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Evaluating Liquefaction Strength of Partially Saturated Sand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is presented for evaluating the liquefaction strength of partially saturated sand using the compression wave velocity (P-wave velocity), a new indicator of saturation. Based on laboratory test results, an empirical correlation that relates the liquefaction strength with the pore pressure coefficient B is firstly proposed. The strength is defined as the cyclic stress ratio required to cause liquefaction at a specified number of cycles. With the aid of a theoretical relation between B and the P-wave velocity, an explicit correlation of more interest is then established between the liquefaction strength of sand and its P-wave velocity. A comparison of the predictions using this explicit correlation with laboratory measurements shows a satisfactory agreement. The significance of this method lies in that it makes it possible to evaluate the liquefaction strength of sand as affected by saturation through the measurement of P-wave velocity, which can be made not only in the laboratory but particularly in the field.  相似文献   

Rockfill is commonly used for construction of artificial islands, breakwaters, jetties, quay walls, coastal defenses, protective barriers for reclaimed land, and even as ship impact protection structures around bridge piers. The economic construction method often involves rock dumping onto loose or liquefiable sediments with little or no ground improvement. Hence in a seismic environment, these rock-fill or rubble mound structures are potentially vulnerable to failure due to pore pressure generation effects of the underlying deposits. This paper presents experimental investigation carried out using dynamic centrifuge modeling to study the seismic performance of rock-fill or rubble mound embankment structures on liquefiable sand deposits. The centrifuge test results indicate that the rock-fill embankments suffer substantial settlement owing to rock-fill penetration into the founding sand deposit assisted by the pore pressure generation effects. This mechanism of failure was not, however, observed for a sand embankment where the particle size distribution is comparable to the foundation. This result has important implications in the design methodologies adopted for rock-fill or rubble mound structures.  相似文献   

This research investigated the sorption and transport of MS-2 in saturated sand under a wide range of salinities using one-dimensional column experiments. The salinity varied from 0 ppt (fresh water) to 30 ppt. The MS-2 in the fresh water showed very weak adsorption due to having the same negative charge as the sand. Increasing the salinity concentrations dramatically enhanced MS-2 adsorption. The MS-2 breakthrough revealed the existence of reversible and irreversible sorption sites in the sand. Salinity increased MS-2 attachment by compressing the double layers of MS-2 and reversible sorption sites. The salinity also changed some reversible sorption sites into irreversible sorption sites by reversing to positive surface charges of silica powder. An advection-dispersion-sorption model with a two-site reversible-irreversible kinetic sorption was developed to describe MS-2 breakthrough under different salinity conditions. The sorption parameters were estimated and their independence was evaluated by minimizing the total squared error of the MS-2 data. The proposed model showed good agreement with the experimental data for a wide range of salinity levels from fresh water to near seawater. The strong sorption shown in the MS-2 breakthrough at high salinity levels above 8 ppt was able to distinguish the proposed model from other sorption models. This study promotes the understanding of the viral sorption with salinity and provides a useful model for coastal management of viral migration in saline coastal groundwater.  相似文献   

This paper presents analyses of a test conducted on a 9-m-radius centrifuge to study the redistribution of pore water during diffusion of earthquake-induced excess pore pressures in a sand slope with embedded silt layers. The centrifuge model developed large postshaking deformations associated with shear strain localization at the interface between the sand and silt layers. Dense arrays of pore pressure transducers provided detailed measurements of pore pressure variations in time and space within the slope. A new data analysis approach is presented in which measured pore-pressures are used to compute flow rates and volumetric strains as a function of time and position throughout the slope. Hydraulic gradients were calculated by numerical differentiation of measured pore-pressure distributions with respect to position. Flow rates that were based on Darcy’s law were then integrated with respect to time to obtain flow quantities, from which volumetric strains were computed. A second data analysis approach that computes volumetric strains on the basis of soil compressibility and changes in pore pressure provided an independent computation of strains in consolidating zones. Results using these data analysis procedures confirm that a dilating (loosening) zone of significant thickness developed in the sand immediately beneath an embedded silt layer that had impeded the drainage of high pore pressures. These results support the hypothesis that the dilating zone corresponds to regions where the mobilized friction angle exceeds the critical state friction angle and that the dilating zone can be initially relatively thick before its size diminishes to the thickness of a thin shear band after the peak friction angle is mobilized. Quantification of the evolution of the size of the dilating zone is a key to understanding the magnitude of deformations associated with void redistribution.  相似文献   

