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A unique heterodimerization pathway involving orphan receptors TR2 and TR4 is demonstrated. TR2 and TR4 preferentially form heterodimers in solution as well as on DNA elements containing a direct repeat-5 (DR5). The in vitro interaction between TR2 and TR4 is demonstrated by the yeast and the mammalian two-hybrid interaction assays, the pull-down assay, and the gel mobility shift assay. The in vivo interaction is demonstrated by following the intracellular localization of fusion receptors tagged with a green fluorescent protein. The dimerization is mediated by the ligand binding domains, and the three leucine residues on helix 10 of TR2 are critical for this interaction. In addition, coexpression of these two receptors exerts a much stronger repressive activity on a DR5-containing reporter than expressing either receptor alone. In the developing testis, TR2 and TR4 are coexpressed in the same testicular cell populations and exhibit a parallel pattern of expression along development. The preferential heterodimerization between TR2 and TR4 and their coexistence in specific germ cell populations suggest a physiological role of TR2/TR4 heterodimers in germ cell development.  相似文献   

The main purposes of this study were to investigate the best parameter for describing gallbladder emptying and whether gallbladder bile emptying should be induced with a bolus injection or continuous infusion of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-8). METHODS: Gallbladder emptying was measured by dynamic cholescintigraphy. Twelve healthy subjects and six patients with gallstones were examined twice with CCK-8 infusion cholescintigraphy, 0.3 ng CCK-8 kg per min for 60 min under identical circumstances. Another six healthy subjects randomly received bolus injection (0.04 microgram/kg) and infusion of CCK-8 (0.3 ng/kg per min for 60 min), respectively, during cholescintigraphy on two separate occasions. The choice of bolus dose was based on recommendations from the CCK-8 manufacturer. The infusion dose was chosen to produce plasma CCK concentrations similar to postprandial plasma CCK levels. RESULTS: A parameter of gallbladder emptying, mean ejection fraction (EF), was defined as 100% minus the area under the time-activity curve normalized to 100% and divided by the time interval from maximum to minimum counts per minute. This parameter proved superior to the well known parameters, EFmax. and EF30, in regard to reproducibility in healthy subjects. The slope of the regression line for the mean EF was 0.998 and the intercept value approximately 0% (p = 0.0001). The mean coefficient of variation was 4%. Apart from a higher mean coefficient of variation, similar reproducibility results were seen in the six patients. The measurements of EF30 in healthy subjects scattered more widely around the mean compared to the mean EF and EFmax, which indicates poorer ability to separate normal from abnormal gallbladder emptying. Intravenous bolus injection of CCK-8 resulted in incomplete gallbladder emptying with a mean EF value of 16% (s.d. 9%; range 7%-32%) compared to 49% (s.d. 7%; range 37%-57%) following CCK-8 infusion (p = 0.004). Abdominal discomfort was observed in all subjects after administration of the bolus injection, whereas no complaints were reported during infusion. CONCLUSION: Mean EF is the best parameter for describing gallbladder emptying. Moreover, slow infusion of a physiological dose of CCK-8 is preferable to induce gallbladder emptying because it results in more complete emptying and has no side effects.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Affections of the lacrimal drainage system are often seen by ophthalmologists. Inspection, palpation, diagnostic rinsing and sounding can distinguish anatomical stops before or after tear sac. For final diagnostics however more apparative examinations are necessary. The ultrasonic examination with contrast media is a simple method for diagnostics of affections of the lacrimal drainage system besides the dacryocystography, the scintigraphy and other ones. PATIENTS AND METHODS: On 12 patients with a dysfunctional lacrimal drainage system and 12 normal controls the ultrasonic examination with instillation of contrast media: silicon oil, glycerine, dispersions of almond oil and viscoelastic substances was performed. All examinations were performed with the 13 B-scan. RESULTS: The lacrimal drainage way was detectable from the canaliculus to the middle nasolacrimal duc CONCLUSION: An additional advantage of the ultrasonic examination with contrast-media is the neglect of radiation, the simple and often repeatable examination method, especially the enhancement of the contrast of different valves and stenoses and mucinous deposits in stationary anatomical variations and dynamic defects.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence analysis indicates that the human TR4 orphan receptor (TR4) is a member of the estrogen/thyroid receptor subfamily of the steroid/thyroid receptor superfamily and recognizes the AGGTCA direct repeat (DR) of the hormone response element. Here we demonstrate using the electrophoretic mobility shift assay that TR4 binds specifically to DR with a spacing of 1 and 5 base pairs (DR1 and DR5), which are the response elements for retinoic acid receptor (RAR) and retinoid X receptor (RXR), respectively. A reporter gene assay using chloramphenicol acetyltransferase demonstrated that TR4 repressed RA-induced transactivation in a TR4 dose-dependent manner. Inhibition of the retinoid signal pathway also occurs through natural response elements found in CRBPII and RARbeta genes. Our data suggest that the mechanism of repression may not involve the formation of functionally inactive heterodimers between TR4 and RAR or RXR. Instead, we show that TR4 may compete for hormone response elements with RAR and RXR due to its higher binding affinity. Furthermore, treatment of F9 murine teratocarcinoma (F9) cells with 10(-6) M all-trans-retinoic acid increased TR4 mRNA levels, and this change was accompanied by an increased amount of endogenous TR4 protein that can bind to RXRE in electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Our data therefore strongly suggest that the retinoid signal pathway can be regulated by TR4 in a negative feedback control mechanism, which may restrict retinoic acid signaling to certain elements in a cell-specific fashion.  相似文献   

