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The dc breakdown strength and pulsed breakdown time lag of saturated superfluid liquid helium (HeII) at 1.4 and 1.85 K are measured over a wide range of electrode sizes and applied field strengths. The results of the measurements are statistically analyzed by using Weibull distribution functions. It is found that the area effect is dominant for dc and pulsed breakdown rather than the volume effect as in the case of liquid helium of 4.2 K (HeI). The shape parameter in the Weibull distribution function for dc breakdown strengths of HeII is smaller than that of HeI. As a result, dc breakdown in superfluid helium can take place in a wider electrode area than in normal liquid helium, while no remarkable differences in breakdown areas are observed between 1.85 and 1.4 K. On the other hand, the statistical time lag in HeII becomes shorter with a decrease in temperature. According to the Fowler‐Nordheim theory, it is suggested that a higher electron mobility in HeII may increase the field‐emitted electron kinetic energy to trigger liquid breakdown with a higher probability. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 128(3): 16–23, 1999  相似文献   

DC pre-breakdown phenomena and breakdown characteristics in the presence of free conducting particles in liquid nitrogen are studied experimentally. The results show that a microdischarge occurs when a charged particle is approaching an oppositely charged electrode. An intense microdischarge can trigger a complete breakdown of the gap. The breakdown voltage of a uniform field gap with a free metallic particle of mm size might be reduced well below that of a point-to-plane gap without a particle in liquid nitrogen. Heavy contamination by a metallic powder produces a large reduction in the breakdown voltage with a horizontal spacer surface. However carbon powder is less hazardous compared to metallic powder  相似文献   

New data of the electronic properties of liquid helium and liquid neon are discussed with respect to their relevance for the initiation of electric breakdown. It is concluded that under ideal conditions the cathode plays a decisive role in the initiation of the breakdown process. It is speculated that a Townsend type breakdown mechanism is absent in the liquid phase of these elements.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigated quench-induced dynamic breakdown characteristics of liquid helium (LHe) under both non-uniform and uniform electric field. Experimental results for various quench conditions revealed that the dynamic breakdown voltage of LHe increased with decreasing the effective post-quench thermal energy density and with increasing the gap length and pressure, because of the suppression of thermal bubble disturbance in LHe. All of the experimental data enabled us to establish the 3-dimensionally systematized diagram of dynamic breakdown voltage of LHe as a function of effective post-quench thermal energy density, gap length and pressure  相似文献   

For practical insulation design of superconducting power apparatus, it is necessary to take into account an inherent phenomenon known as quench, the transition from the superconducting to the normal state. We investigated quench-induced dynamic breakdown and prebreakdown characteristics of liquid helium (LHe). Experimental results revealed that the quench of the superconductor drastically reduced the breakdown voltage of LHe in the thermal bubble disturbance. Moreover, dynamic breakdown characteristics in a quasi-uniform field using a superconducting coil were investigated. The results revealed that the breakdown was induced in the quench-initiated region where the largest thermal energy was generated  相似文献   

Information about breakdown time-lags under pulsed voltage stress is prerequisite to the insulation design of superconducting devices. Experiments have been carried out using a pulse generator which provides a step voltage with 200 ns rise time and a long decay time constant of more than 1 ms. The present experiments may bridge the information gap between time lag measurements in the ns range using extremely high field strengths, and existing data found with usual lightning impulse voltage. The test device is described in the paper, and some typical results are discussed in detail  相似文献   

The characteristics of breakdown voltages against the position of floating metallic particles in atmospheric air are investigated experimentally. The breakdown mechanism is estimated on the basis of electric field calculation and visual observation of discharges at different voltages and a set of flow charts for calculation of breakdown voltage is proposed. The studied gaps are needle-to-plane and sphere-to-sphere electrodes of 120 mm in length forming Poissonian and Laplacian fields respectively and the shape of tested floating objects is a needle or sphere. The theoretical breakdown voltages obtained by the flow charts agree reasonably with the experimental ones  相似文献   

