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Kuang‐Hao Liu Hsiang‐Yi Shin Hsiao‐Hwa Chen 《Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing》2011,11(6):692-706
Spatial diversity in wireless networks can be attained by exploiting the broadcast nature of wireless transmission without the need of multiple antennas in individual device, leading to the implementation of cooperative communication. While most prior works focused on the single source—destination scenario, it should be more realistic to consider how to induce cooperation among multiple source‐destination pairs assisted by multiple relays. In such a case, multiple access interference (MAI) may present due to asynchronous transmissions of the users and relays. In this paper, a cooperative network architecture based on orthogonal complementary (OC) codes inherently immune to MAI is proposed. To efficiently utilize the scarce radio spectrum and codes, a centralized medium access control (MAC) protocol is proposed to coordinate the code assignment and channel access among users and relays. We theoretically analyze the bit error rate (BER) performance of the proposed OC coded cooperative network over multipath Rayleigh fading channel. The performance gain resulted from different numbers of relays is investigated, and compared with a time division multiple access (TDMA) based cooperative scheme. We show that the proposed OC coded cooperative network performs well in the presence of timing offset, and thus is well suited for asynchronous uplink transmission with cooperative relaying. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Hongjuan Yang Peter H. J. Chong Weixiao Meng Bo Li Yong Liang Guan 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2015,28(1):112-126
This paper proposes a cooperative quadrature physical layer network coding (CQPNC) scheme for a dual‐hop cooperative relay network, which consists of two source nodes, one relay node and one destination node. All nodes in the network have one antenna, and the two source nodes transmit their signals modulated with quadrature carriers. In this paper, a cooperative quadrature physical layer network coded decode‐and‐forward (DF) relay protocol (CQPNC‐DF) is proposed to transmit the composite information from the two source nodes via the relay node to the destination node simultaneously to reduce the number of time slots required for a transmission. The proposed CQPNC‐DF relay protocol is compared with time‐division multiple‐access amplify‐and‐forward (TDMA‐AF), TDMA‐DF, cooperative network coded DF (CNC‐DF) and cooperative analog network coded AF (CANC‐AF) relay protocols to demonstrate its effectiveness in terms of bit error rate (BER) and system throughput under different propagation conditions. The simulation results reveal that the proposed CQPNC‐DF relay protocol can significantly improve the network performance. Compared with two TDMA schemes and CNC‐DF, the proposal can provide up to 100% and 50% throughput gains, respectively. Moreover, no matter what the scene, the proposed scheme always has the lowest BER in the low SNR region. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
We consider a two‐hop multiple‐relay network implemented with opportunistic decode‐and‐forward cooperative strategy, where the first hop and second hop links experience different fading (Rayleigh and Rician). We derive the exact expressions of end‐to‐end outage probability and analyze the approximate results in high signal‐to‐noise ratio region. The analysis shows that the same diversity order can be achieved even in different mixed fading environments. Simulation results are provided to verify our analysis. 相似文献
This paper proposes a modified decode and forward (DAF) protocol with a three node model, which contains two users and one destination. Each user can be either the source or the relay in different frames. We analyze the four cooperative cases in the first frame and run simulations to obtain the optimal power allocation coefficients in the second frame. The closed form expression of outage probability is derived over Nakagami m fading channels. Furthermore, we show that the proposed model has better performance than the non cooperation system and traditional DAF strategy based on the derived outage probability. 相似文献
Xianyi Rui 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2010,23(11):1443-1448
Exact expressions for outage probability and symbol error rate are presented for a decode‐and‐forward cooperative network with partial relay selection. An independent but not identically distributed Nakagami‐m fading environment is considered. Numerical and simulated results show the validity of the analytical results. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Himanshu Katiyar 《International Journal of Electronics》2019,106(5):679-690
Cooperative relaying is an effective technique to combat multi-path fading, improves system capacity and enhances the coverage. In this paper, three different types of operations of infrastructure-based multi-antenna cooperative relay network have been investigated. Closed form expressions of outage probability and average error rate for each type of operation have been derived, when the relay and destination perform maximum ratio combining (MRC) of signals. The effect of antennas installed on relay and its placement has also been studied in this work. 相似文献
