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A huge effort has been devoted to developing drugs targeting integrins over 30 years, because of the primary roles of integrins in the cell-matrix milieu. Five αv-containing integrins, in the 24 family members, have been a central target of fibrosis. Currently, a small molecule against αvβ1 is undergoing a clinical trial for NASH-associated fibrosis as a rare agent aiming at fibrogenesis. Latent TGFβ activation, a distinct talent of αv-integrins, has been intriguing as a therapeutic target. None of the αv-integrin inhibitors, however, has been in the clinical market. αv-integrins commonly recognize an Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence, and thus the pharmacophore of inhibitors for the 5-integrins is based on the same RGD structure. The RGD preference of the integrins, at the same time, dilutes ligand specificity, as the 5-integrins share ligands containing RGD sequence such as fibronectin. With the inherent little specificity in both drugs and targets, “disease specificity” has become less important for the inhibitors than blocking as many αv-integrins. In fact, an almighty inhibitor for αv-integrins, pan-αv, was in a clinical trial. On the contrary, approved integrin inhibitors are all specific to target integrins, which are expressed in a cell-type specific manner: αIIbβ3 on platelets, α4β1, α4β7 and αLβ2 on leukocytes. Herein, “disease specific” integrins would serve as attractive targets. α8β1 and α11β1 are selectively expressed in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) and distinctively induced upon culture activation. The exceptional specificity to activated HSCs reflects a rather “pathology specific” nature of these new integrins. The monoclonal antibodies against α8β1 and α11β1 in preclinical examinations may illuminate the road to the first medical agents.  相似文献   

The β1-integrin receptor is broadly expressed on tumor and other cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME), and is an unfavorable prognostic factor for cancers. Nature-derived resveratrol has preventive and apoptotic effects on tumors, but whether resveratrol can exert its suppressive actions on TME-induced tumorigenesis through β1-integrin on the surface of CRC cells is still unknown. HCT116 or SW480 cells were exposed to inhibitory antibodies against β1-integrin, bacitracin (selective β1-integrin inhibitor), integrin-binding RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) peptide, and/or resveratrol. We evaluated the anti-tumor actions and signaling impacts of resveratrol in colorectal cancer (CRC)-TME. We found that resveratrol completely altered the β1-integrin distribution pattern and expression on the surface of CRC cells in TME. Moreover, resveratrol down-regulated CRC cell proliferation, colony formation, viability, and up-regulated apoptosis in a concentration-dependent way. These actions of resveratrol were antagonized mainly by inhibitory antibodies against β1-integrin but not β5-integrin, and by an integrin-binding RGD peptide but not by RGE peptide, and by bacitracin in TME. Similarly, resveratrol-blocked TME-induced p65-NF-kB and its promoted gene markers linked to proliferation (cyclin D1), invasion (focal adhesion kinase, FAK), or apoptosis (caspase-3), were largely abrogated by anti-β1-integrin or RGD peptide, suggesting that β1-integrin is a potential transmission pathway for resveratrol/integrin down-stream signaling in CRC cells. The current results highlight, for the first time, the important gateway role of β1-integrins as signal carriers for resveratrol on the surfaces of HCT116 and SW480 cells, and their functional cooperation for the modulatory effects of resveratrol on TME-promoted tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Orai1, the first identified member of the Orai protein family, is ubiquitously expressed in the animal kingdom. Orai1 was initially characterized as the channel responsible for the store-operated calcium entry (SOCE), a major mechanism that allows cytosolic calcium concentration increments upon receptor-mediated IP3 generation, which results in intracellular Ca2+ store depletion. Furthermore, current evidence supports that abnormal Orai1 expression or function underlies several disorders. Orai1 is, together with STIM1, the key element of SOCE, conducting the Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) current and, in association with TRPC1, the store-operated Ca2+ (SOC) current. Additionally, Orai1 is involved in non-capacitative pathways, as the arachidonate-regulated or LTC4-regulated Ca2+ channel (ARC/LRC), store-independent Ca2+ influx activated by the secretory pathway Ca2+-ATPase (SPCA2) and the small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel 3 (SK3). Furthermore, Orai1 possesses two variants, Orai1α and Orai1β, the latter lacking 63 amino acids in the N-terminus as compared to the full-length Orai1α form, which confers distinct features to each variant. Here, we review the current knowledge about the differences between Orai1α and Orai1β, the implications of the Ca2+ signals triggered by each variant, and their downstream modulatory effect within the cell.  相似文献   

