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When a fire occurs in a room at ground level or a compartment located in the higher floors of a very tall building , the strong ambient wind will play an important role in fire spreading and smoke movement behavior. However, wind effect on compartment fire in cross ventilation condition has not been fully studied so far. In the present study, an effort has been made to study the wind effect on compartment fire in cross ventilation condition through experimental investigations. The experimental fire was generated by 250 ml n-heptane on the floor center of a cube enclosure with two opposite vents on the walls. The inside and outside gas temperature profiles at different vertical and horizontal locations were recorded by two thermocouple matrixes. The ambient wind velocity was set to 0, 1.5 and 3 m s−1. It is observed that the ambient wind would enhance the fire severity by increasing the compartment fire temperature and reducing the time to flashover. The spilled-out flame/plume would extend horizontally farther with the increase of wind speed. Simple theoretical analysis shows that there is a critical wind velocity, or a dimensional number, to differentiate whether the gas flow across the vents is bidirectional or unidirectional, which is believed to influence enclosure fire behavior greatly.  相似文献   

This work deals with the interaction between water droplet flows and smoke in a fire event in a confined and ventilated enclosure. The objective is to identify the specific effect of water spray in the specific environment of a confined and ventilated enclosure. The study is based on 17 large-scale fire tests performed in one room of 165 m3 ventilated at a renewal rate of 15.4 h−1. The fire source is a propane gas burner with a heat release rate of between 140 and 290 kW. The water spray system consists of two Deluge nozzles with a nozzle coefficient of 26 l/min/bar0.5. The test parameters are the fire heat release rate, the water flow rate, from 50 to 124 l/min, and the activation time. The study focuses on three topics, the interaction of the droplets with the smoke, the droplet evaporation process and the energy transferred to the droplets. The water spray significantly modifies the smoke stratification by mixing and cooling the gas phase. The rate of droplet evaporation has been determined from the water mass balance and is of the same order of magnitude as the rate of water vapor production by the combustion reaction. Heat transfer from the smoke to the droplets has been investigated using the energy balance equation. For a fire scenario in a confined and ventilated enclosure, the energy released by the fire is mainly transferred to the walls and extracted by the ventilation network. In the event of water spray activation, a significant share, up to 65%, is transferred to the droplet flows.  相似文献   

A detailed investigation is described of the interaction between fire development, smoke production and radiative exchange in a half-scale ASTM compartment in which the source is a heptane pool fire. Measurements of heat flux, fuel mass loss rate, ventilation flow rates, temperature and soot volume fraction are reported for the compartment for varying door widths. Data from the compartment are compared with open pool fire measurements using the same equipment. The confined geometry is shown to exert a strong influence on pool fire development and suggests that considerable caution is needed in employing open pool fire data as boundary conditions for CFD simulation. Numerical simulations based on the direct calculation of radiative exchange between the liquid fuel surface, the smoke-laden environment and bounding walls do reproduce the behaviour observed when combustion, soot production and radiation are modelled in detail and finely resolved spatially.  相似文献   

Some modifications on Suzuki’s multi-layer zone model (MLZ) have been done to predict temperature and smoke distribution of a tunnel fires, i.e., the radiation heat loss of fire source is taken into account and a four-surface radiation heat transfer model is introduced. Like Suzuki’s model, as a special long and narrow space, the tunnel space is also divided into a number of layers in vertical direction and regions in longitudinal direction. The physical properties like temperature and species (CO, CO2, etc.) are assumed uniform in every zone like two-zone model. However, the different heat transfer model is introduced. The MLZ model prediction is compared with the experiments of USTC and CFD model (FDS). It shows good agreement between the model prediction, experiments and CFD models (FDS). And the MLZ model needs less time than CFD model.  相似文献   

