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Early infancy (< 1 year of age), massive tumor cell burden, and extremely poor prognosis are characteristic features of a particular subset of childhood acute leukemias (AL). In these cases, chromosome aberrations at the 11q23 band are the most frequently reported cytogenetic abnormalities. We have recently cloned a genetic locus named ALL-1, in which DNA breakpoints are clustered in leukemic patients with 11q23 aberrations. Analysis of the ALL-1 genomic configuration in DNA from 15 infants with AL showed specific ALL-1 rearrangements in 12 cases (80%), including 5 with normal karyotypes. These findings indicate that a consistent genetic defect underlies this particular leukemic subset.  相似文献   

Adults with acute leukaemia and abnormalities of chromosome 11q23 have a poor prognosis when treated with conventional chemotherapy. To determine whether more intensive therapy can improve outcome for patients with this karyotypic finding, a retrospective analysis of all patients with acute leukaemia and 11q23 abnormalities treated at our centre was performed. 12 patients were treated with conventional chemotherapy alone (CC); 20 patients received high-dose chemo/radiotherapy (HDCT) with autologous (seven patients) or allogeneic (13 patients) bone marrow transplantation (BMT). The treatment-related mortality was 25% [95% Confidence Interval (CI) 7-69%] for the CC group and 46% (CI 25-73%) for the BMT group (P = 0.69). Cumulative risk of leukaemia progression was 89% (CI 61-100%) in the CC patients and 38% (CI 12-69%) in the BMT patients (P = 0.001). The 2-year event-free survival for patients treated with CC was 8% (CI 0-31%) and for patients receiving HDCT and BMT was 34% (CI 14-54%) (P = 0.03). These results confirm that conventional chemotherapy is rarely curative for adults with acute leukaemia and 11q23 abnormalities but that HDCT with BMT can result in long-term survival in a significant proportion of patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Using receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves, we tried to determine the diagnostic threshold of amniotic fluid index (AFI) that will identify abnormal fetal size (birth weights under 2500 g or at least 4000 g) at 37 weeks or beyond. METHODS: We analyzed prospectively over 2 years all parturients with intact membranes and known AFI in early labor. Patients with the following conditions were excluded: pregestational or gestational diabetes, known anomalies, and preterm labor. Two ROC curves were constructed, and the areas (+/- standard error of the mean [SE]) under the curves were calculated. P < .05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Of the 1038 subjects meeting study criteria, 3.6% and 11.5% gave birth to infants who were small for gestational age (SGA) or macrosomic, respectively. Overall, 28.7% had oligohydramnios (AFI at most 5.0 cm) and 3.6% had hydramnios (AFI at least 24.0 cm). Small for gestational age was more common in patients with AFI at most 5.0 cm (6.4%) than in those with adequate fluid (AFI 5.1-23.9; 2.5%), or hydramnios (2.7%; P = .012). Macrosomic newborns were less likely to be born to women with oligohydramnios (7.7%) than to those with adequate amniotic fluid (13.1%) or hydramnios (13.5%). Areas under ROC curves are not significantly different from the area under the nondiagnostic line, indicating that AFI (0-34 cm) cannot differentiate between newborns under 2500 g and at or over 2500 g or under 4000 and at or more 4000 g. CONCLUSION: Intraparterium AFI appears to be a poor screening test to identify risk for delivery of SGA or macrosomic fetus.  相似文献   

