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The role of linalool content in relation to flavour of roasted cocoa butter was investigated. Cocoa butters from flavour grade beans have relatively higher contents of linalool than those from basic grade cocoa varieties. The estimation of linalool content by simultaneous steam distillation extraction proved suitable for quality classification of roasted cocoa butters.  相似文献   

Summary Extracts from defatted raw or roasted cocoas were analysed quantitatively by means of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. About 20 flavor compounds were identified for the first time as cocoa volatiles, among them furaneol, hydroxymethylpyridines, 2-pyrrolidone, 1,2-benzenediol, phenethylamides and tiglic acid. The development of sugar degradation products during drying and roasting of cocoa is of special technological interest.
Zusammensetzung der Aromaextrakte roher und gerösteter Kakaos
Zusammenfassung Extrakte aus entfetteten rohen oder gerösteten Kakaos wurden anhand der GC/MS quantitativ untersucht. Rund zwanzig Aromastoffe wurden dabei erstmals in Kakao nachgewiesen, darunter Furaneol, Hydroxymethylpyridin, 2-Pyrrolidon, Brenzcatechin, Phenethylamid und Tiglinsaure. Die Entwicklung von Zukkerabbauprodukten beim Trocknen und Rösten von Kakao ist besonders von technologischem Interesse.

目的建立超高效液相色谱-四极杆/静电场轨道阱高分辨质谱法和主成分分析法对馥郁香型白酒等级鉴别的方法。方法白酒样品过0.22μm滤膜后上机测试,利用超高效液相色谱-四极杆/静电场轨道阱高分辨质谱法检测。高分辨质谱采用Full MS-dd MS2模式对酒样中物质进行定性检测。基于mz Cloud谱图库建立含有158种风味物质的数据库,直接鉴定酒样物质,并采用主成分分析法(principal component analysis,PCA)对其进行分析。结果本实验通过数据库比对可直接鉴定出52°馥郁香型白酒中73个白酒中的微量成分,且馥郁香型白酒原样A1级和A2、A3级可以实现很好的区分。结论该方法简单、快速,为馥郁香型白酒质量分级提供了一种新的途径。  相似文献   

以大麦和小麦为原料,通过固相微萃取结合气相色谱-质谱联用(SPME-GC-MS)对焙烤处理前后原料的香气成分进行分析,采用主成分分析(PCA)及香气活性值(OAV)评价焙烤工艺条件对原料香气成分的影响。采用焙烤后原料酿造白酒,评价焙烤工艺对白酒风味的影响。结果表明,经过焙烤处理后,原料的焦香风味成分增加15种。PCA结果表明,焙烤原料的主要特征性挥发性物质为醛类、吡嗪类;产生焦香风味物质最多的焙烤条件为温度220 ℃、时间75 min。在此条件下,对焦香风味影响较大的物质(OAV>5)包括2,5-二甲基吡嗪、2,6-二甲基吡嗪、2-乙基-5-甲基吡嗪和2-乙基-6-甲基吡嗪等;与未焙烤原料制备白酒相比,焦香风味成分含量增加,吡嗪含量较高(20.1 mg/L)。  相似文献   

美拉德反应对焙烤花生特征风味形成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过模拟焙烤花生过程中的美拉德反应,制备焙烤花生风味物质。并利用GC-MS对反应产物中的挥发性成分进行鉴定,并与烤花生和花生香精的挥发性成分进行比较。同时还研究了温度、时间、底物浓度、水分含量对美拉德反应中2,5-二甲基吡嗪产量的影响。实验结果表明反应产物具有浓郁的焙烤花生香味,在反应产物的20种挥发性成分中,有11种与烤花生相同,12种与花生香精相同。  相似文献   

