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Energy conservation and fault tolerance are two critical issues in the deployment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Many cluster‐based fault‐tolerant routing protocols have been proposed for energy conservation and network lifetime maximization in WSNs. However, these protocols suffer from high frequency of re‐clustering as well as extra energy consumption to tolerate failures and consider only some very normal parameters to form clusters without any verification of the energy sufficiency for data routing. Therefore, this paper proposes a cluster‐based fault‐tolerant routing protocol referred as CFTR. This protocol allows higher energy nodes to become Cluster Heads (CHs) and operate multiple rounds to diminish the frequency of re‐clustering. Additionally, for the sake to get better energy efficiency and balancing, we introduce a cost function that considers during cluster formation energy cost from sensor node to CH, energy cost from CH to sink, and another significant parameter, namely, number of cluster members in previous round. Further, the proposed CFTR takes care of nodes, which have no CH in their communication range. Also, it introduces a routing algorithm in which the decision of next hop CH selection is based on a cost function conceived to select routes with sufficient energy for data transfer and distribute uniformly the overall data‐relaying load among the CHs. As well, a low‐overhead algorithm to tolerate the sudden failure of CHs is proposed. We perform extensive simulations on CFTR and compare their results with those of two recent existing protocols to demonstrate its superiority in terms of different metrics.  相似文献   

Maximizing the lifespan of wireless sensor networks is currently drawing a lot of attention in the research community. In order to reduce energy consumption, sensor nodes that are far from the base station avoid sending data directly. As a result, several disjoint clusters are formed, and nodes within a cluster send their data through the cluster head to avoid long transmissions. However, several parameters related to transmission cost need to be considered when selecting a cluster head. While most of the existing research work considers energy and distance as the most stringent parameters to reduce energy consumption, these approaches fail to create a fair and balanced cluster. Consequently, unbalanced clusters are formed, resulting in the degradation of overall performance. In this research work, a cluster head selection algorithm is proposed that covers all parts of the sensing area in a balanced manner, saving a significant amount of energy. Furthermore, a capture effect–based intracluster communication mechanism is proposed that efficiently utilizes the time slot under various traffic conditions. A Näive Bayes classifier is used to adapt the window size dynamically according to the traffic pattern. Finally, a simulation model using OMNeT++ is developed to compare the proposed approach with the pioneer clustering approach, LEACH, and the contemporary LEACH‐MAC protocol in terms of performance. The results of the simulation indicate that the proposed approach improves the overall performance in terms of network lifetime, energy efficiency, and throughput.  相似文献   

In this study, an optimal method of clustering homogeneous wireless sensor networks using a multi‐objective two‐nested genetic algorithm is presented. The top level algorithm is a multi‐objective genetic algorithm (GA) whose goal is to obtain clustering schemes in which the network lifetime is optimized for different delay values. The low level GA is used in each cluster in order to get the most efficient topology for data transmission from sensor nodes to the cluster head. The presented clustering method is not restrictive, whereas existing intelligent clustering methods impose certain conditions such as performing two‐tiered clustering. A random deployed model is used to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. In addition, a comparison is made between the presented algorithm other GA‐based clustering methods and the Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy protocol. The results obtained indicate that using the proposed method, the network's lifetime would be extended much more than it would be when using the other methods. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Non‐uniform energy consumption during operation of a cluster‐based routing protocol for large‐scale wireless sensor networks (WSN) is major area of concern. Unbalanced energy consumption in the wireless network results in early node death and reduces the network lifetime. This is because nodes near the sink are overloaded in terms of data traffic compared with the far away nodes resulting in node deaths. In this work, a novel residual energy–based distributed clustering and routing (REDCR) protocol has been proposed, which allows multi‐hop communication based on cuckoo‐search (CS) algorithm and low‐energy adaptive‐clustering–hierarchy (LEACH) protocol. LEACH protocol allows choice of possible cluster heads by rotation at every round of data transmission by a newly developed objective function based on residual energy of the nodes. The information about the location and energy of the nodes is forwarded to the sink node where CS algorithm is implemented to choose optimal number of cluster heads and their positions in the network. This approach helps in uniform distribution of the cluster heads throughout the network and enhances the network stability. Several case studies have been performed by varying the position of the base stations and by changing the number of nodes in the area of application. The proposed REDCR protocol shows significant improvement by an average of 15% for network throughput, 25% for network scalability, 30% for network stability, 33% for residual energy conservation, and 60% for network lifetime proving this approach to be more acceptable one in near future.  相似文献   