The tumor microenvironment plays a critical role in defining the growth and malignancy of solid tumors. Extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins such as collagen, vitronectin, and fibronectin are major components of the tumor microenvironment. Tumor growth-promoting reciprocal interaction between ECM and cytoplasmic proteins is regulated by the cell surface receptors called integrins. This study investigated the mechanism by which integrin β1 promotes pancreatic tumor growth. In MIA PaCa-2 pancreatic cancer cell line, the loss of integrin β1 protein reduced the ability of cells to proliferate in a 3D matrix and compromised the ability to form a focal adhesion complex. Decreased expression of integrin α5 was observed in KO cells, which resulted in impaired cell spreading and adhesion on vitronectin and fibronectin. Reduced expression of the integrin-associated protein, kindlin-2 was also recorded. The downregulation of kindlin-2 decreased the phosphorylation of Smad2/3 by reducing the expression of TGF-β receptor 2. These results unravel a new mechanism of integrin β1 in tumor growth by modifying the expression of kindlin-2 and TGF-β receptor 2 signaling.  相似文献   

α-synuclein is a small protein that is mainly expressed in the synaptic terminals of nervous tissue. Although its implication in neurodegeneration is well established, the physiological role of α-synuclein remains elusive. Given its involvement in the modulation of synaptic transmission and the emerging role of microtubules at the synapse, the current study aimed at investigating whether α-synuclein becomes involved with this cytoskeletal component at the presynapse. We first analyzed the expression of α-synuclein and its colocalization with α-tubulin in murine brain. Differences were found between cortical and striatal/midbrain areas, with substantia nigra pars compacta and corpus striatum showing the lowest levels of colocalization. Using a proximity ligation assay, we revealed the direct interaction of α-synuclein with α-tubulin in murine and in human brain. Finally, the previously unexplored interaction of the two proteins in vivo at the synapse was disclosed in murine striatal presynaptic boutons through multiple approaches, from confocal spinning disk to electron microscopy. Collectively, our data strongly suggest that the association with tubulin/microtubules might actually be an important physiological function for α-synuclein in the synapse, thus suggesting its potential role in a neuropathological context.  相似文献   

Integrins participate in the pathogenesis and progression of tumors at many stages during the metastatic cascade. However, current evidence for the role of integrins in breast cancer progression is contradictory and seems to be dependent on tumor stage, differentiation status, and microenvironmental influences. While some studies suggest that loss of α2β1 enhances cancer metastasis, other studies suggest that this integrin is pro-tumorigenic. However, few studies have looked at α2β1 in the context of bone metastasis. In this study, we aimed to understand the role of α2β1 integrin in breast cancer metastasis to bone. To address this, we utilized in vivo models of breast cancer metastasis to bone using MDA-MB-231 cells transfected with an α2 expression plasmid (MDA-OEα2). MDA cells overexpressing the α2 integrin subunit had increased primary tumor growth and dissemination to bone but had no change in tumor establishment and bone destruction. Further in vitro analysis revealed that tumors in the bone have decreased α2β1 expression and increased osteolytic signaling compared to primary tumors. Taken together, these data suggest an inverse correlation between α2β1 expression and bone-metastatic potential. Inhibiting α2β1 expression may be beneficial to limit the expansion of primary tumors but could be harmful once tumors have established in bone.  相似文献   