宁夏清真手抓羊肉特征指纹图谱的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用气-质联用技术(GC-MS)建立手抓羊肉风味特征指纹图谱,为手抓羊肉品质评定、原料判断提供一种新方法.以不同年龄小尾寒羊前腿肉制作的手抓羊肉为研究对象,选取色谱图中的特征峰,构建不同年龄小尾寒羊前腿肉制作的手抓羊肉风味特征指纹图谱;通过夹角余弦法计算样品与指纹图谱相似度,并对其聚类分析.结果表明,手抓羊肉香味指纹图谱稳定性好,相似度高,具有较强的特征性和唯一性.该图谱能综合、准确地反映手抓羊肉的风味情况,为评价手抓羊肉品质评价提供一种新的思路方法.  相似文献   

该实验针对山东某酒业工艺创新开发的馥郁香型白酒建立了感官指纹图谱,分别从香气、口感、风格三个维度分析了馥郁香型白酒以及其工艺融合的三种香型(酱香、浓香、芝麻香)白酒感官风格差异。结果表明,该馥郁香型白酒具有不同于其他香型白酒的典型风格特征,香气呈酱香、窖香、芝麻香的“三香”特征;口感馥合有酱香的醇厚感、窖香的绵甜感、芝麻香的细腻感的“三感”特征,使酒体呈现舒适、幽雅、爽净的典型馥香型白酒感官风格。进一步采用气味活度值(OAV)解析得出馥郁香型白酒的特征风味化合物有:己酸乙酯、异戊醛、丁酸乙酯、异戊酸乙酯、戊酸乙酯、辛酸乙酯等,其中己酸乙酯呈香强度最高,OAV达到12224.29,其次是丁酸乙酯、异戊醛、异戊酸乙酯和戊酸乙酯,OAV分别为3470.72、2899.58、1424.09、1195.29。  相似文献   

该实验针对山东某酒业工艺创新开发的馥郁香型白酒建立了感官指纹图谱,分别从香气、口感、风格三个维度分析了馥郁香型白酒以及其工艺融合的三种香型(酱香、浓香、芝麻香)白酒感官风格差异。结果表明,该馥郁香型白酒具有不同于其他香型白酒的典型风格特征,香气呈酱香、窖香、芝麻香的“三香”特征;口感馥合有酱香的醇厚感、窖香的绵甜感、芝麻香的细腻感的“三感”特征,使酒体呈现舒适、幽雅、爽净的典型馥香型白酒感官风格。进一步采用气味活度值(OAV)解析得出馥郁香型白酒的特征风味化合物有:己酸乙酯、异戊醛、丁酸乙酯、异戊酸乙酯、戊酸乙酯、辛酸乙酯等,其中己酸乙酯呈香强度最高,OAV达到12224.29,其次是丁酸乙酯、异戊醛、异戊酸乙酯和戊酸乙酯,OAV分别为3470.72、2899.58、1424.09、1195.29。  相似文献   

刘平  翟刚  陈功  黄湛  李峰  谢彪 《中国酿造》2015,34(1):27
以三种一级传统郫县豆瓣为研究对象,通过同时蒸馏萃取法(SDE)提取豆瓣中的挥发性化合物,再通过气质联用技术(GC-MS)对其进行定性定量分析,进一步采用气相色谱-嗅觉测量法(GC-O)及香气活性值法(OAV值)对郫县豆瓣中的特征香气物质进行鉴定。结果发现,在三种郫县豆瓣中共检测出112种挥发性物质,其中糠醛、异戊醛、3-甲硫基丙醛、芳樟醇、苯乙醇、4-乙基-2-甲氧基苯酚、十六酸乙酯对郫县豆瓣的贡献最大(OAV值>1),初步确定此七种香气化合物为一级传统郫县豆瓣中的特征香气物质。  相似文献   

