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Earning passing grades in first year, introductory college courses is one key to academic success in higher education. Using archival and survey data from one Southwestern university, in Study 1, we found that ethnic differences in failing versus passing were greater in Introduction to Psychology than in Early American History, World Religions, and Introduction to Sociology. In Study 2, we showed that the gap between overall university grade point average and Introduction to Psychology course grade was greater for American Indian students than for European American, Asian American, and Hispanic students. In Study 3, this disparity was reduced but not eliminated when controlling for several academic and demographic variables. In Study 4, an exploratory survey revealed that, relative to European American students, American Indian students were more likely to report that Introduction to Psychology was difficult due to large class sizes, issues related to multiple-choice testing, and the amount (but not the difficulty) of information covered. American Indian students also were much less likely to articulate strategies for success such as memorization techniques, class attendance, or daily studying, but recommended supplemental instruction obtained in small study groups. Implications for enhancing the academic success of all students in this challenging first-year course are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Little is known about when or how different disgust elicitors are acquired. In Study 1, parents of children (0–18 years old) rated how their child would react to 22 disgust elicitors. Different developmental patterns were identified for core, animal, and sociomoral elicitors, with core elicitors emerging first. In Study 2, children (2–16 years old) were exposed alone and then with their parent to a range of elicitors derived from Study 1. Self-report, behavioral, and facial expression data were obtained along with measures of contagion, conservation, and contamination. Convergent evidence supported the developmental patterns reported in Study 1. Evidence for parent–child transmission was also observed, with parents of young children emoting more disgust to their offspring and showing greater behavioral avoidance. Moreover, child reactivity to animal and sociomoral elicitors and contamination correlated with parental responsiveness. Finally, young children who failed to demonstrate contagion and conservation knowledge were as reactive to core elicitors and contamination as children of the same age who demonstrated such knowledge. These findings are interpreted within an evolutionary framework in which core disgust responses are acquired early to promote avoidance of pathogens. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Eighty pilots participated in a study of variables influencing the transfer process. Posttraining performance was assessed in a flight simulation under 1 of 2 conditions. Those in the maximum performance condition were made aware of the skill to be assessed and the fact that their teammates were confederates, whereas those in the typical performance condition were not. The results indicated that (a) simulator ratings correlated with a measure of transfer to the cockpit for those in the typical condition only; (b) team leader support, manipulated in a pretask brief, moderated the disparity between maximum and typical performance; (c) team climate mediated the impact of support on performance in the typical condition; (d) those with a stronger predisposition toward the trained skill viewed their climate as more supportive; and (e) perceptions of team climate were better predictors of performance for those with a more external locus of control. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This research investigated the relations among clients’ keeping relevant secrets in therapy, the working alliance, and symptom change. Clients (N = 83) in outpatient therapy and their therapists (N = 22) at a mental health hospital completed confidential surveys after a session of ongoing therapy. The clients who reported keeping a relevant secret (27.7%) scored significantly lower on the Working Alliance Inventory (WAI) than did clients who said that they were not, even when the analyses controlled for clients’ social desirability scores and for therapist effects. Therapists of these clients also reported a weaker working alliance, even though the therapists typically did not know that the clients were keeping a relevant secret. However, keeping a relevant secret was not related to symptom change. The findings support the long-standing belief that secret keeping in therapy either hurts the therapeutic relationship or happens when the relationship is relatively weak. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examined the extent to which children’s self-regulation upon kindergarten entrance and classroom quality in kindergarten contributed to children’s adaptive classroom behavior. Children’s self-regulation was assessed using a direct assessment upon entrance into kindergarten. Classroom quality was measured on the basis of multiple classroom observations during the kindergarten year. Children’s adaptive classroom behavior in kindergarten was assessed through teacher report and classroom observations: Teachers rated children’s cognitive and behavioral self-control and work habits during the spring of the kindergarten year; observers rated children’s engagement and measured off-task behavior at 2-month intervals from November to May. Hierarchical linear models revealed that children’s self-regulation upon school entry in a direct assessment related to