Energy balance in a large compartment fire   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) are collaborating to assess and validate fire computer codes for nuclear power plant applications. This evaluation is being conducted through a series of benchmarking and validation exercises. The goal of the present study was to provide data from a large-scale fire test of a simulated nuclear power plant cable room. The experiments consisted of a hydrocarbon spray fire with a 1 MW heat release rate, burning in a single compartment 7 m wide, 22 m long, and 4 m high. Measurements included the vertical temperature profiles, heat flux to the compartment surfaces, the velocity and temperature at the compartment doorway, and the total heat release rate. From these measurements, an energy balance was considered, in which it was determined that nearly 74% of the fire's energy went to heat compartment surfaces, 22% escaped through the doorway, and 4% heated gases in the compartment.  相似文献   

Technical and pure grades of the combustibles heptane and dodecane were used in a series of small-scale fire tests conducted in a 1 m3 compartment that was mechanically ventilated at 5 and 8 air changes per hour (ACH). Combustible mass loss rates, soot mass concentrations, soot size distributions, several gas species concentrations, and compartment temperatures were measured during the fire. Results for the two pure-grade hydrocarbons were compared with results obtained for their respective technical grades. Technical-grade dodecane produced the highest soot emissions; pure n-heptane produced the lowest. Soot size distributions of all four combustibles attained a steady profile whose modal diameter was about 200 nm. Underventilated fires showed higher carbon monoxide yields than soot yields. Both compartment ventilation rates produced similar results, although the fire self-extinguished earlier for 5 ACH.  相似文献   

In this work, a numerical model of tunnel fire is developed and aimed to investigate the influence of cross-sectional fire locations on critical velocity and smoke flow characteristic. It is shown that the critical velocity for a fire next to the wall is obviously higher than that for a fire in the middle or on the left/right lane. The ratio is estimated to be 1.12. The predictions of critical velocity from ‘small-fire’ models show a good agreement with that for a fire in the middle or on the left/right lane from CFD. The tunnel height at the fire location is proposed to be instead of the hydraulic tunnel height in the ‘big-fire’ model of Wu and Bakar for a fire next to the wall. The smoke moves backward in a tongue like form as the ventilation velocity is lower than the critical velocity. The back-layering length of a fire in the middle is shown to be approximate twice than that on the left/right lane under the same ventilation velocity, although they share the same critical velocity. Whereas a relatively short back-layering length for a fire next to the wall under the velocity of 2.6 and 2.7 m/s. In addition, a snaky high-temperature profile on the top wall at the initial downstream is observed for a fire on the left lane and next to the wall, and finally a steady and layered smoke flow. The likely cause of this phenomenon is subsequently explained in this study.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental study and analysis on the facade flame height ejected from an opening of fire compartment under external wind. Experiments are carried out in a reduced-scale model consisting of a cubic fire compartment with a vertical facade wall. An opening is designed at the center of one sidewall of the fire compartment at the facade side and subjected to external wind (normal to the opening) provided by a wind tunnel. The facade flame heights are measured by a CCD camera for five different openings at various fuel supply heat release rates and wind speeds. It is found that the facade flame height decreases with increasing external wind speed. A scaling analysis is performed to interpret this behavior based on the change of air entrainment into the flame from both the facing-facade and parallel-facade directions caused by the external wind flow. A global model incorporating the external wind speed, the two characteristic length scales of the opening as well as the dimensionless excess heat release rate is developed for describing the facade flame height of various conditions. The proposed model correlates the experimental data well.  相似文献   

Aircraft cargo compartment fire detection and smoke transport modeling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The US Federal Aviation Administration, along with other regulatory agencies, requires that cargo compartments on passenger carrying aircraft be equipped with fire detection and suppression systems. Current regulations require that the detection system alarms within 1 min of the start of a fire and flight tests are required to demonstrate compliance with these regulations. Due to the high costs of flight tests, extensive ground certification tests are typically conducted to ensure that the detection system will meet the time to alarm requirements during the flight tests. For the purpose of improving the detection system design and certification process, a transient computational fluid dynamics computer code for the prediction of smoke, heat, and gas species transport in cargo compartments has been developed. This simulation tool couples heat, mass, and momentum transfer in a body-fitted coordinate system in order to handle a variety of cargo bay shapes and sizes. Ideally, such a physics-based simulation tool can be used during the certification process to identify worst case locations for fires, optimum placement of detector sensors within the cargo compartment, and sensor alarm levels and algorithms needed to achieve detection within the required time. Validation of the model was completed, and comparison of the predicted results with the results obtained from full-scale fire tests in a variety of actual aircraft cargo compartments provides insight into the model capabilities.  相似文献   

