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OBJECTIVE: The report estimates the treatment costs, cost-offset effects, and cost-effectiveness of Collaborative Care of depressive illness in primary care. STUDY DESIGN: Treatment costs, cost-offset effects, and cost-effectiveness were assessed in two randomized, controlled trials. In the first randomized trail (N = 217), consulting psychiatrists provide enhanced management of pharmacotherapy and brief psychoeducational interventions to enhance adherence. In the second randomized trial (N = 153). Collaborative Care was implemented through brief cognitive-behavioral therapy and enhanced patient education. Consulting psychologist provided brief psychotherapy supplemented by educational materials and enhanced pharmacotherapy management. RESULTS: Collaborative Care increased the costs of treating depression largely because of the extra visits required to provide the interventions. There was a modest cost offset due to reduced use of specialty mental health services among Collaborative Care patients, but costs of ambulatory medical care services did not differ significantly between the intervention and control groups. Among patients with major depression there was a modest increase in cost-effectiveness. The cost per patient successfully treated was lower for Collaborative Care than for Usual Care patients. For patients with minor depression. Collaborative Care was more costly and not more cost-effective than Usual Care. CONCLUSIONS: Collaborative Care increased depression treatment costs and improved the cost-effectiveness of treatment for patients with major depression. A cost offset in specialty mental health costs, but not medical care costs, was observed. Collaborative Care may provide a means of increasing the value of treatment services for major depression.  相似文献   

The search for biotechnical causes of diseases although very successful in many areas fail to account for wide variations of morbidity and mortality. Such search in the most common symptoms, for which our health care system is utilized, falls short of meeting the health needs of a vast number of patients, since only in 16% such causes can be found. This continuing misunderstanding contributes to the tremendous rise in healthcare expenditures without improving the delivered health care. Relatively short lasting psychosocial interventions are shown to have a significant effect in reducing health care seeking behaviour. This is particular demonstrated in somatization disorder. In the last section examples for cost offset effects in outpatient care and in psychosomatic inpatient treatment will be given with remarkable cost savings. Finally recommendations are listed to meet the health needs of the public more sufficiently. Psychosocial factors are shared determinants of health outcomes across diseases, therefore labeled as "Super highways for Disease", must be taken into account to reduce the number of unnecessary diagnostic examinations and unsuccessful treatments, to reduce the length of hospital stay, to increase the survival rate in cancer by increasing the self-management and self-competence, which will finally lead to a tremendous reduction in costs for our health care system.  相似文献   

Depression is among the most common psychiatric disorders seen in mental health practices. Although effective treatments for the condition exist, managed care pressures providers to utilize empirically supported, cost-effective treatments. Behavioral activation (BA) treatment for depression has emerged in recent years as a promising, cost-effective intervention for major depressive disorder. If its effectiveness could be established. BA delivered through a group format would offer additional cost effectiveness over its individual therapy counterpart. This investigation examined the effects of behavioral activation group therapy (BAGT) for depression in public mental health settings. The results suggest that BAGT can be a valuable addition to the practicing psychologist's set of interventions to use with depressed clients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To review evidence that psychological factors affect the course of physical illness three areas are examined: epidemiological evidence showing the levels of psychiatric disturbance co-morbid with physical illness; health services research showing the burden of disease and care associated with this co-morbidity; randomised, controlled trials of psychological interventions in cancer, myocardial infarction and irritable bowel syndrome. There is substantial psychiatric co-morbidity with physical illness which is associated with increased disability, mortality and utilisation of health-care resources (primary care visits, hospitalization, length of hospital stay, cost). A small number of controlled intervention studies have shown the efficacy of psychological interventions to prolong survival in cancer and myocardial infarction, and to improve symptomatology in irritable bowel syndrome and other chronic somatizing conditions. Psychological factors do significantly affect outcomes of physical illness. The role of psychological treatments, alongside somatic therapies, needs further study.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The authors evaluated the cost-effectiveness of a community-level HIV prevention intervention that used peer leaders to endorse risk reduction among gay men. METHODS: A mathematical model of HIV transmission was used to translate reported changes in sexual behavior into an estimate of the number of HIV infections averted. RESULTS: The intervention cost $17,150, or about $65,000 per infection averted, and was therefore cost-saving, even under very conservative modeling assumptions. CONCLUSIONS: For this intervention, the cost of HIV prevention was more than offset by savings in averted future medical care costs. Community-level interventions to prevent HIV transmission that use existing social networks can be highly cost-effective.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Lung cancer is a major source of morbidity, mortality, and health care costs in the developed and developing world. It is estimated that lung cancer is responsible for 20% of all cancer care costs. Concerns exist that this expenditure is associated with questionable benefits. DESIGN: The economic literature that relates to smoking was reviewed, followed by a summary of the economics of the diagnosis, treatment, and palliation of lung cancer. Methodologic considerations are also discussed in this section. RESULTS: Published studies suggest that the increased lifetime health care costs from smoking-related illnesses in smokers are partially or fully offset by the higher medical costs that result from increased longevity in nonsmokers. However, lost productivity costs, which result from morbidity and early mortality among smokers, result in an overall net cost of smoking to society. Discounting rates of 3% to 5% do not substantively alter these results. The per-patient cost to treat lung cancer is substantial. The major cost center is hospitalization; palliative or terminal treatment is associated with significant costs. Savings can be obtained through the judicious use of diagnostic and staging procedures. Furthermore, combined modality treatment approaches and the palliative use of combination chemotherapy appear to be associated with acceptable cost-effectiveness compared with commonly used therapies for other diseases. CONCLUSION: Although the increased medical care costs of treating smoking-related diseases are somewhat offset by the higher medical care costs due to increased longevity in nonsmokers, the lost productivity that results from smoking results in a net cost to society. Standard approaches to the management of lung cancer are associated with cost-effectiveness similar to that of other commonly used medical interventions.  相似文献   