目的 对大球盖菇液态发酵产菌菇源风味代谢产物可行性及其特征性风味代谢物进行探究。方法 采用高效液相色谱技术, 结合仿生学电子舌和电子鼻分析技术, 对大球盖菇发酵菌丝体和胞外液中非挥发性和挥发性代谢产物进行靶向分析, 明确大球盖菇发酵产风味代谢物的能力及其代谢产物分布情况; 利用偏最小二乘回归分析法, 解析了代谢产物呈味特性对发酵菌丝体风味形成的贡献度。结果 大球盖菇发酵产生的特征性风味物质主要包括葡萄糖、精氨酸、亮氨酸、类黄酮、乙酸、柠檬酸和肽; 发酵菌丝体水提液主要呈现甜味、苦味、酸味、浓厚味和满口感; 挥发性醇类化合物是影响发酵液呈香特性的主要挥发性代谢产物。结论 发酵菌丝体在合成肽上具有优势, 在菌物肉开发及应用方面具有较好的前景,本研究可为大球盖菇特征性风味代谢物液态发酵富集工艺和菌丝体食品中间体原料开发应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Biotransformation of linalool was studied using grape must and three strains of Botrytis cinerea (5901/2; 5909/1; 5899/4). Capillary gas chromatography and combined capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed predominant conversion (>90%) of linalool to (E)-2,6-dimethyl-2,7-octadiene-1,6-diol. in minor concentrations (<10%), the corresponding (Z)-isomer, 2-vinyl-2-methyl-tetrahydro- furan-5-one, the four (E)-and (Z)-linalool oxides in their furanoid and pyranoid forms, the (E)- and (Z)-acetates of pyranoid linalool oxides as well as 3,9-epoxy-p-menth- 1 -ene identified.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the tocopherol contents of wine by-products including grape seed, pomace (seed, skin and stem) and bagasse (skin and stem) by using two different extraction methods in order to evaluate the possibilities of them as natural non-polar antioxidants. Cold extraction appeared to give more tocopherol contents in seeds than hot extraction. But hot extraction was found more suitable for pomace and bagasse. α-Tocopherol was the most abundant tocopherol in the grape seed, pomace and bagasse. Although γ- and δ-tocopherols were found in the samples with low concentrations, β-tocopherol was not detected in the samples. Kalecik karası had the highest α and total tocopherol compared to the other cultivars. On the other hand, hot extracted bagasse in all cultivars gave the highest tocopherol contents. As a conclusion, wine by-products, a large scale wastes, can be evaluated both to get natural tocopherol source and to obtain economical gain.  相似文献   

Summary. The atomic absorption technique has been used in the analysis of tobacco ash and a number of common consumable items, namely water, salt, lettuce and potato, for their content of lithium in view of the apparent medical importance of this element.  相似文献   

Summary Following our study of the mineral contents of some Southern Italian wines, this work reports on the detection of 12 elemental components. The elements were determined using ICP-AES, flame atomic emission or absorption spectroscopy.The values determined for Li, Na, Mg, K, Ca, Rb, Sr and Ba were within the usual ranges for wines (average values for these elements were: 0.010, 26.2; 94.4; 888; 94.0; 3.30, 0.82 and 0.11 mg/1 respectively).All the wines contained low levels of As, the concentrations of which were always under 0.20 mg/1, the maximum level permitted by E.E.C. standards.The measuring of Co, Ag, and Sb led us to ascertain, in all the wines, concentrations lower than 0.01 mg/l for Co and Ag and below the instrumental detection level for Sb (0.06 mg/1).
Gehalt an Mineralstoffen in einigen süditalienischen WeinenII. Bestimmung von Li, Na, Mg, K, Ca, Co, As, Rb, Sr, Ag, Sb, Ba
Zusammenfassung In 51 süditalienischen Weinen wurde der Gehalt an verschiedenen Kationen durch ICP-AES, AAS oder AES bestimmt. Die Mittelwerte für Li, Na, Mg, K, Ca, Rb, Sr und Ba waren 0,01; 26,2; 94,4; 888; 94; 3,3; 0,82 und 0,11 (mg/1) und lagen damit in dem für Wein üblichen Bereich. Alle Weine hatten einen nur geringen As-Gehalt, der in allen Fällen unter dem EG-Grenzwert von 0,2 mg/1 lag. Die Weine enthielten Co und Ag in Mengen von weniger als 0,01 mg/1 und der Gehalt an Sb lag unter 0,06 mg/1 der Nachweisgrenze der Methode.

