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The simultaneous determination of zonisamide, a new type of antiepileptic drug, and the typical antiepileptic drugs phenobarbital, phenytoin and carbamazepine in human serum was developed using micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MECC) with a diode array detector. A high correlation was revealed between the zonisamide levels in human serum obtained by MECC and those obtained by high-performance liquid chromatography (r=0.981). The serum levels of phenobarbital, phenytoin and carbamazepine determined by MECC were almost equal to those obtained by fluorescence polarization immunoassay. The reproducibility of separation and quantification with MECC analysis was appropriate for the intra- and inter-day assay coefficients. Therefore, the MECC method established here could provide a simple and efficient therapeutic drug monitoring method for antiepileptic drugs in patients, especially those treated with a combination of zonisamide and other antiepileptic drugs.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of Alternaria mycotoxins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: We have previously reported that vascular inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) gene transfer inhibits injury-induced intimal hyperplasia in vitro and in vivo. One mechanism by which NO may prevent intimal hyperplasia is by preserving the endothelium or promoting its regeneration. To study this possibility we examined the effect of iNOS gene transfer on endothelial cell (EC) proliferation and viability. METHODS: An adenoviral vector (AdiNOS) containing the human iNOS cDNA was constructed and used to infect cultured sheep arterial ECs. NO production was measured, and the effects of continuous NO exposure on EC proliferation, viability, and apoptosis were evaluated. RESULTS: AdiNOS-infected ECs produced 25- to 100-fold more NO than control (AdlacZ) infected cells as measured by nitrite accumulation. This increased NO synthesis did not inhibit EC proliferation as reflected by tritiated thymidine incorporation. Chromium 51 release assay revealed that EC viability was also unaffected by AdiNOS infection and NO synthesis. In addition, prolonged exposure to NO synthesis did not induce EC apoptosis. Instead, NO inhibited lipopolysaccharide-induced apoptosis in these cells by reducing caspase-3-like protease activity. CONCLUSIONS: Vascular iNOS gene transfer, while inhibiting smooth muscle cell proliferation, does not impair EC mitogenesis or viability. Augmented NO synthesis may also protect ECs against apogenic stimuli such as lipopolysaccharide. Therefore iNOS gene transfer may promote endothelial regeneration and can perhaps accelerate vascular healing.  相似文献   

We examined the time-resolved and steady-state fluorescence quenching of N-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide (NATA) by acrylamide and iodide, over a range of viscosities in propylene glycol. The quenching of NATA by acrylamide and iodide results in heterogeneity of the intensity decay which increases with the quencher concentration. We attribute the complex decays of NATA to transient effects in diffusion and the nature of the fluorophore-quencher interaction. These data were compared using the phenomenological radiation boundary condition (RBC) and distance-dependent quenching (DDQ) models for collisional quenching. We used global analysis of the time-resolved frequency-domain and steady-state data to select between the models. Consideration of both the frequency-domain and steady state data demonstrate that the quenching rate depends exponentially on the fluorophore-quencher distance, indicating the validity of the DDQ model. The rate constants for acrylamide and iodide quenching, at the constant distance of 5 A, were found to be near 10(13) s-1 and 10(9) s-1, respectively. These rates reflect electron transfer and exchange interactions as the probable quenching mechanisms, respectively.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Theoretical calculations suggest that pulsed dose-rate irradiation (PDR) should have approximately the same effectiveness as continuous low dose-rate (CLDR) when the same total dose is given in the same overall time, unless large doses per pulse (> 2 Gy) are used and/or non-exponential or very short half-times of repair (< 0.5 h) are present in the irradiated tissues. However, few animal experiments have been reported to test this theory, and some of them gave contradictory results. We have carried out experiments to determine whether PDR irradiation of 18 mm of cervical spinal cord in the rat was more or less effective than CLDR at 0.5-1 Gy/h, when the overall average dose rate during each day of PDR was close to the overall CLDR average dose rate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: PDR was simulated at a within-pulse dose rate of 4 Gy/h by filtered 18 MV X-rays from a linear accelerator. Two PDR schedules were used, 0.69 Gy at 1 h repetition (9 pulses per day) and 2 Gy at 3 h repetition (4 pulses per day), with overnight intervals of 16 and 15 h, respectively. The CLDR was delivered from iridium-192 wires in two concentric rings around a collar designed to fit the necks of rats so that they could eat and drink during the 72 h that was always the duration of the CLDR. Dose rate was then proportional to total CLDR dose. A range of doses was used to obtain dose response-curves, with a 15 Gy top-up dose (at 2 Gy/min, HDR) given on the day after the end of the PDR or CLDR irradiations. Animals were observed for at least 9 months to see whether fore-limb myelopathy developed. A total of 6-8 rats was irradiated per dose point, in two sets of experiments at an interval of 12 months. RESULTS: A set of 2 Gy fractions (at HDR) given daily, followed by the same top-up dose of 15 Gy at HDR, was available from a previous experiment for planning. Its ED50 was 61.2 Gy. The ED50 values found for the PDR schedules with 2 Gy at 3 h and 0.69 Gy at 1 h were 59.9 and 60.2 Gy, respectively. These were just 2% more effective than the daily HDR fractions, similar to expectations from theory if two components of repair are present. However, the CLDR irradiations resulted in no myelopathy even after doses up to 68 Gy at 0.94 Gy/h.. Thus PDR over 7 days (not at nights) appears to be more effective than CLDR over 3 days, with an effective dose-modifying factor of at least 1.1 to 1.17. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Reasons for this absence of effect with CLDR in these experiments are discussed, the most likely explanation being that a substantial component of repair with very short T1/2 (< 0.5 h) was present in spinal cord of these rats. There is evidence from other experiments elsewhere and in our laboratory for such a fast component of repair.  相似文献   

