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Type IV collagen, the major component of basement membrane, consists primarily of alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains. Recently, other types of collagen IV chains, i.e. alpha 3(IV), alpha 4(IV), alpha 5(IV) and alpha 6(IV) chains, have been identified by protein chemistry and molecular cloning. We have examined the diversity of the assembly of alpha (IV) chains of the basement membrane surrounding tumour nests of basal cell carcinomas, in tissues from 11 patients, by immunohistochemical analysis using specific monoclonal antibodies to six alpha (IV) chain. The immunostaining profile of each chain differed with respect to the histological subtypes of basal cell carcinoma. In the morphea-like subtype, which was more invasive, alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains were discontinuously stained, and alpha 5(IV) and alpha 6(IV) chains were entirely absent. However, in the superficial subtype, which was non-aggressive, alpha 1(IV), alpha 2(IV), alpha 5(IV) and alpha 6(IV) chains were well stained compared with the other subtypes of basal cell carcinoma. In addition, in the solid subtype, which showed slow growth and ulceration, alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains were continuously stained, and alpha 5(IV) and alpha 6(IV) chains were discontinuous or absent. The assembly of alpha 5(IV) and alpha 6(IV) chains into the basement membrane was inhibited in the solid and morphea subtypes of BCC. This differential expression of type IV collagen chains seems to be associated with the invasive potential of basal cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

A group of 22 unrelated patients with sporadic or non-X-linked Alport syndrome were screened for mutations in the non-collagenous domain of the type IV collagen alpha 3 (COL4A3) chain gene. The five 3'-exons of this gene, located on chromosome 2qter, were tested by single strand conformation polymorphism analysis and direct sequencing. One patient was heterozygous and another homozygous (Mochizuki et al., Nature Genetics, in press) for a deletion of five nucleotides. A third patient appeared to be a compound heterozygote for two different nonsense mutations. In two patients and the father of a deceased patient we found a heterozygous substitution of an evolutionary conserved leucine by proline. However, segregation data of the mutation and a COL4A3/COL4A4 CA-repeat marker in their families argued against a causative role of the missense mutation. Even drastic changes of strongly conserved amino acids, as in the Leu36Pro case, may not be significant. Autosomal recessive inheritance due to pathogenic COL4A3 mutations accounts for at least 13% of Alport syndrome cases in this sample. It is concluded that COL4A3 is a major gene in the genetically and clinically heterogeneous Alport syndrome.  相似文献   

Association of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) with the cell surface and with areas of cell-matrix contacts is critical for extracellular matrix degradation. Previously, we showed the surface association of pro-MMP-9 in human breast epithelial MCF10A cells. Here, we have characterized the binding parameters of pro-MMP-9 and show that the enzyme binds with high affinity (Kd approximately 22 nM) to MCF10A cells and other cell lines. Binding of pro-MMP-9 to MCF10A cells does not result in zymogen activation and is not followed by ligand internalization, even after complex formation with tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1). A 190-kDa cell surface protein was identified by ligand blot analysis and affinity purification with immobilized pro-MMP-9. Microsequencing and immunoblot analysis revealed that the 190-kDa protein is the alpha2(IV) chain of collagen IV. Specific pro-MMP-9 surface binding was competed with purified alpha2(IV) and was significantly reduced after treatment of the cells with active MMP-9 before the binding assay since alpha2(IV) is hydrolyzed by MMP-9. A pro-MMP-9.TIMP-1 complex and MMP-9 bind to alpha2(IV), suggesting that neither the C-terminal nor the N-terminal domain of the enzyme is directly involved in alpha2(IV) binding. The closely related pro-MMP-2 exhibits a weaker affinity for alpha2(IV) compared with that of pro-MMP-9, suggesting that sites other than the gelatin-binding domain may be involved in the binding of alpha2(IV) to pro-MMP-9. Although pro-MMP-9 forms a complex with alpha2(IV), the proenzyme does not bind to triple-helical collagen IV. These studies suggest a unique interaction between pro-MMP-9 and alpha2(IV) that may play a role in targeting the zymogen to cell-matrix contacts and in the degradation of the collagen IV network.  相似文献   