Previously we reported than BO-IMI, a reagent which contains a BODIPY fluorophore linked to an imidazole group, can be used to covalently label a phosphomonoester in a single step under aqueous conditions [P. Wang, R.W. Giese, Anal. Chem. 65 (1993) 3518]. The reaction was conducted in the presence of a water-soluble carbodiimide 1-ethyl-3-(3'-N,N'-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide [EDC] to activate the phosphomonoester, and the coupling took place onto both the N1 and N3 imidazole nitrogens of BO-IMI. Whether the two BO-IMI-phosphomonoester regioisomers migrated separately or together during capillary electrophoresis depended on the pH, due to a difference in their pKa values. Since then, we have studied the reaction in more detail leading to the information reported here. First, we have learned that the regioisomer ratio changes during the course of the reaction, and found that the mechanism involves both spontaneous and BO-IMI-catalyzed hydrolysis of the less stable isomer. Second, there is a background reaction in which BO-IMI becomes attached to EDC. Third, the BO-IMI-phosphomonoester product (a mixture of two isomers), that is observed by capillary electrophoresis at an alkaline pH, is found to no longer contain the two fluorine atoms present in the starting BO-IMI reagent. This is because they are placed by hydroxy groups at high pH. Finally, an event was discovered which complicates the detection of less than about 60 fmol of a phosphomonoester with BO-IMI: hydrolysis of a tiny fraction of the BO-IMI takes place during the coupling reaction, which leads to chemical noise in the capillary electropherogram.  相似文献   

