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At the end of November, 2000 foreign-funded enterprises(FFEs) in beijing totalled 15, 792 with contracted investmenttotalling US $31. 916 billion. The figure includes Sino-for-eign joint ventures 10, 699, Sino-foreign cooperative enter-prises 1, 300, solely foreign owned ventures 3, 766, 10 share-holding enterprises and 18 foreign banks. Businessmen from 99 countries and regions have investedin Beijing. The largest proportion is from Hong Kong who havestarted 6, 001 enterprises involving direct investment of US$14.97 billion. second are those from the U.S, who havestarted 2, 613 enterprises involving direct investment of US$3. 795 billion; third, those from European Community  相似文献   

ChineseManufacturers’DelegationChinaNationlMachineToolCorp .      Hall1A0 8&Hall16B13 Page4GuilinNo .2MachineToolWorksHall1A0 8 Page 5GuilinMachineToolCo .,Ltd .Hall1A0 8 Page 5JiaodaKunjiHigh -TechnologyCompanyLtd .,Hall1A0 8 Page 6ShanghaiHaixinMachineToolMakingCo .,Ltd Hall1A0 8 Page 6TengzhouTri-unionMachineryCo .,Ltd . Hall1A0 8 Page 7TheNantongNo .2MachineToolWordsHall1A0 8 Page 7WeidaMachineToolCo .LtdTengzhouShandong Hall1A0 8 Page 8Shanghais…  相似文献   

<正>After outstripping Germany to become the world biggest exporter in 2009, China's total import and export value managed a year on year 44.8% growth in  相似文献   

Fast growth of China's economy plus an improving do-mestic investment environment has helped reinforce the confi-dence of overseas investors to come to the country which has ledto a high rise of direct foreign investment in China. Experts with the China State Information Center forecast  相似文献   

Beijing:According to the Beijing Customs,China im-ported US$900 million worth of network products in the Jan-uary-July period,showing a two-fold increase on a year-on-year basis,which ws 150 percentage points more than the  相似文献   

燕燕 《钟表》2004,(5):66-69
世界著名的顶级汽车公司劳斯莱斯和宾利宣称,他们的竞争对手不是同类的汽车制造商,而是那些制造游艇和私人飞机的企业。富豪们的生活方式越来越奢侈,让普通人望而兴叹。而这种生活方式的终极体现就是游艇,欧洲皇族通常拥有代表其身份的专用游艇,世界级富豪更是将游艇视为财富的象征。于是,私人游艇成为富豪的收藏和富豪名人专享的奢侈品。  相似文献   

China Admnistration of Exit-Entry Inspection and Quar-antine, the Ministry of Finance and the General Administrationof Customs jointly issued a regulation recently concerningstrengthening the appraisal of foreign investment assets. Underthe regulation, Chinese exit-entry inspection and quarantine de-partments should inspect and appraise the valuse of importedequipment when it arrives in Chinese ports prior to the Customsinspection.It is understood the aim is to prevent foreign in-vestors from over-in-voicing their imports, taking substandardproducts as good ones and seeking to gain unreasonable profit  相似文献   

1 China's Economy Continues to Maintain Stable Growth. 2001 is the first year for the implementation of the TenthFive-Year Plan (2001-2005) for national economic andsocial development. From now on, China's economy continuesto maintain sustained rapid and sound development. The inier-nal and foreign investment continues to grow stably. Thanks to continuously implementation of expanding do-mestic demand course, proactive fiscal policies and prudentmonetary policies by Chinese government, China's economyexperienced sustained, rapid and sound development in the firsthalf of this year, and the scale of the fixed assets investmentcontinues to expand. In the first five months, the fixed assetsinvestment amounted to RMB619. 9 billion yuan or USD74. 96  相似文献   

A port law enfercement system, called China Eport, willbe put into trial operation in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai andGuangzhou, the country's four leading import and export ports,this year. The port law enforcement system,jointly developed by 12state ministries and commissions with the General Administra-tion of Customs as the go-between, will not only enable enter-prise to go through the import and export procedure on line, butalso tighten the government's control over ports and strengthenthe fight against smuggling and tax and foreign exchange fraud. The system applies Internet network technology to link upunits involving the import and export management and service,such as customs, inspection and quarantine, foreign trade, for-eign exchange, industrial and commercial administration, taxa-  相似文献   

