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Porous silicon (PS) layers were formed on p-type, 〈1 0 0〉 oriented, 1-5 Ω cm resistivity Cz silicon wafers by electrochemical etching in an HF:C2H5OH (1:2 by volume) electrolyte at room temperature at a constant current density 20 mA/cm2. The etching duration was varied to achieve PS layers of different morphologies and thicknesses. Both the photoluminescence (PL) and the total diffused reflectivity spectra of the PS layers were measured. It was found that for the PS layers grown for etching durations of less than 90 s the PL emission is insignificant and reflectivity is quite low. Such PS layers can be used as antireflection coatings (ARC) on solar cells. The PS layers formed for etching durations greater than 90 s show a significant PL emission in 500-800 nm range with peak lying in 630-660 nm wavelength range. When etching duration increases from 90 s to 8 min the PL intensity increases and the PL peak shows a blue shift. With further increase in etching duration the PL intensity decreases and PL peak shows a red shift. The reflectivity of the photoluminescent layers increases with etching duration showing a highest value for a sample grown for 8 min. Further increase in etching duration up to 20 min the reflectivity decreases and then increases. Striking observation is that both the PL emission intensity and reflectivity in the wavelength range of 550-800 nm are maximum for the PS layer grown for the etching duration of 8 min.  相似文献   

Non-invasive transient photoconductance measurements of large grain multicrystalline silicon wafers (ρ=1 Ω cm) are presented. It is shown that the surfaces of untreated wafers can be characterized as infinite sinks for excess charge carriers. The value 24.5 cm2 s−1 for the minority carrier diffusion constant was determined in all samples. So in untreated wafers, surface recombination yields a known contribution to the decay time measured and the volume lifetime can be determined. Application of these measurements as a standard characterization of multicrystalline silicon wafers is discussed.  相似文献   

The photo emission electron microscope (PEEM) with its direct imaging of the sample surface is a convenient tool for fast evaluation of large sample areas. It is possible to handle samples with a size of 30 mm × 30 mm.With PEEM it is possible to visualise grain boundaries and crystal displacements without removing the native oxide. No special sample treatment is needed except chemical polishing of the sample surface and a HF-dip to obtain a thin (1…2 nm) oxide layer.The quality of that oxide was proofed by high resolution photo electron spectroscopy (PES) at a synchrotron. The results were compared to native oxide on single-crystalline Si and no suboxides (e.g. SiO) were found. Our spectromicroscopic PEEM measurements show no difference in the oxide qualities of different grains and on grain boundaries or crystal displacements. Furthermore no difference in the binding energy of Si2p core levels were found.In addition to grain boundaries other spot-like features were found on the sample surface. These could be identified in some cases as precipitation of Ca underneath the native oxide.  相似文献   

This paper is the first part of a work about the preparation and characterisation of doped layers for hydrogenated-amorphous-silicon (a-Si:H) thin film solar cells. An approach for RF-glow discharge deposition of a-Si consisting of dilution of silane (SiH4) in helium and application of high RF-power densities, has been tested. In this first part the optimisation of n-type layers has been accomplished. The influence of preparation conditions on the optical and electrical properties of the films has systematically been studied. It has been found that the use of high RF-power densities and high dilution levels of SiH4 in He favour the doping efficiency and film quality when the substrate temperature is 300°C. As a result of these investigations, n-type layers with thicknesses between 250 and 360Å, an optical gap about 1.95 eV, a dark-conductivity of 0.1 (Ωcm)−1 and an extended-state conductivity activation energy of 0.1 eV have been prepared. Such properties make them suitable for their use as n-type layers for a-Si:H thin-film solar cells.  相似文献   

Texturing by negative potential dissolution (NPD) process of p-type multicrystalline silicon for solar cells application is reported. The effect of the negative potential, KOH concentration, and texturing time of cast multicrystalline silicon was studied. Rapid texturing of multicrystalline silicon was achieved in a time-frame of 2 min with the application of negative potential of −30 V and the use of optimal alkaline concentration of 32 wt%. While texturing process in these optimal NPD conditions results in a step-free morphology, necessary in solar cells contacts printing, light reflection was reduced to minimal values, as well.  相似文献   

Multicrystalline Si for photovoltaic applications is a very inhomogeneous material with localized regions of high dislocation density and large impurity and precipitate concentrations which limit solar cell efficiency by acting as carrier recombination sites. Due to slow dissolution of precipitates in multicrystalline Si, these regions cannot be improved by conventional P and Al gettering treatments for removal of metal impurities which give good results for single crystal Si. It is shown that an extended high temperature Al gettering treatment can improve minority carrier diffusion lengths in these low quality regions and homogenize the electrical properties of multicrystalline Si wafers.  相似文献   

