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As a result of odour nuisances from Damhusaaen sewage-treatment works in Copenhagen, it was decided that critical sections of the inlet plant should be covered and enclosed. Ventilated air (6000 m3/h) is cleaned in a bioscrubber, and this installation has reduced the odour around the plant to the extent that it is no longer detectable. A cleaning efficiency (for hydrogen sulphide) of more than 99% and low residual emissions (less than 0.1 mg/m3 of organic sulphur compounds) are achieved by the bioscrubber. Space requirements and operational costs are relatively low, and the bioscrubber has proved to be reliable, requiring minimal maintenance.  相似文献   

The growing importance of odour control and the failure of a high proportion of abatement schemes are discussed. A strategy for dealing with nuisance is presented, laying emphasis on a fully integrated approach, involving covering, ventilation design, and odour treatment. Some of the options for treatment are compared.  相似文献   

The parameters of sewage that affect the production and resulting concentration of hydrogen sulphide in both liquid and gas phases have been monitored in a sewerage system. The data have been used to develop a model of the chemical and physical processes leading to sulphide production in sewers, so that the sources and causes of the problem can be identified. This model has been adapted to predict the concentrations of hydrogen sulphide that can be expected in the sewage and sewer atmosphere, following the construction of a major interceptor tunnel.  相似文献   

Following completion of the construction of Fleetwood sewage-treatment works in 1996, the sludge (from the plant) was causing health and safety problems for the workforce and there were complaints of odour from the local community. Problems arose due to overloading of the biological-treatment units, resulting in little or no dissolved oxygen in parts of the process. There was a need to stabilise the sludge in the short term, culminating in the need for chemical conditioning, and an investigation into operational procedures to stabilise the sludge in the long term. The sludge was successfully stabilised using ferric chloride and sodium hydroxide. The long-term stability of the sludge was further improved using operational changes (such as the inclusion of step feeding and by demonstrating the effect of load removal upstream from the existing biological process) via pilot-plant studies.  相似文献   

斯里兰卡首都至机场高速公路(CKE)项目,起点为科伦坡新凯拉尼( New Kelani)大桥,终点为卡图纳亚克( Katunayake)国际机场.按双向四/六车道高速公路标准建设.路基宽度为26.0m/33.5m.设计汽车荷载等级为公路-I级.设计速度为80 km/h和100 km/h.主要实物量为主线长25.8 km...  相似文献   

This technical note describes an investigation on the feasibility of using treated wastewater to support the operation of a fixed-film bioscrubber for H2S removal. A laboratory-scale fixed-film bioscrubber was assembled using Thiobacillus bacteria which were isolated from a sample of raw sludge, cultured in the laboratory, and immobilised onto the scrubber's plastic packing media by an immersion method.  相似文献   

浅谈如何有效控制市政工程造价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴克银 《安徽建筑》2006,13(5):212-213
市政工程造价控制贯穿工程项目建设全过程,在建设项目的决策阶段,控制工程造价的目的是为建设项目的正确决策提供依据;在建设项目的设计阶段,控制工程造价的目的是为合理推行限额优化设计;在建设项目的招投标阶段,控制工程造价的目的是为合理确定中标合同价;在建设项目的施工阶段,控制工程造价的目的是在满足项目功能的前提下,保证工程造价目标不被突破。因此,必须抓住每个阶段控制重点和方法,以达到造价控制之目的。  相似文献   

挖掘机电子节能控制技术及其控制新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深入分析当前挖掘机电子节能控制技术在节能原理上存在的缺陷,提出柴油机恒阻力矩控制的电子节能原理。该节能控制原理从理论上消除功率匹配不当的功率损失,实现柴油机恒阻力矩、恒转速、恒功率运行,且输出功率完全被液压泵吸收,实现真正意义上的节能控制。  相似文献   

本文主要分析了在工程机械、注塑机械等领域广泛应用的液压柱塞泵的节能控制技术 ,并对四种主要控制技术的节能效果和应用作了详细的介绍 ,提出了采用转速和压力控制组合以达到最佳节能效果  相似文献   

蒋桂梅 《安徽建筑》2010,17(1):122-123
就工业建筑工程项目本身来讲,影响它的风险因素也很多,而且各个风险因素所引起的后果也不一样。如果我们忽略了这些主要的风险因素,将会导致我们投资的失败。据此,文章首先提出了风险管理的相关概念,接着结合具体的工程实例,分析了工程项目的各参与方存在的潜在风险,在此基础上提出了各参与方风险管理的方法及具体措施,并呼吁企业加强风险意识,提高风险管理水平,增强竞争力,应对WTO的挑战。  相似文献   