Unstable flow can result in the formation of fingers during infiltration into dry soil. Centrifuge modeling is a potentially useful tool to study the relationship between finger size, spacing, and velocity. It can also be used to investigate solute transport in such fingers. Physical properties of the fingers are obtained for three tests conducted at elevated acceleration levels. A fourth test was conducted at 1g. The physical parameters compare well with theoretical predictions. To assess solute transport in fingers, a known concentration of solute was introduced after the fingers had formed. The resulting breakthrough curves were analyzed using the two-region model as well as the advection dispersion equation with appropriate initial and boundary conditions. Although the two-region model is physically more plausible, it was found to match the extensive tailing observed in the breakthrough curves only marginally better than the advection-dispersion equation.  相似文献   

Understanding colloid mobilization, transport, and deposition in the subsurface is a prerequisite for predicting colloid-facilitated transport of strongly adsorbing contaminants and further developing remedial activities. This study investigated the transport behavior of soil-colloids extracted from a red-yellow soil from Okinawa, Japan. Different concentrations of suspended-soil colloids (with diameter <1??μm) were applied, at different flow velocities and pH conditions, to 10-cm long water-saturated columns repacked with either Narita (mean diameter D50 = 0.64??mm) or Toyoura (mean diameter D50 = 0.21??mm) sands. The transport and retention of colloids were studied by analyzing colloid effluent breakthrough curves (BTCs), particle size distribution in the effluent, and colloid deposition profiles within the column. The results showed a significant influence of flow velocity: Low flow velocity caused tailing of colloid BTCs with higher reversible entrapment and release of colloids than high flow velocity. The finer Toyoura sand retained more colloids than the coarser Narita sand at low pH conditions. The deposition profile and particle size distribution of colloids in the Toyoura sand clearly indicated a depth-dependent straining mechanism. By fitting colloid transport models (one-site and two-site models) to the colloid effluent breakthrough curves, transport and deposition of colloids in Narita sand at low pH were best described by a one-site attachment-detachment model, whereas colloid transport and deposition in Toyoura sand at low pH were better captured by a two-site attachment, detachment, and straining model. The coupled effects of solution chemistry, colloid sizes, and medium surface properties have a dominating role in particle-particle and particle-collector interactions in colloid transport and deposition.  相似文献   

Centrifuge modeling appears useful for studying geo-environmental problems such as pollutant migration in subsurface systems. In this study, centrifuge tests were conducted to simulate a gasoline spill from a leaking underground storage tank (UST) and the subsequent subsurface migration of the gasoline. When the centrifugal acceleration reached the desired g level, the gasoline was released from the UST and then it migrated in the unsaturated soil for a prototype time equivalent to 1 year. After the centrifuge tests, soil samples were collected using sampling tubes and the concentrations of individual constituents in the light nonaqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) were directly measured by means of gas chromatograph analysis. Two types of unsaturated soils were used to study the migration patterns of LNAPLs in unsaturated porous media. Centrifuge test data show that the migration pattern of LNAPLs is related to the soil type and the physical properties of individual constituents in the LNAPLs.  相似文献   