This study describes a specific, linear, precise, accurate and sensitive method for the determination of a developmental cholesterol-lowering drug formulated in capsules. The method can also determine two known hydrolytic degradants of the drug. Samples are dissolved in acetonitrile-phosphate buffer pH 4.5, diluted with water and assayed by micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) in a buffer containing 0.1 M borate-0.025 M SDS at 30 degrees C with an applied voltage of 25 kV. Detection is by UV absorbance at 200 nm. The method was cross validated by comparison with a gradient elution HPLC method. The MEKC method gave at least equivalent precision, accuracy and sensitivity to HPLC but was superior in the resolution of the known impurities and gave a considerably shorter analysis time. The method has been accepted as part of a regulatory submission to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  相似文献   

The possibility of selectivity enhancement in capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) by hyphenating micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) and electrospray mass spectrometry (MS) is described for two quaternary ammonium compounds. Direct coupling of MEKC to MS is hazardous because of the contamination of the ion source due to presence of an excess of micelle forming agent in the MEKC buffer. Therefore, a coupled-capillary setup with the possibilities of voltage switching and buffer renewal has been designed. Such a system allows on-line heartcutting of the zones of interest in the MEKC capillary with subsequent transfer via a second capillary to the mass spectrometer.  相似文献   

Ion-spray triple quadrupole mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography were used to investigate the products from the solid phase synthesis of (H)-Leu-Thr-Glu-Asn-(OH), a TNF-alpha active-site probe. The target sequence was assembled using tert.-butoxycarbonyl (Boc) chemistry in stepwise fashion from the C-terminal on an Boc-Asn-OCH2-Pam-copoly(styrene-divinylbenzene) resin [Pam = 4-(carboxamidomethyl)benzyl ester]. The crude product was deprotected and cleaved from the resin by HF-p-cresol treatment for 1 h at 0 degrees C. HPLC analysis at 214 nm indicated two late-eluting major products and an early-eluting product. Preparative HPLC demonstrated that the early-eluting product contained ca. 80% of the expected recovered sample mass. Each component was then directly analysed by mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry. The early eluting peak was confirmed as the desired LTEN sequence. Synthesis of the same sequence using 9-fluorenyl methoxycarbonyl (Fmoc) chemistry gave an identical product and confirmed the above analysis. The most significant by-product was derived from arylation of the glutamyl group by the quencher p-cresol. The likely origins of the by-products are discussed.  相似文献   

High performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) has been exploited as an analytical method alternative to current procedures for the determination of proteolytic activity of elastases from different sources. Due to some drawbacks with capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE), the mode of operation employed for the assay of elastolytic activity was micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC). Using a background electrolyte consisting of 35 mM sodium tetraborate, pH 9.3, containing 65 mM SDS and 15% v/v methanol, separation of intact peptide substrate from products of proteolytic reaction was easily achieved in a fused-silica capillary of 50 cm effective length x 75 microm ID. This allowed us to determine the rate of hydrolysis of substrates and to calculate the kinetic parameters Km and k(cat) of the proteases investigated. A comparison of these data with those obtained from high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-based experiments showed that MEKC is a convenient technique for studying protease kinetics.  相似文献   

Multidimensional liquid chromatography (MDLC) may be used in either (i) the profiling mode where it is the objective to fractionate all components in a mixture or (ii) the targeted component mode in which it is the objective to determine specific analytes. This paper focuses on targeted component analysis from complex mixtures, addressing the critical operations of analyte selection and transport from the first to the second dimension. Although the physical operation of switching a component into the second dimension with computer controlled valving is simple, it is shown that changes in analyte retention time and peak width with column age and fouling are a serious problem. The analyte moves out of the preselected time window for valve switching and quantitation is compromised in the second dimension. It is proposed that a solution to the "drifting peak" phenomenon in targeted component analysis is to use binary mobility elution in the first dimension. Binary mobility refers to those systems, such as affinity chromatography, in which analyte mobility is generally either 0 or 1 relative to mobile phase velocity. Coupling these binary changes in analyte mobility in the first dimension with valve switching eliminates the "drifting peak" phenomenon. In addition, it is shown that a wide time window may be used in affinity separations without compromising the separation or accumulating contaminants. Several cases are described in which immunosorbents were used with reversed phase columns to provide quantitative targeted component analyses from complex mixtures.  相似文献   

A peptide that inhibits the human cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) was isolated from hog plasma by ultracentrifugation, two sequential column chromatographies and electroelution from gels. Molecular weight of the peptide was determined to be approximately 3 kDa on the SDS-PAGE. The peptide contained 28 amino acids with an identical sequence to the amino terminus of hog apolipoprotein-CIII except two amino acid residues: -Pro-Glu- at the fifth and sixth amino acids from the amino terminus in the isolated peptide, in contrast to -Leu-Leu- in hog apo-CIII. A peptide synthesized chemically according to the amino acid sequence of the peptide (designated P28) showed approximately the same degree of CETP inhibitory activity as the isolated peptide. Synthetic peptides with different number of amino acids were also tested for CETP inhibition. Among the peptides, the one with 20 amino acid residues (P20) from the amino terminus showed the highest inhibitory activity against the CETP. The peptide appeared to be associated with the hog high-density lipoproteins (HDL), as determined by immunoblot analysis using antibody against P28. The CETP-inhibitory activity of the peptide was examined in vivo using diet-induced hypercholesterolemic rabbits. When the peptide was injected into the rabbits (7-9 mg/kg body weight), approximately 75% CETP activity disappeared from the plasma in 1 h after the injection and the effect lasted up to 30 h. The inhibition of CETP in vivo led to a concomitant decrease in total plasma cholesterol level up to 30% and an increase in the level of HDL-cholesterol up to 32%. The cholesterol concentrations in the rabbit plasma gradually recovered to the initial level after 48 h.  相似文献   

A micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MECC) method when compared to free solution capillary electrophoresis (CZE) was shown to offer improved selectivity and resolution for the separation of UV-absorbing components of human urine. Some of the factors affecting MECC separation e.g. methanol concentration, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) concentration, beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD) concentration, voltage, pH, temperature and electrolyte additives (urea, beta-CD and Brij 35) were optimised using chemometric techniques. Three-level three-factor (3(3)) factorial designs and simplex optimisation were used to achieve optimised conditions with the goal of obtaining the maximum number of peaks in the shortest possible analysis time. Using a TSP CE2000 instrument with detection from 195-300 nm and fitted with a 75 microns x 44 cm (37 cm effective length) fused silica capillary the final optimum conditions were found to be, an electrolyte consisting of 30 mM sodium tetraborate, pH 10, containing 75 mM SDS and 10 mM beta-CD, 15 degrees C, 20 kV, 4 s hydrodynamic injection of filtered urine. These conditions were capable of separating 70 peaks from a normal human urine pool in less than 12 min. The separation of components in urine using the optimised MECC was simpler, more reproducible, faster and gave better resolution than gradient reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography.  相似文献   

Pyrolysis-gas chromatography and chemical ionization mass fragmentography were combined to develop a specific, simple and rapid method for simultaneously measuring endogenous and stable isotopic variants of acetylcholine and choline with a detection limit of approximately 10(-12) mol. The recovery and reproducibility of the method are excellent, and the method is suitable for measuring acetylcholine and choline in discrete regions of rat brain and to measure incorporation of choline into acetylcholine, both of which uses are demonstrated. This method affords easy analysis of 40 samples in a working day. The new technique used to extract compounds from tissues and the modified gas flow arrangement may be useful to measure other compounds as well.  相似文献   

1 A gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method was developed for determining 5-fluorouracil in plasma, using methylated thymine as an internal standard. 2 5-fluorouracil was extracted from plasma by a novel procedure which removed plasma components interferring with the sensitivity of the assay. The method included heating the plasma, washing with ether and extracting the drug under optimum conditions. 3 The sensitivity of the assay was 10 ng/ml plasma, sufficient to determine the low concentrations of 5-fluorouracil found in plasma during continuous infusion of the drug in patients receiving chemotherapy for cancer.  相似文献   

This paper describes a rapid, specific and sensitive multiresidue method for the routine analysis of several classes of pesticides used for the treatment of apples and pears, involving a rapid extraction procedure at pH 4.5 with a mixture of acetone-dichloromethane-hexane (50:20:30, v/v/v) and gas chromatography coupled to mass-selective detection, in order to achieve quantitative analysis down to their respective maximum residue limit. Extraction recoveries were between 55 and 98%. Limits of detection and limits of quantitation ranged respectively, from 0.01 to 0.05 mg/kg and from 0.02 to 0.1 mg/kg. Intra-assay relative standard deviation was less than 19% for all compounds. An excellent linearity was observed from these LOQs up to 500 mg/kg. Intermediate (inter-assay) precision and accuracy were satisfactory. The method has been applied to many fruit samples intended for commercialisation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report initial experiences with stent implantation in the treatment of native and recurrent aortic coarctation in adults. METHODS: Two adult patients were diagnosed with aortic coarctation: in one, the native aorta was involved, and in the other, the stenosis involved a prior coarctation repair. Both patients were offered and selected angioplasty with possible stent implantation as an alternative to surgery. RESULTS: In the patient with recurrent narrowing, thrombolysis and balloon dilation preceded the successful deployment of three Palmaz stents along the grafted segment. In the case of native disease, one Palmaz stent was implanted primarily at the site of a critical, focal stenosis. No complications were encountered, and recovery was uneventful. Follow-up at 12 and 6 months, respectively, showed sustained clinical improvement with resolution of symptoms and excellent hemodynamic values. CONCLUSIONS: The positive outcome in these early cases supports further evaluation of the efficacy of adjunctive or primary stenting for treatment of native or recurrent aortic coarctation in adults.  相似文献   

