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年画是我国广大民众喜闻乐见的一种艺术形式,数百年来在民间流传极为广泛。每逢春节,老百姓常用年画张贴房门、装饰居室,以烘托节日喜庆气氛、祈求来年吉祥如意。中国民间年画植根于深厚的传统文化土壤,贯穿于人们的日常生活之中,体现了中国古老的民风民俗。年画以绘画  相似文献   

<正>(2010年3月31日)我们召开这次会议,主要任务是深入贯彻落实党的十七届四中全会精神以及省委、省直机关工委近期关于党建工作的部署,进一步统一思想认识,明确任务  相似文献   

新中国成立60年来,在党和政府的正确领导下,江苏水利紧紧围绕经济社会发展大局,始终坚持与时俱进的治水思路,不断加强水利建设,创新水利管理,水利事业取得了辉煌成就,为经济社会又好又快发展提供了坚强有力的水利基础保障。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,传统水利能满足生产集约化、城乡城市化、农业产业化、生活小康化、科技现代化、经济市场化的要求,必须调整治水思路,结合湖北水利实际,就是要坚持水资源的开发利用与节约保护同时抓、,坚持防汛与抗旱同时抓,坚持建设与管理同时抓,坚持科学治水与依法治水同时抓,坚持服务社会与自身经济同时抓,加速推进湖北传统水利的现代水利转变。  相似文献   


As domestic water managers, the strategic need of women has been identified as having access to domestic water sources that are convenient, reliable and located close to home. The need has been addressed through installation of low cost improved water supply systems in different parts of the developing world. While the need of women as domestic water managers has been globally articulated and addressed, perhaps adequate attention has not been drawn to the fact that this role is actually performed within the context of local communities where domestic water management activities are built upon the users' perceived needs to be fulfilled through culturally appropriate means. How do cultural intricacies in local communities influence the water fetching behaviour of women? What is the impact of such factors on the adoption and utilization of modern domestic water supply systems? The paper explores the implications of local cultural realities for the effectiveness of handpump as a modern domestic water supply systemarguing that the locally perceived water needs of women are holistic and fail to be adequately addressed through the new source. Consequently, it has been admitted only as an `add on' source, thereby hindering achievement of the basic objective of bringing women greater comfort, better health and socio-economic empowerment.


"十一五"期间,四川地方电力建设按照科学发展观要求,以市场为导向、发展为主题、改革为核心、资产为纽带、科技为动力、"三农"为重点、效益为目标,抓住发展机遇,在行业管理、电源开发、生产经营、管理现代化等方面都取得了良好成绩.四川地方电力投产装机、发电总量、销售收入、实现税利、农民增收等主要经济指标继续稳步增长,为促进四川农民致富、财政增收、生态保护、地方经济可持续发展做出了巨大贡献.  相似文献   


Excessive demand for water due to a growing population, agricultural, and industrial development, along with climate change and depletion of nonrenewable resources have intensified the need for integrated water resources management and water pollution control. This paper presents different aspects of a master plan for water pollution control and the results of a case study for developing a master plan for water resources pollution control in Isfahan Province in Iran. Different components of the water resources system and pollution sources in the study area were identified and the effects of each of the pollution sources on surface and groundwater resources contamination were investigated. Two Multiple Criterion Decision Making (MCDM) techniques, namely Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method and Analytical Hierarchy Structure (AHP) were used in order to determine the share of agricultural, industrial, and domestic sectors in polluting the water resources. In the application of MCDM techniques, engineering judgments and the information gathered from brain storming sessions with engineering experts and the agencies' officials have also been incorporated in order to overcome the data deficiency in this region for this type of analysis. Based on this study, several specific major categories of water pollution reduction projects were defined and in each category, several projects were identified. The total cost of implementation of the projects was also estimated and the projects were prioritized based on their potential impact on water pollution control.  相似文献   