Recently, underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) have attracted much research attention to support various applications for pollution monitoring, tsunami warnings, offshore exploration, tactical surveillance, etc. However, because of the peculiar characteristics of UWSNs, designing communication protocols for UWSNs is a challenging task. Particularly, designing a routing protocol is of the most importance for successful data transmissions between sensors and the sink. In this paper, we propose a reliable and energy‐efficient routing protocol, named R‐ERP2R (Reliable Energy‐efficient Routing Protocol based on physical distance and residual energy). The main idea behind R‐ERP2R is to utilize physical distance as a routing metric and to balance energy consumption among sensors. Furthermore, during the selection of forwarding nodes, link quality towards the forwarding nodes is also considered to provide reliability and the residual energy of the forwarding nodes to prolong network lifetime. Using the NS‐2 simulator, R‐ERP2R is compared against a well‐known routing protocol (i.e. depth‐based routing) in terms of network lifetime, energy consumption, end‐to‐end delay and delivery ratio. The simulation results proved that R‐ERP2R performs better in UWSNs.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在无线传感器网络中,分簇型路由在路由协议中占据重要的地位,该协议方便拓扑结构管理,能源利用率高,数据融合简单。文章从簇头生成、簇形成和簇路由3个角度对典型的分簇路由算法LEACH,HEED,EEUC,PEGASIS进行了系统描述,从网络生命周期和节点存活数量等方面,对比了其优缺点,结合该领域的研究现状,指出了未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

Clustering provides an effective way to prolong the lifetime of wireless sensor networks.One of the major issues of a clustering protocol is selecting an optimal group of sensor nodes as the cluster heads to divide the network.Another is the mode of inter-cluster communication.In this paper,an energy-balanced unequal clustering(EBUC)protocol is proposed and evaluated.By using the particle swarm optimization(PSO)algorithm,EBUC partitions all nodes into clusters of unequal size,in which the clusters closer to the base station have smaller size.The cluster heads of these clusters can preserve some more energy for the inter-cluster relay traffic and the 'hot-spots' problem can be avoided.For inter-cluster communication,EBUC adopts an energy-aware multihop routing to reduce the energy consumption of the cluster heads.Simulation results demonstrate that the protocol can efficiently decrease the dead speed of the nodes and prolong the network lifetime.  相似文献   

Energy is an extremely critical resource for battery‐powered wireless sensor networks (WSNs), thus making energy‐efficient protocol design a key challenging problem. However, uneven energy consumption is an inherent problem in WSNs caused by multi‐hop routing and many‐to‐one traffic pattern among sensors. In this paper, we therefore propose a new clustering method called fuzzy chessboard clustering (FFC), which is capable to overcome the bottleneck problem and addressing the uneven energy consumption problem in heterogeneous WSNs. We also propose an energy‐efficient routing method called artificial bee colony routing method (ABCRM) to find the optimal routing path for the heterogeneous WSNs. ABCRM seeks to investigate the problems of balancing energy consumption and maximization of network lifetime. To demonstrate the effectiveness of FCC‐ABCRM in terms of lessening end‐to‐end delay, balancing energy consumption, and maximization of heterogeneous network lifetime, we compare our method with three approaches namely, chessboard clustering approach, PEGASIS, and LEACH. Simulation results show that the network lifetime achieved by FCC‐ABCRM could be increased by nearly 25%, 45%, and 60% more than that obtained by chessboard clustering, PEGASIS, and LEACH, respectively. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘江涛 《光电子.激光》2010,(11):1653-1656
分析了基于低功耗自适应分簇(LEACH)路由协议的无线传感网络(WSN)在不同拓扑形状下的生命周期,并改进了长方形拓扑形状的路由协议。进而针对WSN在某些场合能量有限、易受干扰和安全性差等缺点,在长方形区域中引入分布式光纤传感结构。将传感光纤铺设在环境复杂和外界电磁波干扰大的监测区域,从而提高整个传感网络的生命周期和可靠性。理论分析和仿真结果表明,改进的拓扑和协议在提高可靠性的同时,有效地延长了光WSN的生存时间,性能优于传统LEACH协议。  相似文献   