Screening level analyses for risk-based corrective actions and preliminary remediation investigations and feasibility studies for contaminated sites require simple and conservative models for the transport of contaminants to potential receptor locations. A quasi-analytical method is presented to analyze the transport of contaminants originating at a source located near the ground surface separated from the water table by a relatively thick vadose zone. The method includes one segment to compute source decay rate, a second to simulate vertical transport through the vadose zone, and a third to simulate saturated zone transport to the receptor. Practical application of the method is demonstrated by an illustrative example. The method may be useful and convenient for situations where the objectives of the analysis do not warrant the use of sophisticated numerical models.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of an elastic model for partially saturated granular materials based on micromechanical factor consideration. A granular material is considered as an assembly of particles. The stress-strain relationship for an assembly can be determined by integrating the behavior at all interparticle contacts and by using a static hypothesis, which relates the average stress of the granular assembly to a mean field of particle contact forces. As for the nonsaturated state, capillary forces at grain contacts are added to the contact forces created by an external load. These are then calculated as a function of the degree of saturation, depending on the grain size distribution and on the void ratio of the granular assembly. Hypothesizing a Hertz-Mindlin law for the grain contacts leads to an elastic nonlinear behavior of the particulate material. The prediction of the stress-strain model is compared to experimental results obtained from several different granular materials in dry, partially saturated and fully saturated states. The numerical predictions demonstrate that the model is capable of taking into account the influence of key parameters, such as degree of saturation, void ratio, and mean stress.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the use of a centrifuge modeling technique in studying slope instability. The slope models were prepared from sand, and sand mixed with 15 and 30% fines by weight, compacted at optimum water content. The validity of the modeling technique was confirmed using slope models of different heights, inclinations, and soil types. The soil behavior was studied under triaxial and plane strain conditions, and the extended Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion was found relevant for expressing the strength of unsaturated compacted soil based on the angle of internal friction and apparent cohesion. The Bishop’s circular mechanism, together with the extended Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, was able to simulate the slope failure reasonably well. The rainfall of different intensities was then induced on the 60° stable slopes of sand with 15% fines. It was found that the failure of slope under rainfall may be interpreted as a reduction in apparent cohesion. The centrifuge tests also allowed the rainfall intensity-duration threshold curve (local curve) to be generated for the test slopes, and the accumulated rainfall corresponded well to some of the reported field observations.  相似文献   

Centrifuge Study of DNAPL Transport in Granular Media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The migration potential of dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) in saturated soil was investigated experimentally using the elevated acceleration field of the geotechnical centrifuge. The transport of the DNAPL was monitored with a video camera in flight, through the transparent wall of the sample box. By using measurements of the velocity of the DNAPL front from models corresponding to the same prototype and applying the technique of “modeling of models,” the stable infiltration of a low density, high viscosity DNAPL in saturated homogeneous media was shown to scale properly in the centrifuge. The visual observations confirmed the correlations between the DNAPL physicochemical properties and transport patterns, which have important consequences for the characterization of DNAPL-contaminated sites. Infiltrating DNAPLs of high density and low viscosity displace water in an unstable manner and create extensive contaminated areas characterized by non-uniform DNAPL distributions. In contrast, the displacement of water by DNAPLs of low density and high viscosity is stable and efficient, and hence, results in smaller contaminated areas of high DNAPL saturation. Numerical simulations yielded predictions and sensitivity analysis results that agreed well with these experimental observations.  相似文献   

A constitutive model based on the disturbed state concept (DSC) is proposed for stress-deformation and liquefaction response of interfaces in dynamic soil-structure interaction problems. The model parameters are determined by using comprehensive test data for Ottawa sand–concrete (medium roughness) interfaces by using the cyclic multidegree of freedom device. The model is validated by comparing the finite element predictions with the test data used for the determination of parameters and independent test not used for finding the parameters. A procedure based on the critical disturbance for the identification of liquefaction in the interfaces is proposed. It is found that the liquefaction in the interface can occur earlier than that in the surrounding sand. The DSC model can provide a realistic characterization of the interface behavior and can be used in analysis and design of dynamic soil-structure interaction problems.  相似文献   

