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The Grid is an infrastructure for resource sharing and coordinated use of those resources in dynamic heterogeneous distributed environments. The effective use of a Grid requires the definition of metadata for managing the heterogeneity of involved resources that include computers, data, network facilities, and software tools provided by different organizations. Metadata management becomes a key issue when complex applications, such as data-intensive simulations and data mining applications, are executed on a Grid. This paper discusses metadata models for heterogeneous resource management in Grid-based data mining applications. In particular, it discusses how resources are represented and managed in the Knowledge Grid, a framework for Grid-enabled distributed data mining. The paper illustrates how XML-based metadata is used to describe data mining tools, data sources, mining models, and execution plans, and how metadata is used for the design and execution of distributed knowledge discovery applications on Grids.  相似文献   

语义Web是在分布式环境下构建复杂系统的一种新兴技术。在分析语义Web与移动Agent的基础上,提出了基于移动Agent的元数据自动抽取系统模型。该系统由三个层次构成网络信息层、移动Agent平台和元数据提取及管理模块,语义Web为解决元数据信息处理提供了一个基本的技术框架,其中核心层为XML,RDF,Ontology。最后,给出了改进的粒群优化算法作为移动Agent路由判定算法,为下一步研究开发比较成熟的软件产品奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

一种基于CORBA的分布式全文检索系统设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海量信息的全文检索是人类获取信息的重要手段之一,而网络海量信息的检索使传统的全文检索技术面临新的挑战。如何改善检索系统的结构,提高检索系统的性能和效率,以加快检索速度,成为一个值得研究的课题。公用对象请求代理体系CORBA技术的出现为这一课题提供了一个有效的解决方法。该文在对WEB计算方式和CORBA体系进行详细讨论的基础上,结合实际课题的研究,给出了一种基于CORBA技术的分布式全文检索系统架构设计。  相似文献   

A masss of heterogeneous,distributed and dynamic information on the World Wide Web(the Web) has resulted in “information overload“ .It‘s an important and urgent reserach issue to provide users with effective information retrieval service on the Web.Web search enginees attempt to solve this problem,yet their effect is far from satisfying.In this paper,a distributed and cooperative strategy for information retrieval on the Web is proposed to substitute the centralized mode adopted by the current search engines.Then a new information retrieval system model IRSM is presented.which supports the retrieval of metadata about web documents and uses Z39.50 standard protocol to unify the heterogeneous interfaces of uments and uses Z39.50 standard protocol to unify the heterogeneous interfaces of different systems.Based on that,a distributed and cooperative information refieval framework,called DCIRF,is designed to help users in fast and effective information retrieval on the Web.  相似文献   

基于元数据与Z39.50的分布协作式Web信息检索   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Web上大量的异质、分布、动态的信息造成了“信息过载”.如何有效地为用户提供Web信息检索已经成为一项重要的研究课题.Web搜索引擎部分地解决了信息检索问题,然而其效果却远远不能令人满意.提出了Web信息检索的分布协作策略以取代传统的集中式信息检索方式;给出了一种新的Web信息检索系统模型,该模型支持对Web文档的元数据进行检索,并采用Z39.50协议作为接口标准,以克服不同信息检索系统之间的访问异构性.在此基础上,设计了一个分布协作式Web信息检索框架,用以帮助用户有效地进行Web信息检索.  相似文献   

MPEG-7为视频信息提供了一种标准化的描述方式,使得我们能够以文本的方式标注出视频文件的标题、作者、日期以及内容等各种属性,方便了在多种应用中交换视频的信息。设计和实现了一个视频检索系统:语寻,该系统利用已有的视频处理工具对视频文件进行处理,生成其MPEG-7描述文件,然后对视频的MPEG-7文件建立全文索引;当用户通过系统的Web界面输入查询关键字,便能够迅速的检索到感兴趣的视频文件。同时,系统采用分布式架构,具备良好的可扩展性,能够支持海量视频信息的检索。  相似文献   

