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China is about to enter its tenth Five-Year Plan periodand many people are very concerned about whether China's e-conomy, that has recorded fast growth in the past 20 years, canmaintain the fairly strong growth momentum in the tenth Five-Year Plan period and beyond. Which industries will lead thegrowth? Liu Shijin of the Industrial Department of the Develop-ment Research Centre of the State Council believes that therewill be eight major features of China's industrial development.  相似文献   

The future development and orientaion of China's fourpillar industries (electromechanical products, telecom, IT andautomaobile) have attracted the attention of the general public,and on which, some analyst have made some analyses andforecasts recently.  相似文献   

ChineseManufacturers’DelegationChinaNationlMachineToolCorp .      Hall1A0 8&Hall16B13 Page4GuilinNo .2MachineToolWorksHall1A0 8 Page 5GuilinMachineToolCo .,Ltd .Hall1A0 8 Page 5JiaodaKunjiHigh -TechnologyCompanyLtd .,Hall1A0 8 Page 6ShanghaiHaixinMachineToolMakingCo .,Ltd Hall1A0 8 Page 6TengzhouTri-unionMachineryCo .,Ltd . Hall1A0 8 Page 7TheNantongNo .2MachineToolWordsHall1A0 8 Page 7WeidaMachineToolCo .LtdTengzhouShandong Hall1A0 8 Page 8Shanghais…  相似文献   

<正>After outstripping Germany to become the world biggest exporter in 2009, China's total import and export value managed a year on year 44.8% growth in  相似文献   

Beijing:According to the Beijing Customs,China im-ported US$900 million worth of network products in the Jan-uary-July period,showing a two-fold increase on a year-on-year basis,which ws 150 percentage points more than the  相似文献   

The Chinese M inistry of Com m erce (M O C ) recentlyreleased the R esearch R eport on Trends of M ultinationalC om panies蒺Industrial Investm ent in China in 2005-2007.The R eport, written by the Industriall Investm ent TrendR esearch Team of its R esearch Institute, was m ade basedon a survey of the m ultinationals in the G lobal Top 1,000selected by Business W eek,covering the IT,electronics,autom obiles,chem icals,biom edicine and otherindustries.R esults show that82% ofthe m ul…  相似文献   

全国人大常委会副委员长蒋正华12月7日在“亚洲制造业论坛”闭幕式上演讲时表示,根据“十一五”规划,预期中国制,造业的发展将呈现四个方面的趋势:  相似文献   

China Admnistration of Exit-Entry Inspection and Quar-antine, the Ministry of Finance and the General Administrationof Customs jointly issued a regulation recently concerningstrengthening the appraisal of foreign investment assets. Underthe regulation, Chinese exit-entry inspection and quarantine de-partments should inspect and appraise the valuse of importedequipment when it arrives in Chinese ports prior to the Customsinspection.It is understood the aim is to prevent foreign in-vestors from over-in-voicing their imports, taking substandardproducts as good ones and seeking to gain unreasonable profit  相似文献   

A port law enfercement system, called China Eport, willbe put into trial operation in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai andGuangzhou, the country's four leading import and export ports,this year. The port law enforcement system,jointly developed by 12state ministries and commissions with the General Administra-tion of Customs as the go-between, will not only enable enter-prise to go through the import and export procedure on line, butalso tighten the government's control over ports and strengthenthe fight against smuggling and tax and foreign exchange fraud. The system applies Internet network technology to link upunits involving the import and export management and service,such as customs, inspection and quarantine, foreign trade, for-eign exchange, industrial and commercial administration, taxa-  相似文献   

1 China's Economy Continues to Maintain Stable Growth. 2001 is the first year for the implementation of the TenthFive-Year Plan (2001-2005) for national economic andsocial development. From now on, China's economy continuesto maintain sustained rapid and sound development. The inier-nal and foreign investment continues to grow stably. Thanks to continuously implementation of expanding do-mestic demand course, proactive fiscal policies and prudentmonetary policies by Chinese government, China's economyexperienced sustained, rapid and sound development in the firsthalf of this year, and the scale of the fixed assets investmentcontinues to expand. In the first five months, the fixed assetsinvestment amounted to RMB619. 9 billion yuan or USD74. 96  相似文献   

