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Song J  Li C  Kim NS  Ueda K 《Applied optics》2000,39(27):4954-4958
A high peak power and high pulse energy passively Q-switched diode-pumped cw Nd:YAG laser at 1.064-mum wavelength has been demonstrated with Cr(4+):YAG crystal as the saturable absorber. The average output power of 7-12 W and pulse duration of 100-250 ns was obtained with kilohertz repetition rates. The highest peak power and pulse energy obtained were 30 kW and 3.4 mJ, respectively. All the output resulted from the TEM(00) mode with M(2) < 1.1. The thermal lensing effect of the saturable absorber was investigated, demonstrating that it played an important role in optimization of the output.  相似文献   

Dong J  Deng P  Liu Y  Zhang Y  Xu J  Chen W  Xie X 《Applied optics》2001,40(24):4303-4307
By using a continuous-wave Ti:sapphire laser as a pumping source, we demonstrated a passively Q-switched Yb:YAG laser at room temperature with Cr(4+):YAG as the saturable absorber. We achieved an average output power of as much as 55 mW at 1.03 mum with a pulse width (FWHM) as short as 350 ns. The initial transmission of the Cr(4+):YAG has an effect on the pulse duration (FWHM) and the repetition rate of the Yb:YAG passively Q-switched laser. The Yb:YAG crystal can be a most promising passively Q-switched laser crystal for compact, efficient, solid-state lasers.  相似文献   

Bai Y  Wu N  Zhang J  Li J  Li S  Xu J  Deng P 《Applied optics》1997,36(12):2468-2472
We demonstrate, for the first time as far as we know, a passively Q-switched operation of a Nd:YVO(4) laser in which a Cr(4+):YAG crystal and a laser-diode bar are used as the saturable absorber and the pump source, respectively. Stable laser pulses as short as 28 ns with 20-muJ energy can be generated with this laser, which has the advantages of simplicity, high efficiency, and good long-term stability.  相似文献   

We report on passively Q-switched operation of a diode-pumped Er-Yb:glass laser with a Co(2+):MgAl(2)O(4) plate as a saturable absorber. Optical pulses with peak power exceeding 2 kW and a pulse length of 2.3 ns have been generated. Single-longitudinal-mode Q-switched operation at 1.53 mum has been obtained by use of the Co(2+):MgAl(2)O(4) plate as an intracavity etalon. A discussion of the optimal Er(3+) concentration as well as optimization of the cavity design is included.  相似文献   

It was found that the room-temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectra of Cr4+:Ca2GeO4 single crystal films grown by magnetron sputtering on Ca2GeO4 bulk single crystal substrates exhibit a sharp emission band in the region of ~1.17 μm with satellites at ~1.21 and 1.27 μm. Particularities of the PL spectra are interpreted within the framework of a model based on the interaction between electrons of the Cr4+ center and the oscillations excited in the film.  相似文献   

本文对Cr~(4+):YAG被动调Q Nd:YAG陶瓷激光器的输出特性进行了理论和实验研究.在相同泵浦功率和不同输出耦合透过率条件下,实验测量了被动调Q陶瓷激光器的输出激光重复频率、平均输出功率以及单脉冲能量,并与理论计算结果进行了比较.研究结果表明,随着输出耦合透过率的增加,输出激光重复频率单调减小,而平均输出功率及单脉冲能量则呈现出先增加后减小的变化趋势,只是平均输出功率及单脉冲能量所对应的最佳输出耦合透过率会有所不同.  相似文献   

Nagumo Y  Taguchi N  Inaba H 《Applied optics》1998,37(21):4929-4932
We report on a widely tunable, diode-pumped, continuous-wave, single-frequency Cr(3+):LiSrAlF(6) laser with a novel double-ring cavity configuration. The optical diode and the tuning element were located in the ring subcavity to decrease their insertion loss. Using an 1800-lines/mm grating as the tuning element, we obtained a laser emission of 20-mW output power at 870 nm and a tuning range of from 800 to 936 nm. When we used a 1200-lines/mm grating with a higher diffraction efficiency, the laser had a slightly wider tuning range of from 800 to 938 nm. However, the output power decreased at this tuning range.  相似文献   