随着存储系统规模的不断扩大,如何有效组织、管理和查询存储系统中的资源,成为了研究者必须应对的一个问题。目前存储系统中的查询需求主要来自系统管理员对元数据的查询以及普通用户对关键字内容的查询等两个方面。而内容感知存储系统自身所具备的重复数据删除和块相似性检测能力并没有被用于优化上述查询过程。为了充分利用存储系统感知到的上层语义和底层重复数据块信息,为使用者提供高效、便捷的查询服务,提出了内容感知网络存储系统中的两阶段检索策略。该策略将上层基于元数据和关键字的查询与底层存储系统的块相似性查询相结合,利用两次查询相关度的加权平均值作为相似度评价指标。最终的实验结果表明了该策略在降低失效性、提高查全率等方面的有效性。  相似文献   

随着对等网络中数字音乐内容的丰富,音乐信息检索日益成为对等网络音乐共享系统中的一个关键问题.针对对等网络环境,本文提出了一种基于语义的音乐信息融合与检索系统.文中首先定义了一种可拓展的音乐本体;然后提出了将自动提取的特征信息、用户标注的信息以及网络获取的信息等多信息源进行融合的方法,并且介绍了在CLAM的Annotator模块基础上开发的融合标注工具;继而提出了一种基于RDFPeers架构的静态及动态信息的存储和检索方法.本系统使对等网络中的音乐信息检索从传统的基于文件名、艺术家名等关键字的检索拓展到基于语义的音乐信息检索,同时对该系统的示例模型的评估也验证了本文提出的多信息源融合的方法能够优化系统的准确率和召回率.  相似文献   

分布式信息检索具有有效性、高性能、高可靠性和低成本等方面的优势,因而是网络检索系统的核心技术,该文以分布、异构的信息检索环境为背景,提出对基于Agent的分布式信息检索系统,采用π演算方法,建立分布式信息检索系统的服务请求模型,经过演算推理,证明该系统模型的有效性、可用性、可靠性和合理性。  相似文献   

Semantic web and grid technologies offer a promising approach to facilitate semantic information retrieval based on heterogeneous document repositories. In this paper the authors describe the design and implementation of an Ontology Server (OS) component to be used in a distributed contents management grid system. Such a system could be used to build collection document repositories, mutually interoperable at the semantic level. From the contents point of view, the distributed system is built as a collection of multimedia documents repository nodes glued together by an OS. A set of methodologies and tools to organize the knowledge space around the notion of contents community is developed, where each content provider will publish a set of ontologies to collect metadata information organized and published through a knowledge community, built on top of the OS. These methodologies were deployed while setting up a prototype to connect about 20 museums in the city of Naples (Italy).  相似文献   

DCFS2的元数据一致性策略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着集群应用对机群文件系统的性能、容量和规模等需求的日益增长,采用多元数据服务器是机群文件系统发展的必然趋势.基于多元数据服务器的分布式元数据处理是文件系统研究的一个重要问题.机群文件系统DCFS2采用分布式日志技术和改进的两阶段提交协议解决了分布式元数据处理下元数据的一致性问题.性能测试结果表明,DCFS2所采用的基于分布式日志的元数据处理策略能够提供高的I/O性能,并能够保证在元数据服务器失效后文件系统快速恢复.  相似文献   

分布式异构存储网络安全技术的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分布式存储网络增加了系统的高可用性、高扩展性以及高性能等优点的同时,也给系统造成了更多的安全隐患。通过设计一种内核态的加密文件系统,并结合研究的存储代理、异构文件系统服务、元数据管理等技术,该文提出了一种新的异构存储网络安全架构,该方法解决了传统技术不能很好解决分布式环境安全的弊病。实验表明,采用加密后的文件系统给系统性能带来的性能开销很小,证明了这种内核态的安全技术可以很好地应用于分布式网络环境中。  相似文献   

教育资源元数据语义扩展查找方法的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着网络教育资源的急剧增长,如何有效地提供教育资源查找服务,成为一项重要而迫切的研究课题.由于教育资源同网格资源一样具有海量、异构、广域分布等特性,于是采用网格资源查找技术中基于元数据的资源查找方法实现教育资源的查找.与其他基于元数据资源查找方法不同的是:利用自动构建的语义关系库,实现教育资源元数据同义扩展、蕴涵扩展、外延扩展以及并列扩展,试图从词所表达的语义层次处理用户的检索请求.  相似文献   