不同产区香料烟香味成分含量比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用无水乙醚萃取、GC/MS联用方法对国内不同产区香料烟和进口的土耳其、泰国香料烟的香味成分进行了分析,共定性定量了48种香味物质.结果表明:不同产区、不同部位香料烟香味成分组成相同,含量差异较大;云南A1和A2级香料烟香味成分总量(除新植二烯和叶绿醇外)最高;土耳其香料烟中有机酸所占比例超过香味成分总量的60%,酯类物质也占有较高比例,但赖百当类物质的含量及所占比例很低;泰国,新疆香料烟主要香味成分是有机酸和赖百当类物质,但后者的含量和所占比例均低于前者;云南、浙江、湖北香料烟中主要香味成分分别是赖百当类、有机酸和西柏烷类,云南和湖北香料烟还具有较高比例的有机酸,浙江香料烟类胡萝卜素类的含量及所占比例与赖百当类、西柏烷类接近,但却是所有产区中最高的.  相似文献   

本研究采用气相离子迁移谱等技术(GC-IMS)探究粳稻充氮储藏期间挥发气体成分(VOCs)的变化趋势,调节粳稻谷含水量为13.5%,结合脂肪酸值、脂肪酶、过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶的变化规律,探究粳稻充氮气调的储藏效果以及对其储藏稳定性的影响。研究结果表明,粳稻储藏期间醇类、醛类为主要挥发性成分,其中1-戊醛、壬醛和辛醛直接参与了脂质代谢过程。充氮气调对部分直链醇(1-丁醇、1-戊醇、1-己醇)和长碳链线性醛(辛醛、壬醛)的抑制效果显著。通过构建脂肪含量变化动态预测模型,表明低温高浓度氮气储藏对脂肪酸值的抑制效果为63.25%,脂肪酶活性的稳定性可提升193.69%,过氧化氢酶稳定性提升了10.76%。充氮气调储藏可以通过抑制粳稻呼吸作用,降低脂质代谢关键酶的活性,降低了亚油酸代谢速率,改善了脂质代谢挥发性组分的生成,有效减缓了粳稻陈化劣变。  相似文献   

The effect of adding annual doses of 14 000 kg ha?1 of urban compost to a soil is compared with the addition of 500 kg ha?1 of a 15–15–15 compound NPK fertiliser. Two rotation cycles of sorghum/wheat were carried out during the experiment, and the crop yields were not significantly affected by treatments. It is observed that compost added in the proportion used does not cause any statistically significant change in the initial level of available phosphorus in the soil, but causes an increase of the potassium potential. Soil total contents of copper and zinc as well as available levels of both metals show noticeable increases, but other metals are scarcely affected by the addition of compost. The results suggest that larger doses could be an important cause of pollution of the soil with heavy metals.  相似文献   

Foods used for poultry feeding in the United Kingdom were analysed for their linoleic acid contents and the results are reported.  相似文献   

以绵柔酱香型白酒为研究对象,采用感官定量描述分析和色谱分析等技术剖析绵柔酱香型白酒具体的感官品质和风味特征,同时利用spearman指数研究二者的相关性。结果表明,绵柔酱香型白酒具有酱香突出,花果香和糊香较好,陈香较舒适,空杯留香较持久,酒体绵甜爽净,柔和协调,酱香风格典型的特征;风味构成特征为总醇类21%~32%,总酯类38%~45%,总酸类19%~22%,总醛类8%~12%,总酮类0.9%~2.0%,总芳香类0.22%~0.28%,具有相对较高的醇类和酮类占比以及较高的乳酸/乙酸值;对酱香型白酒绵柔品质正向影响较大的风味物质有正丙醇、仲丁醇、2,3-丁二醇、3-羟基-2-丁酮、丙酸。酱香、陈香、醇香、焦香、酸味、苦味、陈酒味、回味、柔和感和爽净感等感官特征易受风味物质影响,影响较大的风味物质有异戊醇、异戊酸乙酯、丁酸乙酯、乙缩醛、苯甲醛、活性戊醇和苯乙醇。  相似文献   

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