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Typically, flow volumes are visualized by defining their boundary as iso‐surface of a level set function. Grid‐based level sets offer a good global representation but suffer from numerical diffusion of surface detail, whereas particle‐based methods preserve details more accurately but introduce the problem of unequal global representation. The particle level set (PLS) method combines the advantages of both approaches by interchanging the information between the grid and the particles. Our work demonstrates that the PLS technique can be adapted to volumetric dye advection via streak volumes, and to the visualization by time surfaces and path volumes. We achieve this with a modified and extended PLS, including a model for dye injection. A new algorithmic interpretation of PLS is introduced to exploit the efficiency of the GPU, leading to interactive visualization. Finally, we demonstrate the high quality and usefulness of PLS flow visualization by providing quantitative results on volume preservation and by discussing typical applications of 3D flow visualization.  相似文献   

Many shapes resulting from important geometric operations in industrial applications such as Minkowski sums or volume swept by a moving object can be seen as the projection of higher dimensional objects. When such a higher dimensional object is a smooth manifold, the boundary of the projected shape can be computed from the critical points of the projection. In this paper, using the notion of polyhedral chains introduced by Whitney, we introduce a new general framework to define an analogous of the set of critical points of piecewise linear maps defined over discrete objects that can be easily computed. We illustrate our results by showing how they can be used to compute Minkowski sums of polyhedra and volumes swept by moving polyhedra.  相似文献   

Although considerable attention in recent years has been given to the problem of symmetry detection in general shapes, few methods have been developed that aim to detect and quantify the intrinsic symmetry of a shape rather than its extrinsic, or pose‐dependent symmetry. In this paper, we present a novel approach for efficiently computing symmetries of a shape which are invariant up to isometry preserving transformations. We show that the intrinsic symmetries of a shape are transformed into the Euclidean symmetries in the signature space defined by the eigenfunctions of the Laplace‐Beltrami operator. Based on this observation, we devise an algorithm which detects and computes the isometric mappings from the shape onto itself. We show that our approach is both computationally efficient and robust with respect to small non‐isometric deformations, even if they include topological changes.  相似文献   

We present a method for calculating the boundary of objects from Discrete Indicator Functions that store 2‐material volume fractions with a high degree of accuracy. Although Marching Cubes and its derivatives are effective methods for calculating contours of functions sampled over discrete grids, these methods perform poorly when contouring non‐smooth functions such as Discrete Indicator Functions. In particular, Marching Cubes will generate surfaces that exhibit aliasing and oscillations around the exact surface. We derive a simple solution to remove these problems by using a new function to calculate the positions of vertices along cell edges that is efficient, easy to implement, and does not require any optimization or iteration. Finally, we provide empirical evidence that the error introduced by our contouring method is significantly less than is introduced by Marching Cubes.  相似文献   

We present an unsupervised algorithm for aligning a pair of shapes in the presence of significant articulated motion and missing data, while assuming no knowledge of a template, user‐placed markers, segmentation, or the skeletal structure of the shape. We explicitly sample the motion, which gives a priori the set of possible rigid transformations between parts of the shapes. This transforms the problem into a discrete labeling problem, where the goal is to find an optimal assignment of transformations for aligning the shapes. We then apply graph cuts to optimize a novel cost function, which encodes a preference for a consistent motion assignment from both source to target and target to source. We demonstrate the robustness of our method by aligning several synthetic and real‐world datasets.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of approximating an arbitrary generic surface with a given set of simple surface primitives. In contrast to previous approaches based on variational surface approximation, which are primarily concerned with finding an optimal partitioning of the input geometry, we propose to integrate a model selection step into the algorithm in order to also optimize the type of primitive for each proxy. Our method is a joint global optimization of both the partitioning of the input surface as well as the types and number of used shape proxies. Thus, our method performs an automatic trade‐off between representation complexity and approximation error without relying on a user supplied predetermined number of shape proxies. This way concise surface representations are found that better exploit the full approximative power of the employed primitive types.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a coarsening algorithm for quadrilateral meshes that generates quality, quad-only connectivity during level-of- coarsening creation. A novel aspect of this work is development and implementation of a localized adaptation of the polychord collapse operator to better control and preserve important surface components. We describe a novel weighting scheme for automatic deletion selection that considers surface attributes, as well as localized queue updates that allow for improved data structures and computational performance opportunities over previous techniques. Additionally, this work supports optional and intuitive user controls for tailored simplification results.  相似文献   

