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Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a leading cause of mortality in premature infants. However, the pathophysiology and influence of regulatory T cells (Tregs) have not been sufficiently elucidated. We performed a scoping review to investigate current knowledge on the influence of Tregs in NEC, and to investigate the predictive value of Treg number in NEC development. Pubmed, Embase, Prospero and Cochrane Library were searched during December 2020. Primary research articles discussing Tregs and NEC development written in English were selected. Two reviewers screened title and abstract for relevance, after which full-text screening was performed. A total of 20 articles were selected—13 of the articles discussed studies performed in animal models, while 8 used human neonate data. One study discussed both animal and human data. It was shown that after NEC diagnosis or induction, Treg levels were decreased while Th17 levels were increased. No studies were found which investigated the predictive value of Treg number in NEC development. A reduced Treg level is found in animals and neonates with NEC. The question remains whether this effect is a factor on the causal pathway of NEC development or a bystander effect. Future research focusing on the pathophysiological timeline of NEC and the involvement of Tregs is required for better understanding of this disease.  相似文献   

Although stroke is one of the world’s leading causes of death and disability, and more than a thousand candidate neuroprotective drugs have been proposed based on extensive in vitro and animal-based research, an effective neuroprotective/restorative therapy for ischaemic stroke patients is still missing. In particular, the high attrition rate of neuroprotective compounds in clinical studies should make us question the ability of in vitro models currently used for ischaemic stroke research to recapitulate human ischaemic responses with sufficient fidelity. The ischaemic stroke field would greatly benefit from the implementation of more complex in vitro models with improved physiological relevance, next to traditional in vitro and in vivo models in preclinical studies, to more accurately predict clinical outcomes. In this review, we discuss current in vitro models used in ischaemic stroke research and describe the main factors determining the predictive value of in vitro models for modelling human ischaemic stroke. In light of this, human-based 3D models consisting of multiple cell types, either with or without the use of microfluidics technology, may better recapitulate human ischaemic responses and possess the potential to bridge the translational gap between animal-based in vitro and in vivo models, and human patients in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Advanced breast cancer frequently metastasizes to bone through a multistep process involving the detachment of cells from the primary tumor, their intravasation into the bloodstream, adhesion to the endothelium and extravasation into the bone, culminating with the establishment of a vicious cycle causing extensive bone lysis. In recent years, the crosstalk between tumor cells and secondary organs microenvironment is gaining much attention, being indicated as a crucial aspect in all metastatic steps. To investigate the complex interrelation between the tumor and the microenvironment, both in vitro and in vivo models have been exploited. In vitro models have some advantages over in vivo, mainly the possibility to thoroughly dissect in controlled conditions and with only human cells the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the metastatic progression. In this article we will review the main results deriving from in vitro co-culture models, describing mechanisms activated in the crosstalk between breast cancer and bone cells which drive the different metastatic steps.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence is recognized as a dynamic process in which cells evolve and adapt in a context dependent manner; consequently, senescent cells can exert both beneficial and deleterious effects on their surroundings. Specifically, senescent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) in the bone marrow (BM) have been linked to the generation of a supporting microenvironment that enhances malignant cell survival. However, the study of MSC’s senescence role in leukemia development has been straitened not only by the availability of suitable models that faithfully reflect the structural complexity and biological diversity of the events triggered in the BM, but also by the lack of a universal, standardized method to measure senescence. Despite these constraints, two- and three dimensional in vitro models have been continuously improved in terms of cell culture techniques, support materials and analysis methods; in addition, research on animal models tends to focus on the development of techniques that allow tracking leukemic and senescent cells in the living organism, as well as to modify the available mice strains to generate individuals that mimic human BM characteristics. Here, we present the main advances in leukemic niche modeling, discussing advantages and limitations of the different systems, focusing on the contribution of senescent MSC to leukemia progression.  相似文献   