Reliable and comprehensive measurement data from large-scale fire tests are needed for validation of computer fire models, but is subject to various uncertainties, including radiation errors in temperature measurement. Here, a simple method for post-processing thermocouple data is demonstrated, within the scope of a series of large-scale fire tests, in order to establish a well characterised dataset of physical parameter values which can be used with confidence in model validation. Sensitivity analyses reveal the relationship of the correction uncertainty to the assumed optical properties and the thermocouple distribution. The analysis also facilitates the generation of maps of an equivalent radiative flux within the fire compartment, a quantity which usefully characterises the thermal exposures of structural components. Large spatial and temporal variations are found, with regions of most severe exposures not being collocated with the peak gas temperatures; this picture is at variance with the assumption of uniform heating conditions often adopted for post-flashover fires.  相似文献   

The Fire Dynamic Simulator code is used to investigate fire spread and smoke movement in a large underground car park under different fire scenarios. Initially, by comparing with experimental results of heat release rate of a single car fire, the development of car fire is designed by letting surface densities of the fuel over the car. Fire spread and movement of smoke are then investigated under different ventilation conditions. Simulated results show that the development of car fire in the underground car park can be classified into four stages; namely an initial stage, a developed stage, an extinction and re-burning stage and another fast-developed stage. Affected by ventilation systems, fire develops rapidly resulting in consuming most oxygen quickly followed by early extinction of the fire. After extinction of the fire, with more ambient air drawn into the car park due to ventilation, re-ignition takes place with accelerated development. In addition, detailed field distributions of temperature and velocity vectors are given. It is found that the smoke layer decent to the top of the car after 15 min and the hot smoke flows in a disorderly manner resulting in the spread of fire more rapidly.  相似文献   

This paper presents an image-processing technique for automatic real-time flame and smoke detection in a tunnel environment. To avoid the large-scale damage caused by fire occurring in different environments, there are many studies about discovering and minimizing an incident as fast as possible. However, we need an original algorithm specialized for a tunnel fire, because this environment is quite different and it is difficult to apply existing fire detection algorithms to a tunnel environment. Therefore, this paper proposes an original algorithm that applies to a tunnel environment. Color and motion information are used to minimize false detections in tunnels, and this information enables us to detect the exact position of an event at an early stage, by detection, test, and verification procedures. The experimental results show the validity and efficiency of the proposed algorithms by a comparison of the characteristics of each algorithm.  相似文献   

以北京太阳星城特殊结构的地下车库为背景,通过列举该车库划分防火分区的不同方案,说明了防火分区设计方案的多样化。分析了防火分区对消防联动系统工程的控制和投资产生的影响,论述了减少防火卷帘门的数量和降低其机械故障是规避风险的关键。  相似文献   

For properly describing practical building fire processes with solid combustibles, the pyrolysis kinetics model of solid combustibles and the large eddy simulation (LES) approach are applied to the simulation of the thermal decomposition of the polyurethane foam (PUF) slab and the space fire spread in a compartment. The instantaneous variations of the heat release rate of the PUF slab, the smoke temperature, and the smoke interface height with time are obtained under different ventilation conditions. They are in agreement with the measured data. The ventilation conditions have distinct effects on the interactions between the pyrolysis of the PUF slab and the space fire spread. Influenced by the space fire spread, the heat flux on the top plane of the PUF slab exhibits a non-uniform distribution. The PUF slab is consumed in an asymmetric manner.  相似文献   