This article studies the closed-form expressions of outage performance for opportunistic relay under aggregate power constraint in decode-and-forward(DF)relay networks over Rayleigh fading channels,assuming that multiple antennas are available at the relay node.According to whether instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio(SNR)or average SNR can be utilized for relay selection,two opportunistic relay schemes,opportunistic multi-antenna relay selection(OMRS)and average best relay selection(ABRS)are proposed.The performances of both two schemes are evaluated by means of theoretical analysis and simulation.It is observed that OMRS is outage-optimal among multi-antenna relay selection schemes and closely approaches the beamforming(BF)scheme known as theoretical outage-optimal.Compared with previous single-antenna opportunistic relaying(OR)scheme,OMRS brings remarkable performance improvement,which is obtained from maximum ratio combining(MRC)and beamforming techniques.It is also shown that the performance of ABRS in asymmetric channels is close to OMRS in the low and median SNR range. 相似文献
A kind of amplify‐and‐forward (AF) and decode‐and‐forward (DF) mixed relay communication system is proposed in this letter. The source broadcasts the signal to all the relays. Relays that can decode the signal adopt DF scheme to retransmit the signal, while the rest adopt AF scheme for retransmission. The destination employs maximum ratio combining technique to maximize the received signal‐to‐noise ratio. Another situation concerned in this letter is that when the relay cannot decode the source signal, it may retransmit the interference signal with AF scheme. Closed‐form expressions of outage probability are derived. Simulation results show that the analytical curves agree with the simulated ones very well, and the AF‐DF mixed relay system can improve the availability of the relays. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Trung Q. Duong Lei Shu Min Chen Vo Nguyen Quoc Bao Dac‐Binh Ha 《Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing》2015,15(3):500-509
Cooperative spatial multiplexing (CSM) system has played an important role in wireless networks by offering a substantial improvement in multiplexing gain compared with its cooperative diversity counterpart. However, there is a limited number of research works that consider the performance of CSM systems. As such, in this paper, we have derived exact performance of CSM with amplify‐and‐forward and decode‐and‐forward relays in terms of outage capacity and ergodic capacity. We have shown that CSM systems yield a unity diversity order regardless of the number of antennas at the destination and the number of relays in the networks, which is the direct result of diversity and multiplexing gain trade‐off. Our analytical expressions are corroborated by Monte‐Carlo simulations. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Mohammad Abdizadeh Hadi Jamali‐Rad Bahman Abolhassani 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2014,27(12):3791-3804
We study the problem of optimizing the symbol error probability (SEP) performance of cluster‐based cooperative wireless sensor networks. Recent studies in literature show that an efficient relay selection protocol based on simple geographical information of the nodes to execute cooperative diversity can significantly improve the SEP performance at the destination of such networks. As well, similar line of research on optimal power allocation (for the source and relay nodes) can be found in literature. However, to achieve the best SEP performance at the destination of a cooperative wireless sensor network, joint optimization of power allocation and relay placement should be accomplished. To this aim, we reformulate the SEP of a multi‐hop cooperative communication in a general form and optimize transmitted power level and relay placement simultaneously. This analysis is developed for both amplify‐and‐forward and decode‐and‐forward relaying protocols. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed joint optimization can effectively improve the SEP performance of the network. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Cooperative communication is a promising technique for future wireless networks. It can be used in improving communication reliability and enhancing spectrum efficiency by using the broadcast nature of radio communication and exploiting cooperative diversity. However, its performance gain degrades in the presence of co‐channel interference, which makes it essential to propose interference mitigation schemes. In this paper, we introduce three cooperative communication schemes with interference management for multi‐user cooperative wireless networks. The first scheme (best relay selection) is used as a performance benchmark because it completely avoids the interference problem by using the Frequency‐Division Multiple Access technique. The second scheme (best available relay selection) maximizes the received signal‐to‐noise ratio while keeping the interference levels below a certain threshold, and the third scheme (General Order Relay and User Selection) is based on iterative resource allocation algorithm. We derive exact closed‐form expressions of average bit error probability, outage probability, and average consumed power for the proposed schemes. Simulations are used to validate the analytical results. The results confirm the advantage of the proposed cooperation schemes in enhancing the system performance and improving the interference management. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
为提高机会协同通信系统的中继选择公平性,提出了以不影响系统中断性能为目标的协同方案。在建立了协同通信系统模型的基础上,提出机会协同方案,并引入比例公平算法对机会协同方案进行改进;分别对2种方案下的中继选择概率与系统中断概率进行了分析,根据定义的公平因子表征中继公平性与理想公平上限。仿真结果表明,提出的基于比例公平的机会协同方案,显著改善了中继选择的公平性,在大信噪比条件下趋近理想公平上限,同时保持了系统中断性能。 相似文献