teachers’ report of behavioral self-control, cognitive self-control, and work habits in the spring of the kindergarten year. Classroom quality, particularly teachers’ effective classroom management, was linked to children’s greater behavioral and cognitive self-control, children’s higher behavioral engagement, and less time spent off-task in the classroom. Classroom quality did not moderate the relation between children’s self-regulation upon school entry and children’s adaptive classroom behaviors in kindergarten. The discussion considers the implications of classroom management for supporting children’s early development of behavioral skills that are important in school settings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The shortage of cadaveric organ donors imposes a severe limit to the number of liver transplantations. A selection is thus necessary among patients: should the sickest be selected, or those who supposedly have the best chance to survive and recover? Optimizing the timing of transplantation during the course of the disease (not too early, but not too late) is another issue. CURRENT KNOWLEDGE AND KEY POINTS: Suitable candidates for transplantation are patients suffering from an irreversible, symptomatic liver disease. The goals of therapy are: firstly, to favorably modify the natural outcome of the disease; and secondly, in an acceptable risk taking manner. Major criteria for indication in the most common liver diseases can be summarized as follows: a) for chronic parenchymal liver diseases, a Child-Pugh score of 9 or 10, or less if complications have already occurred, is a mandatory and often sufficient criterion; b) for cholestatic liver diseases, a serum bilirubin level higher than 100-150 mumol/L is generally required; c) apart from "small" hepatocellular carcinomas on cirrhotic parenchyma (less than three tumors of less than 5 cm in diameter), most cancers are considered contraindications; d) acute liver failure requires early referral to a liver transplant center for potential emergency indication. FUTURE PROSPECTS AND PROJECTS: In an organ shortage situation which is likely to perdure, early consultative contact between the patient and the liver transplant team will allow improvement in the access to transplantation procedure.  相似文献   

Objectives: On the basis of a life-course risk-chain framework, the authors examined whether (a) residual associations between childhood socioeconomic status (SES) and adult obesity and body mass index (BMI) would be observed in women but not men after adjusting for adult SES, (b) adult Big Five personality traits would be associated with adult body mass in both genders, and (c) personality would explain unique variation in outcomes beyond child and adult SES. Design: National survey (Midlife Development in the United States study; N = 2,922). Main Outcome Measures: BMI and obesity. Results: (a) In both genders, association between childhood SES and adult obesity were accounted for entirely by adult SES, but its effect on adult BMI was observed only in women; (b) higher conscientiousness was associated with lower obesity prevalence and BMI in both genders, although more strongly in women, and in men, greater obesity prevalence was associated with higher agreeableness and neuroticism; and (c) personality explained unique outcome variation in both genders. Conclusions: Early social disadvantage may affect adult weight status more strongly in women owing to gender differences in the timing and nature of weight-management socialization. Personality may enhance or detract from risks incurred by childhood or adulthood SES in either gender, necessitating the consideration of dispositional differences in prevention and intervention programs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Causality plays a fundamental role in scientific explanation. This introduction describes 2 target articles and 3 commentaries on 2 influential perspectives on causal inference, one developed by Donald Campbell and the other developed by Donald Rubin. One goal of this special section is to introduce Rubin’s causal model to psychologists who may be largely unfamiliar with it. Another goal is to compare Rubin’s conceptualization with Campbell’s perspective, to enrich readers’ understanding of both views. All of the authors of this special section perceive many similarities between the 2 approaches. Even so, by comparing and contrasting the 2 perspectives, the authors also believe that it is possible to strengthen both approaches. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The prospective relations between five types of parental reactions to children’s negative emotions (PRCNE) and children’s psychological adjustment (behavioral problems and social competence) were examined in a two-wave longitudinal study of 425 school-age children in China. Parents (mostly mothers) reported their own PRCNE. Parents, teachers, and children or peers reported on children’s adjustment. Parental punitive reactions positively predicted externalizing problems (controlling for baseline), whereas emotion- and problem-focused reactions were negatively related to internalizing problems. Parental minimizing and encouragement of emotion expression were unrelated to adjustment. Concurrent relations were found between PRCNE and parents’ authoritative and authoritarian parenting dimensions. However, PRCNE did not uniquely predict adjustment controlling for global parenting dimensions. The findings have implications for cultural adaptation of parent-focused interventions for families of Chinese origin. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The binding of stimulus and response features into stimulus–response (S-R) episodes or “event files” is a basic process for the efficient control of behavior. However, relevant information is usually accompanied by information that is irrelevant for the selection of action. Recent studies showed that even irrelevant information is bound into event files. In this study, we investigated the boundary conditions of distractor–response binding and subsequent distractor-based response retrieval processes. In particular, we tested whether the inclusion of distractor information into S-R episodes is modulated by whether the distractor and target stimulus are perceived as belonging to the same object or as belonging to different objects. We argue that distracting information is only bound into S-R episodes if it is perceived as belonging to the same object as the relevant information, whereas no binding occurs when the distracting information is perceived as belonging to a separate object. In 6 experiments, we found evidence for the modulation of distractor–response bindings according to perceptual grouping principles. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Spinoza’s account of human agency is presented as a solution to the fundamental dichotomy between physicalism and mentalism in psychology. It is argued that this dichotomy originates in the 17th century with the Cartesian and Hobbesian responses to the collapse of the Scholastic synthesis. Spinoza’s view of nature as equally Mind and Body, and his understanding of efficient causality as grounded in a self-caused natural totality are described. Spinozism’s relative lack of influence on contemporary scientific culture is attributed to his work having been marginalized during the 1st century after his death by political and religious authorities. Contemporary responses to the mentalist/physicalist dichotomy are discussed, as are trends in contemporary psychology that were foreshadowed by Spinoza’s observations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The author focuses on a particular type of countertransference with children—the emergence of the therapist’s childhood memories and experiences in child psychotherapy. The revival of these childhood recollections in the analyst is not a barrier or sign of pathology as previously held, but rather in some cases a vital resource that may potentially deepen and facilitate analytic work. The therapist’s memory and attendant fantasies, physical/sensory experience, and affect states in the context of the childhood memory may afford the analyst the opportunity to not only make contact with his or her “self” as a child, but also to further symbolize these states of mind and use them in the exploration of the child patient’s mind. Through intersubjective exchanges with the patient, the analyst’s childhood memories are given new meaning in the context of the therapeutic work with the child patient. The author highlights the uniqueness of countertransference with children as compared with adults. A detailed clinical vignette is presented, organized around the arrival of a memory from the analyst’s childhood and how the analyst made use of it in the transference/countertransference field. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: To compare individuals with traumatic (TE) vs. nontraumatic (NTE) amputation etiology on pain, psychological, and social variables over the first 12 months postamputation, and to explore changes in mean levels of and correlations between these variables over time. Participants: There were 111 adults with newly acquired limb loss. Settings: A VA medical center and a Level I trauma hospital in a large metropolitan area. Main Outcome Measures: Characteristic Pain Severity, Pain Interference, Patient Health Questionnaire depression module, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist, Social Constraints Scale, Aversive Emotional Support Scale, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention single item Social Support measure, single item loneliness measure. Results: The NTE group was significantly older, had lower income, and had greater medical comorbidity, preamputation pain, and physical disability. The etiology groups did not differ significantly in mean levels of outcome variables except that the TE group reported greater aversive emotional support at 6 and 12 months. The TE group demonstrated a quadratic change in pain interference, with highest levels at 6 months and a linear increase in social constraints. Both etiology groups showed a linear increase in PTSD symptoms over time. Correlations between physical, psychological, and social distress were observed earlier in the year for the NTE group. Conclusion: Despite significant demographic and preamputation experience differences, few differences in outcomes emerged by etiology group in the first year after amputation. Findings suggest that the year after amputation may be a time of greater change for those with traumatic amputation compared to those with nontraumatic amputation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Theories of socialization propose that children’s ability to handle conflicts is learned at home through mechanisms of participation and observation—participating in parent–child conflict and observing the conflicts between parents. We assessed modes of conflict resolution in the parent–child, marriage, and peer-group contexts among 141 Israeli and Palestinian families and their 1st-born toddler. We observed the ecology of parent–child conflict during home visits, the couple’s discussion of marital conflicts, and children’s conflicts with peers as well as aggressive behavior at child care. Israeli families used more open-ended tactics, including negotiation and