During follicular development the proliferative and differentiated state of the epithelioid granulosa cells changes, and the movement of fluid across the follicular basal lamina enables the formation of an antrum. Type IV collagen is an important component of many basal laminae. Each molecule is composed of three alpha chains; however, six different type IV collagen chains have been identified. It is not known which of these chains are present in the follicular basal lamina and whether the type IV collagen composition of the basal lamina changes during follicular development. Therefore, we immunolocalized each of the six chains in bovine ovaries using antibodies directed to the nonconserved non-collagenous (NC) domains. Additionally, dissected follicles were digested with collagenase to release the NC domains, and the NC1 domains were then detected by standard Western immunoblot methods. The follicular basal lamina of almost all primordial and preantral follicles was positive for all type IV collagen alpha chains. Colocalization of type IV collagen and factor VIII-related antigen allowed for discrimination between the follicular and endothelial basal laminae. Type IV collagen alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, and alpha5 chains were present within the follicular basal lamina of only a proportion of antral follicles (17 of 22, 20 of 21, 15 of 18, 14 of 28, and 12 of 23, respectively), and staining was less intense than in the preantral follicles. Staining for the alpha1 and alpha2 chains was diffusely distributed throughout the theca in regions not associated with recognized basal laminae. The specificity of this immunostaining for alpha1 and alpha2 chains of type IV collagen was confirmed by Western immunoblots. As well as being detected in the basal lamina of approximately half of the antral follicles examined, type IV collagen alpha4 also colocalized with 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-immunopositive cells in the theca interna. Type IV collagen alpha6 was detected in the basal lamina of only one of the 16 antral follicles examined. Thus, the follicular basal lamina changes in composition during follicular development, with immunostaining levels being reduced for all type IV collagen chains and immunoreactivity for type IV collagen alpha6 being lost as follicle size increases. Additionally, immunoreactivity for alpha1 and alpha2 appears in the extracellular matrix of the theca as it develops.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Glomerulonephritis and lung hemorrhage of autoimmune Goodpasture syndrome develop due to immune reactions against epitope(s) of the non-collagenous (NC1) domain of alpha3-chain of type IV collagen [alpha3(IV) NC1]. Whether thymic mechanisms have a role in the loss of tolerance to the Goodpasture epitope has not been established. We studied the renal and pulmonary effects of immunization with different forms (monomer, dimer, or hexamer) of alpha3(IV) NC1 collagen in Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats, and assessed whether the intrathymic inoculation of the antigen may protect against anti-GBM disease. METHODS: WKY rats were immunized with bovine alpha3(IV) monomer, dimer, or hexamer, or with alpha3(IV) NC1 synthetic peptide. Renal function, kidney and lung immunohistology, and circulating and tissue bound antibodies to type IV collagen chains were analyzed. Effects of intrathymic inoculation of antigen on subsequent disease induction were analyzed in WKY rats given alpha3(IV) NC1 dimer or GBM preparation intrathymically 48 hours before immunization. RESULTS: Proteinuria, linear IgG deposition in GBM, and crescentic glomerulonephritis developed in WKY rats immunized with alpha3(IV) NC1 dimer or hexamer. Lesions were dose-dependent upon injections of 10 to 100 microgram dimer. The alpha3(IV) NC1 monomer induced less severe proteinuria and no crescents. Pulmonary hemorrhage was detectable in 35% of rats immunized with 25 to 100 microgram alpha3(IV) NC1 dimer; alpha3(IV) synthetic peptide (36 carboxyl terminal) did not induce disease. Rats injected intrathymically with up to 100 microgram alpha3(IV) NC1 dimer or with GBM 48 hours before immunization were not protected against subsequent development of proteinuria and glomerulonephritis. CONCLUSIONS: These findings document that glomerulonephritis and lung hemorrhage can be elicited in WKY rats by immunization with alpha3(IV) NC1. Failure of the intrathymic inoculation of antigen to prevent disease suggests that immunological tolerance cannot be achieved by this intervention, in contrast to other autoimmune conditions, and may imply independent roles for cellular and humoral nephritogenic pathways in anti-GBM nephritis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Kunitz-type inhibitor motif is found at the C terminus of the human collagen alpha3(VI) chain. This 76-residue module (domain C5) was prepared in recombinant form and showed high stability against proteases; however, it lacked any inhibitory activity against trypsin, thrombin, kallikrein and several other proteases. We have undertaken the determination of the three-dimensional (3D) structure of domain C5 in solution, by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), in order to establish the structural basis for the properties of this protein. RESULTS: The 7 N-terminal and 12 C-terminal residues of domain C5 are disordered in the solution structure. The 55-residue core, which shows high homology to bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, retains the characteristic fold of all members of the Kunitz-type inhibitor family. 24 residues of this main structural body show more than one resonance, symptomatic of multiple conformations slowly exchanging on the NMR time scale. In addition, significant proton chemical exchange line broadening is observed for residues in the vicinity of the disulfide bridge between residues 20 and 44: this indicates interconversion, on the micro- to millisecond time scale, between multiple conformations. CONCLUSION: The NMR study demonstrates that domain C5 is a highly dynamic molecule at temperatures studied (between 10 and 30 degrees C). Indeed, some 44% of the main body structure of C5 showed multiple conformations. The existence of multiple conformations was not necessarily expected in view of the conformational constraints imposed by the 3D structure of proteins as rigid as C5; it should therefore be considered in the interpretation of its structural and dynamical properties. The accessibility of the inhibitory binding loop (Gly18 [P4] to Leu25 [P4']) should be relatively unaffected by this conformational exchange and thus would not explain the unusual specificity of C5. Most serine proteinase inhibitors that, like C5, have an arginine at the P1 position inhibit trypsin; the lack of trypsin inhibition of C5 must therefore arise from the amino-acid side-chain composition of the adjoining positions in the binding loop.  相似文献   