随着物联网技术的深入发展,无线传感器网络的应用也越来越广泛.然而,无线传感器网络的技术还有待进一步的发展,也促使人们对于无线传感器网络协议的深入探究.本文针对无线传感器网络协议的网络层协议和MAC层协议的分类做了详细的描述和总结,为后续人们进一步研究做好铺垫.  相似文献   

The features of transmissions in underwater sensor networks (UWSNs) include lower transmission rate, longer delay time, and higher power consumption when compared with terrestrial radio transmissions. The negative effects of transmission collisions deteriorate in such environments. Existing UWSN routing protocols do not consider the transmission collision probability differences resulting from different transmission distances. In this paper, we show that collision probability plays an important role in route selection and propose an energy‐efficient routing protocol (DRP), which considers the distance‐varied collision probability as well as each node's residual energy. Considering these 2 issues, DRP can find a path with high successful transmission rate and high‐residual energy. In fact, DRP can find the path producing the longest network lifetime, which we have confirmed through theoretical analysis. To the best of our knowledge, DRP is the first UWSN routing protocol that uses transmission collision probability as a factor in route selection. Simulation results verify that DRP extends network lifetime, increases network throughput, and reduces end‐to‐end delay when compared with solutions without considering distance‐varied collision probability or residual energy.  相似文献   

孙彦清  彭舰  刘唐  陈晓海 《通信学报》2014,35(1):198-206
针对节点负载不均而形成的“热区”问题,提出了一种基于动态分区负载均衡的分布式成簇路由协议(UCDP)。其核心思想是:将网络合理化地动态分区,使距离基站较近的区面积较小,从而减少需要承担转发任务节点的区内通信开销,节省更多的能量供数据转发使用;综合考虑距离因子和剩余能量因子进行区内非均匀成簇;有机结合簇内单跳和区间转发,区头与簇头共同协作进行路由传输。实验表明,协议具有较好的稳定性,显著延长了网络的生存周期。  相似文献   

Network reprogramming is a process used to update program codes of sensor nodes that are already deployed. To deal with potentially unstable link conditions of wireless sensor networks, the epidemic approach based on 3‐way advertise‐request‐data handshaking is preferred for network reprogramming. Existing epidemic protocols, however, require a long completion period and high traffic overhead in high‐density networks, mainly due to the hidden terminal problem. In this paper, we address this problem by dynamically adjusting the frequency of advertisement messages in terms of the density of sensor nodes, which is the number of sensor nodes in a certain area. We compare the performance of the proposed scheme, called DANP (Density‐Adaptive Network Reprogramming Protocol), with a well‐known epidemic protocol, Deluge. Simulations indicate that, in the grid topologies, DANP outperforms Deluge by about 30% in terms of the completion time and about 50% in terms of the traffic overhead. Significant performance gain is observed in random topologies as well. The performance of DANP is further confirmed via measurements in an experimental test bed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The utilization of limited energy in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is the critical concern, whereas the effectiveness of routing mechanisms substantially influence energy usage. We notice that two common issues in existing specific routing schemes for WSNs are that (i) a path may traverse through a specific set of sensors, draining out their energy quickly and (ii) packet retransmissions over unreliable links may consume energy significantly. In this paper, we develop an energy‐efficient routing scheme (called EFFORT) to maximize the amount of data gathered in WSNs before the end of network lifetime. By exploiting two natural advantages of opportunistic routing, that is, the path diversity and the improvement of transmission reliability, we propose a new metric that enables each sensor to determine a suitable set of forwarders as well as their relay priorities. We then present EFFORT, a routing protocol that utilizes energy efficiently and prolongs network lifetime based on the proposed routing metric. Simulation results show that EFFORT significantly outperforms other routing protocols. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an energy efficient medium access control (MAC) protocol for delay‐sensitive data transmission over wireless sensor network. In general, energy consumption and delay depend on channel monitoring interval (CMI) and data sensing period at each sensor node. Based on this fact, we propose a new preamble structure to effectively advertise CMI and avoid the overhearing problem. In order to pursue an effective tradeoff between energy consumption and delay, we also develop a CMI determining algorithm that searches for a sub‐optimal solution with a low computational complexity in a distributive way. Finally, experimental results are provided to compare the proposed MAC protocol with existing sensor MAC protocols. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

