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Endothelin-1 is mainly synthesised by the vascular endothelial cells and acts on the vascular smooth muscle. There are special endothelin receptors, endothelin receptor-A and endothelin receptor-B expressed on the vascular smooth muscle cells. Endothelin-1 through second messengers mobilises the intracellular calcium storage. The level of endothein-1 was found to be higher than normal in several diseases. Because of its vasoconstrictor and mitogenic effects it plays a role in the development of vascular diseases. The most severe and most frequent complications of diabetes mellitus are micro- and macroangiopathy. The authors summarise the physiological functions of endothelin-1 and its role in the development of diabetic angiopathy.  相似文献   

Three female patients with a previously poorly controlled Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM), without evidence of cardiovascular, hepatic or renal dysfunction, developed generalized edema after a substantial increase in their insulin dosage. Edema resolved in 2-3 weeks, without specific therapy. Our patient's findings met the criteria of diagnosis of insulin edema. Insulin edema during IDDM is an uncommon complication of insulin therapy (1/400) and its pathogenesis is not clarified so far; it is a transient and self-limiting condition. The diagnosis is based on exclusion of all other major causes of edema.  相似文献   

To establish whether lispro may be a suitable short-acting insulin preparation for meals in intensive treatment of Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) in patients already in chronic good glycaemic control with conventional insulins, 69 patients on intensive therapy (4 daily s.c. insulin injections, soluble at each meal, NPH at bedtime, HbA1c <7.5%) were studied with an open, cross-over design for two periods of 3 months each (lispro or soluble). The % HbA1c and frequency of hypoglycaemia were assessed under four different conditions (Groups I-IV). Lispro was always injected at mealtime, soluble 10-40 min prior to meals (with the exception of Group IV). Bedtime NPH was continued with both treatments. When lispro replaced soluble with no increase in number of daily NPH injections (Group I, n = 15), HbA1c was no different (p = NS), but frequency of hypoglycaemia was greater (p < 0.05). When NPH was given 3-4 times daily, lispro (Group II, n = 18), but not soluble (Group III, n = 12) decreased HbA1c by 0.35 +/- 0.25% with no increase in hypoglycaemia. When soluble was injected at mealtimes, HbA1c increased by 0.18 +/- 0.15% and hypoglycaemia was more frequent than when soluble was injected 10-40 min prior to meals (Group IV, n = 24) (p < 0.05). It is concluded that in intensive management of Type 1 DM, lispro is superior to soluble in terms of reduction of % HbA1c and frequency of hypoglycaemia, especially for those patients who do not use a time interval between insulin injection and meal. However, these goals cannot be achieved without optimization of basal insulin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Insulin resistance has been associated with hypertension and with renal complications in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Causal relationships have not been fully explained. METHODS: We investigated whether insulin resistance precedes microalbuminuria by measuring insulin resistance with a euglycaemic clamp in combination with indirect calorimetry in 16 uncomplicated type 1 diabetic patients and in six healthy control subjects. The patients had over 10 year duration of diabetes, and were expected to experience either a complication-free or complicated disease course within the next few years. They have thereafter been followed for the development of microalbuminuria for 3 years. RESULTS: In a euglycaemic insulin clamp glucose disposal was lower in diabetic patients compared with control subjects (7.5 +/- 2.9 and 12.6 +/- 2.0 mg/kg LBM/min; P<0.002), mainly due to impaired glucose storage (4.3 +/- 2.3 vs 8.6 +/- 1.6 mg/kg LBM/min; P<0.001). Three years later seven IDDM patients had albumin excretion rate over 30 mg/24 h; glucose disposal (5.5 +/- 2.1 vs 9.0 +/- 2.2 mg/kg LBM/min; P<0.01) had been lower in patients who developed microalbuminuria compared with those who remained normoalbuminuric. CONCLUSIONS: Insulin resistance predicts the increment in urinary albumin excretion. Insulin resistance depends mainly on impaired glucose storage in uncomplicated IDDM.  相似文献   