The secrecy performance of a nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA) system is examined in this study by employment of a dual‐hop decode‐and‐forward (DF) relay under existence of eavesdropper. Due to the fact that the relay is trusted or untrusted device and thus eavesdropper may wiretap information from the base station or the relay. In this regard, three scenarios related to trusted and untrusted relays are proposed, with different assumptions on the information overhearing ability of the eavesdropper; ie, the first scenario is that an eavesdropper overhears signal from the relay while the BS is overheard by eavesdropper in the second scenarios. More specifically, we derive closed‐form expressions for the secure probability metrics when the direct and relay links experience independent Rayleigh fading. There metrics include strictly positive secrecy capacity (SPSC) and the secure outage probability (SOP). Furthermore, secure performance of traditional orthogonal multiple access (OMA) is also provided as further comparison with NOMA counterpart. We analyze the influence of main coefficients such as the target rates and the transmit SNR factors on the secrecy performance. Our results specify that for reasonable selection of such parameters, secrecy performance can be enhanced remarkably. Numerical results are delivered to corroborate the derived results. 相似文献
YuPeng Wang Suchitra Shrestha KyungHi Chang 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2010,23(2):204-212
In this paper, we jointly optimize the position of the relay node and transmission power ratio of the source node over the relay node to minimize the outage probability, which can provide guidance for IEEE 802.16j transparent relay node configuration. The result indicates that the outage probability is minimum when the relay is positioned at the midway between the source and the destination, and the transmission power ratio of the source node over the relay node is 11:9. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Alok Baranwal;Sanjay Dhar Roy;Sumit Kundu; 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2024,37(6):e5710
This paper considers a dual-hop cooperative relay-based communication with uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), where communication between sources to destinations takes place parallelly in the same frequency band over a Rayleigh fading channels. The energy harvesting (EH)-based full-duplex (FD) relay helps in forwarding the message from the source node to the destination node via superposition coding, thus calling it a multiple sources full-duplex energy-harvesting cooperative relay NOMA (MS-FD-EH-CR-NOMA) system. Early works focus on EH from one source node or a dedicated power station. In this article, the communication between sources and destinations occurs in two slots where first slot deals with energy harvesting while in second slot information transmission occurs. We studied the effect of imperfect successive interference cancellation (ipSIC) and residual self-interference (RSI) in decoding the message at the relay and the destinations. We derived the closed-form expressions for the outage probability of each pair and the system outage probability of the MS-FD-EH-CR-NOMA system. Next, we derive the closed-form expressions of ergodic capacity under Rayleigh distributed fading channels. Further, numerical results are validated by its simulation results using Monte Carlo simulations in MATLAB. The results obtained through this work are a good step towards designing multiple source–destination communication using NOMA and EH relay. 相似文献
Xianyi Rui 《ETRI Journal》2010,32(1):139-141
In this letter, closed‐form approximations for outage probability and symbol error rate are presented for a selective decode‐and‐forward relay network with partial channel information. An independent but not identically distributed Rayleigh fading environment is considered. Numerical and simulated results demonstrate the validity of the analytical results. 相似文献
Syed Imtiaz Hussain Mohamed‐Slim Alouini Mazen Omar Hasna 《Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing》2013,13(8):790-797
In cooperative communications, multiple relays between a source and a destination can increase the diversity gain. Because all the nodes must use orthogonal channels, multiple‐relay cooperation becomes spectrally inefficient. Therefore, a bestrelay selection scheme was recently proposed. In this paper, we analyzed the performance of this scheme for a system with the relays operating in amplify‐and‐forward mode over identical Nakagami‐m channels using an exact source–relay–destination signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR).We derived accurate closed‐form expressions for various system parameters including the probability density function of end‐to‐end SNR, the average output SNR, the bit error probability, and the channel capacity. The analytical results were verified through Monte Carlo simulations. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Rajesh R. P. G. S. Velmurugan S. J. Thiruvengadam P. S. Mallick 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2018,31(14)
In this paper, a high data rate bidirectional relay network is proposed by combining the merits of spatial modulation (SM) and physical layer network coding. All nodes in the network are equipped with multiple antennas. Spatial modulation technique is used to reduce hardware complexity and interchannel interference by activating only one antenna at any time during transmission. In the proposed bidirectional relay network, transmit antennas are selected at the source nodes and relay node on the basis of the order statistics of channel power. It increases received signal power and provides a significant improvement in the outage performance. Also, the data rate of the proposed network is improved by physical layer network coding at the relay node. A closed form analytical expression for the outage probability of the network over Nakagami‐m fading channel is derived and validated by Monte Carlo simulations. In addition, asymptotic analysis is investigated at high signal‐to‐noise ratio region.The outage performance of the proposed network is compared with SM and physical layer network coding bidirectional relay network without transmit antenna selection and point‐to‐point SM. With approximate SNR≈1 dB difference between the two networks, the same data rate is achieved. 相似文献