运用FDS模拟室内火灾烟气的运动规律,分析烟气层稳定性,以及门的尺寸、火源位置和火源面积对烟气温度及高度的影响。结果表明,具有稳定热释放速率的火源,燃烧一段时间后烟气层高度不会随时间发生变化;烟气层高度随门的高度和宽度增加而升高;火源处于房间中心时,烟气层高度随着门宽度增加迅速升高,与门高度的关系较小;随着火源面积增加,烟气层高度下降,温度升高。  相似文献   

The Fire Dynamics Simulator code is used to investigate the smoke filling process in a large building. Initially, the model is used to simulate the smoke descending process in an atrium under fire scenarios. By comparing with experimental data, reasonable model constants of CsCs and PrtPrt are determined for simulating smoke movement in buildings with large space. The performance of different smoke exhaust methods in a real gymnasium is then studied. Smoke filling processes are investigated under different natural and enhanced smoke exhaust methods. Simulated results show that natural smoke exhaust method is preferred when the smoke exhaust vents are located at the ceiling of the gymnasium. On the other hand, when the smoke exhaust vents are located on the walls of the gymnasium, enhanced smoke exhaust methods are preferred. In addition, the influence of ceiling temperature in the gymnasium on the smoke spreading process is presented in this paper. Results indicate that high ceiling temperature slows down the so-called smoke ceiling jet moving horizontally at the ceiling, whereas low ceiling temperature accelerates such smoke ceiling jets.  相似文献   

以某含有顶商业步行街的购物中心为例,探讨步行街作为防火隔离带的可行性,采取相应的强化消防措施,如限定商铺面积、商铺设计为独立的防火单元等,并利用FDS对建筑火灾、烟气蔓延和热辐射情况进行分析,结果表明步行街作为防火分隔理论可行,实际中还应加强消防管理。  相似文献   

对新提出的“体防火分区”方式 ,就其设计依据、执行规范、实用价值、经济效果 ,以及工程实例中存在的危险性 ,提出商榷。  相似文献   

Cisek  Tadeusz  Piechocki  Jacek 《Fire Technology》1985,21(2):122-133
The influence of three fire retardant agents: Polichron, Pyrolak W-10, and Pyrolak W-10 + Pyrolak W-1 on smoke density of pine wood, plywood, soft hardboard and tough hardboard was investigated. Surface samples of 25 cm2 (5 × 5 cm) were used and the heat flux was varied over the range of 1.0 to 4.0 W/cm2. Reference: Tadeusz Cisek and Jacek Piechocki, Influence of Fire Retardants on Smoke Generation from Wood and Wood Derived Materials,Fire Technology, Vol. 21, No. 2, May 1985, p. 122.  相似文献   

Heat exhaust coefficient of transversal smoke extraction system in tunnel under fire is studied by experimental means with a 1:10 model tunnel using Froude scaling. Heat exhaust coefficient is defined as the proportion of the heat exhausted by individual exhaust inlet, smoke duct and exhaust fans in total heat released by the fire in the tunnel, respectively. Results of a series of fire tests in a model tunnel are presented. Heat exhaust coefficient of single exhaust inlet and the smoke duct are strongly influenced by the configuration of the exhaust inlets. Heat exhaust coefficient of the exhaust fans varies in the range of 13–20% and is smaller than the heat exhaust coefficient of the smoke duct which varies from 17% to 83% and tends to be about 35% with the increase of the total area of the exhaust inlets. Activating small number of the exhaust inlets is beneficial for enhancing the heat exhaust coefficient of the smoke duct. The heat exhaust coefficient of the smoke duct and exhaust fans is high when the exhaust inlets are set close to the fire. Due to the cooling effect of the solid boundaries on the smoke while traveling in the tunnel and smoke duct, the heat exhaust coefficient of the exhaust fans in unilateral exhaust mode is slightly smaller than that in bilateral exhaust mode.  相似文献   

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