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Logic gates are devices that can perform logical operations by transforming a set of inputs into a predictable single detectable output. The hybridization properties, structure, and function of nucleic acids can be used to make DNA‐based logic gates. These devices are important modules in molecular computing and biosensing. The ideal logic gate system should provide a wide selection of logical operations, and be integrable in multiple copies into more complex structures. Here we show the successful construction of a small DNA‐based logic gate complex that produces fluorescent outputs corresponding to the operation of the six Boolean logic gates AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, and XNOR. The logic gate complex is shown to work also when implemented in a three‐dimensional DNA origami box structure, where it controlled the position of the lid in a closed or open position. Implementation of multiple microRNA sensitive DNA locks on one DNA origami box structure enabled fuzzy logical operation that allows biosensing of complex molecular signals. Integrating logic gates with DNA origami systems opens a vast avenue to applications in the fields of nanomedicine for diagnostics and therapeutics.  相似文献   

Novel DNA‐gated mesoporous silica nanoparticle (MSN) vehicles functionalized with disulfide‐linked acridinamine intercalators are constructed for multi‐responsive controlled release. The DNA‐gated MSN vehicles release cargo encapsulated in the MSN pores under different stimuli, including disulfide reducing agents, elevated temperature, and deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I), for codelivery of drugs and DNA/genes in different forms. Furthermore, the cascade release of encapsulated and intercalative drugs is controlled by AND logic gates in combination of dual stimuli. The ingeniously designed DNA‐gated MSN vehicles integrates multiple responses and AND logic gate operations into a single smart nanodevice not only for codelivery of drugs and DNA/genes but also for cascade release of two drugs and has promising biological applications to meet diverse requirements of controlled release.  相似文献   

研究了快递派送的路径规划。针对目前快递派送任务点较多,快递员不熟悉派送区域的问题,提出了一种基于线性时序逻辑(LTL)的移动端多点快递派送路径规划方法。该方法利用移动端的百度地图应用包实现快递员的定位与导航任务,提出两层(顶层、底层)规划策略。顶层规划避开百度地图实际道路环境繁琐又庞大的建模,将快递派送问题转化为旅行推销员问题(TSP),仅将快递员派送任务地点建模为一个有限状态的加权切换系统,状态之间的切换权重基于百度地图的自驾导航距离,而非简单的直线距离,以达到底层规划结果符合实际环境,确保最后搜索的路径最优性,同时利用线性时序逻辑语言描述多点快递派送任务,从而将切换系统信息与派送任务信息相融合,构建一个任务可行网络拓扑,并在该网络拓扑上基于Dijkstra算法搜索出快递员离散的最优路径。底层规划完成离散路径的连续化,离散路径的任意相邻任务点间的路径规划基于百度地图实现,从而实现顶层规划的离散路径连续化,获得快递员可派单的实际派送路线。实验结果表明该方法能够解决多点派送任务与派送区域受约束的问题,并保证快递员派单路径的最优性。  相似文献   

A model for plant operating procedure based on flowchart and success logic tree has been developed. The tasks in procedures are classified into orthogonal actions and checks, which play the role of building units of the flowchart as well as an execution unit of procedures. Arrows relate actions and checks to indicate proper workflow. An action or a check is further decomposed into basic instructions considering function allocation between man and computer, characteristics of tasks, etc. N-out-of-M operator combines the instructions within a success logic tree. The flowchart and the tree are comprehensible, transparent, and dynamic. Computers support operators to execute the instructions. The effort to make the tree in allowable states is the driving force for an action or check to be executed successfully. This model improves understandings of procedures, minimizes context switching, and maximizes the usage of computers. Finally a computer based procedure complying with the model was implemented and evaluated with procedures after reactor trip.  相似文献   

针对磁流变悬架的非线性以及动力学模型的不确定性,提出一种基于混合田口遗传算法的磁流变半主动悬架整车模糊控制策略。首先建立了基于磁流变减振器的整车动力学模型,并将车辆的振动控制分解垂向振动、俯仰、侧倾三个基本任务设计模糊控制器,进而设计了隶属函数和模糊控制规则;接着引入混合田口遗传算法实现对模糊控制器的隶属函数和模糊控制规则同时优化;最后进行实车道路试验来验证控制策略的有效性。试验结果表明,基于混合田口遗传算法的模糊控制能够降低确定路面激励下车身加速度峰峰值,降低随机路面激励下的加速度均方根值,显著提高车辆的平顺性,其控制效果要优于优化前的模糊控制策略。  相似文献   

Boolean logic devices play a key role in both traditional and nontraditional molecular logic circuits.This kind of binary logic,in which each bit is coded by (0,1),has only two output states—on or off (or high/low).Because of the finite computing capacity and variation,it is facing challenges from multivalued logic gates while processing high-density or uncertain/imprecise information.However,a low-cost,simple,and universal system that can perform different multivalued logic computations has not yet been developed,and remains a concept for further study.Herein,taking the ternary OR and INHIBIT logic gates as model devices,we present the fabrication of a novel simple,fast,label-free,and nanoquencher-free system for multivalued DNA logic gates using poly-thymine (T) templated copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) as signal reporters.The mixture of Cu2+ and ascorbic acid (AA) is taken as a universal platform for all ternary logic gates.Different kinds of poly-T strands and delicately designed complementary poly-adenine (A) strands are alternatively applied as ternary inputs to exhibit the ternary output states (low/0,medium/1,high/2).Notably,there are no nanoquenchers in this platform as poly-A strands can function as not only inputs but also efficient inhibitors of poly-T templated CuNPs.Moreover,all DNA are unlabeled single-strand DNA that do not need sophisticated labeling procedures or sequence design.The above design greatly reduces the operating time,costs,and complexity.More importantly,the ternary logic computations can be completed within 20 min because of the fast formation of CuNPs,and all of them share the same threshold values.  相似文献   

