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在分析影响构建和谐农村因素的基础上,从农村的经济发展、基层民主、教育水平、养老医疗保障和文化活动5个方面论述了构建和谐农村的途径选择.  相似文献   

农村现代化要求农村工业化、城镇化与农业现代化统筹协调发展,"三化"统筹发展对于农村劳动力转移具有内在的一致性,目前三者的发展偏差对农村劳动力转移产生了不利影响,应采取有效措施以"三化"统筹发展促进农村劳动力转移,加快农村现代化进程.  相似文献   

随着公民社会的逐渐发展与成熟,政府改革迫在眉睫.政府改革的动能来自于民主政治和公民社会建设的不断发展,改革所推动形成的新型社会关系将改变传统的观念和社会的格局,作为这场自上而下改革的主导者一一政府而言,如何准确合理地设定自身的角色,把握改革的节奏和制度设计,在创新中平稳实现社会改革的目标尤为重要.本文通过对善治思维的挖掘和升华,从主体的视角来寻找政府的角色定位,试图运用善治理论作为一种方法论来引导政府改革的制度形式和目标设定.  相似文献   

公共权力与政治权力是政治学研究的核心概念与出发点,学术界对此方面的研究已经很多,并取得了较大的成就.在许多书刊文献中把公共权力与政治权力等同起来,认为公共权力就是政治权力;公共权力不同于政治权力,它们之间有着一定的不同.本文通过探讨公共权力与政治权力的区别,以期做出一些解释和引起公众的思考.  相似文献   

在我国现行的政权体系中,乡镇是最基层的政权组织,是党在农村的执政基础.在新的历史时期,加强农村基层政权建设,对于构建农村和谐社会,具有极其重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

阐述了农村文化服务体系建设与服务型政府建设的相关性,回顾了我国农村文化服务体系建设的发展历程,分析了目前农村文化服务体系建设存在的问题,进而提出在服务型政府背景下加快农村文化服务体系建设应采取深化行政体制改革、加大投入力度、加强组织建设、完善制度机制和创新供给主体等对策。  相似文献   

强调了人力资本对于农村自我发展能力提升的重要意义,人力资本投资时西部农村地区的经济增长贡献将越来越大,对西部农村地区显著加快经济社会发展具有不可替代的作用.分析了当前西部农村地区人力资源开发的特征:就业结构单一;人力资源结构不合理;人力资源总量不足伴随着闲置现象严重;人力资源流失严重;人才"投入-产出"双低.指出了提升西部农村地区自我发展能力的根本途径:认真落实和贯彻<国家中长期人才发展规划>,尽快制定出台详细具体的立足西部农村地区实际的配套政策;加快发展西部农村地区的教育事业,制定缩小知识差距的发展战略;建立比较完善的农村人力资源开发体系,加大返乡农民工的培训力度;按需适时调整人力投资结构.显著提高人力资本投资强度.  相似文献   

大学是由行政权力与学术权力构成的矩阵系统,而这两大系统在权力的价值取向、权力的实质与权力行使范围是不同甚至冲突的:学术权力追求平等与自由,而行政权力以效率与约束为导向;学术权力以学术地位与学术威望为基础,而行政权力则基于行政地位的高低;行政权力起外在决定作用,而学术权力起内在支配作用。为平衡这两种权力,美国采取两权分离、各司其责的模式;德国与日本采取两权渗透、以学术权力为主的模式;法国采取两权渗透、行政权力起主导作用的模式。我国在大学行政权力泛化的背景下必须从尊重学术权力、强化学术权力、优化行政权力几个方面对这两种权力结构进行整合,使二者处于一种和谐共存的状态。  相似文献   

“教学相长、和谐发展”的和谐教学活动,是促进学生全面发展的基础和条件,它在强调以人为本、帮助学生实现全面协调可持续发展的同时,也可以统筹兼顾各种教学资源和教育活动,大大提高教学效果,做到教的轻松、学的愉快。  相似文献   