Glomerular basement membrane (GBM) plays a crucial function in the ultrafiltration of blood plasma by the kidney. This function is impaired in Alport syndrome, a hereditary disorder that is caused by mutations in the gene encoding type IV collagen, but it is not known how the mutations lead to a defective GBM. In the present study, the supramolecular organization of type IV collagen of GBM was investigated. This was accomplished by using pseudolysin (EC digestion to excise truncated triple-helical protomers for structural studies. Two distinct sets of truncated protomers were solubilized, one at 4 degrees C and the other at 25 degrees C, and their chain composition was determined by use of monoclonal antibodies. The 4 degrees C protomers comprise the alpha1(IV) and alpha2(IV) chains, whereas the 25 degrees C protomers comprised mainly alpha3(IV), alpha4(IV), and alpha5(IV) chains along with some alpha1(IV) and alpha2(IV) chains. The structure of the 25 degrees C protomers was examined by electron microscopy and was found to be characterized by a network containing loops and supercoiled triple helices, which are stabilized by disulfide cross-links between alpha3(IV), alpha4(IV), and alpha5(IV) chains. These results establish a conceptual framework to explain several features of the GBM abnormalities of Alport syndrome. In particular, the alpha3(IV). alpha4(IV).alpha5(IV) network, involving a covalent linkage between these chains, suggests a molecular basis for the conundrum in which mutations in the gene encoding the alpha5(IV) chain cause defective assembly of not only alpha5(IV) chain but also the alpha3(IV) and alpha4(IV) chains in the GBM of patients with Alport syndrome.  相似文献   

Type VIII collagen is a short chain collagen. Two chains have been described, alpha1(VIII) and alpha2(VIII), but the chain composition of type VIII collagen is far from resolved. To address this question, we have expressed full-length alpha1(VIII) and alpha2(VIII) chains in an in vitro translation system supplemented with semipermeabilized cells. Both chains gave a translation product of approximately 80 kDa that could be shown to produce a chymotrypsin/trypsin-resistant product of approximately 60 kDa, indicating that both chains could form homotrimers. Hydroxylation of proline residues was a prerequisite for stable trimer formation. The melting temperature for the alpha1(VIII) homotrimer was 45 degreesC, whereas that for alpha2(VIII) was 42 degreesC. The ability of both chains of type VIII collagen to form stable triple helices suggests that there may be different forms of this collagen and that cells may modulate the chain composition in response to different biological conditions.  相似文献   