Chromosome band 11q23 is frequently involved in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) de novo, as well as in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and lymphoma. Five percent to 15% of patients treated with chemotherapy for a primary neoplasm develop therapy-related AML (t-AML) that may show rearrangements, usually translocations involving band 11q23 or, less often, 21q22. These leukemias develop after a relatively short latent period and often follow the use of drugs that inhibit the activity of DNA-topoisomerase II (topo II). We previously identified a gene, MLL (myeloid-lymphoid leukemia or mixed-lineage leukemia), at 11q23 that is involved in the de novo leukemias. We have studied 17 patients with t-MDS/t-AML, 12 of whom had cytogenetically detectable 11q23 rearrangements. Ten of the 12 t-AML patients had received topo II inhibitors and 9 of these, all with balanced translocations of 11q23, had MLL rearrangements on Southern blot analysis. None of the patients who had not received topo II inhibitors showed an MLL rearrangement. Of the 5 patients lacking 11q23 rearrangements, some of whom had monoblastic features, none had an MLL rearrangement, although 4 had received topo II inhibitors. Our study indicates that the MLL gene rearrangements are similar both in AML that develops de novo and in t-AML. The association of exposure to topo II-reactive chemotherapy with 11q23 rearrangements involving the MLL gene in t-AML suggests that topo II may play a role in the aberrant recombination events that occur in this region both in AML de novo and in t-AML.  相似文献   

Evidence for rearrangement of the BCL6 gene at 3q27 has been documented in 20-30% diffuse lymphomas with a large cell component (DLLC), and was found to be of prognostic significance at the time of diagnosis. To incorporate these observations into current cytogenetic and clinical prognostic models, 76 cases of DLLC with known BCL6 status were analyzed. Cytogenetic indicators of progression, including trisomy 7, trisomy 12, del(6)(q21q25), and structural alterations of 17p were less frequent in BCL6 rearranged DLLC compared to BCL6 germline tumors. Despite a 93% overall survival at median follow-up of 30 months, a trend for continued relapse resulted in a projected freedom from progression for the BCL6 rearranged cohort of 66% at 4 years, compared to 39% for the BCL6 germline cohort. Six cases among the BCL6 rearranged group lacked additional cytogenetic indicators of progression and remained free of disease at follow-up in excess of 7 years, whereas BCL6 rearranged cases with increasing numbers of cytogenetic aberrations showed decreased intervals free from progression of disease. These results suggest that BCL6 rearrangement should be combined with other known clinical and cytogenetic indicators in prognostic analyses of patients with DLLC.  相似文献   

This study was done to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of bedside chest radiography for pneumonia, adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), or both in patients receiving mechanical ventilation. The series consisted of 40 patients; diagnostic accuracy was defined as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. Overall diagnostic accuracy for ARDS was 0.84. Overall diagnostic accuracy for pneumonia was 0.52. Review of previous radiographs and knowledge of clinical data did not enhance diagnostic accuracy for ARDS or pneumonia. Diagnostic accuracy for pneumonia was minimally reduced when ARDS was present. There was an increase in false-negative results because the diffuse areas of increased opacity in ARDS obscured the radiographic features of pneumonia. The authors conclude that chest radiography is of limited value for the diagnosis of pneumonia in patients receiving mechanical ventilation. The high false-negative and false-positive ratings for pneumonia resulted in a low diagnostic accuracy. The high diagnostic accuracy for ARDS was primarily due to the well-defined radiographic appearance of ARDS and few false-positive ratings.  相似文献   

目的 分析肿瘤抑制基因PTEN、混合系白血病(MLL)基因等在T淋巴母细胞淋巴瘤/白血病(T-LBL/ALL)的表达及意义.方法 选用76例T-LBL/ALl患者淋巴结存档蜡块,应用免疫组织化学EnVision法进行 PTEN标记,用20例反应性增生淋巴结标本作正常对照.并用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术检测MLL基因所在1 1q23染色体的断裂和扩增情况.结果 76例T-LBL/ALL中,PTEN的表达率为64.47%(49/76),低于淋巴结反应性增生的100%(20/20)(λ2=19.220,P<0.05).PTEN表达与临床分期、Ki-67、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)呈负相关(P<0.05).76例T-LBL/ALL中,MLL基因发生1 1q23染色体断裂13例(17.11%),扩增18例(23.68%).MLL基因断裂组总体生存率(25.0%)低于非断裂组(43.6%)(λ2=11.357,P<0.05).MLL基因扩增组总体生存率(17.1%)低于非扩增组(42.7%)(λ2=4.533,P<0.05).结论 抑癌基因PTEN表达降低在T-LBL/ALL的发生发展中可能具有重要作用.MLL基因发生染色体1 1q23断裂和扩增有助于对T-LBL/ALL预后的判断,发生MLL基因断裂或扩增的T-LBL/ALL预后较差,提示MLL基因断裂或扩增可能为T-LBL/ALL的一种分子亚型.  相似文献   

