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设计了2种耐核辐射涂料,并测试了其常规性能,利用傅里叶红外分析仪(FT-IR)对经过 60Co γ射线辐照前后的样品成分进行分析。结果表明:在宏观特性上,2种涂膜并未发生起泡、开裂、粉化、脱落等情况,仅有颜色加深的变化。从红外光谱来看,因为辐照剂量大的缘故,所有基团或化学键都有不同程度的破坏。整个辐照过程中一直存在酮羰基和羟基的生成,并且在10 6 Gy剂量以下生成量较多,酰胺羰基相较于其他基团、化学键更耐辐照。  相似文献   

耐核辐射涂料是一种除了具备常规涂料所需性能外,还具有抗辐射和吸收核辐射性能的专用涂料,它和常规涂料一样,也是由成膜物质、助剂、颜填料和溶剂组成。它需要通过特殊的核应用性能检测,即耐辐照性能、去污性能和LOCA(Loss of coolant accident,冷却剂跑失事故)试验。对耐核辐射涂料的国内外研究现状与应用进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

200602112防反射涂料组合物及具有优异耐沾污性的涂膜;200602113具有耐污性和低残余气味的活化能固化涂覆的建筑材料;200602114具有良好耐沾污性的无光涂料组合物及其涂覆的无光制品;200602115可除去的防涂鸦防护涂料;200602116防污,耐沾污涂料组合物……  相似文献   

防污无机涂料及由其涂装的产品制备法;塑模用可转移的、耐划伤和防污染的涂料;固化的涂膜具有好的耐水性、耐划伤性和耐沾污性的潮气固化彩色涂料组合物;具有防沾污能力的涂装产品及其涂装方法;具有好的贮存稳定性和高光泽的涂料用防沾污组合物;[编者按]  相似文献   

防沾污底材及其制备;玻璃基材用耐沾污处理组合物;改进基材膜的耐沾污性和耐侯性的表面涂料组合物;硬度、耐磨性和耐污染物性好的组合物;环保型高耐沾污性纯丙乳胶漆的研制  相似文献   

可变形底材用耐划伤防污涂料:DE10 260 067,耐沾污的有光成膜物:JP2004-307 770,建筑防污涂装工艺:JP2004—305 999,抗污涂料组合物:CN1 530 413A  相似文献   

提高基材耐沾污性和耐候性的表面涂料组合物;污染的建筑表面用乳液涂料;玻璃底材用防污处理组合物;耐沾污涂料组合物及耐沾污涂膜;一种不粘涂料及其生产方法;[编者按]  相似文献   

涂学忠  摘译 《橡胶工业》2007,54(3):153-153
日本Hayakawa橡胶公司和日本原子能署(JAEA)联合推出一种耐核辐射橡胶。 位于广岛的Hayakawa与JAEA目前正在进行把这种橡胶用于核设施的可行性研究。  相似文献   

耐沾污涂料   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本对耐沾污涂料及涂料耐沾污的机理进行了分类介绍,指出了各自的特点,展望了未来耐沾污涂料的发展方向。  相似文献   

论述了烧蚀涂料的功能和烧蚀机理。研究了在以环氧为基体材料的烧蚀涂料中,石棉纤维的各种状态(种类,粒径,含量,纯度以及处理工艺)对烧蚀材料的耐烧蚀性能和机械性能的影响。  相似文献   

Proton nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI) at 300 MHz is used to evaluate water resistance of polyurethane dispersion coatings. A set of wood rods coated with an uncrosslinked aliphatic polyurethane dispersion, a plasticized poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) emulsion and a 5-minute-cure epoxy adhesive, respectively, are immersed in water at 25°C. The water penetration is followed by acquiring cross sectional images from the samples. The same procedure is used at 60°C to compare the performance of multifunctional polyaziridine and polycarbodiimide crosslinkers with the polyurethane dispersion. The signal intensities in the middle of the wood as a function of time show three characteristics for the systems: induction time, absorption rate, and saturation time. The water resistance of the uncrosslinked polyurethane dispersion coating is relatively good. The addition of 2% of the polycarbodiimide crosslinker does not improve the water resistance. However, the same amount of the polyaziridine crosslinker in 300 ± 50 μm thick coatings decreases the water absorption rate by a factor of ca. 14. The pot life for the 2% polyaziridine mixture is approximately three days and the coatings made from five-day-old mixture have three times faster water absorption rate relative to the fresh mixtures. The reliability of conventional water resistance tests is also discussed.  相似文献   