本文介绍了国家游泳中心泳池水处理自动系统工程实例,详述了其系统构成、控制原理、参数整定及相关问题。  相似文献   

王晓晨 《城市建筑》2014,(2):185-185
由于城市更新过程中景观发展的不平衡,以澳门路环旧城区为例,路环旧城区需要景观控制对其各方面进行评估与规划。通过景观控制性规划的研究寻求一种平衡的解决方式,从而解决城市更新中存在的矛盾。  相似文献   

高层建筑转换层大梁由于断面大,混凝土强度等级高而容易产生裂缝,可能对结构承载力和耐久性产生重大影响,隧分析转换层大梁裂缝产生的原因,并提出控制措施,以提高转换层大梁混凝土的施工质量,从而延长建筑物的使用寿命,为类似混凝土施工和设计提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the generation of hydrogen at the cathode in an electrolytic cell treating acid mine drainage (AMD) and the effect of the generated hydrogen on the biological removal of sulphate using grass cellulose. The performance of the bioreactors was assessed by means of sulphate reduction, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and volatile fatty acid (VFA) utilization. To this end, two batch reactors, A, B were operated similarly with the exception of the addition of hydrogen. Reactor A received no hydrogen to act as a control, while reactor B received hydrogen for the experimental duration. Further experiments were conducted to investigate the feasibility of sulphide oxidation to elemental sulphur using air. The results show that during sulphide oxidation, the sulphate concentration decreased from 364 to 183 mg/L, a decrease of 50% and the concentration of sulphide decreased from 163 to 70 mg/L, a decrease of 57%.  相似文献   

特殊地段顶管施工沉降控制技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着城市的日益发展,地下、地上的管线和建筑也随之增加,顶管施工往往会遇到穿越公路、铁路、地下管线、河流、地上重要建筑等特殊地段。这些特殊地段的顶管施工对地面的沉降控制要求更高。为此就特殊地段的顶管施工沉降控制技术在顶管机选型、工仓压力的确定、泥浆套、土体最大沉降量的预测、监控点的布置、测量和纠偏、顶管进出洞口处理方面进行探讨,并结合工程实践取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

依托广州地铁区间隧道下穿条形浅基础密集民居建筑群工程,通过渣土改良试验,明确各改良参数对渣土力学性能的改良效果及其合理范围。利用FLAC3D软件模拟盾构穿越松散富水砾砂、粉质黏土和风化花岗岩复合地层的施工过程,探究可有效控制地层沉降变形的盾构施工参数范围。研究表明:基于室内渣土改良试验用发泡剂浓度为3%的泡沫剂进行渣土改良,控制渣土含水率在16.95%、20.95%左右,泡沫剂掺入比分别为21%~46%、71%~92%,可将渣土塌落度、渗透性等力学性能改良至理想状态;根据盾构实况,应调整土仓压力大于原应力平衡体系静水土仓压力;通过增大注浆压力,最大化密实地层空隙与盾尾脱空间隔,提高加固层弹性模量,控制地层不均匀沉降;对比分析试验段、下穿段和危害建筑物的沉降监测数据,施工过程中采取渣土改良措施与设定优化的盾构参数,可将地层与危害建筑物的变形控制在规定的安全范围内。为类似盾构隧道提供技术指导。  相似文献   

通过地下结构的逆作法施工实践,对施工中基坑支撑、土方开挖、模板、钢筋、混凝土工程等的施工监测技术,以及地下室逆施中混凝土裂缝控制、基坑安全的各项质量保证措施进行了介绍。  相似文献   

青岛海湾大桥红岛航道桥索塔锚固区采用国内首创的锚板式锚固结构,定位精度要求极其苛刻.对平面控制采用2台全站仪对向观测,并时刻进行坐标比测;对标高控制采用三角高程控制测量方法,以提高锚板安装的定位精度,保证锚固结构质量.采用该项技术缩短了测量时间,满足测量规范要求.  相似文献   

本文通过对城市中心区滨水空间概况的介绍,以滁州市清流河滨水空间规划设计与控制为例,从四大控制策略进行了分析,即滁州市清流河滨水空间规划设计,创建休闲、生态、复合型城市中心区滨水空间。  相似文献   

冰蓄冷空调系统运行控制策略综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要讨论利用冰做蓄冷剂来调节空调系统中不同的用电时段运行状态。  相似文献   

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