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In this paper, a new interpretation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets in the advanced framework of the Dempster–Shafer theory of evidence is extended to monitor safety-critical systems’ performance. Not only is the proposed approach more effective, but it also takes into account the fuzzy rules that deal with imperfect knowledge/information and, therefore, is different from the classical Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy system, which assumes that the rule (the knowledge) is perfect. We provide an analytical solution to the practical and important problem of the conceptual probabilistic approach for formal ship safety assessment using the fuzzy set theory that involves uncertainties associated with the reliability input data. Thus, the overall safety of the ship engine is investigated as an object of risk analysis using the fuzzy mapping structure, which considers uncertainty and partial truth in the input–output mapping. The proposed method integrates direct evidence of the frame of discernment and is demonstrated through references to examples where fuzzy set models are informative. These simple applications illustrate how to assess the conflict of sensor information fusion for a sufficient cooling power system of vessels under extreme operation conditions. It was found that propulsion engine safety systems are not only a function of many environmental and operation profiles but are also dynamic and complex. 相似文献
The scenario is that a bulk data transfer is being performed over a TCP connection, from a host on a local area network (LAN)
to a mobile host attached to the LAN by a radio link. In an earlier work we had assumed that packet losses in a TCP connection
over a radio link are statistically independent. In this paper, we extend this analysis to a Rayleigh fading link, which we
model by a two-state Markov model. The bulk throughputs of TCP-OldTahoe and TCP-Tahoe are compared with and without fading,
for various average signal-to-noise ratios. We also study the performance with a link protocol on the wireless link, and study
the effect of varying the link packet size, the number of link packet attempts, and the vehicle speed. For the parameters
of the BSD UNIX implementation, over a 1.5 Mbps wireless link, we find that, with fading, a signal-to-noise ratio of at least
30 dB is required to get reasonable throughput with TCP Tahoe or OldTahoe; this corresponds to at least 100 times more power
than is needed without fading.
For fixed signal-to-noise ratio, as the vehicle speed varies there are roughly 3 regions of performance: at very low speeds
(pedestrian speeds) the throughput is very good; at low vehicular speeds the throughput deteriorates, and again becomes very
good at higher vehicle speeds. The speeds corresponding to the various regions depend on the parameters of the link protocol.
This work was done while the first author was on Sabbatical at WINLAB, Rutgers University 相似文献
Investigation of road network features and safety performance 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The analysis of road network designs can provide useful information to transportation planners as they seek to improve the safety of road networks. The objectives of this study were to compare and define the effective road network indices and to analyze the relationship between road network structure and traffic safety at the level of the Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ). One problem in comparing different road networks is establishing criteria that can be used to scale networks in terms of their structures. Based on data from Orange and Hillsborough Counties in Florida, road network structural properties within TAZs were scaled using 3 indices: Closeness Centrality, Betweenness Centrality, and Meshedness Coefficient. The Meshedness Coefficient performed best in capturing the structural features of the road network. Bayesian Conditional Autoregressive (CAR) models were developed to assess the safety of various network configurations as measured by total crashes, crashes on state roads, and crashes on local roads. The models’ results showed that crash frequencies on local roads were closely related to factors within the TAZs (e.g., zonal network structure, TAZ population), while crash frequencies on state roads were closely related to the road and traffic features of state roads. For the safety effects of different networks, the Grid type was associated with the highest frequency of crashes, followed by the Mixed type, the Loops & Lollipops type, and the Sparse type. This study shows that it is possible to develop a quantitative scale for structural properties of a road network, and to use that scale to calculate the relationships between network structural properties and safety. 相似文献
TTCAN通讯网络实时性分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在自主研发的CAN总线实时仿真系统上,通过软件编程,分别实现了CAN协议通讯和TTCAN(Time-Triggered CAN)协议时间触发通讯.通过对两种不同通讯协议下的网络实时性进行比较,分析了TTCAN通讯网络的实时性.研究结果表明,引入TTCAN协议的时间触发功能能解决CAN协议中的总线冲突问题,有效提高了实时性要求较高的周期型消息的实时性. 相似文献
