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In order to avoid the disadvantages of the present angular position sensors for determining the rotation orientation of a steerable underground boring tool, a new photoelectric method utilizing photoelectric switches and the corresponding sensor are established. The sensor comprises a gravitational ball, one or more light sources and an array of photodetectors, and realizes angular position measurement by setting a block between the light source and the corresponding photodetector which is rotated to the lowest point. The concrete configurations are described in detail and a typical prototype is illustrated. The photoelectric angular position sensor is compact, simple, low-cost. It can resist harsh environmental conditions such as vibration, excessive ambient temperature, dirt, moisture and dew, so it is especially well-suited for a steerable underground boring tool.  相似文献   

The development of an experimental tactile sensor system fitted on a robot work-table is analyzed in this paper. In the first stage of this research a 16 × 16 piezoresistive sensor was used, attached on the work-table of an ASEA IRB-2000 robot. The keypoint of the above design is that the sensor is not used just to obtain texture information, as it is happens when it is fitted on the gripper, but also to obtain tactile data from the object nonvisible base-surface and finally the object weight. The experimental system is designed so as to allow variation in the design parameters to determine the best set of parameter values for optimal performance of the sensor. Experiments carried out show the operability of the above system and, furthermore, the advantages using this sensor topology.  相似文献   

新型机器人手指六维力传感器系统设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
针对六维力传感器刚度低、尺寸大等问题,设计了一种可应用于机器人手指的、新型Stewart并联结构的六维力传感器。对该六维力传感器的结构、测量电路等进行了设计,并对传感器标定数据进行了分析,结果表明该传感器系统设计理论正确,且具有一定应用价值。  相似文献   

用光栅构成的机器人速度、位置传感器测量系统常用硬件进行信号细分,存在细分数不高,硬件复杂等问题。为此,研究了一种神经网络细分方法,并研究了一种用于细分的直接映射小脑模型神经网络。实验和实用证明,研究的小脑神经网络具有学习精度高、速度快,算法简单等特点;只要用很少的训练样本即可达到很高的细分精度,使分辨力得到很大提高,简化了硬件设计,提高了系统的可靠性。  相似文献   

A camera‐free 3D air‐touch system was proposed. Hovering, air swiping, and 3D gestures for further interaction with the floated 3D images on the mobile display were demonstrated. By embedding multiwavelength optical sensors into the display pixels and adding angular‐scanning illuminators with multiwavelength on the edge of the display, the flat panel can sense images reflected by a bare finger from different heights. In addition, three axis (x, y, z) information of the reflected image of the fingertip can be calculated. Finally, the proposed 3D air‐touch system was successfully demonstrated on a 4‐inch mobile 3D display.  相似文献   

光栅在角位移传感器中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述如何利用光栅精密测量的特性 ,实现角度位移变量的测量及电信号的转换 ,在此基础上采用脉冲鉴相及四倍频电路实现信号方向识别和提测量精度。这种应用具有抗干扰能力强、结构简单的特性。  相似文献   

A simple anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) sensor for linear positioning is designed as integrated bridge structure and implemented based on standard technology processes and rotation of the initial anisotropy axis after the patterning of the resistors. The behavior of the separate resistors is investigated by varying the intensity (0 ± 5 kA/m) and direction (0°, 45°, 90° in respect to the initial anisotropy axis) of the applied magnetic field. The experimental results are compared with data from simulation based on detailed analysis of the energy profile. Good agreement is obtained at assumed declination of 15° between the anisotropy and geometrical axes of the resistors. It is shown that in spite of asymmetries and hysteresis observed at low magnetic fields at higher fields used usually for the purposes of automation the response of the structure is single-valued and stable.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to determine what joints are most strained in the proposed underactuated finger by adaptive neuro-fuzzy methodology. For this, kinetostatic analysis of the finger structure is established with added torsional springs in every single joint. Since the finger’s grasping forces depend on torsional spring stiffness in the joints, it is preferable to determine which joints have the most influence on grasping forces. Hence, the finger joints experiencing the most strain during the grasping process should be determined. It is desirable to select and analyze a subset of joints that are truly relevant or the most influential to finger grasping forces in order to build a finger model with optimal grasping features. This procedure is called variable selection. In this study, variable selection is modeled using the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). Variable selection using the ANFIS network is performed to determine how the springs implemented in the finger joints affect the output grasping forces. This intelligent algorithm is applied using the Matlab environment and the performance is analyzed. The simulation results presented in this paper show the effectiveness of the developed method.  相似文献   

双足机器人的双脚支撑期是实现其步行运动的重要过程,然而耦合的位置/力控制难以保证其稳定平滑运动.本文提出了一种基于降阶位置/力模型的机器人控制策略,整合了位置控制子空间模型和力控制子空间模型,通过模型降阶减小了控制器设计的复杂度,并采用神经网络自适应控制方法综合多控制目标,实现了双足机器人的平滑稳定控制并有效地抑制了系统外扰和参数不确定性的影响.最后,仿真算法验证了该控制方法和模型的有效性.  相似文献   

