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We present anefficient algorithm for determining an aesthetically pleasing shape boundary connecting all the points in a given unorganized set of 2D points, with no other information than point coordinates. By posing shape construction as a minimisation problem which follows the Gestalt laws, our desired shape is non‐intersecting, interpolates all points and minimizes a criterion related to these laws. The basis for our algorithm is an initial graph, an extension of the Euclidean minimum spanning tree but with no leaf nodes, called as the minimum boundary complex . and can be expressed similarly by parametrizing a topological constraint. A close approximation of , termed can be computed fast using a greedy algorithm. is then transformed into a closed interpolating boundary in two steps to satisfy ’s topological and minimization requirements. Computing exactly is an NP (Non‐Polynomial)‐hard problem, whereas is computed in linearithmic time. We present many examples showing considerable improvement over previous techniques, especially for shapes with sharp corners. Source code is available online.  相似文献   

Choosing balls that best approximate a 3D object is a non‐trivial problem. To answer it, we first address the inner approximation problem, which consists of approximating an object defined by a union of n balls with balls defining a region . This solution is further used to construct an outer approximation enclosing the initial shape, and an interpolated approximation sandwiched between the inner and outer approximations. The inner approximation problem is reduced to a geometric generalization of weighted max k‐cover, solved with the greedy strategy which achieves the classical lower bound. The outer approximation is reduced to exploiting the partition of the boundary of by the Apollonius Voronoi diagram of the balls defining the inner approximation. Implementation‐wise, we present robust software incorporating the calculation of the exact Delaunay triangulation of points with degree two algebraic coordinates, of the exact medial axis of a union of balls, and of a certified estimate of the volume of a union of balls. Application‐wise, we exhibit accurate coarse‐grain molecular models using a number of balls 20 times smaller than the number of atoms, a key requirement to simulate crowded cellular environments.  相似文献   

The symmetrizable and converged Laplace–Beltrami operator () is an indispensable tool for spectral geometrical analysis of point clouds. The , introduced by Liu et al. [LPG12] is guaranteed to be symmetrizable, but its convergence degrades when it is applied to models with sharp features. In this paper, we propose a novel , which is not only symmetrizable but also can handle the point‐sampled surface containing significant sharp features. By constructing the anisotropic Voronoi diagram in the local tangential space, the can be well constructed for any given point. To compute the area of anisotropic Voronoi cell, we introduce an efficient approximation by projecting the cell to the local tangent plane and have proved its convergence. We present numerical experiments that clearly demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of the proposed for point clouds that may contain noise, outliers, and non‐uniformities in thickness and spacing. Moreover, we can show that its spectrum is more accurate than the ones from existing for scan points or surfaces with sharp features.  相似文献   

The determinization of a nondeterministic finite automaton (FA) is the process of generating a deterministic FA (DFA) equivalent to (sharing the same regular language of) . The minimization of is the process of generating the minimal DFA equivalent to . Classical algorithms for determinization and minimization are available in the literature for several decades. However, they operate monolithically, assuming that the FA to be either determinized or minimized is given once and for all. By contrast, we consider determinization and minimization in a dynamic context, where augments over time: after each augmentation, determinization and minimization of into is required. Using classical monolithic algorithms to solve this problem is bound to poor performance. An algorithm for incremental determinization and minimization of acyclic finite automata, called IDMA, is proposed. Despite being conceived within the narrow domain of model‐based diagnosis and monitoring of active systems, the algorithm is general‐purpose in nature. Experimental evidence indicates that IDMA is far more efficient than classical algorithms in solving incremental determinization and minimization problems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Synthesizing and exploring large‐scale realistic urban road networks is beneficial to 3D content creation, traffic animation and urban planning. In this paper, we present an interactive tool that allows untrained users to design roads with complex realistic details and styles. Roads are generated by growing a geometric graph. During a sketching phase, the user specifies the target area and the examples. During a growing phase, two types of growth are effectively applied to generate roads in the target area; example‐based growth uses patches extracted from the source example to generate roads that preserve some interesting structures in the example road networks; procedural‐based growth uses the statistical information of the source example while effectively adapting the roads to the underlying terrain and the already generated roads. User‐specified warping, blending and interpolation operations are used at will to produce new road network designs that are inspired by the examples. Finally, our method computes city blocks, individual parcels and plausible building and tree geometries. We have used our approach to create road networks covering up to 200 and containing over 3500 km of roads.  相似文献   