China will shift its strategy of foreign investment frommerely luring foreign capital to introducing advanced technolo-gy, advanced management and specialized talents. This is theremarks made by Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji at a two-dayconference on foreign investment held in February thisyear. Premier Zhu, also a member of the standing committee ofthe Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, made hisremarks against the background that China is now the world's  相似文献   

据国家相关部门统计,2008年,全球刀具消费210亿美元。其中,中国刀具消费也首次超过各主要发达国家,达40亿美元。中国已成为世界公认的机床大国,用刀大国。尤其是2009年以来,国家一系列拉动内需和振兴装备制造业的优惠政策,更使得中国这个“世界的刀具市场”倍受关注。  相似文献   

虚拟经营与我国中小型外贸企业的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界市场进入了买方市场,竞争异常激烈。我国众多的中小型外贸企业要想在这场竞争中立于不败并取得发展,除了加快改革、苦练内功外,以培养核心能力而对外联合、共生的虚拟经营方式显然也是我们的可选之路。从虚拟经营的含义、方式入手,论证了我国中小外贸企业虚拟经营的可行性及应注意的问题,以期能对我国中小外贸企业的发展提供一些有益看法。  相似文献   

泰兴市以发展现代农业、建设社会主义新农村为目标.以强化农业基础设施建设、发展优势产业为重点.以农业综合开发项目区为平台.以农口部门和涉农单位密切配合为基础.大力实施4个乡镇结合部中低产田改造项目、银杏开发示范区等重点项目.积极探索支农资金统筹安排、协调配合的有效机制.整合项目实.捆绑资金多.共同推进项目区建设,取得了初步成效.  相似文献   

眼底图像是细节较多的复杂图像,在分析Pal等人提出的模糊增强算法不足的基础上,提出了一种改进的模糊增强算法,该算法简化了Pal算法中复杂的变换和逆变换运算,并采用新的增强算子,可根据不同类型的眼底图像动态调整隶属度阈值,克服了Pal算法中隶属度阈值设置为固定值的不足,而且减少了迭代次数.实验结果证明,改进后的模糊增强算法对眼底图像的增强有着更好的效果.  相似文献   

在现代信用社会,应收账款广泛存在于企业中,是企业的一项重要的流动资产。分析了应收账款管理中存在的问题,着重从职能部门的确立、信用政策的制定、内部控制制度的健全、事后监督机制的建立、适当进行应收账款保理等方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

2006年,洞口县在石江镇江潭村开展了以农业综合开发项目为平台,以农业综合开发资金为主轴.其他支农资金为补充,整合各类支农资金支持新农村建设试点工作.通过两年多来的探索和实践,试点工作取得了显著成效.  相似文献   

从国有企业实行公司制以后,形成母子公司体制的实际出发,论述了如何在保证各子,分公司积极主动进入市场,创造经济效益的同时,通过各种措施保证企业对所有资金实现集中调度和使用,杜绝资金账外循环现象的继续发生,避免各子,分公司的某些不轨经营者谋取自身利益,从而保证企业的整体效益。  相似文献   

浅谈企业应付账款管理现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应付账款对账存在的问题大致有四种:债权单位对应一个大集团所属多个子公司时不分别记账;应付账款不定期清理;对已销售的应付账款管理不善;账务处理不规范.针对上述问题的对策;加强内部控制,加强信息交流与沟通.  相似文献   

这样下去,我国的民族工业必将彻底沦为外国资本的附庸. 最近几年来,外商特别是跨国公司在中国的投资战略发生了重大的变化.其中一个非常突出的特点是外资加快兼并和收购我国的行业龙头企业,特别是国有大型企业.这方面的案例越来越多,仅我国装备制造工业中就有10多个重点企业被并购.  相似文献   

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