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Changes in starch content and amylase zymograms were followed during storage of Golden Delicious and Cox's Orange Pippin apples. Although the former was stored at 3-4 degrees C under controlled atmosphere (3--4% O2; 7--8% CO2 by volume) and the latter in air at 17 degrees C, in both, the multiple forms of amylases remained active, even after the starch content decreased to zero. It is the lack of starch substrate, therefore, rather than of enzymes that limits the amylase action in the stored apple.  相似文献   

Summary Acetone powders derived from Golden Delicious apples stored under controlled atmosphere (CA) at 3–4 °C for a total period of 236 days and Cox's Orange Pippin (Cox) apples stored in air at 17 °C for a total period of 70 days were used as sources for estimation of esterase activity and zymogram patterns. For Golden Delicious apples, esterase activity remained constant until the 152nd day of storage, after which it decreased. For Cox apples, it remained constant for 39 days then increased. In both varieties, although stored unter extremely different conditions, the zymograms remained constant. Characterization of esterase by incubating with di-isopropyl-fluorophosphate (DFP) (10–4 M) andp-chloromercuribenzoate (PCMB) (10–3 M) for 24 h, indicated that esterase systems in Golden Delicious apples were more susceptible to inhibition by DFP than those of Cox apples. Conversely PCMB had a greater effect on Cox esterase systems than on Golden Delicious.
Esterase-Aktivität und Zymogramme von Acetonpulvern aus Lageräpfeln der Sorten Golden Delicious und Cox's Orange Pippin
Zusammenfassung Acetonpulver von Golden Delicious-Äpfeln, die in kontrollierter Atmosphäre bei 3–4 °C 236 Tage gelagert wurden, und von Cox's Orange Pippin (Cox)-Äpfeln, die in Luft bei 17°C 70 Tage gelagert wurden, dienten zur Bestimmung der Esterase-Aktivität und für die Zymogramme.Die Golden Delicious-Esterase-aktivität blieb bis zum 152. Tag der Lagerung konstant und nahm dann ab. Die Cox-Esterase-aktivität blieb 39 Tage konstant und stieg danach an. Die Zymogramme beider Äpfelsorten wiesen während der Lagerung keine Veränderungen auf, ungeachtet der wesentlich ungleichen Lagerungsbedingungen.Eine Incubation mit Di-isopropyl-fluorophosphat (DFP, 10–4 mol/1) und mit p-Chlormercuribenzoat (PCMB, 10–3 mol/1) zeigte, daß Golden Delicious-Esterase gegenüber DFP-Hemmung empfindlicher ist als Cox. Hinsichtlich der PCMB-Hemmung zeigte sich gerade das Umgekehrte.

Pre-harvest spraying of orchard trees with aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) suppressed ethylene production in apples at picking and during barn storage. Fruit firmness was not affected at harvest, but the fruit softened more slowly and remained greener longer after picking. Changes in volatile aroma components were noted and autocatalytic stimulation of ethylene was not possible. AVG did not reduce the acceptability of the fruit at harvest time: subsequently an increased preference for fruits from unsprayed trees was shown by a sensory assessment panel.  相似文献   

Mineral analyses have been made of the seeds of developing Cox's Orange Pippin apples in three seasons. Some results are also given for stems and flesh. There are unexplained variations in the Na content of seeds in that the Na concentration appears to be at a minimum in the three or four weeks near harvest. Changes in mineral composition of the fruit as a whole, though similar in direction, were different in magnitude from those previously reported for fruit from the same source. This further emphasises the marked effect of season on the chemical composition of apples.  相似文献   

The responses of Bramleys and Coxs apples to modified atmosphere (MA) retail packaging were studied in samples of fruit removed from controlled-atmosphere (CA) storage at monthly intervals through the marketing season, packed in MA or perforated control packs and held under simulated marketing conditions at 15C. The degree of modification of the pack atmospheres and the effects of MA packaging on fruit ripening changes were influenced by the duration and conditions of storage prior to packing. In addition, differential effects of MA packaging on the extent of retardation of flesh softening and skin yellowing were found as the storage period was extended. During 2 or 4 weeks at 15C, however, MA packs made from low density polyethylene (LDPE, 30 p) were effective in retarding changes in firmness and skin colour of Bramleys, previously stored for < 22 weeks (October-March) in 8% C02+ 13% O2 or for < 30 weeks (October-May) in 6% C02+3% 02. Similarly, during a 2-week marketing period at 15C, LDPE or ethylenevinylacetate (EVA, 30 II.) MA packs were effective in retarding some ripening changes in Coxs previously stored for < 31 weeks (Oc- tober-May) in < 1% C02+1.25% 02. The practical benefits of MA retail packaging for the marketing of apples are also discussed.  相似文献   