翠湖湿地--人与自然和谐的交响曲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湿地对于许多北京人来说,认为是离自己非常遥远的地方,殊不知在你的身边就有那么一块美丽的湿地--翠湖湿地.翠湖湿地坐落于北京市西山脚下的海淀区上庄乡,西临稻香湖公园,东接上庄水库,南北皆为市级绿化园林带,距市中心30多km,从天安门驱车前往只需四五十分钟就能到达.荷花塘、芦苇荡、野鸭湖、天鹅湖等构成了美丽的翠湖湿地,别小看这些塘、湖、荡,它就是人工湿地系统,生活污水通过这些塘、湖、荡出来,就能达到Ⅲ级水质标准.湿地内还建有湿地科普馆等,是集休闲、娱乐、观赏、学习和研究于一体的国家湿地公园,是人们贴近自然的好去处.  相似文献   

The performance of a pond-constructed wetland system in the treatment of municipal wastewater in Kiaochow city was studied; and comparison with oxidation ponds system was conducted. In the post-constructed wetland, the removal of COD, TN and TP is 24%, 58.5% and 24.8% respectively. The treated effluent from the constructed wetland can meet the Chinese National Agricultural and Irrigation Standard. The comparison between pond-constructed wetland system and oxidation pond system shows that total nitrogen removal in a constructed wetland is better than that in an oxidation pond and the TP removal is inferior. A possible reason is the low dissolved oxygen concentration in the wetland. Constructed wetlands can restrain the growth of algae effectively, and can produce obvious ecological and economical benefits.  相似文献   

The efficient and economic management of waste activated sludge (WAS) requires a proper understanding of the sludge's material properties. Though there has been much study of WAS, an adequate linkage between its physical and chemical properties has been elusive. In particular, the conditioning and dewatering of WAS are expensive operations, and the addition of polymer to WAS leads to even more complex material behavior that is difficult to optimize. This paper reports on an extensive characterization of WAS, both with and without polymer conditioning. We combined the classical "jar test" approach with less conventional rheometric and electrokinetic measurements. In addition to the use of sampled WAS, a synthetic surrogate sludge was formulated, attempting to duplicate properties of WAS and allow more extensive characterization of a reproducible surrogate to WAS. Results with both the synthetic surrogate and WAS indicated that the traditional, electrokinetic, and rheological properties were related. However, the dose optima by rheometry were somewhat higher in both cases.  相似文献   

Lake of the Woods spans two geological regions: the Precambrian Shield and the Glacial Lake Agassiz Lakebed. The lake watershed’s complex topography influences wind speeds and directions. We study wind variability over Lake of the Woods using reanalysis data and wind observations at seven sites. A wind variability index is proposed as a measure of lake-wide spread in wind direction. Our results show that the directional variability depends on wind speeds, with higher variability at lower speeds. The wind variability also changes throughout the year; it is more pronounced in spring (Apr-Jun) and fall (Sep-Oct) and less pronounced during winter (Dec-Jan). Observed wind directions are 60% more variable than reanalysis wind, indicating a need for higher-resolution reanalysis to resolve local wind effects due to topographic changes. Based on the statistical hierarchical clustering method, our analysis shows that geographically variable wind can be grouped into three regions to represent the predominant wind directions accurately. Clustering results also suggest spatial coverage gaps in the existing meteorological observation network. We reassess the existing network and propose a new meteorological observation site in the southeast basin near Morson, Ontario. Our study is of significance for water quality management because the wind is the key driver of water circulation, transport, and mixing in the lake, and accurate wind measurements are necessary to better constrain the underpinning physical, biological, and biochemical processes in mechanistic ecological models.  相似文献   

Momejian  N.  Abou Najm  M.  Alameddine  I.  El-Fadel  M. 《Water Resources Management》2019,33(3):1039-1052

Seawater intrusion has become a growing threat in coastal urban cities due to overexploitation of groundwater. This study examines the accuracy of the commonly used geospatial quality assessment models (GQA) and groundwater vulnerability assessment models (GVA) in determining the extent of seawater intrusion in urban coastal aquifers. For that purpose, interpolation methods (kriging, IDW and co-kriging) and vulnerability assessment models (DRASTIC, EPIK) were compared using groundwater salinity criteria (TDS, Cl?) collected at three pilot areas along the eastern Mediterranean (Beirut, Tripoli, Jal el Dib). The results showed that while the GIS-based interpolation methods and the vulnerability assessment models captured elements of the groundwater quality deterioration, both had a limited ability to accurately delineate saltwater intrusion. This emphasizes that while interpolation methods and conventional vulnerability models may give general information about groundwater quality, they fail to capture the status of the aquifer at a finer spatial resolution.


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