设计了典型参数下的伪火花放电开关,进行了空气介质下的电压特性实验,详细研究了气体压力,电极间隙距离,电极孔径和电极材料对伪火花开关耐受电压的影响;给出了伪火花开关放电电压与气压变化的关系曲线;测量了产生伪火花放电的气压范围和单间隙伪火花开关耐受电压的最大值,测得了伪火花放电与辉光放电的转折点气压,并对实验结果进行了理论分析。研究了伪火花开关电压跌落时间与放电电压的关系,首次将开关电压跌落过程分为暂态阶段和稳态阶段,讨论了放电电路参数,气体压力,开关结构和放电电压对电压跌落时间的影响。实验表明,在气压和开关结构不变的条件下,暂态过程时间由放电电压决定,电压越高,则所需时间就越短;稳态过程时间由放电电路参数决定,而与放电电压无关。最后讨论了真空洁净程度和开关加工与装配工艺对伪火花开关耐受电压的影响。  相似文献   

气体绝缘金属封闭输电线路(gas-insulated metal-enclosed transmission line,GIL)以其输送容量大、占地面积小、传输损耗小等优点,在许多场合是替代电缆和架空线路的首选方案。但GIL内部的金属微粒会在电场的影响下发生起跳和运动,严重威胁了GIL的绝缘性能。为更好地捕获金属微粒,掌握GIL内金属微粒的受力和运动特性是十分有必要的。本文首先忽略了盆式绝缘子对GIL轴向场强的影响,分析了金属微粒在同轴圆柱间的受力和运动特性,使用金属微粒谐振频率表征金属微粒在直流电压下的活跃度,并分析了电压和微粒半径对金属微粒谐振频率的影响规律。然后考虑了盆式绝缘子对GIL轴向场强的影响,得到了金属微粒的几种典型的运动轨迹。最后给出了对于金属微粒陷阱布置的建议,认为在盆式绝缘子凸面侧下方布置金属微粒陷阱是必要的。  相似文献   

In general, power devices and systems operating in vacuum or space environment are more susceptible to partial discharges, corona, or volume discharges due to the partial vacuum conditions. Additionally, high frequency operation of a power system is a contributing factor in lowering the breakdown voltage of insulation. In this paper we present our studies on the breakdown characteristics of helium operating in DC and 20 kHz AC field in partial vacuum, for a point-to-point and point-to-plane electrode configurations. Breakdown voltage as a function of pressure in the range of 27 to 400 Pa (0.2 to 3 torr) for both the DC and 20 kHz AC cases is presented. Voltage and current waveforms along with the optical emission waveform of the breakdown events are also presented. A variable DC power supply for DC and an in-house built variable DC-offset-AC power supply for the high frequency breakdown experiments are used. A high voltage probe and a Pearson current sensor are used for the voltage and current detection, and a photo-multiplier-tube with a digital pico-ammeter and a video camera are used for the optical signal detection of this set-up. The breakdown voltage as a function of pressure for both the AC and DC experiments, along with voltage breakdown waveforms for both electrodes are presented.  相似文献   

We measured the DC dielectric breakdown characteristics of cryogenic nitrogen gas above a liquid nitrogen surface for needle-to-plane and sphere-to-plane electrode configurations. Experimental results revealed that the DC breakdown voltage of cryogenic nitrogen gas increased, as the distance from the gap axis to the liquid nitrogen surface diminished, i.e. as the liquid nitrogen surface got closer to the gap. The breakdown voltage proved to be enhanced not only by the temperature drop of nitrogen gas due to the existence of liquid nitrogen, but also by an effect of vapor mist arising from vaporization of liquid nitrogen. For the quasi-uniform electrode configuration, the relation between breakdown voltage and the gas density times the gap spacing agreed well with the Paschen curve for nitrogen with both the temperature falling and the vapor-mist density considered. For the nonuniform needle electrode, positive breakdown voltage was higher than negative one; the polarity effect was interpreted in terms of the electric field relaxation at the tip of the positive needle resulting from partial discharges observed only for the positive needle  相似文献   

为了获得换流变压器中变压器油在极性反转电压下的击穿特性,使用一种三电极模型,在不同间隙和温度下,对变压器油隙进行了极性反转电压击穿实验研究.击穿结果表明:极性反转电压下,变压器油的击穿场强没有随油间隙增加而降低;变压器油的击穿场强与温度相关,在实验温度范围内,40℃时出现了最大值.监测流过油隙的电流,发现在极性反转后电...  相似文献   