In the dry grind process, corn is ground, mixed with process water and cooked; starch is enzymatically hydrolyzed to sugars, and subsequently fermented to ethanol by yeast. The conversion of starch into ethanol, however, is not complete as distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) often contain more than 5% starch. The amount of unreacted starch represents inefficiencies in the process and reducing this amount is important to improving profitability of the ethanol industry. Additionally, dry grind facilities have reported seasonal variation in ethanol yields. In order to minimize variation in ethanol yields and the amount of unreacted starch in DDGS, it is important to understand the effects that storage temperature and time have on the digestibility of the corn starch. While starch quality is largely controlled by genetics and growing conditions, postharvest practices (handling, storage, and processing conditions) also affect starch composition and structure. In this study, changes in unreacted starch content of corn during storage were monitored to provide an explanation for the seasonal variation in ethanol yields observed by dry grind facilities. Yellow dent corn was harvested in 2011 and 2012 and stored indoors, outdoors, and under refrigeration for 5–12 mo. Results with the 2011 harvest corn showed unreacted starch content ranging from 2.17 to 14.1% over a 48 wk period. Unreacted starch was more influenced by storage time, initially decreasing at a rate of 0.31% per wk during the first 10 wk and steadily increased at an average rate of 0.16% per wk for the duration of storage. Results with the 2012 harvest corn, however, showed a higher average unreacted starch content of 13.0% during 20 wk of storage and no appreciable change in unreacted starch content regardless of storage temperature.  相似文献   

The firmness and mean fruit weight, at harvest, of Cox's Orange Pippin apples from a soil management and N fertiliser trial planted in 1972 were measured from 1979 to 1985 (excluding 1984). Trees growing in overall herbicide, or in 0.3-m herbicide-treated strips with irrigated grassed alleyways, produced significantly softer and/or larger apples than those from trees growing in unirrigated grass with narrow (0.3 m) or wide (1.7 m) herbicide-treated strips in 1982 and 1983. Both these years had drier than average summers. N fertiliser applied annually produced slightly larger and softer apples at 189 kg N ha?1 than at 63 kg N ha?1.  相似文献   

The sensory shelf‐life of Golden Delicious fresh‐cut apples, dipped in 10 g L?1 ascorbic acid and 5 g L?1 calcium chloride and packaged under different modified atmosphere conditions, was assessed throughout refrigerated storage. An initial atmosphere of 0 kPa O2 and plastic packages of an O2 permeability of 15 cm3 m?2 bar?1 day?1 were very effective in preserving the initial colour and firmness of apple cubes during at least 3 weeks of storage. These conditions resulted in increased respiration coefficients, which curbed the product consumer acceptance beyond the second week of storage. However, reduced ethylene and CO2 production limited the appearance of fermentative metabolites during this period.  相似文献   

Transverse concentration gradients differed between Cox and Spartan apples: Spartan apples had higher proportions of calcium and phosphorus in the core, and Cox apples had higher proportions of phosphorus in the inner cortex. Differences in magnesium gradients varied with year. Fruit variety had little effect on longitudinal gradients.  相似文献   