A p-a-Si:H layer, deposited by a photo-assisted chemical vapor deposition (photo-CVD) method, was adopted as the window layer of a hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (μc-Si:H) solar cell instead of the conventional p-μc-Si:H layer. We verified the usefulness of p-a-Si:H for the p-layer of the μc-Si:H solar cell by applying it to SnO2-coated glass substrate. It was found that the quantum efficiency (QE) characteristics and solar cell performance strongly depend on the p-a-Si:H layer thicknesses. We applied boron-doped nanocrystalline silion (nc-Si:H) p/i buffer layers to μc-Si:H solar cells and investigated the correlation of the p/i buffer layer B2H6 flow rate and solar cell performance. When the B2H6 flow rate was 0.2 sccm, there was a little improvement in fill factor (FF), but the other parameters became poor as the B2H6 flow rate increased. This is because the conductivity of the buffer layer decreases as the B2H6 flow rate increases above appropriate values. A μc-Si:H single-junction solar cell with ZnO/Ag back reflector with an efficiency of 7.76% has been prepared.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to present data concerning the optimization of performances of a large area amorphous silicon p–i–n solar cell (30×40 cm2) deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) at 27.12 MHz. In this work the solar cell was split into small areas of 0.126 cm2, aiming to study the device performance uniformity, where emphasis was put on the role of the n-layer thickness. The solar cells were studied through the spectral response behaviour in the 400–750 nm range as well as by the behaviour of the AC impedance. Solar cells with fill factor of 0.58, open circuit voltage of 0.83 V, short circuit current density of 17.14 mA/cm2 and an efficiency of 8% were obtained at growth rates higher than 0.3 nm/s.  相似文献   

The possibility of using porous silicon layers as antireflection coating instead of the antireflection coatings in common silicon solar cells was investigated. A technology for the manufacture of porous silicon antireflection layers was developed. The comparison of the photovoltaic and optical characteristics of investigated samples of solar cells with ZnS antireflection coating and with porous silicon antireflection coating is presented. It is shown that the formation of the porous layer under optimal technological regimes leads to significant improvement of the main photovoltaic parameters–short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage.  相似文献   

Porous silicon (PS) presents efficient photoluminescence and electroluminescence with potential applications in the optoelectronic industry, in particular in photovoltaic devices. It is now generally accepted that the interesting optical properties of PS are due to two combined aspects: on the one hand, the quantum confinement and on the other, the surface states. Although there has been a great effort to study PS, its transport properties are still not well understood. Due to the complex structure of PS an averaging theory to describe its effective properties is justified. In this work the effective dielectric function, effective absorption coefficient and effective refractive index are calculated using the volume averaging method for a model of periodic columns with different surface coatings simulating porous silicon. This approach allows analytical results within certain approximations and the analysis of surface contributions. The method uses parameters to characterize the bulk and the surface. We choose for the bulk c-Si, and cover it with three different possible surfaces: siloxane, a-Si : H and SiO2. The results are compared with experimental data and other theoretical approaches for silicon wires. We obtain good agreement with some experimental results showing the important role of the surface in the effective response of porous silicon.  相似文献   

Porous silicon (PS) antireflection coatings have been obtained by stain etching of crystalline Si in HF:HNO3:H2O solutions at different etching times and HNO3 concentrations. The morphology of the PS samples was characterised by anodic oxidation and revealed the increase of the porous surface area with the HNO3 concentration. Upon a certain critical concentration of HNO3, the surface of crystalline Si immersed in the solution becomes polished, and a decrease of its surface area is observed. The samples were also characterised by a spectrophotometer in the range 300–900 nm, showing an effective reflectance below 4% in most of the spectral range for samples obtained in an etching solution, where the HNO3 is below its critical concentration. Anodic oxidation after etching can be used as an useful tool for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of porous surface areas.  相似文献   

Various pigments are characterized by determination of parameters S (backscattering) and K (absorption) as functions of wavelength in the solar spectral range of 300–2500 nm. Measured values of S for generic titanium dioxide (rutile) white pigment are in rough agreement with values computed from the Mie theory, supplemented by a simple multiple scattering model. Pigments in widespread use are examined, with particular emphasis on those that may be useful for formulating non-white materials that can reflect the near-infrared (NIR) portion of sunlight, such as the complex inorganic color pigments (mixed metal oxides). These materials remain cooler in sunlight than comparable NIR-absorbing colors. NIR-absorptive pigments are to be avoided. High NIR reflectance can be produced by a reflective metal substrate, an NIR-reflective underlayer, and/or by the use of a pigment that scatters strongly in the NIR.  相似文献   

The electrical properties of micrometre-sized inversion-layer (IL) emitters in crystalline Si are investigated by measuring their current–voltage characteristics using a so-called NOSFET device. The IL emitter is induced by a SiN/SiO double-layer stack. We show that by scanning the surface with a negatively biased tip, the IL emitter below the tip can be controllably eliminated.  相似文献   