A definitive assessment of the relative roles of insulin resistance and insulin deficiency in the etiology of NIDDM is hampered by several problems. 1) Due to better methodology, data on insulin resistance are generally more accurate and consistent than data on insulin deficiency. 2) In source data, case-control studies are prone to selection bias, while epidemiological associations, whether cross-sectional or longitudinal, are liable to misinterpretation. 3) Insulin secretion and action are physiologically interconnected at multiple levels, so that an initial defect in either is likely to lead with time to a deficit in the companion function. The fact that both insulin resistance and impaired insulin release have been found to precede and predict NIDDM in prospective studies may be in part a reflection of just such relatedness. 4) Direct genetic analysis is effective in rarer forms of glucose intolerance (MODY, mitochondrial mutations, etc.) but encounters serious difficulties with typical late-onset NIDDM. Despite these uncertainties, the weight of current evidence supports the view that insulin resistance is very important in the etiology of typical NIDDM for the following reasons: 1) it is found in the majority of patients with the manifest disease; 2) it is only partially reversible by any form of treatment (117); 3) it can be traced back through earlier stages of IGT and high-risk conditions; and 4) it predicts subsequent development of the disease with remarkable consistency in both prediabetic and normoglycemic states. Of conceptual importance is also the fact that the key cellular mechanisms of skeletal muscle insulin resistance (defective stimulation of glucose transport, phosphorylation, and storage into glycogen) have been confirmed in NIDDM subjects by a variety of in vivo techniques [ranging from catheter balance (118) to multiple tracer kinetics (119) to 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (120)], and have been detected also in normoglycemic NIDDM offspring (121). If insulin resistance is a characteristic finding in many cases of NIDDM, insulin-sensitive NIDDM does exist. On the other hand, given the tight homeostatic control of plasma glucose levels in humans, beta-cell dysfunction, relative or absolute, is a sine qua non for the development of diabetes. If insulin deficiency must be present whereas insulin resistance may be present, is this proof that the former is etiologically primary to the latter? If so, do we have convincing evidence that the primacy of insulin deficiency is genetic in nature? The answer to both questions is negative on several accounts. The defect in insulin secretion in overt NIDDM is functionally severe but anatomically modest: beta-cell mass is reduced by 20-40% in patients with long-standing NIDDM (122). Moreover, the insulin secretory deficit is progressively worse with more severe hyperglycemia (123) and recovers considerably upon improving glycemic control (124). These observations indicate that part of the insulin deficiency is acquired (through glucose toxicity, lipotoxicity, or both). In addition, although insulin deficiency is necessary for diabetes, it may not always be sufficient to cause NIDDM. In fact, subtle defects in the beta-cell response to glucose may be widespread in the population (108, 125) and only cause frank hyperglycemia when obesity/insulin resistance stress the secretory machinery. Conceivably, there could be beta-cell dysfunction without NIDDM just as there is insulin resistance without diabetes. Incidentally, any defect in insulin secretion, whether in normoglycemic or hyperglycemic persons, could be due to other factors than primary beta-cell dysfunction: amyloid deposits in the pancreas (126), changes in insulin secretagogues (amylin, GLP-1, GIP, galanin) (127-130), early intrauterine malnutrition (131). Finally, the predictive power of early changes in insulin secretion for the development of typical NIDDM is generally lower than that of insulin  相似文献   

The effectiveness of insulin replacement therapy in the prevention of salt-induced hypertension in diabetes mellitus was examined using Alloxan diabetic rats. Early daily (eight units/day) treatment with insulin prevented the development of high blood pressure after six weeks of high-salt feeding. The mean arterial pressure (MAP) for the early insulin-treated and salt-fed group (DET-SF) was 123.37 +/- 6.37 mmHg which was close to the value for normal (control) rats 128.17 +/- 4.84 mmHg, but significantly (p < 0.001) less than that of the untreated diabetic salt-fed group (DSF) which was 164.58 +/- 8.33 mmHg. The nondiabetic salt-fed (NDSF) group had MAP of 150.27 +/- 4.24 mmHg. Late commencement of insulin therapy did not significantly affect the sensitivity of the diabetic rats to high-salt diet. The results suggest that early commencement of insulin therapy could prevent the development of high blood pressure in diabetic rats.  相似文献   

JM Poothullil 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,279(19):1523; author reply 1525-1523; author reply 1526

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is associated with much increased risk of developing diabetes later on in life. Using the frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test and the minimal model analyses we have therefore determined the early insulin response to glucose (EIR) and insulin sensitivity (Si), in women with GDM of different severity (n = 14) and in normal women (n = 10). During the last trimester of pregnancy. GDMs compared to controls had significantly lower EIR (p < 0.001) and Si (p < 0.01). The reduction in EIR was less marked in GDM patients treated with diet alone (n = 6) as compared to GMD patients (n = 8) who subsequently during pregnancy needed treatment also with insulin. The insulin treated GDM group only had higher fasting glucose level than controls (5.2 vs 4.2 mmol/l, p < 0.001). Both GDM subgroups had slightly elevated basal levels of FFA and 3-hydroxybutyrate. Si and EIR were inversely correlated in control women and their fasting glucose correlated both to EIR (r = 0.63, p < 0.05) and to Si (r = 0.59, p < 0.05). In the GDM subgroups Si and EIR were unrelated and there were no correlations between fasting glucose and Si or EIR. These results suggest that glucose intolerance in GDM patients in the last trimester of pregnancy is characterized by both an impaired insulin secretion and an increased resistance to insulin. The impairment of insulin secretion and action increases with the severity of hyperglycemia, and the relative insulin deficiency characterizing GDM patients is associated with a selected defect in insulin action mainly affecting gluco-regulation.  相似文献   