基于空间信息网格SIG框架的上海城市空间信息应用服务系统中城市空间特征、绿化、环保、水系、土地、道路网络等各类城市空间信息资源分布在网络的不同节点上;建立了集中的元数据库提供相关数据的描述信息;以分布在不同节点上的GIS Web Service提供空间数据处理服务。平台以门户网站的方式提供元数据检索,利用检索结果获取分布式的各类空间信息数据资源;提供空间数据处理网络应用程序,调用GIS Web Service,提供格式转换、坐标转换、地图综合、空间分析等空间数据处理功能;提供GIS Web Service的搜索和注册。此平台已经在上海公务网中实际运行。  相似文献   

数据库技术和信息检索技术是数据管理领域面向不同应用需求发展起来的独立的技术。目前,传统的关系型数据库管理系统,在文本处理方面不具有足够的效率和灵活性;而现有的信息检索系统,对结构化数据或元数据缺乏有效的支持。文章分析了复杂的文本.数据混合型应用的需求,提出了在集成数据库与信息检索时所面临的关键问题。在分析了现有的各类集成方案的优缺点的基础上,提出了一种在内核级实现数据库技术与信息检索技术一体化集成的解决方案。  相似文献   

Emerging distributed applications increasingly require adequate tools and techniques for system- and application-level management. The integration of both aspects in an overall system framework is an important issue. This paper presents such a framework supporting advanced distributed applications in the context of the evolving Open Distributed Processing reference model. For system-level communication, an efficient subsystem providing advanced service capabilities is presented to cope with the increasing diversity of application service requirements. For application-level processing, a distributed object-based environment is offered. It implements location-independent invocation and object mobility and provides a high level of distribution transparency. The approach is augmented with tools and techniques for managing an overall application configuration.  相似文献   

Techniques for mining information from distributed data sources accessible over the Internet are a growing area of research. The mobile Agent paradigm opens a new door for distributed data mining and knowledge discovery applications. In this paper we present the design of a mobile agent system which couples service discovery, using a logical language based application programming interface, and database access. Combining mobility with database access provides a means to create more efficient data mining applications. The processing of data is moved to network wide data locations instead of the traditional approach of bringing huge amount of data to the processing location. Our proposal aims at implementing system tools that will enable intelligent mobile Agents to roam the Internet searching for distributed data services. Agents access the data, discover patterns, extract useful information from facts recorded in the databases, then communicate local results back to the user. The user then generates a global data model through the aggregation of results provided by all Agents. This overcomes barriers posed by network congestion, poor security, and unreliability.  相似文献   

A new approach is described for the fusion of multimedia information based on the concept of active documents advertising on the Internet, whereby the metadata of a document travels in the network to seek out documents of interest to the parent document and, at the same time, advertises its parent document to other interested documents. This abstraction of metadata is called an adlet, which is the core of our approach. Two important features make this approach applicable to multimedia information fusion, information retrieval, data mining, geographic information systems, and medical information systems: 1) any document, including a Web page, database record, video file, audio file, image and even paper documents, can be enhanced by an adlet and become an active document; and 2) any node in a nonactive network can be enhanced by adlet-savvy software and the adlet-enhanced node can coexist with other nonenhanced nodes. An experimental prototype provides a testbed for feasibility studies in a hybrid active network  相似文献   

随着网络的快速发展,搜索引擎日益成为处理信息的主流工具。Internet是世界上资料最多、规模最大的信息资料库。在WWW上进行信息查找有三种方法,即基于超文本的信息查询、基于目录的信息查询、基于搜索引擎的信息查询,网络信息检索核心工具是搜索引擎。本文从搜索引擎概述、查询技术方法及展望三方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

The performance of metadata processing in large distributed file systems currently presents larger challenges than scaling of data throughput. The paper presents a novel, distributed benchmark called DMetabench for measuring the performance of metadata operations. DMetabench runs in environments with potentially thousands of nodes and allows an assessment of the scalability of metadata operations. Additionally, precise run-time performance data is preserved which allows for a better understanding of performance artifacts. Example results from production file systems are provided and discussed. Possible applications of knowledge about metadata performance scaling include the choice of an optimal parallelization strategy for metadata-intensive workloads in a specific runtime environment.  相似文献   

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