旋转变压器位置检测在EPS中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对角度传感器——旋转变压器的原理以及其数字化检测做了详细的介绍,系统地阐述了旋转变压器角位置检测的几种常用的方法,并从中选出一种方法应用到电动助力转向系统当中。简述了旋转变压器数字变换器(RDC)集成电路AD2S83及它们在电动助力转向系统中的应用,达到了该系统对角度测量±1.2°的精度要求。  相似文献   

高速磁浮列车定位传感器的标定需要确定传感器输出电压对应水平位移和垂直间隙2个变量的二维表,数据量大。介绍了一种采用RS—485接口传输信号的标定工具,叙述了计算机控制下步进电机带动标定台二自由度移动的自动标定过程。实验结果证明了该工具的可行性。  相似文献   

A new linear position sensor (Micrus) has been developed, based on the transmission of ultrasonic signals in a waveguide. Waves are generated at the cursor position by the magnetostrictive effect, and their times of flight to the ends of the waveguide are used to estimate the position of the mobile element. The choice of the generating/transmitting metal for this kind of sensor is discussed. We have found that the magnetic hysteresis inherent to the magnetostrictive phenomenon translates into measurement hysteresis, affecting the performance of the sensor. An explanation of the link between both effects is given, and a compensation technique based in focusing the ultrasonic generation is offered. This compensation technique is tested using an electromagnetic finite element method program and then empirically in the Micrus sensor, with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

提出一种车窗防夹的多模光纤传感系统, 该系统安装在车窗框内,并基于斑纹图样的变化来获得信号.斑纹图样的变化被光电传感器阵列测量,其传感信号经过A/D转换器送进计算机内进行处理,然后,驱动车窗马达进行相应的动作.实验结果表明:该系统工作良好.  相似文献   

Optical CMOS sensor system for detection of light sources   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An integrated silicon colour measurement system has been designed for low-cost measurement of ambient light conditions, which can be used for adaptive control of displays in portable instruments, or for testing the intensity or colour temperature of light sources. The system is CMOS compatible and has a bitstream output. The response of two vertically stacked photodetectors with a different spectral response are sequentially available at the output. It is demonstrated that daylight can be clearly distinguished from several other light sources, such as incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps.  相似文献   

机器人对自身位置的实时感知在机器人技术中非常重要.本文主要研究机器人技术中一类基于视觉与惯性传感器的位置估计问题.与传统的状态估计问题不同的是,所研究位置估计问题为带有隐式观测方程的线性状态估计问题.为此提出一种能够解决此类估计问题的隐式卡尔曼滤波器,并给出了详细的滤波器设计过程.另外采用扩展变量法将加速度信息中的偏移量作为滤波器状态来估计,以补偿其对位置估计结果的影响.仿真结果显示,所给出的隐式卡尔曼滤波器收敛,加速度偏移带来的影响被有效的补偿.  相似文献   

针对水下传感器网络,结合水声通信和光通信两种通信方式的优点,设计了新的水下传感器网络结构。根据水下目标分布的先验概率模型,提出了混合水下传感器网络部署算法,实现了水下数据的高速传输和水下目标区域的高效覆盖。仿真结果表明,算法能够较好地减少网络部署的节点数目、缩短数据传输延时,减少能量损耗,延长网络寿命。  相似文献   

全分布式光纤温度传感器研究的进展及趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了基于光时域反射和光频域反射的分布式温度光纤传感器的原理、技术以及最新的研究进展 ,并在此基础上分析了温度光纤传感器的发展趋势。  相似文献   

一种可用于溶解氧测定的光纤氧传感器   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
用Ru(bpy)3Cl2为指示剂,研制一种能用来测定溶解氧的光纤氧传感器,该传感器的响应时间小于30S,检测下限为0.5mg/L,检测准确度0.01mg/L,并具有较强的抗干扰能力,较好的重复性和稳定性,可用于对环境水质的在线监测。  相似文献   

对生产线上具有弹性的海绵复卷纠偏控制进行了阐述,使用步进电机和滚珠丝杠作为执行机构进行纠偏.对位置传感器的作用和工作原理进行了具体的分析,把位置传感器用在海绵布纠偏控制中检测出海绵布的跑偏位置,然后控制系统通过传感器发出的信号来控制整个装置,并且利用智能PID控制算法使之达到期望的效果.这种纠偏控制具有纠偏方式多样性,纠偏精度高等优点.  相似文献   

基于钼酸铅晶体电致旋光效应的光学电压传感器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了基于晶体电致旋光效应的光学电压传感器,电压传感元件采用了国产钼酸铅(PbMoO4)晶体。光学电压传感头仅由两块棱镜偏振器和一块钼酸铅晶体组成。实验结果表明此电压传感器具有较大的线性测量范围,例如对50-5000V工频电压测量的非线性误差低于0.2%;当测量100kHz的高频电压并利用锁相放大器检测传感信号时,最小可测量电压幅值为0.5V。此外,实验测量了所用钼酸铅晶体在635nm光波长及工频电压作用时的电致旋光系数,其数值为1.03pm/V。  相似文献   

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