Kawanaka J  Nishioka H  Inoue N  Ueda K 《Applied optics》2001,40(21):3542-3546
We have demonstrated a diode-pumped Yb:LiYF(4) (Yb:YLF) laser oscillator for the first time to our knowledge. A wide tuning range of 25 nm and a high slope efficiency of 50% were obtained at a high laser-diode pump intensity of 100 kW/cm(2). Emission and absorption spectra of the Yb:YLF crystal at 8 K represent a wide laser gain width of 38 nm, indicating efficient laser operation similar to that of a four-level laser system with a reduced saturation fluence of 11 J/cm(2).  相似文献   

Passive Q switching of a diode-pumped Nd(3+):KGd(WO(4))(2) laser is demonstrated by use of Cr(4+):SrGd(4)(SiO(4))(3)O and Cr(4+):CaGd(4)(SiO(4))(3)O crystals as saturable absorbers. An average output power of 40 mW was obtained with a pulse repetition rate of ~0.4 MHz.  相似文献   

The efficient, low-threshold operation of a 946-nm Nd:YAG laser pumped by an injection-locked broad-area diode laser is reported. The implications of pump-beam quality for efficient, low-threshold operation, particularly with intrinsically inefficient transitions, are discussed in the context of previously published models. Results are presented showing that the M(2) = 1.3 pump beam of the injection-locked diode laser enabled a cw slope efficiency of 48% and a threshold of 52 mW to be attained. When Q-switched, 335 mW of pump power gave 27-ns, 5.2-muJ pulses. These were frequency doubled to obtain 19-ns, 1-muJ pulses at 473 nm. These results represent significant improvements over similar systems pumped by free-running broad-area diode lasers or arrays.  相似文献   

A novel green emitting phosphor, Tb3+-doped Ca2GeO4 was prepared for the first time by a solid-state reaction. The phosphor showed prominent luminescence in green due to the magnetic dipole transition of 5D4  7F5. Structural characterization of the luminescent material was carried out with X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). Luminescence properties were analyzed by measuring the excitation and photoluminescence spectra. Photoluminescence measurements indicated that the phosphor exhibited bright green emission at about 541 and 550 nm under UV excitation. In addition, Al3+ or Li+ co-doping enhances the green emission from Ca2GeO4:Tb3+ by about 18 and 4 times, respectively, under UV excitation. The excellent luminescence properties make it a possible candidate for flat panel display application.  相似文献   

Chen YF  Huang KF  Tsai SW  Lan YP  Wang SC  Chen J 《Applied optics》2001,40(33):6038-6041
Simultaneous mode locking and Q switching is accomplished in a diode-pumped Nd:YVO(4)/GaAs laser. The average output power is ~2.0 W at 10.6-W absorbed pump power, and the repetition rate of the Q-switched pulse is ~120 kHz. The mode-locked pulse inside the Q-switched pulse has a repetition rate of ~148 MHz, and its average duration is estimated to be ~100 ps.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated tunability in a wavelength range of 1047-1051 nm, using the lowest pumping power known to us (1.4 W at 972 nm), for a cw single-diode-pumped Yb:YAG laser. The output power was 166 mW in the multimode regime and 73 mW in the fundamental transverse-mode regime. The laser efficiency was 12.8% and 21% with respect to the incident and the absorbed pump powers, respectively. The linewidth of the laser was Dlambda = 0.05-0.07 cm(-1) (1.5-2.1 GHz), which corresponds to two to three longitudinal cavity modes. A theoretical model of the laser has been developed. Experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical model.  相似文献   

We demonstrate difference-frequency generation in the 6.8-12.5-mum range by mixing two high-power single-frequency laser diodes in a type II AgGaS(2) crystal. This compact all-solid-state scheme provides maximum output powers that exceed 1 muW and permits continuous adjustment-free scans larger than 2 cm(-1) across the entire tuning range.  相似文献   