In this study, a three-dimensional mathematical model for simulating the transport of dissolved contaminants originating from an elliptic-shaped coal tar pool in homogeneous saturated porous media is developed. The methodology of the solution is based on a semianalytical approach that assumes the contaminant source input can be represented by the superposition of a series of consecutive short dissolution pulses. The model accounts for possible solidification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds as the coal tar pool dissolves. A circular-shaped synthetic coal tar pool consisting of 22 components is used for model simulation. Simulations show that even after 130 years of dissolution, the coal tar pool remains a potential groundwater pollution threat despite a significant reduction in overall pool volume.  相似文献   

An effort has been made to demonstrate use of a small geotechnical centrifuge as a research tool to understand moisture migration in a silty soil. Such a basic study is essential for understanding the much more complex phenomenon of solute transport through a soil, where the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil-solute system play an important role. Present study indicates that the advection in soils is dependent on the state of the soil and, in particular, on its degree of saturation. The effect of pore structure on the advection process has also been demonstrated. The trends of experimental data indicate that modeling of models may be valid only for saturated soils.  相似文献   

Centrifuge Modeling of Torsionally Loaded Pile Groups   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports a series of centrifuge model tests on torsionally loaded 1×2, 2×2, and 3×3 pile groups in sand. The objectives of the paper are to investigate: (1) the response of the pile groups subjected to torsion; (2) the way in which the applied torque is transferred in the pile groups; (3) the internal forces mobilized in these torsionally loaded pile groups and their contributions to resist the applied torque; and (4) the influence factors that affect the load transfer, such as soil density and pile-cap connection. In these model tests, the group torsional resistances of the pile groups increased monotonically in the test range of twist angles up to 8°. Both torsional and lateral resistances of the individual piles were simultaneously mobilized to resist the applied torque. The torsional resistances were substantially mobilized at small twist angles, while the lateral resistances kept increasing in the whole range of twist angles. Thus, the contribution of the torsional resistances to the applied torque decreased at large twist angles. The piles at different locations in a pile group could develop not only different horizontal displacements, but also different pile–soil–pile interactions and load–deformation coupling effect, hence, the torsional and lateral resistances of the piles are a function of pile location. The soil density had a more significant effect on the torsional resistances than on the lateral resistances of the group piles.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a comparison of the linear wave analysis for four models of poroelastic materials. A nonlinear thermodynamical construction of a two-component model of such materials requires a dependence on the porosity gradient. In the linear version this dependence may or may not be present. Consequently, we may work with the model without a dependence on this gradient which is identical to Biot’s model or we can use the so-called full model. In both cases we can construct simplified models without a coupling between partial stresses introduced by Biot. These simplified models have the advantage that their application to, for instance, surface wave analysis yields much simpler mathematical problems. In the present work we show that such a simplification for granular materials leads to a good qualitative agreement of all four models in ranges of porosity and Poisson’s ratio commonly appearing in geotechnical applications. Quantitative differences depend on the mode of propagation and vary between 10 and 20%. We illustrate the analysis with a numerical example corresponding to data for sands. Simultaneously we demonstrate severe limitations of the applicability of Gassmann relations which yield an instability of models in a wide range of practically important values of parameters.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of six centrifuge model tests of liquefaction and earthquake-induced lateral spreading of fine Nevada sand using an inclined laminar box. The centrifuge experiments simulate a gently sloping, 10 m thick stratum of saturated homogeneous sand of infinite lateral extent and relative densities ranging from 45 to 75%. Such idealized models approach some field situations and they provide significant general insight into the basic mechanisms and parameters influencing the lateral spreading phenomenon. The layer was subjected to lateral base shaking with prototype peak acceleration ranging from 0.20 to 0.41 g, a frequency of 2 Hz, and duration of approximately 22 cycles. The simulated field slope angle was 5°. The model deposits were all saturated with a viscous fluid 50 times more viscous than water, so that testing under the increased gravitational field (50 g) produced a deposit with the prototype permeability of the same fine-grained sand saturated with water in the field. Detailed discussions and comparisons of the six centrifuge tests are included. The observed effects of relative density Dr and input peak acceleration amax on the following measured parameters are summarized: thickness of liquefied soil H1, permanent lateral displacement DH, and ground surface settlement S. Comparisons and discussions are also presented on the effect of permeability for a Dr = 45% deposit. This is done by comparing the results reported herein using a viscous pore fluid, with other published centrifuge tests where a similar deposit using the same model soil, also tested at 50 g and shaken with the same input motion, was saturated with water, thus simulating a prototype sand having 50 times the permeability of the fine sand reported in this paper.  相似文献   