张晨  张志宏  何宏 《电子测量技术》2017,40(12):257-261
因为低压直流电机EMC特性会对整车EMC特性产生影响,针对低压直流电机干扰信号超过上限时,将会导致电动汽车安全性降低问题,对低压直流电机的电磁发射特性进行研究,包括低压直流电机的阻抗特性、辐射发射特性、瞬态传导发射特性。抑制电磁干扰的措施有接地、屏蔽、滤波等,以中国汽车技术研究中心对某一新型电动汽车电磁兼容性研究为背景,对电磁屏蔽技术进行研究。测试结果表明,电磁屏蔽可以解决低压直流电机的电磁辐射干扰对整车EMC 特性影响的问题。  相似文献   

金属化膜电容器是模块化多电平换流器(MMC)的关键设备,在长期工作电热应力作用下其状态不断劣化,给换流器和柔性直流输电系统的安全运行带来隐患。本文分别搭建了交、直流加速劣化试验平台,得到了不同电压作用形式和不同状态劣化程度的样品。进而利用共聚焦显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对解剖样品进行表面观测,结合能谱扫描的元素分析结果,掌握了金属化膜电容器在不同电压形式下的状态劣化特性。结果表明,电容器由于在不同电压下的劣化机理不同,电容值下降规律和劣化点形貌有明显不同;通过加速老化试验,得到了电容器在交、直流电压下劣化点的典型形貌特征,从而可以进一步分析金属化膜电容器劣化机理,具有实用价值。 关键词:金属化膜电容器; 劣化机理; 自愈; 电化学腐蚀 中图分类号:TM536  相似文献   

The DC breakdown characteristics of a sphere-to-sphere gap with conducting objects supported by an insulator rod in atmospheric air are investigated experimentally to provide fundamental parameters determining the breakdown voltage in the presence of floating objects around DC power apparatus by an air insulation. The shape of tested floating objects made of metal is plate, needle or sphere. Experimental results show that the main factors affecting the breakdown voltage are the shape and size of floating objects, the object location and the gap length. If the object is placed at the location giving the lowest breakdown voltage, any object lowers the breakdown voltage below that without the relevant objects  相似文献   

In this work, electrical measurements show that the breakdown voltage, BV/sub DG/, of InP HEMTs increases following exposure to H/sub 2/. This BV/sub DG/ shift is nonrecoverable. The increase in BV/sub DG/ is found to be due to a decrease in the carrier concentration in the extrinsic portion of the device. We provide evidence that H/sub 2/ reacts with the exposed InAlAs surface in the extrinsic region next to the gate, changing the underlying carrier concentration. Hall measurements of capped and uncapped HEMT samples show that the decrease in sheet carrier concentration can be attributed to a modification of the exposed InAlAs surface. Consistent with this, XPS experiments on uncapped heterostructures give evidence of As loss from the InAlAs surface upon exposure to hydrogen.  相似文献   

针对不带并联电抗器的超高压输电线路上发生的瞬时单相接地故障,建立故障分析电路模型,推导故障相端电压在熄弧前、后的时域表达式,分析表明熄弧后恢复电压将出现直流偏移,ATP-EMTP仿真结果验证了理论分析的正确性。根据理论分析和仿真结果,提出了自适应重合闸判据:当故障相端电压直流分量与基波电压幅值之比大于0.9,且持续时间超过20 ms时,发出重合闸命令。  相似文献   

Breakdown time lag in liquid helium is measured over a wide range of electrode sizes and pulsed electric field strengths. The breakdown time lag and dc breakdown strength are statistically analyzed by using the Weibull distribution function and weak link theory. It is found that the time lag depends on both electrical stress and the electrode surface area stressed above a critical level. It is supposed that breakdown triggering electrons are generated by field emission phenomena at small protrusion tips on the cathode surface. In higher external electric fields, a less sharper protrusion emits initial electrons with a shorter time lag and may become responsible for liquid breakdown. A theoretical equation is proposed to predict the electrode size and electrical stress dependency of the breakdown time lag, based on Fowler and Nordheim theory. It is shown that the equation is consistent with the Weibull distribution function under multiple stress of electric field and stressing time  相似文献   

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