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Initiation and propagation of inter-laminar delamination in adhesive bonded spar wingskin joint (SWJ) made with laminated fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) composite curved panels have been studied employing three-dimensional finite element analyses. In-plane and out-of-plane normal and shear stress distributions are seen to be highly three-dimensional in nature. Tsai-Wu coupled stress failure criteria have been employed to identify critical locations of onset of delamination-induced damage. This occurs underneath the toe-end of the spar overlap and at the inter-laminar surface between the first and second plies of the curved FRP wingskin panel. Significant edge effects on the joint strength have been observed due to the curvature geometry of the composite wingskin panels. Non-linear finite element analyses have been carried out for study of delamination propagation using contact and multi point constraint (MPC) elements. The use of contact elements prevents inter-penetration of delaminated surfaces. Whereas, sequential release of MPC elements facilitates computation of opening, sliding and cross-sliding modes of delamination-induced strain energy release rates (SERR) by using virtual crack closure technique. Variation in delamination lengths significantly effects the variation of peel and inter-laminar shear stresses and different modes of SERRs. Variations on the two delamination fronts are seen to be quite different indicating dis-similar propagation rates. The Mode I SERR (GI) predominantly governs the delamination propagation in the SWJ.  相似文献   

Three dimensional non-linear finite element analyses of Lap Shear Joints (LSJs) made with curved laminated FRP composite panels having pre-existing delaminations between the first and second plies of the strap adherend have been carried out using contact and Multi-Point Constraint elements (MPC). Progressive growth of delamination has been simulated by sequential release of the MPC elements. Strain Energy Release Rate (SERR), being an indicative parameter has been computed using Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT) for assessing the growth and propagation of the delamination damage fronts. The inter-laminar stresses and the SERRs at the two fronts of the pre-embedded delamination are found to be significantly influenced by the delamination size. The three individual modes of SERR on the two delamination fronts are found to be much different from each other, indicating dissimilar rates of propagation. The curvature geometry of adherends significantly influences the SERR values. It is seen that decrease of radius of curvature of adherend panels, keeping their widths unchanged, increases the SERR values. Flatter FRP composite adherends have superior resistance to delamination damage propagation as compared to LSJs made with curved composite laminated panels.  相似文献   

Non-linear three dimensional (3-D) finite element analyses (FEA) of the single lap joints (SLJs) having pre-existing rectangular adhesion failure in the interface of the strap adherend and the adhesive have been carried out. The effect of the size, the shape and the aspect ratio of the pre-existing rectangular adhesion failure on (i) the strength, (ii) the interfacial stresses and (iii) the strain energy release rates (SERRs) in the vicinity of the adhesion failure front have been presented in this research work. The SLJ is subjected to uniformly applied tensile load. The adherends are made with very high strength steels and the adhesive is a commercially available AV119. The analyses of the adhesion failure propagation have been carried out by sequentially releasing the constraints of the nodes ahead of the pre-existing adhesion failure front in finite element model. The SERR values in the vicinity of the adhesion failure fronts are computed using the virtual crack closure technique (VCCT) for assessment of the structural integrity of the SLJ. The strength of the SLJ, the interfacial stresses, and the three modes of strain energy release rates (SERRs) have been found to be significantly affected by the shape and size of adhesion failures. The SERRs and interfacial stresses along the rectangular adhesion failure front are compared with the corresponding values around the circular adhesion failure front of same area, pre-existing in the SLJ. It is observed that the circular and rectangular adhesion failures of the same area will have dissimilar growth rate and the mode II is the dominant failure mode. The total strain energy release rate and the failure strength, computed from the 3-D FEA of the SLJ is in good agreement with the experimental fracture toughness of the AV119 adhesive and the experimentally obtained failure loads, respectively.  相似文献   

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