Study Design: Evaluative research review. Objective: Depression is a significant secondary complication of spinal cord injuries (SCI); this study applies the D. L. Sackett (1989) research criteria to evaluate the quality of intervention studies of the treatment of depression among persons with SCI. Method: An extensive range of peer-reviewed published research was identified through established databases, critical reviews, and published meta-analyses. Results: Nine studies met the inclusion criteria. One antidepressant study was rated above Level III; although the psychological intervention studies had control groups, these were not randomized. Conclusion: This review demonstrates the need for randomized clinical trials of psychological and pharmacological interventions for depression and distress among persons with SCI. so that informed decisions concerning cost-effective treatments can be made. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The health of the U.S. health care system is precarious. Calls for reform in areas such as cost, quality, and equal access to health care are widespread and growing louder each day. Action is required on each of these issues, yet the lack of progress is cause for serious concern. A central problem is the reluctance to acknowledge the roles that the mind and behavior play in health and illness. One solution is the integration of psychological health care into the general health care system. A major vehicle for advancing the integration of health care is the "cost-offset" effect, a concept that involves paying systematic attention to psychological factors in order to reduce overuse of medical services and thereby decrease costs. Despite data demonstrating that the cost-offset hypothesis is quite robust, little has been done to implement integrated health care. This article reviews the literature on cost offset, discusses the policy implications, and considers its application to the public sector. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents a comment on "Psychological Treatments" (see record 2004-21168-001) by D. H. Barlow. In his article, Barlow pointed to the need "to solidify the identification of psychology as a health care profession" by changing the terminology of practice in the health care context from psychotherapy to psychological treatments and suggested that the only persons qualified to carry out such interventions are doctoral-level psychologists. Unfortunately, there was no discussion of the health care professionals who already provide psychological treatments in health care settings and their contribution to the evidence base supporting such treatment. The authors find several aspects of the article to be problematic. Overall, the authors feel that suggesting that psychology should claim treatment of psychological disorders and psychological components of physical disorders in health care settings as exclusively its own domain ignores the research and clinical contributions of others. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Mental health clinicians can play a cost-effective role in reducing distressing psychological symptoms accompanying diagnosis of chronic illness. Medical crisis counseling (MCC) is a focal short-term intervention directly addressing illness-related psychosocial problems. A randomized clinical trial tested the effectiveness of MCC. Counseling was offered to patients who had cancer that was newly diagnosed, 1st heart attacks, or adult-onset diabetes and was contrasted with a control group receiving an HMO's standard mental health care. Significant reductions in distress attributable to MCC were noted in some patient groups. No increases in overall medical costs and some decreased mental health utilization and costs were noted with MCC use. Practitioners can easily apply MCC to improving patients' quality of life and mental health, without adding to health care costs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Treatment outcome findings suggest that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and pharmacotherapy offer similar short-term treatment gains for panic disorder and that CBT may afford more optimal maintenance of treatment gains without the need for ongoing treatment. However, efficacy is not the only consideration for patients, and because of limited health care resources, evaluation of the cost-benefit ratio of these treatments is important. In this article, the authors review estimates of the relative efficacy, acceptability, tolerability, and costs of these treatments; empirically examine the costs and outcome of cognitive-behavioral and pharmacologic interventions as they are delivered in an outpatient clinic specializing in these treatments; and comment on how these data inform a stepped care model of treatment. Analysis of the "services" data indicated that CBT was at least equal to pharmacotherapy in terms of pretreatment severity and acute treatment outcome and that CBT is an especially cost-effective treatment option. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The vast majority of outcome studies examining the effects of marital and family treatments focus exclusively on indicators of and changes in familial functioning and individual members' psychosocial adjustment, but fail to measure, report, or analyze treatment costs, benefits, cost-benefit ratio, or cost-effectiveness. Because of growing concerns about spiraling health care costs, clinical and economic outcomes constitute equally important and complementary aspects of any evaluation of marital and family treatments. The twofold purpose of this article is to define different components of cost analyses of health-related interventions, including marital and family treatments, and to describe methods for calculating and integrating clinical and cost outcome information when evaluating marital and family treatments. There are significant opportunities to promote the use of such treatments by conducting and reporting the results of cost analyses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