The opioid peptide β-endorphin coexists in the pituitary and brain in its αN-acetylated form, which does not bind to opioid receptors. We now report that these neuropeptides exhibited opposite effects in in vivo paradigms, in which ligands of the sigma type 1 receptor (σ1R) displayed positive effects. Thus, αN-acetyl β-Endorphin reduced vascular infarct caused by permanent unilateral middle cerebral artery occlusion and diminished the incidence of N-methyl-D-aspartate acid-promoted convulsive syndrome and mechanical allodynia caused by unilateral chronic constriction of the sciatic nerve. Moreover, αN-acetyl β-Endorphin reduced the analgesia of morphine, β-Endorphin and clonidine but enhanced that of DAMGO. All these effects were counteracted by β-Endorphin and absent in σ1R−/− mice. We observed that σ1Rs negatively regulate mu-opioid receptor (MOR)-mediated morphine analgesia by binding and sequestering G proteins. In this scenario, β-Endorphin promoted the exchange of σ2Rs by G proteins at σ1R oligomers and increased the regulation of G proteins by MORs. The opposite was observed for the αN-acetyl derivative, as σ1R oligomerization decreased and σ2R binding was favored, which displaced G proteins; thus, MOR-regulated transduction was reduced. Our findings suggest that the pharmacological β-Endorphin-specific epsilon receptor is a σ1R-regulated MOR and that β-Endorphin and αN-acetyl β-Endorphin are endogenous ligands of σ1R.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of Mucin-16 (MUC16) in conjunction with a high expression of truncated O-glycans is implicated in playing crucial roles in the malignancy of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). However, the mechanisms by which such aberrant glycoforms present on MUC16 itself promote an increased disease burden in PDAC are yet to be elucidated. This study demonstrates that the CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genetic deletion of MUC16 in PDAC cells decreases tumor cell migration. We found that MUC16 enhances tumor malignancy by activating the integrin-linked kinase and focal adhesion kinase (ILK/FAK)-signaling axis. These findings are especially noteworthy in truncated O-glycan (Tn and STn antigen)-expressing PDAC cells. Activation of these oncogenic-signaling pathways resulted in part from interactions between MUC16 and integrin complexes (α4β1), which showed a stronger association with aberrant glycoforms of MUC16. Using a monoclonal antibody to functionally hinder MUC16 significantly reduced the migratory cascades in our model. Together, these findings suggest that truncated O-glycan containing MUC16 exacerbates malignancy in PDAC by activating FAK signaling through specific interactions with α4 and β1 integrin complexes on cancer cell membranes. Targeting these aberrant glycoforms of MUC16 can aid in the development of a novel platform to study and treat metastatic pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

The α2δ auxiliary subunits of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC) were traditionally regarded as modulators of biophysical channel properties. In recent years, channel-independent functions of these subunits, such as involvement in synapse formation, have been identified. In the central nervous system, α2δ isoforms 1, 2, and 3 are strongly expressed, regulating glutamatergic synapse formation by a presynaptic mechanism. Although the α2δ-4 isoform is predominantly found in the retina with very little expression in the brain, it was recently linked to brain functions. In contrast, Cachd1, a novel α2δ-like protein, shows strong expression in brain, but its function in neurons is not yet known. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the presynaptic functions of α2δ-4 and Cachd1 by expressing individual proteins in cultured hippocampal neurons. Both α2δ-4 and Cachd1 are expressed in the presynaptic membrane and could rescue a severe synaptic defect present in triple knockout/knockdown neurons that lacked the α2δ-1-3 isoforms (α2δ TKO/KD). This observation suggests that presynaptic localization and the regulation of synapse formation in glutamatergic neurons is a general feature of α2δ proteins. In contrast to this redundant presynaptic function, α2δ-4 and Cachd1 differentially regulate the abundance of presynaptic calcium channels and the amplitude of presynaptic calcium transients. These functional differences may be caused by subtle isoform-specific differences in α12δ protein–protein interactions, as revealed by structural homology modelling. Taken together, our study identifies both α2δ-4 and Cachd1 as presynaptic regulators of synapse formation, differentiation, and calcium channel functions that can at least partially compensate for the loss of α2δ-1-3. Moreover, we show that regulating glutamatergic synapse formation and differentiation is a critical and surprisingly redundant function of α2δ and Cachd1.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer (PC) is the seventh leading cause of cancer death worldwide, and remains one of our most recalcitrant and dismal diseases. In contrast to many other malignancies, there has not been a significant improvement in patient survival over the past decade. Despite advances in our understanding of the genetic alterations associated with this disease, an incomplete understanding of the underlying biology and lack of suitable animal models have hampered efforts to develop more effective therapies. LKB1 is a tumor suppressor that functions as a primary upstream kinase of adenine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which is an important mediator in the regulation of cell growth and epithelial polarity pathways. LKB1 is mutated in a significant number of Peutz–Jeghers syndrome (PJS) patients and in a small proportion of sporadic cancers, including PC; however, little is known about how LKB1 loss contributes to PC development. Here, we report that a reduction in Wnt/β-catenin activity is associated with LKB1 tumor-suppressive properties in PC. Remarkably, in vivo functional analyses of β-catenin in the Pdx-1-Cre LKB1L/L β-cateninL/L mouse model compared to LKB1 loss-driven cystadenoma demonstrate that the loss of β-catenin impairs cystadenoma development in the pancreas of Pdx-1Cre LKB1L/L mice and dramatically restores the normal development and functions of the pancreas. This study further determined the in vivo and in vitro therapeutic efficacy of the β-catenin inhibitor FH535 in suppressing LKB1 loss-driven cystadenoma and reducing PC progression that delineates the potential roles of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in PC harboring LKB1 deficiency.  相似文献   