Research and development on crystal growth technologies for production of crystalline silicon ribbon have been under way now for three decades. I review here their progress toward establishment of manufacturing capabilities for silicon wafers for photovoltaic applications. I examine technology improvements which are currently being explored for a future generation of low cost solar products based on ribbon wafers, and discuss potential limits of the technology.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, we have applied real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry (RTSE) to probe hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H)-based solar cell fabrication on the research scale. From RTSE measurements, the microstructural development of the component layers of the cell can be characterized with sub-monolayer sensitivity, including the time evolution of (i) the bulk layer thickness which provide the deposition rates, and (ii) the surface roughness layer thickness which provide insights into precursor surface diffusion. In the same analysis, RTSE also yields the optical properties of the growing films, including the dielectric functions and optical gaps. Results reported earlier have been confined to p-i-n and n-i-p cells consisting solely of amorphous layers, because such layers are found to grow homogeneously, making data analysis relatively straightforward. In this study, we report the first results of an analysis of RTSE data collected during the deposition of an n-type microcrystalline silicon (μc-Si:H) component layer in an a-Si:H p-i-n solar cell. Such an analysis is more difficult owing to (i) the modification of the underlying i-layer by the H2-rich plasma used in doped μc-Si:H growth and (ii) the more complex morphological development of μc-Si:H, including surface roughening during growth.  相似文献   

Fluoride contaminated drinking water is a severe problem in many parts of the world because of fluoride-related health hazards, which are considered to be a major environmental problem today. The present work is aimed at utilizing solar energy for removal of fluoride from drinking water by using a “solar still”. Also tests have been conducted with the “solar still” to find out hourly output rate and “still efficiencies” with various test matrixes. It is observed that the distillate from “solar still” showed a fluoride reduction of 92–96%. Further, the efficiency of “solar still” got increased by 11% when capacity of water in the solar basin was raised from 10 to 20 L. Upon suitable modification of the solar basin with appropriate base liner and insulation, this efficiency of the “solar still” is found to be further increased by 6% with a 20 L basin capacity.  相似文献   

Charge transport properties of the Schottky diodes fabricated on n-CdTe layers electrodeposited on stainless steel foil are investigated. The small area Au–CdTe contacts facilitated the investigation of the role of shunt and series resistances on the IV characteristics of the thin-film CdTe device. The charge transport mechanism in these diodes is found to be generation–recombination in the depletion layer and over-barrier electron flow at low and higher bias voltages, respectively. By using this model a quantitative theoretical analysis of the current–voltage characteristics of the diodes is possible.  相似文献   

Material property differences are observed in hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (μc-Si:H) thin films deposited under the same nominal conditions in a single-chamber plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition system but at different stages of chamber history during prolonged usage. This phenomenon is called system shift, which results from the increase of powder coverage on the surface of the cathode and the coatings on other areas in the chamber. We propose a pre-hydrogen glow method to suppress the system shifting. Experimental results show that this method is very effective to reduce the non-reproducibility in μc-Si:H depositions for prolonged usage of the deposition system. In addition, the μc-Si:H films deposited with the pre-hydrogen glow have an improved structural homogeneity along the film thickness.  相似文献   

CdS has been proved to be an ideal material for use as the window layer for heterojunction solar cells especially with n-CdS/p-CdTe. CdS, Cd0.9Sn0.1S and Cd0.8Sn0.2S films were deposited onto glass substrates at 300 °C substrate temperature by using ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique (USP). The effect of Sn concentration on some structural, optical and electrical properties of the films was presented. The crystal structure and orientation of the films were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns. XRD patterns showed that films have polycrystalline nature with a hexagonal structure. The grain size of the films decreased with increasing x values. The optical band gap values were obtained from optical absorption spectra of the films. The optical band gap values of the films were found to be between 2.44 and 2.45 eV. The variations of conductivity of Cd1−xSnxS (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2) films have been investigated depending on applied voltage in dark and under illumination. The resistivity significantly decreased with increasing tin concentration and under illumination.  相似文献   

In this paper the first experimental evidence of the high Voc-potential of inversion-layer silicon solar cells is given. Minority-carrier lifetime measurements on inversion-layer emitters have been performed and the diffused p–n contact of PN-IL silicon solar cells has been optimized for high open-circuit voltages. PN-IL silicon solar cells with open-circuit voltages of 693 mV have been fabricated on 0.2 and 0.5-Ω cm FZ p-Silicon wafers. These values are the highest ever reported Voc's for inversion-layer silicon solar cells on p-Silicon. This demonstrates that inversion-layer silicon solar cells exhibit a similar potential for achieving high open-circuit voltages as silicon solar cells with a diffused p–n junction.  相似文献   

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