Let be a simple graph with nodes and links, a subset of “terminals,” a vector , and a positive integer d, called “diameter.” We assume that nodes are perfect but links fail stochastically and independently, with probabilities . The “diameter‐constrained reliability” (DCR) is the probability that the terminals of the resulting subgraph remain connected by paths composed of d links, or less. This number is denoted by . The general DCR computation belongs to the class of ‐hard problems, since it subsumes the problem of computing the probability that a random graph is connected. The contributions of this paper are twofold. First, a full analysis of the computational complexity of DCR subproblems is presented in terms of the number of terminal nodes and the diameter d. Second, we extend the class of graphs that accept efficient DCR computation. In this class, we include graphs with bounded co‐rank, graphs with bounded genus, planar graphs, and, in particular, Monma graphs, which are relevant to robust network design.  相似文献   

In predicting time series, if a trend includes a structural break, then a state space model can be applied to revise the predictive method. Some scholars suggest that restricted damped trend models yield excellent prediction results by automatically revising unforeseen structural break factors in the prediction process. Restricted damped trend models add a smoothed error statistic to a local‐level model and use the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) method to make corrections. This paper applies the generally weighted moving average (GWMA) concept and method to a restricted damped trend model that changes the smoothed error statistic from the EWMA form to the GWMA form and adds the correction parameter λ, which distinguishes three situations , , and . The original restricted damped trend model applies only to , enabling the model to capture situations in which and increases its generality. This paper also compares the effect of various parameter values on the predictive model and finds the range of parameter settings that optimize the model.  相似文献   