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is associated with sustained inflammation and progressive fibrosis, changes that have been linked to altered connexin hemichannel-mediated release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Kidney fibrosis develops in response to increased deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM), and up-regulation of collagen I is an early marker of renal disease. With ECM remodeling known to promote a loss of epithelial stability, in the current study we used a clonal human kidney (HK2) model of proximal tubular epithelial cells to determine if collagen I modulates changes in cell function, via connexin-43 (Cx43) hemichannel ATP release. HK2 cells were cultured on collagen I and treated with the beta 1 isoform of the pro-fibrotic cytokine transforming growth factor (TGFβ1) ± the Cx43 mimetic Peptide 5 and/or an anti-integrin α2β1 neutralizing antibody. Phase microscopy and immunocytochemistry observed changes in cell morphology and cytoskeletal reorganization, whilst immunoblotting and ELISA identified changes in protein expression and secretion. Carboxyfluorescein dye uptake and biosensing measured hemichannel activity and ATP release. A Cytoselect extracellular matrix adhesion assay assessed changes in cell-substrate interactions. Collagen I and TGFβ1 synergistically evoked increased hemichannel activity and ATP release. This was paralleled by changes to markers of tubular injury, partly mediated by integrin α2β1/integrin-like kinase signaling. The co-incubation of the hemichannel blocker Peptide 5, reduced collagen I/TGFβ1 induced alterations and inhibited a positive feedforward loop between Cx43/ATP release/collagen I. This study highlights a role for collagen I in regulating connexin-mediated hemichannel activity through integrin α2β1 signaling, ahead of establishing Peptide 5 as a potential intervention.  相似文献   

α-Synuclein is a protein with a molecular weight of 14.5 kDa and consists of 140 amino acids encoded by the SNCA gene. Missense mutations and gene duplications in the SNCA gene cause hereditary Parkinson’s disease. Highly phosphorylated and abnormally aggregated α-synuclein is a major component of Lewy bodies found in neuronal cells of patients with sporadic Parkinson’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, and glial cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in oligodendrocytes with multiple system atrophy. Aggregated α-synuclein is cytotoxic and plays a central role in the pathogenesis of the above-mentioned synucleinopathies. In a healthy brain, most α-synuclein is unphosphorylated; however, more than 90% of abnormally aggregated α-synuclein in Lewy bodies of patients with Parkinson’s disease is phosphorylated at Ser129, which is presumed to be of pathological significance. Several kinases catalyze Ser129 phosphorylation, but the role of phosphorylation enzymes in disease pathogenesis and their relationship to cellular toxicity from phosphorylation are not fully understood in α-synucleinopathy. Consequently, this review focuses on the pathogenic impact of α-synuclein phosphorylation and its kinases during the neurodegeneration process in α-synucleinopathy.  相似文献   

One of the mechanisms by which PI3 kinase can regulate platelet function is through phosphorylation of downstream substrates, including glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3)α and GSK3β. Platelet activation results in the phosphorylation of an N-terminal serine residue in GSK3α (Ser21) and GSK3β (Ser9), which competitively inhibits substrate phosphorylation. However, the role of phosphorylation of these paralogs is still largely unknown. Here, we employed GSK3α/β phosphorylation-resistant mouse models to explore the role of this inhibitory phosphorylation in regulating platelet activation. Expression of phosphorylation-resistant GSK3α/β reduced thrombin-mediated platelet aggregation, integrin αIIbβ3 activation, and α-granule secretion, whereas platelet responses to the GPVI agonist collagen-related peptide (CRP-XL) were significantly enhanced. GSK3 single knock-in lines revealed that this divergence is due to differential roles of GSK3α and GSK3β phosphorylation in regulating platelet function. Expression of phosphorylation-resistant GSK3α resulted in enhanced GPVI-mediated platelet activation, whereas expression of phosphorylation-resistant GSK3β resulted in a reduction in PAR-mediated platelet activation and impaired in vitro thrombus formation under flow. Interestingly, the latter was normalised in double GSK3α/β KI mice, indicating that GSK3α KI can compensate for the impairment in thrombosis caused by GSK3β KI. In conclusion, our data indicate that GSK3α and GSK3β have differential roles in regulating platelet function.  相似文献   

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