Efficient continuous-wave and passively Q-switched diode-laser-pumped Nd:YAG lasers at 946 nm are reported together with results on highly efficient frequency doubling. Periodically poled KTiOPO(4) was employed as the nonlinear material because of its high nonlinearity and its resistance to photorefractive damage. In the blue spectral region we measured 76 mW in continuous wave and 285 mW in the Q-switched mode.  相似文献   

采用高温固相法合成系列Eu~(2+)掺杂的单一基质的白光荧光粉(Sr_(0.95)Mg_(0.05))_3(PO_4)_2.该荧光粉可有效被270~390nm的紫外光激发,激发波长范围与紫外LED芯片相匹配.在激发波长为350nm时,发射光谱中有两个发射峰,峰值分别位于410nm和570nm,对应于Eu~(2+)的4f65d1→4f7跃迁,是Eu~(2+)占据了基质中Sr~(2+)的十配位和六配位的两种不同的格位后,形成的两个发光中心.当Eu~(2+)的掺杂浓度为1mol%时,具有最大的发光强度,继续增加Eu~(2+)的浓度后,会出现浓度猝灭现象.通过将Eu~(2+)的掺杂浓度从0到0.01,可以使该荧光粉的CIE色坐标从(0.259 5,0.198 7)的蓝光区域逐渐移动到(0.324 5,0313 3)的白光区域.基于实验结果和理论分析计算表明,这种荧光粉是一种潜在的用近紫外光激发产生白光LED的荧光粉.  相似文献   

Adsorbed species and its diffusion behaviors in GeO(2)∕Ge stacks, which are future alternative metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) materials, have been investigated using various physical analyses. We clarified that GeO(2) rapidly absorbs moisture in air just after its exposure. After the absorbed moisture in GeO(2) reaches a certain limit, the GeO(2) starts to absorb some organic molecules, which is accompanied by a structural change in GeO(2) to form a partial carbonate or hydroxide. We also found that the hydrogen distribution in GeO(2) shows intrinsic characteristics, indicative of different diffusion behaviors at the surface and at the GeO(2)∕Ge interface. Because the impurity absorbability of GeO(2) has a great influence on the electrical properties in Ge-MOS devices, these results provide valuable information in realizing high quality GeO(2)∕Ge stacks for the actual use of Ge-MOS technologies.  相似文献   

A space-variant optical correlator is proposed on the basis of the fractional Fourier transform. The optical device uses as a recording medium for the holographic filter a photorefractive Bi(12)GeO(2) (BGO) crystal. The experimental results confirm the shift-variance properties. Some limitations that arise from the volume diffraction are also considered.  相似文献   

Dielectric constant, dielectric loss and conductivity of Bi4(GeO4)3 and Bi4(SiO4)3 single crystals have been measured as a function of frequency and in the temperature range from liquid nitrogen temperature to 400° C. The values of the static dielectric constant at room temperature are 16·4 and 13·7 for Bi4(GeO4)3 and Bi4(SiO4)3 respectively. The plots of log (σ) against reciprocal temperature at different frequencies of these crystals merge into a straight line beyond 250°C and the activation energies calculated in this region are found to be 0·95 eV and 1·2 eV for Bi4(GeO4)3 and Bi4(SiO4)3 respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) species on the activated sludge growth rate have been assessed for a batch growth system, for a range of chromium concentration between 0 and 320 mg l(-1). Cr(VI) was found to stimulate microbial growth for concentrations up to about 25 mg l(-1), exhibiting maximum growth stimulation at 10 mg l(-1), whilst the lethal dose was found to be between 80 and 160 mg l(-1). On the other hand, Cr(III) was also found to stimulate microbial growth for concentrations up to about 15 mg l(-1), (with a maximum stimulation concentration at 10 mg l(-1)), whilst the lethal dose was found to lie between 160 and 320 mg l(-1). The results indicate that Cr(VI) is more toxic to biomass at relatively high concentrations (higher than 70 mg l(-1)) whilst it has a more pronounced growth stimulation effect at relatively smaller concentrations (less than 25 mg l(-1)), compared with Cr(III).  相似文献   

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