required in PCR. Cerebrospinal samples, pharyngeal swabs and faeces were tested. To this end, general primers, selected in the highly conserved 5' non-coding region were used, with a closed-tube RT semi-nested PCR protocol, and the PCR product was analysed using a hybridization in solid phase. A total of 32 patients with suspected enteroviral infection, 17 with suspected viral meningitis and 15 with a possible acute enteroviral infection different from meningitis were analysed, and 80% of the patients with possible acute enteroviral infection were PCR-positive. A broad range of enteroviruses can be detected and false-positive results can be reduced. The availability of results in less than 12 h and the lack of need for radiolabelled probes also increase the convenience of this protocol.  相似文献   

We report 81 of 107 cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), admitted between July 1994 and February 1996, following an outbreak of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 dysentery in Kwazulu/Natal. All patients, excluding 1, were black with a mean age of 38 months (range 1-121); 50 (61.7%) were males. The mean duration of dysentery was 11.3 days (range 1-41) and HUS 15 days (range 1-91). Most patients had acute oliguric renal failure (90.1%), 42 (51.6%) required peritoneal dialysis. Complications included encephalopathy 30 (37.0%), convulsions 12 (14.8%) and hemiplegia 2 (2.3%), gastrointestinal perforation 8 (9.9%), protein losing enteropathy 26 (32.1%), toxic megacolon 4 (4.9%), rectal prolapse 5 (6.2%), hepatitis 11 (13.6%), myocarditis 5 (6.2%), congestive cardiac failure 3 (3.7%), cardiomyopathy 3 (3.7%), infective endocarditis 1 (1.2%), septicemia 15 (18.5%), disseminated intravascular coagulation 17 (21%). Leukemoid reactions were found in 74 (91.3%) patients, hyponatremia in 56 (69.1%), and hypoalbuminemia in 67 (82.7%). Stool culture for Shigella dysenteriae type I was positive in only 7 (8.6%) patients; Shiga toxin assays were not performed. Outcome was as follows: recovery 32 (39.5%), impaired renal function 8 (9.9%), chronic renal failure 26 (32.1%), end-stage renal disease 1 (1.2%), and death 14 (17.3%) patients.  相似文献   

Arachnoiditis occurring after myelography is well recognized and the mechanism is understood. Three cases of arachnoiditis caused by oily myelographic contrast media are presented. This complication of myelography may occur even if recognized precautions are observed. The general problem of encystment of dye with a chronic inflammatory process, fibrosis and granuloma formation is described.  相似文献   

The fibrinolytic capacity of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is known to be impaired. The primary regulatory element of the fibrinolytic system is plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI). It has been previously observed that there are 2 peaks in the plasma PAI level of AMI patients at 4h and 16h after thrombolytic therapy with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA). Lanoteplase/SUN9216 is a mutant tPA with a biological half-life longer than that of rtPA. Thrombolytic therapy with mutant tPA or rtPA was carried out consecutively in 21 patients with AMI (8 patients as the mutant tPA group, and 13 patients as the rtPA group). The recanalization time of the mutant tPA group was significantly faster than that of the rtPA group (16.1 +/- 3.9 min vs 39.6 +/- 4.8 min, p<0.01). The PAI activity at 4h after the initiation of thrombolysis was significantly lower in the mutant tPA group than in the rtPA group (8.74 +/- 5.46IU/L vs 26.74 +/- 3.35 IU/L, p<0.01). There was a one mild peak in serial plasma PAI activity levels 24h after the initiation of thrombolysis. The results suggest that thrombolytic therapy with mutant tPA reduced the impairment of fibrinolytic capacity. The mutant tPA gives faster recanalization and lower PAI activity after successful thrombolysis, compared with rtPA.  相似文献   

The dose-dependent pharmacokinetics of caffeic acid (CA) were studied in rabbits. Three different doses (5, 10, and 25 mg kg-1) were administered intravenously to six rabbits each. The concentration-time profiles for CA could be fitted by a two-compartment model for each dose. The results showed that total-body clearance and elimination rate constant from the central compartment (k10) after a 5 mg kg-1 dose were greater than those after the other two doses. Furthermore, the terminal elimination half-life (beta half-life) and mean residence time (MRT) after a 5 mg kg-1 dose were less than after the other doses. The AUC value increased linearly with dose within the range of 10-25 mg kg-1. Most of the unchanged caffeic acid was excreted in the urine within 2 h. The percentage of unchanged caffeic acid excreted in the urine was 63.4, 60.0, and 55.4% after doses of 5, 10, and 25 mg kg-1, respectively, which was not significantly different. However, significant differences in the renal clearances and renal excretion rate constants were observed with a 5 mg kg-1 dose compared to the other doses. On the other hand, nonrenal clearances and nonrenal excretion rate constants showed no dose-related differences. The differences observed in total-body clearance, k10, beta half-life, and MRT between a 5 mg kg-1 dose and the other doses can be explained on the basis of the differences in renal clearance and renal excretion rate constants.  相似文献   