There is much evidence to suggest that the treatment of hypertension reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and that it is cost-effective in most patients. However, the effectiveness of treatment relies on compliance and maintenance of treatment. Each pharmacological agent differs in terms of side effects. The existence of side effects can result in poor compliance and switching between treatments. A number of studies have reported high discontinuation rates for anti-hypertensive therapies. This potentially imposes costs on the health service. The aim of this study is to use the MEDIPLUS data set to consider the cost arising from switching and discontinuation of therapy. The analysis will assess the resource costs in terms of extra GP visits and hospitalisations arising from individuals switching and discontinuing treatments. The total costs of hypertension were estimated to be around 76.5 m pound sterling per annum, of which 26.9 m pound sterling can be attributed to patients who switch or discontinue therapy.  相似文献   

This Special Section of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology focuses on research that extends beyond documenting the efficacy and effectiveness of specific psychological treatments or preventive interventions for children and youths. In the past 30 years, there have been remarkable advances in the development and evaluation of psychological treatments and preventive interventions for a wide range of child and adolescent problems. At the same time, only a small percentage of youths who suffer from emotional and behavioral problems receive psychological services, and many of these services are not evidence-based. This article discusses key features of the Special Section studies, which examine important issues related to (a) disseminating treatments in diverse community settings (i.e., investigating the transportability of treatment), (b) personalizing mental health care (i.e., investigating predictors and moderators of treatment outcome), and (c) developing evidence-based explanations of treatment (i.e., investigating mediators of treatment). Key issues that are raised in the specific studies are discussed, and important considerations for future research are highlighted. Moving the field forward requires innovation, complex research designs, and a willingness to develop treatment models that reach beyond the current body of treatment outcome and prevention research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evidence-based psychological treatments (EBTs) have made enormous gains in the range of techniques that are available and the scope of problems to which they can be applied. Debates about the advances focus on issues related to applicability of the evidence to clinical work, limits of highly controlled studies, and decision making in clinical practice. Less often discussed is arguably the more salient issue, namely, that most people in need of psychological treatment do not receive services, whether evidence based or not. This article discusses EBTs as currently studied in relation to an overarching goal of our interventions, namely, to reduce the burden of mental illness and the full range of social, emotional, and behavioral problems leading to impairment. The diversity of clients, the range of settings in which treatments must be delivered, and the models of delivery ought to receive greater attention in developing evidence-based interventions. In the context of treatment of children and adolescents, this article discusses service needs and how EBTs can better align with these needs to exert broad impact. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

That a treatment selected for a given condition works, or that it works better than alternative treatments, or that it was selected because it works as well as but is cheaper than alternative treatments, should be of pivotal concern to clinicians and is of central concern to patients and to health care managers. Attempts to address these concerns have resulted in what is now widely termed the 'effectiveness movement'. The protagonists of the movement have been concerned to create a culture of evaluation and inquiry within which the formulation of evidence-based clinical guidelines and their introduction into routine practice have played a prominent part. The need to ensure cost effectiveness of clinical intervention has been at least as emphasized as the need to ensure the clinical effectiveness of health care interventions. Although cost-effectiveness analyses are now an indispensable feature of practice guideline formulation and treatment evaluation, few studies have examined any deterioration in patient outcome associated with successful cost containment. An adequate understanding of the concept of clinical effectiveness and the associated aims of the 'effectiveness movement' is central to an understanding of the future nature and extent of health service provision, not simply in the UK but also internationally. Having examined the concepts of efficiency and appropriateness previously (O'Neill, Miles & Polychronis 1996, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2, 13-27) we move in this second of two articles to a detailed explanation of the concept of effectiveness, and to an examination of the derivation and use of clinical practice guideline, concluding with a consideration of the role of practice guidelines in ensuring the cost effectiveness of health care intervention. The reservation is expressed that a 'guidelines culture', when established, will be manipulated by health care commissioners for largely political purposes, creating a systematic bias in the purchasing process that will actively disadvantage a range of patient groups.  相似文献   