随着中职语文课改的进一步深入,"和谐"成为了语文教学改革的主旋律.本文在"和谐"的大前提下,对如何更好的推进中职语文教学改革阐述了自己的一些看法.  相似文献   

26 dry specimens of mandible were utilised for making antropometric & condylo coronal angle measurements. 26 living subjects were radiographed in a standardized SMV an CCA values were established. Average value of Antero posterior dimension was obtained to be 8.5 mm and latero medial dimension obtained to be 17 mm. Left and right condylo coronal angle (CCA) from dry specimens was assessed to be 18 & 16 respectively. From the living subjects CCA was established as 17 degrees in Indian population. The following radiological implications are evident from this study. (1) A tomographic cut of the TMJ if done at the depth of 8 to 9 mm i.e. half of 17 mm (lateromedial dimension average) it would pass through the centre of the condyle and may contribute to the diagnostic importance. (2) The CCA of 17 degrees obtained for Indian population may be utilized by clinicans to obtain clearer transpharyngeal and transcranial views of the TMJ by adjusting the radiographic cone to 17 degrees tilt in horizontal angulation keeping the standard values for vertical angulation as--10 degrees for transpharyngeal and +25 degrees for transcranial views.  相似文献   

To investigate the temporal allocation of attention, a series of 7 experiments using rapid serial visual presentation was designed to examine the relationship of the attentional demands of various target tasks to the production of the subsequent visual attentional deficit, or "attentional blink" (AB), recently reported by J. E. Raymond et al (see record 1992-41685-001). The principal finding is that AB occurs only when a target is an object and does not occur when the target is defined by a temporal interval. Target detection difficulty as estimated by d′ analysis reveals no relationship between the attentional demands of the target and the production of the AB. A late-selection account of this phenomenon is offered in place of the early-selection account advanced in the previous report of Raymond et al. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

当前大学生群体诚信缺失现象已引起社会的广泛关注.高校德育工作者应该深刻认识到构建和谐校园迫切需要加强大学生诚信教育。在对目前诚信教育模式进行反思的基础上,提出加强大学生诚信教育要做到:利与义相结合,柔与刚相结合,教与育相结合,虚与实相结合。  相似文献   

In Exp 1, 15 infants (aged 4 mo 2 days to 5 mo 9 days) were presented with a symmetrical (SYP) and an asymmetrical pattern (ASP), using a paired comparison preference technique. The SYPs represented vertical, horizontal, 2-fold, and 4-fold symmetry (SYM). 15 infants (aged 3 mo 29 days, to 5 mo 16 days) in Exp 2 additionally viewed patterns with 8-fold SYM, using the same procedure as Exp 1. Ss preferred patterns with multiple axes of bilateral SYM relative to ASPs. Also, vertically oriented single axis bilateral SYM was more salient than horizontally oriented SYM. The perception of structure appears to be basic to the functioning of the visual system. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effect of display visual angle on span of apprehension (SOA) task performance was investigated in patients with schizophrenia and nonpsychiatric individuals. Narrow and wide visual-angle presentations of 3- and 10-letter arrays were compared. Detection rates were significantly higher with narrow than wide visual angle for nonpsychiatric individuals; the performance of those with schizophrenia was stable across visual-angle conditions. Patients with schizophrenia were best discriminated from nonpsychiatric individuals in the narrow-angle, 10-letter condition. Scanpath analyses, which were based on the pattern of detection rates across different target quadrant locations, suggested that the patients with schizophrenia used a similar number and path of covert scan moves as did the controls. Hypotheses are discussed regarding which of the multiple cognitive processes tapped by the SOA task may be impaired in schizophrenia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The significance of the conscious ego in the interpretive process has increasingly come under scrutiny. It is becoming clearer that the analyst's view of the conscious ego orients his interpretive approach, and subtly sets the goals of the analysis. At various times Freud championed the analytic importance of the conscious ego, and alternately rejected its significance. Hartmann's view of the ego stimulated research into a developmental line of the ego, while investigations of the ego in clinical psychoanalysis lagged far behind. The importance of the conscious ego in understanding resistances and levels of communication are explored.  相似文献   

Nitrobacter agilis was grown autotrophically on nitrite, mixotrophically on nitrite together with either acetate or pyruvate and heterotrophically on acetate and casamino acids, pyruvate and casamino acids or pyruvate and nitrate. The enzymatic activities differed most in the key enzymes of lithotrophic metabolism. Nitrite oxidase was repressed 90% in 10 days after transition to heterotrophic growth and was no longer detectable after several transfers. The induction of nitrite oxidase began after a lag of 2 days and reached the autotrophic level after 7 days when pyruvate was the carbon and energy source and after 9 days using acetate.  相似文献   

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