Commonly used intestinal in vitro models are limited in their potential to predict oral drug absorption. They either lack the capability to form a tight cellular monolayer mimicking the intestinal epithelial barrier or the expression of cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4). The aim of this study was to establish a platform of colorectal cancer patient-derived cell lines for evaluation of human intestinal drug absorption and metabolism. We characterized ten 2D cell lines out of our collection with confluent outgrowth and long-lasting barrier forming potential as well as suitability for high throughput applications with special emphasis on expression and inducibility of CYP3A4. By assessment of the transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) the cells barrier function capacity can be quantified. Very high TEER levels were detected for HROC60. A high basal CYP3A4 expression and function was found for HROC32. Eight cell lines showed higher CYP3A4 induction by stimulation via the vitamin D receptor compared to Caco-2 cells (5.1- to 16.8-fold change). Stimulation of the pregnane X receptor led to higher CYP3A4 induction in two cell lines. In sum, we identified the two cell lines HROC183 T0 M2 and HROC217 T1 M2 as useful tools for in vitro drug absorption studies. Due to their high TEER values and inducibility by drug receptor ligands, they may be superior to Caco-2 cells to analyze oral drug absorption and intestinal drug–drug interactions. Significance statement: Selecting appropriate candidates is important in preclinical drug development. Therefore, cell models to predict absorption from the human intestine are of the utmost importance. This study revealed that the human cell lines HROC183 T0 M2 and HROC217 T1 M2 may be better suited models and possess higher predictive power of pregnane X receptor- and vitamin D-mediated drug metabolism than Caco-2 cells. Consequently, they represent useful tools for predicting intestinal absorption and simultaneously enable assessment of membrane permeability and first-pass metabolism.  相似文献   

One of the greatest breakthroughs of regenerative medicine in this century was the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology in 2006 by Shinya Yamanaka. iPSCs originate from terminally differentiated somatic cells that have newly acquired the developmental capacity of self-renewal and differentiation into any cells of three germ layers. Before iPSCs can be used routinely in clinical practice, their efficacy and safety need to be rigorously tested; however, iPSCs have already become effective and fully-fledged tools for application under in vitro conditions. They are currently routinely used for disease modeling, preparation of difficult-to-access cell lines, monitoring of cellular mechanisms in micro- or macroscopic scales, drug testing and screening, genetic engineering, and many other applications. This review is a brief summary of the reprogramming process and subsequent differentiation and culture of reprogrammed cells into neural precursor cells (NPCs) in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) conditions. NPCs can be used as biomedical models for neurodegenerative diseases (NDs), which are currently considered to be one of the major health problems in the human population.  相似文献   

Background: The microbial colonization of the neonatal gut provides a critical stimulus for normal maturation and development. This process of early microbiota establishment, known to be affected by several factors, constitutes an important determinant for later health. Methods: We studied the establishment of the microbiota in preterm and full-term infants and the impact of perinatal antibiotics upon this process in premature babies. To this end, 16S rRNA gene sequence-based microbiota assessment was performed at phylum level and functional inference analyses were conducted. Moreover, the levels of the main intestinal microbial metabolites, the short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) acetate, propionate and butyrate, were measured by Gas-Chromatography Flame ionization/Mass spectrometry detection. Results: Prematurity affects microbiota composition at phylum level, leading to increases of Proteobacteria and reduction of other intestinal microorganisms. Perinatal antibiotic use further affected the microbiota of the preterm infant. These changes involved a concomitant alteration in the levels of intestinal SCFA. Moreover, functional inference analyses allowed for identifying metabolic pathways potentially affected by prematurity and perinatal antibiotics use. Conclusion: A deficiency or delay in the establishment of normal microbiota function seems to be present in preterm infants. Perinatal antibiotic use, such as intrapartum prophylaxis, affected the early life microbiota establishment in preterm newborns, which may have consequences for later health.  相似文献   

By now, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is considered to be among the most common liver diseases world-wide. NAFLD encompasses a broad spectrum of pathological conditions ranging from simple steatosis to steatohepatitis, fibrosis and finally even cirrhosis; however, only a minority of patients progress to end-stages of the disease, and the course of the disease progression to the later stages seems to be slow, developing progressively over several years. Key risk factors including overweight, insulin resistance, a sedentary life-style and an altered dietary pattern, as well as genetic factors and disturbances of the intestinal barrier function have been identified in recent years. Despite intense research efforts that lead to the identification of these risk factors, knowledge about disease initiation and molecular mechanisms involved in progression is still limited. This review summarizes diet-induced and genetic animal models, as well as cell culture models commonly used in recent years to add to the understanding of the mechanisms involved in NAFLD, also referring to their advantages and disadvantages.  相似文献   