We propose and numerically verify a phase-based all-optical logic gate (NOT, XOR and XNOR) operation scheme based on cascaded AlGaAs microring resonators. Phase control in this scheme depends on cross-phase modulation in the AlGaAs microring. The realization of NOT logic depends on the π phase shift of light transmission, and this π phase shift can be naturally obtained in microring resonators in the under-coupled state. Inputting a non-return zero intensity signal as pump light, the probe light (continuous wave) will experience a different phase shift and a phase-based logical function can be realized in this process. The bandwidth and the minimum power requirement of this scheme are also discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The synthesis, spectral, electrical and magnetic properties of charge transfer materials of aromatic diamines namely benzidine (BEN) andρ-toluidine (O.TOL) with various acceptors such as iodine, 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-p-benzoquinone (DDQ), tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ), andp-chloranil (p-CA) have been reported. These materials excepto-toluidine-chloranil complex have been found to be typical molecular semiconductors on the basis of temperature dependence on their electrical conductivity. They have low electrical conductivities and two thermal activation energies indicating mixed conductivity mechanism in which both the electrons and holes are charge carriers, one dominating over the other at different temperatures. The observation of the metal like electrical conductivity i.e. the increase of electrical conductivity with decreasing temperature in theo-toluidine-chloranil system is unique for this class of molecular electronic materials.  相似文献   

聚醚酰亚胺基炭分子筛膜的形成及其气体分离性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以商用聚醚酰亚胺(PEI)作为前驱体,采用经过ZrO2-Al2O3复合溶胶修饰的陶瓷氧化铝为支撑体,浸渍涂膜制备聚合物膜,在空气中预氧化处理后,经500~800℃不同的炭化温度下制备出气体分离炭分子筛膜。为了考察炭化温度对炭膜结构和气体分离性能的影响,采用热重分析(TG)、拉曼光谱(Raman)、X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和气体渗透等测试手段,对热解过程聚合物膜热稳定性、炭微晶结构及石墨化进程、微观形貌和气体分离性能进行了系统研究。结果表明,不同的炭化温度对所形成炭膜表现出不同物理和化学结构、炭结构和孔结构,最终影响炭分子筛膜的气体渗透性和分离选择性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we aim to design an all-optical device, which can perform XOR and XNOR functions in a single structure. The proposed structure will be realized by cascading two nonlinear resonant rings. The functionality of the proposed structure is based on controlling the optical behaviour of optical rings via optical intensity. The final structure has one bias and two input control ports, along with two output ports. One port acts as an XOR and the other acts as an XNOR gate. The maximum delay times for the XOR and XNOR gates are 1.5 and 2.5?ps, respectively. Therefore, the working bit rates for the XOR and XNOR gates are 666 and 400?Gbit/s, respectively.  相似文献   

In an efficient and effective pipe integrity management programme, maintenance engineers often use the risk-based inspection (RBI) and maintenance strategy. Unfortunately, the calculation of risk is a daunting task because in order to calculate the risk of failure, a maintenance engineer needs to predict the rate of growth of a defect, the effect of the defect on the integrity of the structure and the consequence of failure. Unfortunately precise calculation for either of these parts is quite difficult.Fuzzy logic is a mathematical tool suitable for handling imprecise information in the real world. The benefit of this approach lies in its ability to include personal experiences along with acceptable deterministic models in the calculation. The structure of the model also allows easy calibration of the model to suit a particular plant condition. This approach can thus help to reduce the dependence upon the precise data, allow modelling even when a phenomenon is incompletely understood, and reduce the difficulties arising due to the complex computation required by more traditional methods.This paper presents a proposed methodology, based on fuzzy logic framework, for the establishment of an RBI programme for pipes. The paper also presents in detail a section of the methodology that can be used for calculating the estimated rate of CO2 corrosion in carbon steel pipes. In this technique the plant operating parameters (temperature, gas and liquid flow rates, total pressure, CO2 partial pressure and pH) are taken as fuzzy variables and used to calculate the Predicted Rate of Corrosion. The inspected rate of corrosion and the efficiency of inspection are also considered as fuzzy variables and are used to calculate Trust in Inspection Results and Trust in Predicted Results. By combining all the modules an estimated rate of corrosion is calculated. This estimated rate of corrosion can then be used for developing the risk-based inspection programme.  相似文献   

李伟  黄焱 《振动与冲击》2021,(6):220-226,242
海洋平台处于复杂的环境中,不仅受到风浪流的作用,而且还受到平台本身各种机器运转的影响,所以在平台上采集的信号一般都不可避免地包含大量噪声.其中,脉冲噪声是振动响应数据处理中经常遇到的干扰,严重影响了后续损伤敏感特征的提取.为了更好地消除脉冲噪声对特征提取的不利影响,引入了一种峰度检验和小波包阈值联合的降噪方法.将测得的...  相似文献   

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