This article considers a communication network modeled by a graph and a distinguished set of terminal nodes . We assume that the nodes never fail, but the edges fail randomly and independently with known probabilities. The classical K ‐reliability problem computes the probability that the subnetwork is composed only by the surviving edges in such a way that all terminals communicate with each other. The d ‐diameter ‐constrained K ‐reliability generalization also imposes the constraint that each pair of terminals must be the extremes of a surviving path of approximately d length. It allows modeling communication network situations in which limits exist on the acceptable delay times or on the amount of hops that packets can undergo. Both problems have been shown to be NP ‐hard, yet the complexity of certain subproblems remains undetermined. In particular, when , it was an open question whether the instances with were solvable in polynomial time. In this paper, we prove that when and is a fixed parameter (i.e. not an input) the problem turns out to be polynomial in the number of nodes of the network (in fact linear). We also introduce an algorithm to compute these cases in such time and also provide two numerical examples.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the presentation of polynomial time (approximation) algorithms for a variant of open‐shop scheduling, where the processing times are only machine‐dependent. This variant of scheduling is called proportionate scheduling and its applications are used in many real‐world environments. This paper develops three polynomial time algorithms for the problem. First, we present a polynomial time algorithm that solves the problem optimally if , where n and m denote the numbers of jobs and machines, respectively. If, on the other hand, , we develop a polynomial time approximation algorithm with a worst‐case performance ratio of that improves the bound existing for general open‐shops. Next, in the case of , we take into account the problem under consideration as a master problem and convert it into a simpler secondary approximation problem. Furthermore, we formulate both the master and secondary problems, and compare their complexity sizes. We finally present another polynomial time algorithm that provides optimal solution for a special case of the problem where .  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the graphical tuning method of fractional order proportional integral derivative (FOPID) controllers for fractional order uncertain system achieving robust ‐stability. Firstly, general result is presented to check the robust ‐stability of the linear fractional order interval polynomial. Then some alternative algorithms and results are proposed to reduce the computational effort of the general result. Secondly, a general graphical tuning method together with some computational efficient algorithms are proposed to determine the complete set of FOPID controllers that provides ‐stability for interval fractional order plant. These methods will combine the results for fractional order parametric robust control with the method of FOPID ‐stabilization for a fixed plant. At last, two important extensions will be given to the proposed graphical tuning methods: determine the ‐stabilizing region for fractional order systems with two kinds of more general and complex uncertainty structures: multi‐linear interval uncertainty and mixed‐type uncertainties. Numerical examples are followed to illustrate the effectiveness of the method. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We introduce a practical partitioning technique designed for parallelizing Position Based Dynamics, and exploiting the ubiquitous multi‐core processors present in current commodity GPUs. The input is a set of particles whose dynamics is influenced by spatial constraints. In the initialization phase, we build a graph in which each node corresponds to a constraint and two constraints are connected by an edge if they influence at least one common particle. We introduce a novel greedy algorithm for inserting additional constraints (phantoms) in the graph such that the resulting topology is ‐colourable, where is an arbitrary number. We color the graph, and the constraints with the same color are assigned to the same partition. Then, the set of constraints belonging to each partition is solved in parallel during the animation phase. We demonstrate this by using our partitioning technique; the performance hit caused by the GPU kernel calls is significantly decreased, leaving unaffected the visual quality, robustness and speed of serial position based dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of achieving a very accurate tracking of a pre‐specified desired output trajectory , for linear, multiple input multiple output, non‐minimum phase and/or non hyperbolic, sampled data, and closed loop control systems. The proposed approach is situated in the general framework of model stable inversion and introduces significant novelties with the purpose of reducing some theoretical and numerical limitations inherent in the methods usually proposed. In particular, the new method does not require either a preactuation or null initial conditions of the system. The desired and the corresponding sought input are partitioned in a transient component ( and ut(k), respectively) and steady‐state ( and us(k), respectively). The desired transient component is freely assigned without requiring it to be null over an initial time interval. This drastically reduces the total settling time. The structure of ut(k) is a priori assumed to be given by a sampled smoothing spline function. The spline coefficients are determined as the least‐squares solution of the over‐determined system of linear equations obtained imposing that the sampled spline function assumed as reference input yield the desired output over a properly defined transient interval. The steady‐state input us(k) is directly analytically computed exploiting the steady‐state output response expressions for inputs belonging to the same set of .  相似文献   

Let be a finite, simple, and connected graph. The closed interval of a set is the set of all vertices lying on a shortest path between any pair of vertices of S. The set S is geodetic if . The eccentricity of a vertex v is the number of edges in the greatest shortest path between v and any vertex w of G. A vertex v is a contour vertex if no neighbor of v has eccentricity greater than v. The contour of G is the set formed by the contour vertices of G. We consider two problems: the problem of determining whether the contour of a graph class is geodetic; the problem of determining if there exists a graph such that is not geodetic. We obtain a sufficient condition that is useful for both problems; we prove a realization theorem related to problem and show two infinite families such that is not geodetic. Using computational tools, we establish the minimum graphs for which is not geodetic; and show that all graphs with , and all bipartite graphs with , are such that is geodetic.  相似文献   

In this work, we study the mixed control for Markov jump linear systems with hidden Markov parameters. The hidden Markov process is denoted by , where the nonobservable component θ(k) represents the mode of operation of the system, whereas represents the observable component provided by a detector. The goal is to obtain design techniques for mixed control problems, with the controllers depending only on the estimate , for problems formulated in 3 different forms: (i) minimizing an upper bound on the norm subject to a given restriction on the norm; (ii) minimizing an upper bound on the norm, while limiting the norm; and (iii) minimizing a weighted combination of upper bounds of both the and norms. We propose also new conditions for synthesizing robust controllers under parametric uncertainty in the detector probabilities and in the transition probabilities. The so‐called cluster case for the mixed control problem is also analyzed under the detector approach. The results are illustrated by means of 2 numerical examples.  相似文献   