Contends that psychology can be used to prevent heart disease, cancer, accidents and violence, and respiratory disease through programs such as those designed to eliminate smoking, control obesity, reduce stress, and intervene when multiple risk factors are present. Psychological techniques—as useful and cost-saving companions to traditional medical treatments—can increase checkup visits and participation in health screening, improve adherence to medication schedules, aid recovery from surgery, and facilitate outpatient medical service delivery. Since 40–60% of physician visits are for nonmedical reasons that are psychological and behavioral in nature, psychologists can reduce medical care overutilization and unnecessary medical expenditures by offering less costly and more appropriate alternatives. Psychological interventions for health disorders include treatment for pain, asthma attacks not responsive to medical treatment, heart rate variability, gastrointestinal problems, skin disorders, and self-destructive behaviors. It is concluded that psychological procedures offer a means of reducing health care expenditures reliably. (4 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Psychology has recently identified itself as a health care profession and codified this change in the bylaws of the American Psychological Association. Although psychologists make a number of contributions to the nation's health-and mental health-the most identifiable activity focuses on treating physical or psychological pathology with psychological interventions. Recently, health care policymakers have established that evidence supporting the efficacy of these interventions is more than sufficient for their inclusion in health care systems around the world. To promote faster and more widespread dissemination of these interventions specifically targeting problems severe enough to be included in health care systems and to solidify the identification of psychology as a health care profession, perhaps it is time for a change in terminology. It is proposed that psychologists label these procedures psychological treatments so as to differentiate them from more generic psychotherapy, which is often used outside of the scope of health care systems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: Investigate effectiveness of a health promotion intervention for adults with mobility impairments. Study Design: Interrupted time series, staggered baseline quasi-experimental with random assignment to treatment start date. Setting: 9 Centers for Independent Living in 8 states. Participants: Adults with mobility impairments living independently (N = 188). Intervention: Living Well With a Disability: Facilitated group health promotion (16 hr over 8 weeks). Main Outcomes Measures: Secondary conditions, symptom days, health care utilization. Results: Reductions in limitation from secondary conditions, symptom days, and health care utilization over the intervention period. Effects on secondary conditions maintained for 12 months. Overall cost savings of $807 per person (total for sample = $151,716) projected from reductions in health care utilization of study sample. Conclusions: Health promotion interventions can increase quality of life while helping to control health care costs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The goals of chemotherapy for recurrent/refractory ovarian cancer are the palliation of disease-related symptoms, and improvement of quality and quantity of life. Previous studies of palliative therapy in advanced ovarian cancer have focused on surrogate measures of patient benefit rather than evaluating palliative end-points such as quality of life and clinical benefit. The impact of palliative chemotherapy on survival, quality of life and cost in advanced ovarian cancer are unknown as there have been no studies comparing palliative treatment with best supportive care. Although there is insufficient information from existing studies to determine whether palliative therapy in advanced ovarian cancer is cost-effective, there is some evidence to suggest that chemotherapy has a role in palliation of symptoms with an apparent improvement in quality of life. We relate the results of two studies. (i) A prospective study evaluating the cost of second/third-line chemotherapy as well as its effectiveness, which found the mean total cost per patient for the study period (one line of chemotherapy) was Canadian $12500. In addition, half of patients seemed to derive some palliative benefit and a quarter of patients had an objective response in their disease. (ii) A retrospective study evaluating all costs from the initiation of palliative chemotherapy until death which demonstrated a cost of Canadian $53000 per patient. Our studies demonstrate that patient expectations of palliative therapy in ovarian cancer are high and patients are willing to put up with significant toxicity for modest benefit. Although palliative therapy may be associated with high costs, even modest prolongation of survival can render such treatment cost-effective. The major cost saving associated with palliative therapy is from the reduced need for hospitalization towards the end of life. Future studies in recurrent/refractory ovarian cancer should focus on palliative end-points and include a comparison with best supportive care.  相似文献   

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