Semi-regular meshes describe surface models that exhibit a structural regularity that facilitates many geometric processing algorithms. We introduce a technique to construct semi-regular, quad-only meshes from input surface meshes of arbitrary polygonal type and genus. The algorithm generates a quad-only model through subdivision of the input polygons, then simplifies to a base domain that is homeomorphic to the original mesh. During the simplification, a novel hierarchical mapping method, keyframe mapping , stores specific levels-of-detail to guide the mapping of the original vertices to the base domain. The algorithm implements a scheme for refinement with adaptive resampling of the base domain and backward projects to the original surface. As a byproduct of the remeshing scheme, a surface parameterization is associated with the remesh vertices to facilitate subsequent geometric processing, i.e. texture mapping, subdivision surfaces and spline-based modeling.  相似文献   

Mesh Segmentation via Spectral Embedding and Contour Analysis   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
We propose a mesh segmentation algorithm via recursive bisection where at each step, a sub-mesh embedded in 3D is first spectrally projected into the plane and then a contour is extracted from the planar embedding. We rely on two operators to compute the projection: the well-known graph Laplacian and a geometric operator designed to emphasize concavity. The two embeddings reveal distinctive shape semantics of the 3D model and complement each other in capturing the structural or geometrical aspect of a segmentation. Transforming the shape analysis problem to the 2D domain also facilitates our segmentability analysis and sampling tasks. We propose a novel measure of the segmentability of a shape, which is used as the stopping criterionfor our segmentation. The measure is derived from simple area- and perimeter-based convexity measures. We achieve invariance to shape bending through multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) based on the notion of inner distance. We also utilize inner distances to develop a novel sampling scheme to extract two samples along a contour which correspond to two vertices residing on different parts of the sub-mesh. The two samples are used to derive a spectral linear ordering of the mesh faces. We obtain a final cut via a linear search over the face sequence based on part salience, where a choice of weights for different factors of part salience is guided by the result from segmentability analysis.  相似文献   

Given a 3D solid model S represented by a tetrahedral mesh, we describe a novel algorithm to compute a hierarchy of convex polyhedra that tightly enclose S. The hierarchy can be browsed at interactive speed on a modern PC and it is useful for implementing an intuitive feature selection paradigm for 3D editing environments. Convex parts often coincide with perceptually relevant shape components and, for their identification, existing methods rely on the boundary surface only. In contrast, we show that the notion of part concavity can be expressed and implemented more intuitively and efficiently by exploiting a tetrahedrization of the shape volume. The method proposed is completely automatic, and generates a tree of convex polyhedra in which the root is the convex hull of the whole shape, and the leaves are the tetrahedra of the input mesh. The algorithm proceeds bottom‐up by hierarchically clustering tetrahedra into nearly convex aggregations, and the whole process is significantly fast. We prove that, in the average case, for a mesh of n tetrahedra O(n log2 n) operations are sufficient to compute the whole tree.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of reconstruction from incomplete point-clouds. To find a closed mesh the reconstruction is guided by a set of primitive shapes which has been detected on the input point-cloud (e.g. planes, cylinders etc.). With this guidance we not only continue the surrounding structure into the holes but also synthesize plausible edges and corners from the primitives' intersections. To this end we give a surface energy functional that incorporates the primitive shapes in a guiding vector field. The discretized functional can be minimized with an efficient graph-cut algorithm. A novel greedy optimization strategy is proposed to minimize the functional under the constraint that surface parts corresponding to a given primitive must be connected. From the primitive shapes our method can also reconstruct an idealized model that is suitable for use in a CAD system.  相似文献   

We introduce a fully automatic algorithm which optimizes the high‐level structure of a given quadrilateral mesh to achieve a coarser quadrangular base complex. Such a topological optimization is highly desirable, since state‐of‐the‐art quadrangulation techniques lead to meshes which have an appropriate singularity distribution and an anisotropic element alignment, but usually they are still far away from the high‐level structure which is typical for carefully designed meshes manually created by specialists and used e.g. in animation or simulation. In this paper we show that the quality of the high‐level structure is negatively affected by helical configurations within the quadrilateral mesh. Consequently we present an algorithm which detects helices and is able to remove most of them by applying a novel grid preserving simplification operator (GP‐operator) which is guaranteed to maintain an all‐quadrilateral mesh. Additionally it preserves the given singularity distribution and in particular does not introduce new singularities. For each helix we construct a directed graph in which cycles through the start vertex encode operations to remove the corresponding helix. Therefore a simple graph search algorithm can be performed iteratively to remove as many helices as possible and thus improve the high‐level structure in a greedy fashion. We demonstrate the usefulness of our automatic structure optimization technique by showing several examples with varying complexity.  相似文献   