The clinical, haematological and cytogenetic data for 20 patients with an acquired abnormality of 11q23 and 10p have been reviewed at this workshop. Patients predominantly presented with de novo AML M5a and the most common cytogenetic finding was an inversion of part of the long arm of chromosome 11 followed by a translocation between 11q and 10p. Band p12 represented the most common breakpoint on chromosome 10. The t(10;11) subgroup defined a subset of younger 11q23 patients, the majority of whom achieve a first complete remission despite the differing treatment regimens.  相似文献   

A total of 183 hematologic malignancies with t(4;11)(q21;q23), including five variant translocations, were collected by the Workshop. Clinical, morphologic and immunophenotypic features were compiled, and karyotypes with variant t(4;11) or secondary chromosomal aberrations were reviewed. All cases were acute leukemias (AL): 173 acute lymphoblastic leukemias (ALL), six acute myeloid leukemias (AML), three unclassifiable AL, and one biphenotypic AL. Ten patients had treatment-associated AL. Females were overrepresented (104 vs 79) and the age distribution was clearly nonrandom; 34% of the cases occurred in infants below the age of 12 months. The remaining AL were evenly distributed among the other age groups, with the oldest patient being 79 years old. An increased white blood cell count (WBC) was reported in more than 90% of the cases, with hyperleukocytosis (> or =100 x 10(9)/l) in 64%. Additional chromosomal changes were detected in 55 (30%) cases, most often gain of the X chromosome, i(7)(q10), and trisomy 8, with frequent breakpoints in 1p36, 1q21, 7q10, 11p15, 12p13, 17p11, and 17p10. All recurrent secondary changes resulted in genomic imbalances, in particular gains of 1q, 7q, 8, and X and losses of 7p and 17p. Event-free and overall survival (EFS and OS) could be ascertained in 170 and 171 patients, respectively. Kaplan-Meier estimates of EFS and OS showed no differences with regard to gender, WBC, or presence of secondary chromosomal abnormalities, and there was no increase of EFS or OS among the 55 cases that had undergone bone marrow transplantation. However, age had an important prognostic impact, with significantly (P < 0.0001) longer EFS and OS in children 2-9 years old than among infants and younger children, patients aged between 10 and 39 years and older adults.  相似文献   

In infantile leukemias and therapy-related leukemias, the MLL gene is frequently found to be disrupted and fused to various translocation partner genes, such as AF4/FEL, LTG9/AF9 and LTG19/ENL as a result of 11q23 translocations. We previously showed that the N-terminal portion common to various chimeric MLL products, as well as to MLL-LTG9 and MLL-LTG19, localizes in the nuclei, and therefore suggested that it might play an important role in leukemogenesis. In the present study, MLL-AF6 chimeric products found in the t(6;11)(q27;q23) translocation were analysed since AF6, a Ras-binding protein, exhibits a different subcellular localization from that of LTG9/AF9 and LTG19/ENL. Immunofluorescence staining data and cell fractionation analyses demonstrated that MLL-AF6 chimeric products localize in the nuclei despite the fact that AF6 itself localizes in the cytoplasm, confirming the importance of the nuclear localization of chimeric MLL products. The region in the N-terminal portion of MLL responsible for this nuclear localization was examined and found to be a region containing AT-hook motifs.  相似文献   

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