From a database containing the published nuclear hormone receptor (NR) sequences I constructed an alignment of the C, D and E domains of these molecules. Using this alignment, I have performed tree reconstruction using both distance matrix and parsimony analysis. The robustness of each branch was estimated using bootstrap resampling methods. The trees constructed by these two methods gave congruent topologies. From these analyses I defined six NR subfamilies: (i) a large one clustering thyroid hormone receptors (TRs), retinoic acid receptors (RARs), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), vitamin D receptors (VDRs) and ecdysone receptors (EcRs) as well as numerous orphan receptors such as RORs or Rev-erbs; (ii) one containing retinoid X receptors (RXRs) together with COUP, HNF4, tailless, TR2 and TR4 orphan receptors; (iii) one containing steroid receptors; (iv) one containing the NGFIB orphan receptors; (v) one containing FTZ-F1 orphan receptors; and finally (vi) one containing to date only one gene, the GCNF1 orphan receptor. The relationships between the six subfamilies are not known except for subfamilies I and IV which appear to be related. Interestingly, most of the liganded receptors appear to be derived when compared with orphan receptors. This suggests that the ligand-binding ability of NRs has been gained by orphan receptors during the course of evolution to give rise to the presently known receptors. The distribution into six subfamilies correlates with the known abilities of the various NRs to bind to DNA as homo- or heterodimers. For example, receptors heterodimerizing efficiently with RXR belong to the first or the fourth subfamilies. I suggest that the ability to heterodimerize evolved once, just before the separation of subfamilies I and IV and that the first NR was able to bind to DNA as a homodimer. From the study of NR sequences existing in vertebrates, arthropods and nematodes, I define two major steps of NR diversification: one that took place very early, probably during the multicellularization event leading to all the metazoan phyla, and a second occurring later on, corresponding to the advent of vertebrates. Finally, I show that in vertebrate species the various groups of NRs accumulated mutations at very different rates.  相似文献   

High levels of interleukin 1 (IL-1) found in inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis act on the local fibroblasts, resulting in an altered phenotype characterized by hyperplasia and the production of inflammatory mediators and destructive enzymes. The goal of this study was to identify genes induced as an early response to IL-1 in synovial and gingival fibroblasts which might play a regulatory role in the cascade of events leading to their activation. Using the technique of mRNA differential display, we have identified the mitogen-inducible nuclear orphan receptor (MINOR) as a gene up-regulated by IL-1 in human synovial and gingival fibroblasts. The rapid induction of both mRNA and DNA binding activity suggests that MINOR may play an important early role in regulating the response of fibroblasts to inflammation.  相似文献   

Expression of human parathyroid hormone receptor (hPTHR) was obtained in Xenopus oocytes. Receptor function was detected by hormone stimulation of endogenous Ca2+-activated Cl- current. This current was blocked by injected, but not by extracellular, EGTA, confirming that the hPTHR activates cytosolic Ca2+ signaling pathways. PTH responses were acutely desensitized but were regained in 6 12 h. Injection of cAMP or analogues had no effect on either responsiveness or desensitization to hPTH. The hPTH response was more sluggish than seen with serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT2C) receptor. In oocytes co-expressing both hPTHR and 5-HT2C receptors, homologous desensitization was seen, but cross-desensitization was not observed. Injection of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) elicited a fast inward current similar to that induced by serotonin, and complete cross-desensitization occurred between the InsP3 and 5-HT2C responses. Desensitization by hPTH did not affect responses to either InsP3 or serotonin, but cells desensitized to injected InsP3 still responded strongly to PTH. Oocytes did not respond to either cADPR or NAADP+, but NADP+ and analogues were found to be potent inhibitors of PTH signaling. We suggest that PTH cytosolic Ca2+ signaling in oocytes either involves a novel signaling system or proceeds through a Ca2+ compartment whose responsiveness is regulated in a novel way.  相似文献   

A novel receptor-mediated nuclear protein import pathway   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Targeting of most nuclear proteins to the cell nucleus is initiated by interaction between the classical nuclear localization signals (NLSs) contained within them and the importin NLS receptor complex. We have recently delineated a novel 38 amino acid transport signal in the hnRNP A1 protein, termed M9, which confers bidirectional transport across the nuclear envelope. We show here that M9-mediated nuclear import occurs by a novel pathway that is independent of the well-characterized, importin-mediated classical NLS pathway. Additionally, we have identified a specific M9-interacting protein, termed transportin, which binds to wild-type M9 but not to transport-defective M9 mutants. Transportin is a 90 kDa protein, distantly related to importin beta, and we show that it mediates the nuclear import of M9-containing proteins. These findings demonstrate that there are at least two receptor-mediated nuclear protein import pathways. Furthermore, as hnRNP A1 likely participates in mRNA export, it raises the possibility that transportin is a mediator of this process as well.  相似文献   

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