Pathophysiology of chronic neurodegeneration is mainly based on complex mechanisms related to aberrant signal transduction, excitation/inhibition imbalance, excitotoxicity, synaptic dysfunction, oxidative stress, proteotoxicity and protein misfolding, local insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction, excessive cell death, development of glia-supported neuroinflammation, and failure of neurogenesis. These mechanisms tightly associate with dramatic alterations in the structure and activity of the neurovascular unit (NVU) and the blood–brain barrier (BBB). NVU is an ensemble of brain cells (brain microvessel endothelial cells (BMECs), astrocytes, pericytes, neurons, and microglia) serving for the adjustment of cell-to-cell interactions, metabolic coupling, local microcirculation, and neuronal excitability to the actual needs of the brain. The part of the NVU known as a BBB controls selective access of endogenous and exogenous molecules to the brain tissue and efflux of metabolites to the blood, thereby providing maintenance of brain chemical homeostasis critical for efficient signal transduction and brain plasticity. In Alzheimer’s disease, mitochondria are the target organelles for amyloid-induced neurodegeneration and alterations in NVU metabolic coupling or BBB breakdown. In this review we discuss understandings on mitochondria-driven NVU and BBB dysfunction, and how it might be studied in current and prospective NVU/BBB in vitro models for finding new approaches for the efficient pharmacotherapy of Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

Triterpenic acid (TA) and acteoside (ACT), the major components of APPLIVER and ACTEOS, respectively, have been reported to exert hepatoprotective effects, but the molecular mechanisms remain elusive, particularly in the NAFLD/NASH context. We assessed their effects in our well-established in vitro model resembling the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in NASH. Human hepatocytes and hepatic stellate cells were exposed to free fatty acids (FFA) alone or in combination with APPLIVER and ACTEOS as a mono- or co-culture. Steatosis, inflammation, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and collagen deposition were determined. ACTEOS reduced both the TNF-α and ROS production, and, most importantly, attenuated collagen deposition elicited by the excess of FFA in the co-culture model. APPLIVER also showed inhibition of both TNF-α production and collagen deposition caused by FFA accumulation. The compounds alone did not induce any cellular effects. The present study showed the efficacy of APPLIVER and ACTEOS on pathophysiological mechanisms related to NASH. These in vitro data suggest that these compounds deserve further investigation for possible use in NASH treatment.  相似文献   

Dry eye disease (DED) is one of the major ophthalmological healthcare challenges worldwide. DED is a multifactorial disease characterized by a loss of homeostasis of the tear film, and its main pathogenesis is chronic ocular surface inflammation related with various cellular and molecular signaling cascades. The animal model is a reliable and effective tool for understanding the various pathological mechanisms and molecular cascades in DED. Considerable experimental research has focused on developing new strategies for the prevention and treatment of DED. Several experimental models of DED have been developed, and different animal species such as rats, mice, rabbits, dogs, and primates have been used for these models. Although the basic mechanisms of DED in animals are nearly identical to those in humans, proper knowledge about the induction of animal models is necessary to obtain better and more reliable results. Various experimental models (in vitro and in vivo DED models) were briefly discussed in this review, along with pathologic features, analytical approaches, and common measurements, which will help investigators to use the appropriate cell lines, animal, methods, and evaluation parameters depending on their study design.  相似文献   

The therapeutic efficacy of a cardiovascular device after implantation is highly dependent on the host-initiated complement and coagulation cascade. Both can eventually trigger thrombosis and inflammation. Therefore, understanding these initial responses of the body is of great importance for newly developed biomaterials. Subtle modulation of the associated biological processes could optimize clinical outcomes. However, our failure to produce truly blood compatible materials may reflect our inability to properly understand the mechanisms of thrombosis and inflammation associated with biomaterials. In vitro models mimicking these processes provide valuable insights into the mechanisms of biomaterial-induced complement activation and coagulation. Here, we review (i) the influence of biomaterials on complement and coagulation cascades, (ii) the significance of complement-coagulation interactions for the clinical success of cardiovascular implants, (iii) the modulation of complement activation by surface modifications, and (iv) in vitro testing strategies.  相似文献   