The optical migration-capable network with service guarantees hybrid network is a time-divided packet/circuit hybrid network offering absolute performance guarantees and high resource utilisation. Guaranteed service traffic (GST) follows lightpaths receiving absolute priority over statistically multiplexed (SM) traffic. Transmission resources are fully shared by interleaving SM and GST packets, but packet-switched SM packets experience contention, resulting in a packet loss that should be minimised. This article explores a novel bufferless network approach where the performance of the SM class is satisfied by applying packet-level forward error correction (FEC). Two implementation strategies are proposed: RedSM transmitting redundancy packets as SM traffic and RedGST transmitting redundancy packets as low-priority GST traffic. The performance of the schemes is explored analytically and by simulation. For uniform traffic loads, the RedGST scheme shows the best performance of the two, but even at 60% load the RedSM scheme shows packet loss rates (PLRs)close to 1025. Simulations with non-uniform traffic loads illustrate the importance of selecting the optimal redundancy ratio; the failure to do so results in up to two orders of magnitude increase in PLR for the RedGST scheme. A much higher tolerance for traffic variations is the main benefit for the RedSM scheme. In view of the results, both schemes are attractive alternatives to buffered contention resolution techniques. 相似文献
The English Highways Agency is required to improve network performance including journey time reliability measured by average delay on the 10% slowest journeys along a specified set of primary routes in the strategic road network. Abnormal indivisible loads, which behave as moving bottlenecks, can cause significant delay, but the factors involved are complex, so methods have been developed to model their effect. These methods have been extended to estimate their impact through the Average Vehicle Delay (formerly PSA1 delay) measure, allowing mitigations through intelligent transportation system or policy options to be evaluated. Environmental impacts are also considered. 相似文献
George Yannis Wendy Weijermars Victoria Gitelman Martijn Vis Antonis Chaziris Eleonora Papadimitriou Carlos Lima Azevedo 《Accident; analysis and prevention》2013
Various road safety performance indicators (SPIs) have been proposed for different road safety research areas, mainly as regards driver behaviour (e.g. seat belt use, alcohol, drugs, etc.) and vehicles (e.g. passive safety); however, no SPIs for the road network and design have been developed. The objective of this research is the development of an SPI for the road network, to be used as a benchmark for cross-region comparisons. The developed SPI essentially makes a comparison of the existing road network to the theoretically required one, defined as one which meets some minimum requirements with respect to road safety. This paper presents a theoretical concept for the determination of this SPI as well as a translation of this theory into a practical method. Also, the method is applied in a number of pilot countries namely the Netherlands, Portugal, Greece and Israel. The results show that the SPI could be efficiently calculated in all countries, despite some differences in the data sources. In general, the calculated overall SPI scores were realistic and ranged from 81 to 94%, with the exception of Greece where the SPI was relatively lower (67%). However, the SPI should be considered as a first attempt to determine the safety level of the road network. The proposed method has some limitations and could be further improved. The paper presents directions for further research to further develop the SPI. 相似文献
The widespread use of photonic systems having microwave modulation bandwidths, coupled with the inclusion of photonic components in microwave and millimetre-wave systems, is creating a demand for efficient characterization techniques. In particular, new tools will be required for the measurement of fundamental quantities such as the microwave frequency response, bandwidth, gain and return loss of microwave photonic components. However, existing lightwave measurement techniques are primitive when compared with conventional RF and microwave network analysis. This paper provides a review of the theory and techniques used for the small-signal characterization of microwave photonic components. State-of-the-art architectures for lightwave network analysers and the two-port calibration techniques are described 相似文献
Shuffle-exchange networks (SENs) have been widely considered as practical interconnection systems due to their size of its switching elements (SEs) and uncomplicated configuration. SEN is a network among a large class of topologically equivalent multistage interconnection networks (MINs) that includes omega, indirect binary n-cube, baseline, and generalized cube. In this paper, SEN with additional stages that provide more redundant paths are analyzed. A common network topology with a 2×2 basic building block in a SEN and its variants in terms of extra-stages is investigated. As an illustration, three types of SENs are compared: SEN, SEN with an additional stage (SEN+), and SEN with two additional stages (SEN+2). Finally, three measures of reliability: terminal, broadcast, and network reliability for the three SEN systems are analyzed. 相似文献