In computer graphics, modeling the geometry of hair and hair‐like patterns such as grass and fur remains a significant challenge. Hair strands can exist in an extensive variety of arrangements and the choice of an appropriate representation for tasks such as hair synthesis, fitting, editing, or reconstruction from samples, is non‐trivial. To support such applications we present a novel mathematical representation of hair based on a class of minimal surfaces called generalized helicoids. This representation allows us to characterize the geometry of a single hair strand, as well as of those in its vicinity, by three intuitive curvature parameters and an elevation angle. We introduce algorithms for fitting piecewise generalized helicoids to unparameterized hair strands, and for interpolating hair between these fits. We showcase several applications of this representation including the synthesis of different hair geometries, wisp generation, hair interpolation from samples and hair‐style parametrization and reconstruction from real hair data.  相似文献   

We propose a watermarking algorithm for polygonal meshes based on the modification of the Laplacian coordinates. More specifically, we first compute the Laplacian coordinates (x,y,z) of the mesh vertices, then construct the histogram of the lengths of the (x,y,z) vectors, and finally, insert the watermark by altering the shape of that histogram. The watermark extraction is carried out blindly, with no reference to the host model. The proposed method is more robust than several existing high capacity watermarking algorithms. In particular, it is able to resist attacks such as translations, rotations, uniform scaling and vertex reordering, due to the invariance of the histogram of the Laplacian vector lengths under such transformations. Compared to the existing robust watermarking methods, our experiments show that the proposed method can better resist common mesh editing attacks, due to the good behaviour of the Laplacian coordinates under such operations.  相似文献   

We provide a simple method that extracts an isosurface that is manifold and intersection‐free from a function over an arbitrary octree. Our method samples the function dual to minimal edges, faces, and cells, and we show how to position those samples to reconstruct sharp and thin features of the surface. Moreover, we describe an error metric designed to guide octree expansion such that flat regions of the function are tiled with fewer polygons than curved regions to create an adaptive polygonalization of the isosurface. We then show how to improve the quality of the triangulation by moving dual vertices to the isosurface and provide a topological test that guarantees we maintain the topology of the surface. While we describe our algorithm in terms of extracting surfaces from volumetric functions, we also show that our algorithm extends to generating manifold level sets of co‐dimension 1 of functions of arbitrary dimension.  相似文献   

We provide a method for improving the parameterization of patching schemes that approximate Catmull‐Clark subdivision surfaces, such that the new parameterization conforms better to that of the original subdivision surface. We create this reparameterization in real‐time using a method that only depends on the topology of the surface and is independent of the surface's geometry. Our method can handle patches with more than one extraordinary vertex and avoids the combinatorial increase in both complexity and storage associated with multiple extraordinary vertices. Moreover, the reparameterization function is easy to implement and fast.  相似文献   

The usual approach to design subdivision schemes for curves and surfaces basically consists in combining proper rules for regular configurations, with some specific heuristics to handle extraordinary vertices. In this paper, we introduce an alternative approach, called Least Squares Subdivision Surfaces (LS), where the key idea is to iteratively project each vertex onto a local approximation of the current polygonal mesh. While the resulting procedure haves the same complexity as simpler subdivision schemes, our method offers much higher visual quality, especially in the vicinity of extraordinary vertices. Moreover, we show it can be easily generalized to support boundaries and creases. The fitting procedure allows for a local control of the surface from the normals, making LS3 very well suited for interactive freeform modeling applications. We demonstrate our approach on diadic triangular and quadrangular refinement schemes, though it can be applied to any splitting strategies.  相似文献   

We introduce a family of signatures for finite metric spaces, possibly endowed with real valued functions, based on the persistence diagrams of suitable filtrations built on top of these spaces. We prove the stability of our signatures under Gromov-Hausdorff perturbations of the spaces. We also extend these results to metric spaces equipped with measures. Our signatures are well-suited for the study of unstructured point cloud data, which we illustrate through an application in shape classification.  相似文献   

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