酚类化合物在土壤中含量低,且性质活泼,提取与分析比较困难。利用二氯甲烷-正己烷混合溶剂(V/V=2)作为溶剂,超声20 min提取了土壤中的有机成分。再利用酚类化合物中酚羟基的弱酸性,在提取液中加入pH>12的强碱性水溶液,使得酚类化合物与强碱反应生成对应的盐而溶于水,从而与有机相分离。在分离后的水相中加入二氯甲烷-正己烷混合溶剂(V/V=2)进行净化,进一步将碱性水溶液中的有机干扰组分除去。然后将溶液调至酸性(pH<3),用二氯甲烷/乙酸乙酯混合溶剂(V/V=4)萃取酚类化合物。最终,采用气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)对样品中的苯酚、2-氯酚、2-硝基酚、2,4-二甲基酚、2,4-二氯酚、4-氯-3-甲基酚、2,4,6-三氯酚共7种酚类化合物进行了测定。方法检出限为0.03~0.48 mg/kg。将方法应用于实际样品中7种酚类化合物的检测,结果的相对标准偏差(RSD,n=7)为1.6%~7.9%,加标回收率为82%~111%。  相似文献   

An analytical procedure to screen butorphanol in horse race urine using ELISA kits and its confirmation by GC-MS is described. Urine samples (5 ml) were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis and extracted by solid-phase extraction. The residues were then evaporated, derivatized and injected into the GC-MS system. The ELISA test (20 microl of sample) was able to detect butorphanol up to 104 h after the intramuscular administration of 8 mg of Torbugesic, and the GC-MS method detected the drug up to 24 h in FULL SCAN or 31 h in the SIM mode. Validation of the GC-MS method in the SIM mode using nalbuphine as internal standard included linearity studies (10-250 ng/ml), recovery (+/-100%), intra-assay (4.1-14.9%) and inter-assay (9.3-45.1%) precision, stability (10 days), limit of detection (10 ng/ml) and limit of quantitation (20 ng/ml).  相似文献   

This article describes three experiments relating to the legibility of TV menus. Special emphasis is placed on the influence of a relatively new feature in TVs: the possibility to blend graphics and video. Three experiments are presented: one concentrating on the influences of blending level and video content; one concentrating on the influences of content and of colour combinations; and one concentrating on the influences of various font characteristics. The results are interpreted in terms of guidelines for blended TV menus.  相似文献   

Laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) is a sensitive method for the measurement of microvascular blood flow in tissue. The method has been found useful for estimating skin, liver, or gastrointestinal blood flow. Whether it can be applied laparoscopically and whether it is able to measure the intraparenchymal blood flow of an intraabdominal organ is still unknown. In a pilot study, 6 pigs received a laparotomy for placement of a 19-gauge LDF needle probe into the renal parenchyma. Three different locations of the lower pole kidney were chosen for the blood flow measurement. The reliability of using the instrument to measure the renal tissue blood flow was assessed by comparison of the results of renal arterial blood flow obtained from a well-established methodology--ultrasonic Doppler flowmetry. Recordings were taken following (a) intravenous administration of 0.005 mg/kg norepinephrine, (b) manual compression of the suprarenal aorta, and (c) intravenous injection of a lethal dose of phenobarbital (50 mg/kg). Measurements of LDF were possible in all kidney units. The renal tissue perfusion detected by LDF correlated excellently with the renal arterial blood flow under different renal perfusion pressures. The feasibility of using LDF probe to measure the renal tissue perfusion in a laparoscopic model was then assessed in 15 pigs. Under pneumoperitoneum, the right kidneys were approached transperitoneally with the animal in the decubitus position. A total of three trocars were used. The peritoneum and Gerota's fascia were incised and the LDF needle probe was manipulated and inserted by an endoforceps into the renal tissue via a 5-mm trocar. The insertion of the LDF needle probe was technically feasible in all 15 kidney units, and the depth of insertion could be adjusted under direct vision. Baseline values for the renal cortical and renal medullary blood flow were 50.1 +/- 17.7 and 8.8 +/- 3.3 ml/min/100 g tissue, respectively. Spatial variations of the LDF measurements averaged 6%, and temporal variations over 15 min averaged 5%. Four additional hemodynamic parameters were simultaneously recorded, including left carotid artery blood flow, aortic blood pressure, inferior vena caval pressure, and intraabdominal pressure. It appears that systemic and renal hemodynamic parameters can be monitored reliably and continuously in the porcine model. This method allows further information concerning hemodynamic changes and safety of laparoscopy to be obtained.  相似文献   

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