Herbal compounds, so-called phytoconstituents, illustrate poor absorption by living cells. Phytosomes are advanced form of herbal compounds that show higher absorption rate and bioavailability, which results better than conventional plant extracts. Niosomes, which are made of nonionic surfactants, create better chemical and stability conditions besides lipid vesicles. This study covers the preparation, characterization and cell culture applications of phyto-niosomes of Marigold extract. Before the encapsulation process, extracts of selected plants were prepared and the extract that presents best bioactivity was chosen. The resulting phyto-niosomes were characterized and their biological activities including cytotoxicity, wound healing and antioxidant activity were investigated.  相似文献   

Curing salts composed of mixtures of nitrates and nitrites are preservatives widely used in processed meats. Despite many desirable technological effects, their use in meat products has been linked to methemoglobinemia and the formation of nitrosamines. Therefore, an increasing “anti-nitrite feeling” has grown among meat consumers, who search for clean label products. In this view, the use of natural compounds as alternatives represents a challenge for the meat industry. Processing (including formulation and fermentation) induces chemical or physical changes of food matrix that can modify the bioaccessibility of nutrients and the formation of peptides, impacting on the real nutritional value of food. In this study we investigated the effect of nitrate/nitrite replacement with a combination of polyphenols, ascorbate, and nitrate-reducing microbial starter cultures on the bioaccessibility of fatty acids, the hydrolysis of proteins and the release of bioactive peptides after in vitro digestion. Moreover, digested salami formulations were investigated for their impacts on cell proliferation and genotoxicity in the human intestinal cellular model (HT-29 cell line). The results indicated that a replacement of synthetic nitrates/nitrites with natural additives can represent a promising strategy to develop innovative “clean label” salamis without negatively affecting their nutritional value.  相似文献   

A topical desiccating wound agent containing methanesulfonic acid, dimethylsulfoxide and amorphous silica was evaluated in three in vitro models for its efficacy against biofilms produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC-15442) and Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC-6538). The in vitro biofilm models used were; the MBEC Assay®, Centre for Disease Control (CDC) Biofilm Reactor® and a Semi-solid biofilm model. A 30-s exposure of a topical wound desiccating agent was used in each model. A complete eradication of viable cells was demonstrated in all models for both strains (p < 0.0001). Imaging with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed where possible. All three models demonstrated complete eradication of viable cells with a 30 s application of a topical wound desiccating agent.  相似文献   

Background: Copper-containing biomaterials are increasingly applied for bone regeneration due to their pro-angiogenetic, pro-osteogenetic and antimicrobial properties. Therefore, the effect of Cu2+ on osteoclasts, which play a major role in bone remodeling was studied in detail. Methods: Human primary osteoclasts, differentiated from human monocytes were differentiated or cultivated in the presence of Cu2+. Osteoclast formation and activity were analyzed by measurement of osteoclast-specific enzyme activities, gene expression analysis and resorption assays. Furthermore, the glutathione levels of the cells were checked to evaluate oxidative stress induced by Cu2+. Results: Up to 8 µM Cu2+ did not induce cytotoxic effects. Activity of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) was significantly increased, while other osteoclast specific enzyme activities were not affected. However, gene expression of TRAP was not upregulated. Resorptive activity of osteoclasts towards dentin was not changed in the presence of 8 µM Cu2+ but decreased in the presence of extracellular bone matrix. When Cu2+ was added to mature osteoclasts TRAP activity was not increased and resorption decreased only moderately. The glutathione level of both differentiating and mature osteoclasts was significantly decreased in the presence of Cu2+. Conclusions: Differentiating and mature osteoclasts react differently to Cu2+. High TRAP activities are not necessarily related to high resorption.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway (UPP) is the major proteolytic system in the cytosol and nucleus of all eukaryotic cells. The role of proteasome inhibitors (PIs) as critical agents for regulating cancer cell death has been established. Aziridine derivatives are well-known alkylating agents employed against cancer. However, to the best of our knowledge, aziridine derivatives showing inhibitory activity towards proteasome have never been described before. Herein we report a new class of selective and nonPIs bearing an aziridine ring as a core structure. In vitro cell-based assays (two leukemia cell lines) also displayed anti-proliferative activity for some compounds. In silico studies indicated non-covalent binding mode and drug-likeness for these derivatives. Taken together, these results are promising for developing more potent PIs.  相似文献   