disregard, and conflict was often resolved by compromise, whereas Palestinian families tended to consent or object. During marital discussions, Israeli couples showed more emotional empathy, whereas Palestinians displayed more instrumental solutions. Modes of conflict resolution across contexts were interrelated in culture-specific ways. Child aggression was predicted by higher marital hostility, more coparental undermining behavior, and ineffective discipline in both cultures. Greater family compromise and marital empathy predicted lower aggression among Israeli toddlers, whereas more resolution by consent predicted lower aggression among Palestinians. Considering the cultural basis of conflict resolution within close relationships may expand understanding on the roots of aggression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The author discusses her participation in the trial-run of a developing internship program at the Archives of the History of American Psychology in Akron, Ohio. The two month long internship provided an interesting opportunity to step beyond her typical student researcher role while getting a first-hand glimpse behind the scenes of an archive. One of the biggest challenges during the internship was coming to the understanding that not all donated materials are or can be retained when a collection is processed. That is, depending on the guidelines of the individual archive, certain items may not be preserved. The idea of selecting what material should be kept within a collection was daunting for the author, both as a student and a researcher. The quandary for archivists is that they are bestowed with the role of predicting the future; they must anticipate research trends, questions, and needs. Information may be considered of little value today but may tomorrow be seen as a rich resource. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Psychological assessment of juveniles for waiver to adult criminal courts requires systematic evaluation of dangerousness, sophistication–maturity, and amenability to treatment. Despite their importance to the evaluation of juveniles, little is known about the criteria that constitute these 3 constructs. This study clarifies the constructs of dangerousness, sophistication–maturity, and amenability to treatment that typically guide juvenile transfers. Psychologists (n?=?244) from the Clinical Child Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association rated the prototypicality of each construct. Factor analyses of the domains for each of the 3 constructs are reviewed. In addition, forensic diplomates from the American Board of Professional Psychology (n?=?75) provided prototypical ratings of juveniles whom they evaluated and who were subsequently transferred to adult court. Results indicate that these youth were judged as dangerous, criminally sophisticated, and difficult to treat. The interpretation of the results may facilitate evaluations by clinical child and forensic psychologists on juvenile waivers and help to shape policy on this issue. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The classical equilibrium equation of a crack under stress is reconsidered, introducing the deformation kinetics through a blunting correction to the elastic energy storage term, and a recalculation of the energy dissipation in the plastic zone. Both are expressed in terms of yield stress, strain hardening rate and strain rate sensitivity. The resulting instability criterion exhibits a ductile-brittle transition, and shows the influence of the above physical parameters on the critical stress intensity factor KC. In addition, the blunting approximation, which neglects the energy dissipation in the plastic zone, is shown to be valid in most cases.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated which cognitive functions in older adults at Time A are predictive of conversion to dementia of the Alzheimer’s type (DAT) at Time B. Forty-seven healthy individuals were initially tested in 1992–1994 on a trial-by-trial computerized Stroop task along with a battery of psychometric measures that tap general knowledge, declarative memory, visual–spatial processing, and processing speed. Twelve of these individuals subsequently developed DAT. The errors on the color incongruent trials (along with the difference between congruent and incongruent trials) and changes in the reaction time distributions were the strongest predictors of conversion to DAT, consistent with recent arguments regarding the sensitivity of these measures. Notably in the psychometric measures, there was little evidence of a difference in declarative memory between converters and nonconverters, but there was some evidence of changes in visual-spatial processing. Discussion focuses on the accumulating evidence suggesting a role of attentional control mechanisms as an early marker for the transition from healthy cognitive aging to DAT. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The quasistatic evolution of the stress intensity factor at a crack tip during loading is discussed in the frame of the blunting approximation. This approach allows a very simple treatment of the influence of strain localization and plastic instabilities on toughness of an homogeneous crystal. The evolution with time of the effective stress intensity factor is computed for 3 types of strain heterogeneities: slip bands, Lüders bands and Portevin Le Châtelier instabilities. The first type of localization is shown to improve systematically toughness, whereas the other two types improve toughness only for the most brittle materials, but are deleterious for the less brittle ones.  相似文献   

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