<正>While global economy is still moving difficultlyto wards recovery, China has become a major auto consumption market in the world. According to statistics released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers ( CAAM) , China's output and sales  相似文献   

Wittmann Kunststoffgerate Ges.m.b.H公司是奥地利注射成型机外围设备生产商。该公司宣称,打算在中国扩大生产,并从该公司在全世界工作的850名职工中,抽调约100人在中国工作。这次在中国扩大生产也是对亚洲经济增长的高度信任。2006年,该公司在全球销售机器人、温度调节器、流量调节器,造粒干燥器、输送装置及造粒机等总产值达、1.4亿欧元。  相似文献   

微机械在美国被称为微型电子机械系统(MEMS),在日本被称为微机器,在欧洲被称为微系统。按外形尺寸特征,微机械可分成1mm~10mm的微小型机械、1μm~1mm的微机械,以及1nm~1μm的纳米机械。微机械由于具有狭小空间内进行行业而又不扰乱工作环境和对象的特点,在航空航天、精密仪器、材料、生物医疗等领域有着广泛的应用潜力,并成为纳米技术研究的重要手段,受到世界各国的高度重视,被誉为20世纪十大关键技术之首,21世纪最具代表性的技术。从微机械的加工方法来看,它具有体积小、精度高、重量轻、性能稳定、可靠性高、…  相似文献   

中国新能源汽车产业将迎来有史以来最大规模的政策支持。由工信部牵头制定的《汽车与新能源汽车产业发展规划》(2011~2020年)出炉,等待最终定稿并上报国务院批准。在这份新能源汽车产业规划草案中,纯电动车成为我国汽车工业转型的主要战略取向,而政府计划投入1000亿元左右换取新能源汽车产业化和市场规模。  相似文献   

统计工作不是数据的加减、汇总和简单的记录,而是对企业实行科学管理、监督整个企业活动的重要手段,是企业决策的主要依据。文章就如何利用统计工作来提高企业管理水平作一探讨,通过加强统计工作,提高企业科学管理和决策水平。  相似文献   

20091年04月21日,全球领先的汽车产业供应商—陶氏化学汽车事业部首度亮相上海国际汽车工业展览会。藉此机会,本刊记者专门采访了陶氏化学汽车事业部亚太区销售副总裁市濑耕一。  相似文献   

Hardinge公司不仅是美国,也是世界有名的机床制造厂商之一。它在美、欧、亚三大洲均有生产基地,生产的产品远销世界30多个国家和地区。为了更好了解该公司及其产品技术情况,以及对中国市场的看法和现在及将来采取的措施,在CIMT2001期间,我们采访了Hardinge有限公司亚洲区销售总监杰弗里·弗加德先生。下面是访谈内容的述要,供读者参改。  相似文献   

困扰徐工良久的凯雷收购案仍旧没有尘埃落定。但如今,并购过程似乎已经不再能够影响徐工员工的情绪波动,而是成为了他们的一种工作状态。2007年上半年,徐工科技股份有限公司(SZ代码:000425)实现营业收入17.89亿元,较2006年同期增长4.81%;实现营业利润2 468.7万元,较2006年同期增长228.36%;实现净利润2016.2万元,较2006年同期增长919.43%。  相似文献   

中国港湾建设(集团)总公司(以下简称中港集团)是一家主要从事国内外港口建设和疏浚吹填工程以及港机航标制造的大型集团公司,还承接桥梁、公路、机场工程、环保、市政和工民建项目,同时也从事进出口贸易、房地产开发和金融投资等多项业务,是中国120家大型国有企业集团之一。在美国《工程新闻纪录》杂志的2000年度全球最大225家国际工程承包商评选中名列第42位。 中港集团现有总资产约205亿元人民币 (25亿美元),年均营业额约150亿元人民币(18亿美元),在国际市场上占有稳定的份额。近年其在境外工程承包额超过30亿美元,进出口贸…  相似文献   

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