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A course is described in which the attempt is made to introduce first-year electrical engineering students to the basic principles upon which their chosen discipline is founded and to establish early the concept of a system. It is contended that an undergraduate course need not lag a decade behind current practice and current thinking but that, rather, the techniques taught and, indeed, the entire mode of approach can and should be completely up-to-date.  相似文献   

文章从嵌入式系统的定义入手,阐述了实现嵌入式系统与Internet的连接的难点,并给出了固化TCP/IP协议、采用EMIT技术、采用专用网络芯片等三种常用的解决方案。  相似文献   

随着嵌入式技术的快速发展及其应用的不断深入,众多秉承工业计算机制造优势的厂商都推出了针对嵌入式应用的系列产用开发的安勤公司,针对日益广阔而差异性极大的嵌入式应用市场提出了“量身定制、以需求为本”,实现个性化设计的的服务理念。在安勤新技术北京研讨会期间,本刊记者李海军对安勤科技中国有限公司副总经理徐英健先生进行了专访。 李海军:请您结合安勤产品介  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种计算机辅助控制系统设计的程序包。该程序包可在IBMPC及兼容机上对单输入单输出系统进行分析、仿真、辨识和最优控制器设计;系统的数据资科还可采用多种形式输出,如磁盘数据文件输出、打印机输出、绘图机输出和CRT屏幕显示输出等。在过程控制实践和教学实践中本程序包均有实际指导意义。  相似文献   

基于ARM的嵌入式系统触摸屏设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于便携设备用触摸屏简单易行,应用接口直观,轻便,占用空间少,方便灵活等优点,已经逐渐取代键盘成为嵌入式计算机系统的输入设备。基于ARM16/32位微处理器具有超低功耗,处理速度快,价格低廉等特点,其市场占有率目前已达到80%,世界上绝大多数IC制造商都推出了自己的ARM结构芯片。本文介绍基于ARM7架构嵌入式芯片SamsungS3C44B0X的触摸屏设计。系统组成触摸屏输入系统由触摸屏、触摸屏控制器和微控制器三部分组成。图1示出了1个ARM嵌入式系统的触摸屏输入系统,在该系统中触摸屏采用信利公司的四线电阻式触摸屏,触摸屏控…  相似文献   

USB为计算机外围设备输入输出提供了新的接口标准,它使得设备具有了热插拔、自动配置的能力,并标准化了设备连接。USB的级联星型拓扑结构大大扩充了外设数量,使用外设更加便捷、快速。  相似文献   

A new introductory sequence in engineering electromagnetics is described. Its novel features include an axiomatic development of electromagnetic theory, the application of transform analysis to the solution of the important partial differential equations, and the use of engineering terminology in developing a distributed systems viewpoint. The sequence establishes a close relationship among electromagnetics, circuits, and system theory, and has been used successfully at the University of Iowa for the past three years.  相似文献   

针对嵌入式系统电气干扰的若干问题,说明了嵌入式系统的抗干扰设计的必要性,就嵌入式系统的抗干扰设计原则及方法作了重点论述。  相似文献   

This paper proposes and demonstrates a polarization-analyzing CMOS sensor based on image sensor architecture. The sensor was designed targeting applications for chiral analysis in a microchemistry system. The sensor features a monolithically embedded polarizer. Embedded polarizers with different angles were implemented to realize a real-time absolute measurement of the incident polarization angle. Although the pixel-level performance was confirmed to be limited, estimation schemes based on the variation of the polarizer angle provided a promising performance for real-time polarization measurements. An estimation scheme using 180 pixels in a 1deg step provided an estimation accuracy of 0.04deg. Polarimetric measurements of chiral solutions were also successfully performed to demonstrate the applicability of the sensor to optical chiral analysis.  相似文献   

A course in electrical engineering for freshmen, suitable for both engineering and non-engineering students, is presented. The course is intended to give the students an overall view of the field, at the same time teaching them enough fundamentals that they will be able to diagnose and develop simple circuits, getting a taste of design. A hydraulic analog is presented for ease and speed in teaching basic electrical concepts. An unconventional teaching technique, the "inclassdrill," is used, with encouraging results.  相似文献   

Teaching introductory programming skills and embedded systems design to undergraduate engineering students in a variety of disciplines requires delivering the teaching content according to their learning styles. This paper describes how the LEGO MINDSTORMS robots were introduced as hands-on educational technology for computer engineering and provides student feedback measurements on the effectiveness of using the LEGO MINDSTORMS robots.  相似文献   

SOC中嵌入式核测试标准IEEE P1500综述与研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
集成电路深亚微米制造技术和设计技术的迅速发展使得SOC得到越来越广泛的应用。随着系统设计规模的日益复杂,SOC的测试由于系统集成了不同的多个IP核变得愈加困难,已经逐渐变成SOC发展中的瓶颈。IEEE为解决SOC测试问题提出了嵌入式核测试标准P1500。文章详细介绍了P1500的测试架构,测试访问机制TAM及核测试描述语言CTL。最后描述了SOC测试集成中的常用模式。  相似文献   

基于Linux嵌入式系统的多功能车载信息监控系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张航  罗大庸 《电气时代》2003,(11):110-110,112
车载智能系统是将各种汽车电子技术集于一体的智能系统,包括智能仪表系统、车载导航系统、故 障诊断系统、车载黑匣子系统等,是各国汽车行业关注的热点。  相似文献   

Increasingly, electrical and computer engineers are making their careers in designing wireless embedded systems. This paper presents a teaching methodology and the associated laboratory setup designed to meet the needs in teaching wireless embedded systems. The courses allow the students not only to apply their previous knowledge of digital system design, computer architecture, electronic circuits, wireless networking, and software engineering, but experience actual systems engineering by designing and implementing a large-scale team project within a semester. A flexible hardware platform was developed and was accompanied by teaching methodologies that allow quick completion of ambitious course projects in this area.   相似文献   

电能质量监测系统实现了远程电能质量监测系统的网络传输功能。用户可以利用广泛存在的以太网资源,可对远程数据和信息进行查询、存储和处理,实现对远程电能质量情况方便快捷的自动测报、管理和调配。  相似文献   

利用新生入学教育,与新同学进行沟通交流,介绍高等职业教育的特点、就业形式和企业的用人制度,鼓励学生立志成才,为未来的大学学习打下良好的思想基础.  相似文献   

重点介绍进口汽轮发电机组自动控制系统的特性,如电力系统稳定器(PSS)、发电自动控制系统(AGC)、发电机进相特性、励磁自动电压调节器(AVR)、机组一次调频功能等。这些自动控制装置特性具有独到之处,对于提高机组的稳定性和可靠性起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

本文介绍锅炉制粉系统磨煤机的惰化和消防系统的配置特点、使用方法 ,供参考  相似文献   

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