A divisible load is an amount W of computational work that can be arbitrarily divided into chunks and distributed among a set P of worker processors to be processed in parallel. Divisible load applications occur in many fields of science and engineering. They can be parallelized in a master‐worker fashion, but they pose several scheduling challenges. The divisible load scheduling problem consists in (a) selecting a subset of active workers, (b) defining the order in which the chunks will be transmitted to each of them, and (c) deciding the amount of load that will be transmitted to each worker , with , so as to minimize the makespan, i.e., the total elapsed time since the master began to send data to the first worker, until the last worker stops its computations. In this work, we propose a biased random‐key genetic algorithm for solving the divisible load scheduling problem. Computational results show that the proposed heuristic outperforms the best heuristic in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, two new approaches have been presented to view q‐rung orthopair fuzzy sets. In the first approach, these can viewed as L‐fuzzy sets, whereas the second approach is based on the notion of orbits. Uncertainty index is the quantity , which remains constant for all points in an orbit. Certain operators can be defined in q‐ROF sets, which affect when applied to some q‐ROF sets. Operators , , and have been defined. It is studied that how these operators affect when applied to some q‐ROF set A.  相似文献   

The paper derives a robust networked controller design method for systems with saturation where the delay is large and uncertain, as in one‐directional data flow‐control. A classical linear H criterion is first formulated in terms of the sensitivity and complementary sensitivity functions. A new asymptotic constraint is then derived, which specifies the minimum amount of low frequency gain that is needed in the sensitivity function to conclude on non‐linear closed loop ‐stability using the Popov criterion. This result guides the selection of the design criterion, thereby adjusting the linear controller design for better handling of delay and saturation. The controller design method then uses gridding to pre‐compute a subset of the stability region. Based on the pre‐computed region, a robust ‐stable controller can be selected. Alternatively, an adaptive controller could recompute ‐stable controllers on‐line using the pre‐computed region. Simulations show that the controller meets the specified stability and performance requirements.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problems of and state feedback control design for continuous‐time Markov jump linear systems. The matrices of each operation mode are supposed to be uncertain, belonging to a polytope, and the transition rate matrix is considered partly known. By appropriately modeling all the uncertain parameters in terms of a multi‐simplex domain, new design conditions are proposed, whose main advantage with respect to the existing ones is to allow the use of polynomially parameter‐dependent Lyapunov matrices to certify the mean square closed‐loop stability. Synthesis conditions are derived in terms of matrix inequalities with a scalar parameter. The conditions, which become LMIs for fixed values of the scalar, can cope with and state feedback control in both mode‐independent and mode‐dependent cases. Using polynomial Lyapunov matrices of larger degrees and performing a search for the scalar parameter, less conservative results in terms of guaranteed costs can be obtained through LMI relaxations. Numerical examples illustrate the advantages of the proposed conditions when compared with other techniques from the literature. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates stability of nonlinear control systems under intermittent information. Following recent results in the literature, we replace the traditional periodic paradigm, where the up‐to‐date information is transmitted and control laws are executed in a periodic fashion, with the event‐triggered paradigm. Building on the small gain theorem, we develop input–output triggered control algorithms yielding stable closed‐loop systems. In other words, based on the currently available (but outdated) measurements of the outputs and external inputs of a plant, a mechanism triggering when to obtain new measurements and update the control inputs is provided. Depending on the noise in the environment, the developed algorithm yields stable, asymptotically stable, and ‐stable (with bias) closed‐loop systems. Control loops are modeled as interconnections of hybrid systems for which novel results on ‐stability are presented. The prediction of a triggering event is achieved by employing ‐gains over a finite horizon. By resorting to convex programming, a method to compute ‐gains over a finite horizon is devised. Finally, our approach is successfully applied to a trajectory tracking problem for unicycles. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers the stability analysis of reset control systems with time‐varying delay. Based on sector reset conditions, delay‐dependent exponential stability and finite gain stability conditions are proposed, and piecewise Lyapunov functions are used such that less conservative results can be obtained, moreover, gain performance improvement results are presented to show the advantage of reset control. Numerical examples are given to show the effectiveness.  相似文献   

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