~~An energy efficient clustering routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks1. Mainwaring A, Polastre J, Szewczyk R, et al. Wireless sensor networks for habitat monitoring. Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and A…  相似文献   

Wide range of applications such as disaster management, military and security have fueled the interest in sensor networks during the past few years. Sensors are typically capable of wireless communication and are significantly constrained in the amount of available resources such as energy, storage and computation. Such constraints make the design and operation of sensor networks considerably different from contemporary wireless networks, and necessitate the development of resource conscious protocols and management techniques. In this paper, we present an energy‐efficient, scalable and collision‐free MAC layer protocol for sensor networks. The approach promotes time‐based arbitration of medium access to limit signal interference among the transmission of sensors. Transmission and reception time slots are prescheduled to allow sensors to turn their radio circuitry off when not engaged. In addition, energy consumption due to active to sleep mode transitions is minimized through the assignment of contiguous transmission/reception slots to each sensor. Scalability of the approach is supported through grouping of sensors into clusters. We describe an optimization algorithm for energy conscious scheduling of time slots that prevents intra‐cluster collisions and eliminates packet drop due to buffer size limitations. In addition, we also propose an arbitration scheme that prevents collisions among the transmission of sensors in different clusters. The impact of our approach on the network performance is qualified through simulation.. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the ‘localized and load‐balanced clustering (LLBC)’ protocol is proposed for the energy savings and lifetime increases of wireless sensor networks. LLBC contains two approaches. One is improved cluster head rotation (ICHR) and the other is modified static clustering (MSC). ICHR uses the present cluster heads to select most energetic sensors as the next‐round cluster heads and avoids the margin cluster heads being selected as cluster heads repeatedly. MSC is suitable when the network has a few very high energetic sensors. It uses the method of inter‐cluster load balance to adjust the cardinality of each cluster as close to the average cardinality as possible. The simulation results with respect to FND (the time when a node dies first), HND (the time when half of the total nodes have died), and energy consumption show that the orders of effectiveness are: for ICHR and low‐energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH)‐C, before 250 rounds of cluster head rotations, there is no significant difference between the two, but after 250 rounds, ICHR>LEACH?C; and in general, LEACH?C>LEACH>MSC>mini variance>direct communication. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了更进一步减少信道冲突和网络能耗,提出一种基于令牌的链式无线传感器网络MAC协议.协议自定义信标帧和数据帧,在传感器节点完成时间同步后,以信标帧中的令牌为控制信息对相邻两个传感器节点进行收发控制,实现数据从链尾节点到链头节点的顺序上传.研究表明,该协议不仅能够满足系统的稳定性要求而且能够有效降低功耗.  相似文献   

Efficient and accurate sensor deployment is a critical requirement for the development of wireless sensor networks. Recently, distributed energy‐efficient self‐deployment algorithms, such as the intelligent deployment and clustering algorithm (IDCA) and the distributed self‐spreading algorithm (DSSA), have been proposed to offer almost uniform distribution for sensor deployment by employing a synergistic combination of cluster structuring and a peer‐to‐peer deployment scheme. However, both DSSA and IDCA suffer from unnecessary movements that have arisen from an inappropriate design in partial force. To improve the performance of self‐deployment algorithms, a uniform and energy‐efficient deployment algorithm (UEEDA) is proposed in this paper. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed UEEDA outperforms both DSSA and IDCA in terms of uniformity and algorithm convergence speed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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