The authors studied cardiorespiratory effects of MgSO4 infusion in 30 randomized patients with status asthmaticus. They found, that after having the drug administered, values of VC, FEV1, FIV1, PaO2 and pH increased, the respiratory and heart rate, diastolic blood pressure reduced. Other ventilation, blood gas and ECG parameters were unchanged. Among the electrolytes, serum Ca2+ level has reduced, both plasma and intracellular Mg2+ concentrations increased. It is apparent from the results, that broncholytical ability of MgSO4 given in therapeutical dose i.v. does not reach the level of beta-stimulating agents. However, this completed with the cardioprotective, sedative effect as well as more advantageous ion-distribution, influences favourably the asthmatic dyspnoea.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The asynchrony of the left ventricle--i.e., its nonuniform contraction and relaxation--is an important factor for left ventricular function. Heart failure is often related to abnormal systolic function, sometimes associated with a diastolic dysfunction. We studied the relationship of left ventricular asynchrony to left ventricular function in patients with nonischemic heart failure. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Radionuclide angiography at rest was performed in 25 patients with nonischemic heart failure and in 26 age and sex matched normal subjects. In addition to ejection fraction and peak filling rate, two indices of left ventricular asynchrony were calculated: the coefficient of variation of regional time to end systole and the coefficient of variation of regional time to peak filling rate. These factors indicate how disperse are the regional values of time to end systole and of time to peak filling rate. In fact, the higher the value, the greater the asynchrony. RESULTS: A significant (r = .46, p < .05) inverse correlation was found between the ejection fraction and the coefficient of variation of regional time to end systole in both the normal subjects and the heart failure patients, while the ejection fraction correlated significantly (r = .46, p < .05) with the coefficient of variation of regional time to peak filling rate only in the patients. Moreover, the peak filling rate was inversely correlated (r = .57, p < .05) with the coefficient of variation of regional time to peak filling rate in the heart failure patients but not in the normal subjects. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that left ventricular systolic and diastolic asynchrony may contribute to impair left ventricular systolic and diastolic function in patients with nonischemic heart failure.  相似文献   

The relationship of parental history of high blood pressure (HBP) to blood pressure (BP) was estimated in three Japanese population samples, totalling 591 men and women aged 20-59 years, from the INTERSALT study. Parental history of HBP was defined as reported HBP by their father and/or mother. With adjustment for antihypertensive medication, body mass index, alcohol intake, and Na/K ratio in 24-h urine, for participants with a parental history of HBP compared to those without a history, BP was higher for three to four age-sex strata, both for systolic and diastolic pressure (SBP, DBP), by 3.3 to 6.8 and 2.7 to 5.5 mm Hg respectively, with four of these six positive associations statistically significant. This finding was stronger for persons aged 40-59 than for those aged 20-39. These data support the judgment that for persons with a parental history of HBP, BP is apt to increase more with age due to combined effects of genetic and environmental factors. Such people especially need to control their lifestyles carefully, including to maintain an optimal intake of salt (eg, <70 mmol/day) and a high potassium intake, to avoid high alcohol consumption, and keep weight moderate, for the prevention of hypertension.  相似文献   

Beta-hydroxypropionitrile (beta-HPN) was incorporated in the drinking water of rats in order to define the toxicological effects associated with repeated daily exposure to this compound. Parameters evaluated were appearance and demeanor, mortality, body weight, food consumption, water consumption, hematology, terminal organ weights and organ to body weight ratio, and gross and microscopic pathology of tissues. No untoward effects were associated with the ingestion of beta-HPN at the dose levels utilized.  相似文献   

We observed 3 diabetic patients with intolerable dizziness followed by nausea and vomiting immediately after an initial administration of the alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, voglibose. These symptoms did not recur after discontinuation of the drug. Adverse effects as observed in these cases have not been reported previously. Since the 3 patients were relatively old (average age, 72 years old) and had various degrees of micro- and macroangiopathies, these side effects may have been associated with increased micro- and macrocirculatory disturbances in their central nervous systems through alpha-glucosidase inhibition of this agent.  相似文献   

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