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In this work, elasto-plastic stress analysis of single lap joints with and without protrusion in adhesive bondline subjected to tension and bending was carried out using 2D non-linear finite element analysis and confirmed experimentally. AA 2024-T3 aluminum adherends were bonded with SBT 9244 film adhesive. The protrusion was obtained by extending the adhesive film by 2?mm from the overlap length at both overlap ends. Three different adherend thicknesses and overlap lengths for each loading and bondline type were used. The joints with and without protrusion, for comparison, were loaded with the same load for each adherend thickness and overlap length. Finally, it was observed that the protrusion reduces the strength in the joint under tension, while the protrusion increases the strength in the joint under bending.  相似文献   


In this paper, the response of adhesively-bonded single lap joints (SLJs) with angle-plied composite adherends subjected to flexural loading was investigated. The experiments were carried out for the adherends, glass reinforced polymer matrix, with three kinds of stacking sequence. A three-dimensional finite element (FE) model was developed using ABAQUS/Explicit. The three dimensional Hashin failure criterion with an appropriate damage evolution law was used to characterize the damage inside a ply. Cohesive zone elements were used to model the damage in the adhesive layer (AF163-2K) and the interply failure, that is, the delamination. The developed numerical model was verified with the performed experiments. The SLJs of [±20]5s and [±45]5s failed due to failure in the adhesive layer and the delamination between the plies, whereas that of [±10]5s failed mainly due to the former failure. The intralaminar damage was not noticed for any case. The influence of the fiber angle of plies in the adherends, adherend thickness, overlap length, and the thickness of adhesive layer on the damage in the adhesive layer and the delamination were investigated in terms of the competition between these two failures and activation of different failure modes in each thoroughly.  相似文献   

预偏角对单搭接接头强度的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
余珊  游敏  郑小玲  李智 《弹性体》2008,18(4):11-14
研究了在被粘物搭接区顸偏转角度对钢单搭接拉伸接头剪切强度的影响,并用弹性有限元法分析了预偏角变化时单搭接接头上胶层中的应力分布情况。数值分析的结果表明:当预偏角从0°增加到12°时,结构钢单搭接接头胶层中的所有应力峰值分量均显著下降。而在所采取实验条件下,接头的剪切强度最高值出现在预偏角为6°时。因而在进一步研究预偏角对单搭接接头承载能力的作用时,应将外载作用下接头的本征偏转情况考虑在内。  相似文献   

To obtain experimental data in short time on the degradation of adhesives exposed to moisture, a valuable technique is represented using the open-face configuration. With this technique, a layer of adhesive is first applied on one adherend and exposed to the humid environment; then, the second adherend is bonded and the joint can now undergo mechanical testing. Apart from the acceleration of moisture uptake which is obtained due to the larger area exposed, a further advantage is the uniformity of degradation. A further acceleration can be obtained by adding a hygroscopic contaminant at the adhesive/adherend interface, which speeds up moisture uptake and accentuates the interfacial nature of the failure. The main aim of this work was to evaluate the decay of the mechanical strength in the absence or presence of a contaminating agent. The specimens studied were single lap joints, tested under static shear loading. Two sets of specimens were considered; in the first set, the adhesive was applied in standard way and in the second set, the adhesive/adherend interface was contaminated with droplets of CaCl2 aqueous solution. Both sets were subjected to humid and warm environment (100% relative humidity, 50?°C). After the desired exposure times in the range 1–5?weeks, groups of specimens were dried and bonding of the second adherend was carried out. Then, mechanical testing was performed; the fractured surfaces were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The results show that before degradation the failure type is cohesive, but it changes to interfacial failure as the degradation proceeds. Uncontaminated specimens exhibit gradual degradation during the exposure time; contaminated specimens achieve almost half of the degradation in less than one week; after that, the process continues at lower speed and at the end of the observed period both methods show similar values of failure loads. Additional tests were carried out to assess the moisture absorption in the adhesive layer and relate it to the exposure time.  相似文献   


Currently, there is a growing concern for the environment. Several studies of new materials to reduce environmental impact have been carried out by different research groups, and many companies have replaced parts made of fossil sources by renewable materials. The use of polyurethane (PU) derived from castor oil as a matrix for composite materials and adhesives is one example. Hence, the present work aims to compare the numerical and experimental analyses of castor oil PU and epoxy resin not only as a matrix of composite materials, but also as an adhesive of bonded joints. The joint coupons were manufactured by using castor oil PU-glass fibre and epoxy-glass fibre as adherents, which were bonded by epoxy or castor oil PU. Thus, four combinations of adherents and adhesives were investigated. Specimens with identical geometry were used in all tests, which were based on guidelines for single lap bonded joints. Computational simulations via Finite Element Method were performed for predictions of the adhesive layer stresses and strength. In addition, a material model is proposed to predict the failure of the adhesive layer. The experimental and numerical results showed that PU derived from castor oil has good mechanical performance, making this material a feasible alternative for bonded joints, mostly nowadays when environment is a major concern.  相似文献   