In the last decades, experimental studies have been carried out to investigate the effects of radiofrequency (RF, 100 kHz–300 GHz) electromagnetic fields (EMF) exposure on the apoptotic process. As evidence-based critical evaluation of RF and apoptosis in vitro is lacking, we performed a scoping literature review with the aim of systematically mapping the research performed in this area and identifying gaps in knowledge. Eligible for inclusion were in vitro studies assessing apoptosis in mammalian cells exposed to RF-EMF, which met basic quality criteria (sham control, at least three independent experiments, appropriate dosimetry analysis and temperature monitoring). We conducted a systematic literature review and charted data in order to overview the main characteristics of included studies. From the 4362 papers retrieved with our search strategy, 121 were pertinent but, among them, only 42 met basic quality criteria. We pooled data with respect to exposure (frequency, exposure level and duration) and biological parameters (cell type, endpoint), and highlighted some qualitative trends with respect to the detection of significant effect of RF-EMF on the apoptotic process. We provided a qualitative picture of the evidence accumulated so far, and highlighted that the quality of experimental methodology still needs to be highly improved.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is exposed to xenobiotics, including drugs, through both: local (oral) and systemic routes. Despite the advances in drug discovery and in vitro pre-clinical models, there is a lack of appropriate translational models to distinguish the impact of these routes of exposure. Changes in intestinal permeability has been observed in different gastrointestinal and systemic diseases. This study utilized one such xenobiotic, arsenic, to which more than 200 million people around the globe are exposed via their food, drinking water, work environment, soil, and air. The purpose of this study was to establish an in vitro model to mimic gastrointestinal tract exposure to xenobiotics via oral or intravenous routes. To achieve this, we compared the route (mimicking oral and intravenous exposure to GIT and the dose response (using threshold approach) of trivalent and pentavalent inorganic arsenic species on the permeability of in vitro cultured polarized T84 cells, an example of intestinal epithelial cells. Arsenic treatment to polarized T84 cells via the apical and basolateral compartment of the trans-well system reflected oral or intravenous routes of exposure in vivo, respectively. Sodium arsenite, sodium arsenate, dimethyl arsenic acid sodium salt (DMAV), and disodium methyl arsonate hydrate (MMAV) were assessed for their effects on intestinal permeability by measuring the change in trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TEER) of T-84 cells. Polarized T-84 cells exposed to 12.8 µM of sodium arsenite from the basolateral side showed a marked reduction in TEER. Cytotoxicity of sodium arsenite, as measured by release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), was increased when cells were exposed via the basolateral side. The mRNA expression of genes related to cell junctions in T-84 cells was analyzed after exposure with sodium arsenite for 72 h. Changes in TEER correlated with mRNA expression of focal-adhesion-, tight-junction- and gap-junction-related genes (upregulation of Jam2, Itgb3 and Notch4 genes and downregulation of Cldn2, Cldn3, Gjb1, and Gjb2). Overall, exposure to sodium arsenite from the basolateral side was found to have a differential effect on monolayer permeability and on cell-junction-related genes as compared to apical exposure. Most importantly, this study established a preclinical human-relevant in vitro translational model to assess the changes in permeability and cytotoxicity during exposure, mimicking oral or intravenous routes.  相似文献   

Development of early follicles, especially the activation of primordial follicles, is strictly modulated by a network of signaling pathways. Recent advance in ovarian physiology has been allowed the development of several therapies to improve reproductive outcomes by manipulating early folliculogenesis. Among these, in vitro activation (IVA) has been recently developed to extend the possibility of achieving genetically related offspring for patients with premature ovarian insufficiency and ovarian dysfunction. This method was established based on basic science studies of the intraovarian signaling pathways: the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt and the Hippo signaling pathways. These two pathways were found to play crucial roles in folliculogenesis from the primordial follicle to the early antral follicle. Following the results of rodent experiments, IVA was implemented in clinical practice. There have been multiple recorded live births and ongoing pregnancies. Further investigations are essential to confirm the efficacy and safety of IVA before used widely in clinics. This review aimed to summarize the published literature on IVA and provide future perspectives for its improvement.  相似文献   

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