Chronic bacteriuria is a common occurrence among spinal-cord injury patients and others with neuropathic bladders. If bacteria are present in the urinary tract, the patient may develop symptoms of infection or remain asymptomatic. We have compared virulence properties of 28 Escherichia coli isolates from patients with symptomatic urinary tract infections (UTI) and 29 E. coli isolates from patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU). Bacteria from patients with symptomatic UTI were more likely to be hemolytic than isolates from patients with ABU (P = 0.05) or fecal isolates obtained from healthy volunteers (P < 0.001). Bacteria from patients with symptomatic UTI were also more likely than strains isolated from patients with ABU (P = 0.08) or fecal strains (P < 0.001) to exhibit D-mannose-resistant hemagglutination of human erythrocytes. The results suggest that E. coli isolates from nonimmunocompromised patients who require intermittent catheterization and who develop symptomatic UTI may be distinguished from bacteria recovered from patients who remain asymptomatic and possibly from normal fecal E. coli.  相似文献   

The human gene for the alpha1 chain of type XV collagen (COL15A1) is about 145 kilobases in size and contains 42 exons. The promoter is characterized by the lack of a TATAA motif and the presence of several Sp1 binding sites, some of which appeared to be functional in transfected HeLa cells. Comparison with Col18a1, which encodes the alpha1(XVIII) collagen chain homologous with alpha1(XV), indicates marked structural homology spread throughout the two genes. The mouse Col18a1 contains one exon more than COL15A1, due to the fact that COL15A1 lacks sequences corresponding to exon 3 of Col18a1, which encodes a cysteine-rich sequence motif. Twenty-five of the exons of the two genes are almost identical in size, six of them contain conserved split codons, and the locations of the respective exon-intron junctions are identical or almost identical in the two genes. The homologous exons include the closely adjacent first pair of exons and the exons encoding a thrombospondin-1 homology found in the N-terminal noncollagenous domain 1, which are followed by the most variable part of the two genes, covering the C-terminal half of their noncollagenous domain 1 and the beginning of the collagenous portion, after which most of the exons are homologous. The lengths of the introns are not similar in these genes, with two exceptions, namely the first intron, which is very short, less than 100 base pairs, and the second intron, which is very large, about 50 kilobases, in both genes. It can be concluded that COL15A1 and Col18a1 are derived from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

The expressions of cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) gene in the liver, lung, skeletal muscle, and kidney were studied by in situ hybridization with a cDNA probe from rat liver CDO under normal conditions. Significant expression of the CDO gene was detected in the liver, lung, and kidney, but not skeletal muscle. In the liver, the signal was confined to the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes. Furthermore, the signal was stronger in the periportal than that in the perivenous areas. In the lung, an intensive signal was found in the bronchiolar epithelium. As to the kidney, an intensive signal was observed in the distal convoluted tubules, while no signal was found in the proximal convultions.  相似文献   

The swelling, erosion and solvent front penetration properties of mini-matrices containing xanthan (X), locust bean (LB) and karaya (K) gums were examined, analysed and related to the overall in vitro release kinetics of diclofenac sodium, used as a model drug. Mini-matrices were produced with drug:gum ratios of 1:1 as well as formulations of drug and X in combinations of 2:1, 2:3 and 1:2. The rank order of decreasing swelling index (SI) in both axial and radial dimensions was X?K?LB and each gum showed almost Fickian swelling behaviour. The solvent front penetration rates were consistent with the rates of swelling. However, the order of decreasing drug release and erosion rates was LB>X>K and all formulations demonstrated anomalous (non-Fickian) drug release kinetics. Therefore Fickian drug diffusion and polymer erosion were both occurring simultaneously. The dominant mechanism depended on the nature and content of the gum, as well as the stage in the dissolution time period. There was a loss of matrix integrity in formulations containing a high drug:gum ratio.  相似文献   

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