针对网络性能优化对提高网络运行效率的重要作用,采用基于网络性能评测的方法寻找影响网络运行效率的瓶颈,以及进行相关优化的方式,在具体实现上采用基于简单网络管理协议(SNMP)、RFC 2544协议和分布式软件测评体系结构相结合方式进行网络性能测评。最终通过测试结果来进一步说明分布式网络性能测试解决方案。 相似文献
Scientometrics - Link prediction in co-word network is a quantitative method widely used to predict the research trends and direction of disciplines. It has aroused extensive attention from... 相似文献
R. K. L. Gay K. K. Chin S. H. Chua C. H. Chan S. Y. Ho 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1978,12(8):1241-1259
The node Admittance matrices for Water Networks are normally sparse and symmetrical. Advantage may be taken of these properties to reduce the amount of computational time and memory required to solve them. Two node reordering algorithms and an economic system of storing input data are described. The node reordering algorithms minimize the number of fill-ins which would occur in the solution of the node admittance matrix. Only non-zero elements are stored and operated on. Subroutines for the node reordering algorithms and storge of input data, written in FORTRAN IV are included. 相似文献
The prediction of change propagation is one of the important issues in engineering change management. The aim of this article is to explore the capability of Bayesian network (BN), which is an emerging tool for a wide range of risk management, in modeling and analysis of change propagation. To this end, we compare the BN with change prediction method (CPM), which is the most established probabilistic methods for predicting change propagation. This paper shows that a CPM-based model can be converted into an equivalent BN, and the probabilistic inference technique on the latter results in the same change prediction result obtained from the former. Then, this paper shows that several improvements can be obtained at various levels using the BN. At the modeling level, complex relationship between components such as combined effect of simultaneous changes or multistate relationship can be naturally represented with the BN. At the analysis level, various change propagation scenarios can be analyzed using probabilistic inference on the BN. Finally, BN provides a robust framework for learning change propagation probabilities from empirical data. The case study is conducted to show the feasibility of the model. 相似文献
Bergeault E. Huyart B. Geneves G. Jallet L. 《IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement》1990,39(3):492-496
One of the assumptions made in six-port automated network analyzer (ANA) theory is that the reflection coefficient of the power detectors does not change with incident power level. This is not generally the case if diode detectors are used. Consequently, uncertainties in the measurement of the reflection coefficient of the unknown load appear because the calibration constants vary due to the variation of the detector reflection coefficients with power. Measurements of the variations of diode input impedance using commercial ANAs are used in a computer simulation to estimate their uncertainties 相似文献
Marina Y. Timmermans David Estrada Albert G. Nasibulin Joshua D. Wood Ashkan Behnam Dong-ming Sun Yutaka Ohno Joseph W. Lyding Abdou Hassanien Eric Pop Esko I. Kauppinen 《Nano Research》2012,5(5):307-319
The properties of electronic devices based on carbon nanotube networks (CNTNs) depend on the carbon nanotube (CNT) deposition method used, which can yield a range of network morphologies. Here, we synthesize single-walled CNTs using an aerosol (floating catalyst) chemical vapor deposition process and deposit CNTs at room temperature onto substrates as random networks with various morphologies. We use four CNT deposition techniques: electrostatic or thermal precipitation, and filtration through a filter followed by press transfer or dissolving the filter. We study the mobility using pulsed measurements to avoid hysteresis, the on/off ratio, and the electrical noise properties of the CNTNs, and correlate them to the network morphology through careful imaging. Among the four deposition methods thermal precipitation is found to be a novel approach to prepare high-performance, partially aligned CNTNs that are dry-deposited directly after their synthesis. Our results provide new insight into the role of the network morphologies and offer paths towards tunable transport properties in CNT thin film transistors. 相似文献
In connection with some sponsored project, Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), New Delhi procured an advanced Network Survey Vehicle (NSV), which is equipped with several sensors including a GPS receiver and a computer. The success of this project primarily depends on the accuracy of the extracted coordinates collected by a GPS receiver housed in NSV. To evaluate the performance of the GPS receiver, a special experiment in a campaign mode was conducted in NPL, New Delhi. This paper elaborates the experimental plan and discusses the analysis of the data. 相似文献