In everyday praxis diabetes mellitus diagnosed over the age of fifty years, means generally type 2 diabetes. Authors present cases where diabetes, beginning in advanced age, showed typical classical diabetic symptoms, like polyuria, polydipsia, loss of bodyweight. Apart from these signs a rapid decompensation of carbohydrate metabolism characterises this diabetes form. The most significant features are the rapid decrease of serum immunoreactive insulin and C-peptide levels, what is characteristic for the diminishing insulin secretory capacity. The patients had to be switched to insulin therapy within maximum 6 weeks. These patients can be easily differentiated both from type 2 and from the slowly progressing type 1 subtype. We suppose that the pathomechanism of this type of diabetes differs from the classical insulin-dependent form, beginning in young age.  相似文献   

The gene coding for the major core protein (p26) of the lentivirus equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) was cloned from EIAV infected serum, expressed in E. coli, and the resultant protein purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. The protein was expressed in a soluble form and was purified by conventional protein separation methods. When analyzed by SDS-PAGE, under both reducing and non-reducing conditions, the purified protein migrated as a 26 kDa monomer. Recombinant p26 (rp26), therefore, does not contain any intermolecular disulfide bond. Gel filtration chromatography also indicated that the protein occurs as a monomer in solution. Labeling of free sulphydryl groups with [1-14C]iodoacetamide suggests that none of the three cysteine residues of rp26 is involved in intramolecular disulfide bonds. The circular dichroism spectrum of rp26 was consistent with the following assignment of secondary structure elements: 51% a-helix, 15% beta-turn, and 34% aperiodic. Fluorescencespectroscopy revealed that the three tryptophan residues in rp26 occupy two different environments. These data support the conclusion that the recombinant protein is folded into an ordered and probably native conformation. Immunoblotting and enzyme immunoassay with EIAV infected sera demonstrated that recombinant p26 protein may be useful for diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

This is a case report of lepromatous infection diagnosed at necropsy, with cardiac alterations directly caused by mycobacteria, in a 34-year-old black male with the cardiac form of Chagas' disease. The possible role of inflammatory mediators on cardiac dysfunction, and the possibility that immune depression may be due to factors associated with heart failure, as congestive splenomegaly and splenic infarctions, are emphasized.  相似文献   

目的:观察胰岛素对初发2型糖尿病的疗效及不良反应,以及对血糖的影响.方法:选择2008年1月至2010年1月在我院住院的T2DM患者为观察对象.120例初发2型糖尿病患者随机分为治疗组和对照组各60例,治疗3个月后,观察治疗的疗效及对血糖控制情况.结果:治疗组的疗效优于对照组,且治疗组血糖控制效果明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:胰岛素对初发2型糖尿病疗效确切,更好地降低T2DM血糖水平,值得基层医院广泛推广和应用.  相似文献   

Studies are reviewed in which the roles of insulin and glucagon in normal physiology and in diabetes are examined. In normal man, glucose ingestion is accompanied by a rise in insulin and fall in glucagon and is primarily disposed of in the liver, an organ sensitive to both hormones. However, infusions of glucagon in physiologic amounts indicate that insulin secretion rather than glucagon inhibition is the primary factor determining glucose disposal. Furthermore, minor elevations in blood glucose elicit increments in insulin concentration and inhibition of hepatic glucose output in the absence of changes in plasma glucagon. The primary physiologic role of glucagon is to prevent the hypoglycemia that would otherwise accompany noncarbohydrate (protein)-mediated insulin secretion. In diabetic as well as normal patients the stimulatory effect of glucagon on hepatic glucose production is evanescent. Increases in glucagon or changes in the I/G ratio can bring about deterioration in glucose tolerance or in diabetic control only so long as absolute insulin deficiency is present or pharmacologic elevations in glucagon are produced. After somatostatin administration, prolonged hypoinsulinemia in normal subjects is observed to result in fasting hyperglycemia in the absence of basal glucagon secretion. In diabetic patients the improvement in postprandial hyperglycemia produced by somatostatin can be accounted for by its inhibitory action on carbohydrate absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. It is concluded that insulin deficiency is the primary pathophysiologic disturbance in diabetes. While glocagon may worsen the consequences of insulin lack, it is neither sufficient nor necessary for the development of diabetes.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus needs to be managed early to prevent the onset and progression of complications. Diet and exercise may not be sufficient to achieve and maintain good glycemic control. Currently, no pharmacologic agent addresses all of the fundamental abnormalities in the pathogenesis of type II diabetes mellitus. However, the newer agents do not exacerbate the hyperinsulinemia that often occurs with type II diabetes, and they may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease that is associated with high insulin levels. Two of these agents, metformin and acarbose, have recently become available in the United States for the treatment of type II diabetes. With the availability of agents that differ in their mechanisms of action and side effect profiles, regimens can be individualized to address the variety of pathophysiologic abnormalities in type II diabetes. For this purpose, agents can be used alone or in combination.  相似文献   

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