Sand Transport in Nile River, Egypt   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Measurements of bed-load and suspended-load transport rates were carried out successfully at four cross sections of the Nile River, in Egypt, along the entire length from Aswan to Cairo using a mechanical sampler called the Delft Nile Sampler. The measured transport rates were compared to similar data sets from two other large scale rivers: the Rhine-Waal River in the Netherlands and the Mississippi River in the USA. The bed-load transport rates in the Nile River and in the Rhine-Waal River are in very good agreement. Comparison of suspended transport rates in the Nile River and in the Mississippi River shows that both data sets are complementary, revealing a very consistent trend of suspended transport against current velocity; suspended transport is roughly proportional to (Vav)3?to?4. Three formulas for the prediction of bed-load transport were tested using the Nile data: Meyer-Peter–Muller, Bagnold, and Van Rijn. The prediction formula of Van Rijn produced significantly better results than the other two formulas; the average relative error was about 60%. The formula of Van Rijn was modified to extend it to conditions with slightly nonuniform sediment mixtures by introducing a correction factor for the bed shear parameter. Based on a limited number of flume experiments, the correction factor was found to be dependent on the characteristics of the sediment mixture (d10, d50, d90, and σg). Comparison of bed-load transport measured in the Nile River with computed transport rates of the modified formula showed improved results; the average relative error decreased to about 30%. The formulas of Bagnold and Van Rijn were also used to compute the suspended transport rates in the Nile River. The computed transport rates were found to be within a factor of 2 of measured values; the formula of Bagnold performed slightly better. The total load transport formula of Engelund–Hansen was also successfully used (computed values within a factor of about 2 of measured values).  相似文献   

Pile Response to Lateral Spreads: Centrifuge Modeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents results of eight centrifuge models of vertical single piles and pile groups subjected to earthquake-induced liquefaction and lateral spreading. The centrifuge experiments, conducted in a slightly inclined laminar box subjected to strong in-flight base shaking, simulate a mild, submerged, infinite ground slope containing a 6-m-thick prototype layer of liquefiable Nevada sand having a relative density of 40%. Two- and three-layer soil profiles were used in the models, with a 2-m-thick nonliquefiable stratum placed below, and in some cases also above the liquefiable Nevada sand. The model piles had an effective prototype diameter, d, of 0.6 m. The eight pile models simulated single end-bearing and floating reinforced concrete piles with and without a reinforced concrete pile cap, and two 2×2 end-bearing pile groups. Bending moments were measured by strain gauges placed along the pile models. The base shaking liquefied the sand layer and induced free field permanent lateral ground surface displacements between 0.7 and 0.9 m. In all experiments, the maximum permanent bending moments, Mmax occurred at the boundaries between liquefied and nonliquefied layers; the prototype measured values of Mmax ranged between about 10 and 300 kN?m. In most cases the bending moments first increased and then decreased during the shaking, despite the continued increase in free field displacement, indicating strain softening of the soil around the deep foundation. The largest values of Mmax were associated with single end-bearing piles in the three-layer profile, and the smallest values of Mmax were measured in the end-bearing pile groups in the two-layer profile. The companion paper further analyzes the Mmax measured in the single pile models, and uses them to calibrate two limit equilibrium methods for engineering evaluation of bending moments in the field. These two methods correspond to cases controlled, respectively, by the pressure of liquefied soil, and by the passive pressure of nonliquefied layers on the pile foundation.  相似文献   

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