Golden Delicious apple fruits untreated (control) or treated pre-harvest with the ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) were stored at 2°C under either ambient pressure or low pressure (6.7 kPa; LPS). The production of aroma volatiles during post-storage periods at 20°C was measured on fruits stored for 3, 5, 7 and 9 months. Aroma production of AVG- or LPS-treated fruits immediately after storage was considerably lower. However, after 14 days at 20°C, aroma production almost reached values for control fruits (AVG fruits had to be treated with 50 μl C2H4 litre?1). After the longer storage this effect of a post-storage period at 20°C declined gradually and finally was almost absent. Only a post-storage period at 2°C in a normal atmosphere followed by a period at 20°C was now able to partially revive long-stored fruits from this ‘residual’ effect of AVG or LPS. It is suggested that changes in the sensitivity of fruits to C2H4 are responsible for the observed decline in aroma production.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In managing apple orchards, crop load and rate of nitrogen (N) fertilisation are two factors with a significant influence on fruit quantity and quality, because they affect all physiological processes in the tree. Both factors are strongly related to external and internal fruit quality, especially to skin colour, sugar and acid contents and mineral composition, and consequently to the keeping quality of fruits. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of both factors (three crop load levels and two N fertilisation levels) on the colour development of Golden Delicious apples during the last month on the tree in two consecutive seasons. Data on skin colour (L*, a*, b* values) were analysed using nonlinear mixed effects modelling to extract information on the variation in biological shift factor for colour and to link this variation to the different strategies used concerning N fertilisation and crop load. RESULTS: The major source of information is contained in the a* value. The behaviour of the a* value could be described by a logistic or an exponential model depending on the season and the experimental set‐up. Nonlinear mixed effects analysis estimating the biological shift factor (maturity) for each individual fruit (random effect) while estimating the rate constant of the decolouration process in common (fixed effect) resulted in explained parts well over 95%. CONCLUSION: The variation in maturity stage between individual fruits is large. Season has the most profound effect on the estimated values, far more important than that of crop load or fertilisation level. The magnitude of variation in colour due to crop load and N fertilisation is not too large. Its effect on the maturity stage of fruits is more profound: the higher the crop load, the higher the variation. The effect of fertilisation seems to be opposite: the higher the fertilisation level, the lower the variation. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria were isolated from fresh vegetables and fruit and its ability to inhibit the growth of foodborne human pathogens (Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium, and Staphylococcus aureus) was tested using the agar spot assay. Eighteen isolates showed a strong antagonistic capacity and were further characterised and identified using 16S rDNA sequencing and API 50CH. Most of them pertained to Leuconostoc spp. and Lactobacillus plantarum, and a few corresponded to Weissella spp. and Lactococcus lactis. Growth and efficacy of control of foodborne pathogen test bacteria by selected strains were tested in wounded Golden Delicious apples and Iceberg lettuce leaf cuts. The strains grew on the substrates and did not cause negative effects on the general aspect of tissues of apple or lettuce. Treatment of apple wounds and lettuce cuts with the antagonistic strains reduced the cell count of S. typhimurium and E .coli by 1 to 2 log cfu/wound or g, whereas the growth of L. monocytogenes was completely inhibited. Results support the potential use of lactic acid bacteria as bioprotective agents against foodborne human pathogens in ready-to-eat fresh fruit and vegetable products.  相似文献   

The shelf life quality of freshly harvested Golden Delicious apples coated with three individually developed lipid/hydrocolloid coatings was assessed throughout refrigerated storage. The apples were monitored for 8 weeks. The coatings resulted in low internal O2 and the least loss of fruit firmness when compared with the non‐coated apple group. The coated apples had very little starch breakdown, minimum flesh colour development, or loss of titratable acidity content. Soluble solids and fresh weight loss remained unchanged for both the non‐coated and coated groups. Sensory analysis confirmed that the coated apples maintained consistent quality in firmness, crispness and juiciness throughout the storage period.  相似文献   

Nitrification of mineralised NH4-N was enhanced by long-term laboratory storage in polyethylene bags. Such storage caused a slight decrease in soil pH, possibly due to release of acids from decomposing organic matter. Long-term oven-drying of soils released substantial amounts of NH4-N; the NO3-N remained practically unchanged. The magnitude of released NH4-N was noted to be dependent upon the organic matter content of soils. It was speculated that the released NH4-N came from the splitting of ammonium from N-bearing organic compounds in these soils.  相似文献   

Concentrations of dry matter, nitrogen and major mineral constituents in samples of Cox's Orange Pippin and Crispin fruit from interplanted trees were measured for 4 years. Similar measurements were made over a 6 year period in Cox and Spartan fruit samples from trees interplanted in another orchard. Concentrations varied greatly in all varieties from year to year. In comparison with Cox, fruit calcium concentrations were higher for a given mean mass per apple in Crispin in all years and in Spartan for 4 of the 6 years at harvest. Concentrations of nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus were lower in Crispin and Spartan than in Cox fruit at harvest in all years, but dry matter and sodium concentrations differed only in some years. Changes in concentrations during fruit growth were measured in 2 years for each comparison. Differences between nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations in either Crispin or Spartan and Cox apples were evident throughout fruitlet enlargement in both years. Calcium concentrations were higher in Crispin and Spartan fruitlets than in Cox fruitlets of equivalent mass. Variations in the concentrations of potassium, magnesium and calcium from tree to tree were greater for Cox than Crispin samples but relationships between potassium and magnesium concentrations were similar for both varieties.  相似文献   

As a part of the project for detecting bruises on Golden Delicious apple using vision system, the present paper shows a method that could separate the stem-end/calyx regions from the true bruises by combining the information of hyperspectral reflectance and fluorescence images. The images were scanned between 400 nm and 1,000 nm with a hyperspectral imaging system. Different light sources were constructed for capturing the reflectance and fluorescent images. Compared to the reflectance signal, the fluorescence signatures are much less intense, so that only the fluorescence of chlorophyll waveband was further examined (i.e., 685 nm). The analysis showed that the Principal Components scores images, which were based on the reflectance images, can be used for separating the bruised areas as well as the stem-end/calyx regions from the sound apple tissues; whereas only the stem-end/calyx was able to be recognized from the fluorescence images. For the samples investigated in this study, no stem-end/calyx regions were misrecognized as bruises; however, about 12% of bruised surfaces were misclassified as stem-end or calyx regions. All of the healthy tissues were correctly recognized as non-stem-end/calyx regions. The classification results indicated that combining multispectral reflectance and fluorescence imaging may help to identify the stem-end/calyx regions from the true bruised tissue and therefore to improve the accuracy for bruise detection on Golden Delicious apples.  相似文献   