同轴单搭接胶接接头力学性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙德新  游敏  余珊 《弹性体》2008,18(1):18-21
利用有限元方法研究了偏轴单搭接胶接接头和同轴单搭接胶接接头的力学性能,结果表明:同轴单搭接胶接接头可以使接头趾部的弯矩为零,进而有效地降低剥离应力的峰值和减轻剪切应力的集中程度,是一种极为合理的胶接接头形式。  相似文献   

The effect of tapering the ends of the adherend on the joint strength and joint deformation behavior of a single lap joint geometry was studied. The joints were geometrically modeled using finite element (FE) techniques involving linear, as well as nonlinear (bilinear) material behavior. The FEA results were then compared with the experimental results for different single lap configurations, which had aluminum and steel adherends with different surface etch conditions, bonded using two different adhesives. The FEA results were found to be consistent with the experimental results with the normal and shear stresses significantly decreasing in the modified (tapered) geometries over those in unmodified geometries. The joint strength increased with decreasing taper angle, reaching a maximum at the smallest value considered (~10°).  相似文献   

Non-linear finite element methods are applied in the analysis of single lap joints between fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP) and metals. The importance of allowing for both geometric and material non-linearities is shown. The optimization of single lap joints is done by modifying the geometry of the joint ends. Different shapes of adhesive fillet, reverse tapering of the adherend, rounded edges and denting are applied in order to increase the joint strength. The influence of the joint-end geometry is shown for different metal adherend/FRP adherend/adhesive combinations. The results of the numerical predictions suggest that with a careful joint-end design the strength of the joints can be increased by 90–150%.  相似文献   

用弹塑性有限元法研究了被粘物上台阶高度和长度对铝合金单搭接接头胶层中应力分布的影响。结果表明,被粘物自由端内侧的台阶使搭接区接头端部处的应力峰值显著下降,应力向搭接区中部转移;胶层中应力峰值大体上随着台阶高度的增大而降低,随台阶长度的增大而向中部转移;当台阶高度为0.5mm而台阶长度为4.5mm时,接头上胶层中应力分布较好。  相似文献   

孙德新  游敏  陈凤霞 《粘接》2006,27(5):10-11,28
将概率统计的设计观念引入单搭接粘接接头,通过有限元分析方法分析了对粘接接头力学性能影响较大的因素,并在抽样100次的情况下,分析了单搭接粘接接头失效的概率。结果表明,该模型可以有效地反映接头的实际情况,为粘接结构的可靠度设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

刘刚  游敏  曹平  陈习坤 《粘接》2005,26(3):16-18
采用自制的装置研究了磁场对由环氧胶层连接的钢制单搭接接头剪切强度的影响,结果表明.在所采取的试验条件下.试样叠合后立即施加的磁场可显著影响接头的强度;垂直于胶层的磁场提高接头的剪切强度效果高于平行磁场,磁场处理的时间以4h左右为宜。  相似文献   

含镶嵌块单搭接接头应力分布的数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱定锋  游敏  郑小玲  罗威  陈存军 《粘接》2009,30(8):53-55
利用有限元方法研究了金属镶嵌对单搭接接头应力分布的影响。结果表明,采用镶嵌块组成混合连接接头,改变了接头的应力流线分布,镶嵌块承载,降低了搭接区中部胶层中的应力;同时使被粘物中部的应力增大,提高了接头搭接区中部的承载能力;在重要部件或承载较大等情况下使用胶接接头,建议采用金属镶嵌方式对接头增强,具有更强的承载能力和可靠性,有重要的实用价值。  相似文献   

The general elastic plane strain problem of adhesively bonded structures which consist of two different adherends is considered. To facilitate a truly general approach the adhesive joint is modelled as an adherend-adhesive sandwich with any combination of tensile, shear and moment loading being applied at the ends of both adherends. A full elastic analysis is presented which calculates the adhesive shear and tensile stresses in the overlap region, this analysis has been validated for a range of load cases using a finite element program. Basic design approaches are outlined and explicit expressions are developed which enable the simple evaluation of the stress distributions in the adhesive overlap. Simplified two parameter design formulae are also produced which accurately describe the peak stresses at the ends of the adhesive overlap in both the transverse and longitudinal shear directions. In all of the analyses the adherends are assumed to behave as linear elastic cylindrically bent plates with the adhesive forming an elastic interlayer between them. In the simplified analyses only one component of adhesive stress is considered, while in the full elastic analysis two components of stress are considered with a consequent increase in the complexity of the required solution method, but also an increase in accuracy over the simplified analyses for a wider range of joint configurations.  相似文献   