以干装苹果罐头为研究对象,采用TPA质构分析和乙醇不溶物(AIR)法,研究干装苹果罐头(4±1) ℃和常温贮藏过程中质地和细胞壁组分的变化,并探讨其质地参数和细胞壁组分变化的相关性。结果表明,低温贮藏能延缓干装苹果罐头质地和细胞壁组分的变化,(4±1) ℃贮藏的在24个月时硬度、回复性、咀嚼性、内聚性的变化率分别为0.74%、1.92%、0.25%、0,水溶性果胶(WSF)降低率为5.45%、螯合剂溶性果胶(CSF)和碳酸钠溶性果胶(NSF)升高8.88%和24.49%、半纤维素组分(HF)降低14.15%;常温贮藏的在12个月时硬度、回复性、咀嚼性、内聚性的降低率分别为3.93%、3.85%、11.36%、3.45%,WSF降低率为7.27%、CSF和NSF升高0.58%和4.08%、HF降低14.41%,质地参数与WSF呈负相关,与CSF、NSF、HF呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

为了探讨贮藏时间对苹果(等外果)汁挥发性成分的影响,采用静态顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用技术,分别分析富士和秦冠2个品种(等外果)苹果汁在25℃贮藏1、2、4、8和16周时挥发性成分的组成,对苹果汁中5类37种挥发性成分进行了定量分析,主要包括:酯类、醇类、醛类、酮类和酸类化合物。测定结果表明,富士和秦冠(等外果)苹果汁中主要挥发性成分包括:丁酸乙酯、2-甲基丁酸乙酯、乙酸丁酯、乙酸己酯、丁酸己酯、乙酸戊酯、1-丁醇、3-甲基-1-丁醇、正己醇、己醛、(E)-2-己烯醛、β-大马酮和香叶基丙酮,两种苹果汁贮藏16周后挥发性成分的保留率在87%以上,酯类、醇类和酮类挥发性成分呈下降趋势,醛类成分上升趋势明显,2种苹果汁中单一挥发性组分呈现不同的变化规律。此结果可为苹果(等外果)汁的挥发性成分利用和品质控制提供科学依据。  相似文献   

C. Y. Lee 《Food chemistry》1986,20(4):285-293
Up to 3 weeks before harvest time the provitamin A carotene content of carrots increased as they matured, and then decreased. During post-harvest storage at 2°C and 90% relative humidity (RH), the levels of alpha- and beta-carotene, which made up over 85% of the total carotene, increased slowly during the first 100-day storage, but decreased thereafter. Treatment of carrots with 2-(4-chlorophenylthio)triethylamine HCl (CPTA) resulted in reduction of total carotenoids and inhibited the enzymatic cyclization of neurosprene, with concomitant increase in the lycopene content during storage. The biosynthesis of carotenes in carrots during storage appears to follow the established pathways for tomatoes.  相似文献   

目的 基于近红外光谱技术结合偏最小二乘(Partial least square, PLS)法和最小二乘支持向量机回归(Least square-support vector regression, LS-SVR)法建立苹果气调贮藏期可溶性固形物(Soluble solids contents, SSC)含量预测模型。方法 在分析了气调贮藏期苹果细胞结构和SSC变化的基础上,采集了可见-近红外(Visible-near infrared, Vis-NIR)波段和长波近红外(Long wave near infrared, LWIR)波段下不同贮藏时间的苹果漫反射光谱信息,利用主成分分析方法(Principal component analysis,PCA)分析不同贮藏期苹果光谱信息分布特征,使用Kennard-Stone(K-S)算法以3:1比例对样本集进行划分,使用多元散射校正(Multiplicative scatter correction, MSC)和SG(Savitzky-Golay)平滑对光谱进行预处理,利用连续投影算法(Successive projections algorithm, SPA)和竞争自适应重加权采样(Competitive adaptive reweighted sampling, CARS)法对光谱进行特征波长提取,并建立SSC预测模型。结果 在LWIR波段下,经MSC预处理和CARS提取特征波长后建立的PLS模型取得了较好的预测精度,模型相关系数为0.900,均方根误差为0.478;经MSC、SG平滑预处理和CARS提取特征波长后建立的LS-SVR模型取得了更好的预测精度,模型相关系数为0.927,均方根误差为0.507。结论 构建的基于可见/近红外光谱无损预测模型可实现对气调贮藏期苹果SSC的准确预测,为高效贮藏技术提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

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