Employing a functionally graded adhesive the efficiency of adhesively bonded lap joints can be improved significantly. However, up to now, analysis approaches for planar functionally graded adhesive joints are still not addressed well. With this work, an efficient model for the stress analysis of functionally graded adhesive single lap joints which considers peel as well as shear stresses in the adhesive is proposed. Two differential equations of the displacements are derived for the case of an axially loaded adhesive single lap joint. The differential equations are solved using a power series approach. The model incorporates the nonlinear geometric characteristics of a single lap joint under tensile loading and allows for the analysis of various adhesive Young׳s modulus variations. The obtained stress distributions are compared to results of detailed Finite Element analyses and show a good agreement for several single lap joint configurations. In addition, different adhesive Young׳s modulus distributions and their impact on the peel and shear stresses as well as the influence of the adhesive thickness are studied and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

孙德新  游敏  李智 《弹性体》2006,16(1):16-19
在有限元方法的基础上,利用变密度法对单搭接胶接接头搭接区域的被粘物形状进行了拓扑优化,通过曲线拟舍得到了较为合理的轮廓。拓扑优化的结果表明:在体积减少20%的情况下。胶接结构的强度不会降低;经拓扑优化后,胶层中剪切应力的峰值比优化以前增加不大,约1%。  相似文献   

The failure mode of axially loaded simple, single lap joints formed between thin adherends which are flexible in bending is conventionally described as one of axial peeling. We have observed – using high-speed photography – that it is also possible for failure to be preceded by the separation front, or crack, moving in a transverse direction, i.e. perpendicular to the direction of the axial load. A simple energy balance analysis suggests that the critical load for transverse failure is the same as that for axial separation for both flexible lap joints, where the bulk of the stored elastic energy lies in the adhesive, and structural lap joints in which the energy stored in the adherends dominates. The initiation of the failure is dependent on a local increases in either stress or strain energy to some critical values. In the case of a flexible joint, this will occur within the adhesive layer and the critical site will be close to one of the corners of the joint overlap from which the separation front can proceed either axially or transversely. These conclusions are supported by a finite element analysis of a joint formed between adherends of finite width by a low modulus adhesive.  相似文献   

Adhesively bonded joints are widely used in a variety of industrial and engineering activities. Their overall strength is dependent on the properties of the adhesives. In the present research, assessments of adhesive properties were performed systematically through defining both strength mixity and energy rate mixity and using them to characterize the overall strength of metallic single lap joints. By means of the cohesive zone model, the adhesive strength mixity was defined as the ratio of the shear and tensile separation strength, and the energy rate mixity was defined as the ratio of the area below the shear cohesive curve and the area below the tensile cohesive curve. For each specified group of mixity parameters, corresponding to the properties of a specified adhesive, the overall strengths and the critical displacements of bonded joints were characterized. A series of strength and energy rate mixities were taken into account in the present calculations. A comparison of the present calculations with some existing experiments was carried out for both brittle and ductile adhesives. Finally, in the calculations presented here, damage initiation and evolution of the adhesive layer were also undertaken. The results showed that the overall strength of the joints was significantly depended on the adhesive properties, which were characterized by the strength and energy rate mixities of the adhesive. Furthermore, the shear adhesive stress components played a dominate role in both the damage initiation and evolution in the adhesives, which were also affected by the overlap length of the joints.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to experimentally demonstrate the correlations between processing variables (adhesive type, bondline thickness, adherend thickness, surface pretreatment, overflow fillet) and effective strength in adhesively bonded single lap joints. While generalizations between effective strength and individual joint design parameters have been assumed for decades, the multifaceted interplay between parameters is complex and remains difficult to understand. Traditionally reported studies of the adhesive bond strength of single lap joints are often limited in the sample size populations needed to statistically probe concurrent design variables. To overcome sample size limitations a test matrix of 1200 single lap joints, partitioned by 96 unique fabrication conditions, was processed and tested using a workflow protocol orchestrated through a relational database. The enhanced pedigree and integrity enabled by using a relational database centered workflow allowed for multivariate principal component analysis of the joint design parameters, with all experimental data input available for peer audit. The results of this study revealed that the adhesive type biases the remaining joint configuration variables towards more influence with respect to either mechanical load or displacement to failure.  相似文献   

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