Proton nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI) at 300 MHz is used to evaluate water resistance of polyurethane dispersion coatings. A set of wood rods coated with an uncrosslinked aliphatic polyurethane dispersion, a plasticized poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) emulsion and a 5-minute-cure epoxy adhesive, respectively, are immersed in water at 25°C. The water penetration is followed by acquiring cross sectional images from the samples. The same procedure is used at 60°C to compare the performance of multifunctional polyaziridine and polycarbodiimide crosslinkers with the polyurethane dispersion. The signal intensities in the middle of the wood as a function of time show three characteristics for the systems: induction time, absorption rate, and saturation time. The water resistance of the uncrosslinked polyurethane dispersion coating is relatively good. The addition of 2% of the polycarbodiimide crosslinker does not improve the water resistance. However, the same amount of the polyaziridine crosslinker in 300 ± 50 μm thick coatings decreases the water absorption rate by a factor of ca. 14. The pot life for the 2% polyaziridine mixture is approximately three days and the coatings made from five-day-old mixture have three times faster water absorption rate relative to the fresh mixtures. The reliability of conventional water resistance tests is also discussed.  相似文献   

新型环保隔热涂料的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以水性丙烯酸树脂为粘结剂,廉价的无机黏土为主要隔热骨料,配以其他助剂制备了一种新型环保隔热涂料.通过对骨料类型、用量及粒径的讨论得到最佳的隔热涂料配方.平均温度70 ℃时,隔热涂料的导热系数为0.067 W/(m·K);在钢板上涂覆3 mm该涂料,可使钢板从内侧的150 ℃降低至外侧的100 ℃,温差达50 ℃.热重分析表明,该涂料在低于180 ℃时具有良好的热稳定性,特别适合纺织印染工业印染加工用异型设备的保温.  相似文献   

简要介绍辐射固化涂料的分类,UV固化涂料发展的关键问题和发展态势。  相似文献   

The influence of proton irradiation (energy, 18 MeV; beam current, 300 nA) with doses of 5 × 1014, 1015, and 5 × 1015 cm–2 on samples of SiO2–BaO-based glass coatings is investigated. The absorption, photoluminescence, and gamma luminescence spectra of the studied samples and their microhardness are measured. It is found that proton irradiation leads to a twofold increase in the microhardness. An insignificant increase in the optical absorption is revealed in the near-ultraviolet range (200–400 nm). This increase is accompanied by a decrease in the intensity of both light scattering in the wavelength range 400–900 nm and photoluminescence. The intensity of broadband gamma luminescence with a maximum at a wavelength of 500 nm increases with increasing proton irradiation dose. This means that excitonic radiative recombination impedes the formation of structural defects and their associated color centers. The combined effect of proton irradiation and solar electromagnetic radiation (gamma and visible light rays) accompanied by temperature changes in the range 80–470 K can provide an increase in the radiation resistance and mechanical stability of glass coatings used for solar-cell panels and their longer service life even under conditions of increased solar activity.  相似文献   

在未考虑涂层老化的条件下,通过透气性、透水性及氯离子渗透性试验研究了渗透型硅烷、复合型涂层(环氧底漆+环氧腻子+改性环氧中间漆+聚氨酯面漆)、成膜型环氧涂层和成膜型聚脲对混凝土抗渗性能的改善作用,分析了水胶比和粉煤灰的掺入对涂层及无涂层混凝土中氯离子渗透性能的影响.结果表明,复合型和成膜型涂层混凝土的透气性指数基本为零,硅烷基本不影响低水胶比混凝土的透气性能,而对高水胶比混凝土的透气性有一定抑制作用;复合型和成膜型涂层的抗水渗透性能明显优于渗透型涂层,且以聚脲防水性能最为优越;涂层可显著提高混凝土的抗氯离子渗透性能,其中聚脲的改善效果最好,其次分别为复合型涂层、成膜型环氧涂层、硅烷;水胶比和粉煤灰的掺入对渗透型涂层混凝土抗氯离子渗透性能的影响较为明显,而对其他涂层混凝土的影响甚微.  相似文献   

辐射(UV/EB)固化技术早在七、八十年代发达国家和地区得到了快速发展,由于其生产效率高,节省能源,运行成本低,涂膜性能优异,目前辐射固化产品仍以年增长率约1O%的速度稳步增长。我国近年来由于环境保护意识的不断增强,商品市场竞争越来越激烈,产品更新换代,其平均年增长率甚至超过25%。本文介绍了国际上对于汽车部件表面涂层辐射固化技术的应甩进展,包括塑料、金属、木材等基材;近年来汽车车身、某些三维物体以及车外某些部件均采用了辐射固化材料。同时还简要介绍了我国辐射固化技术的发展现状,以及光固化技术的特点、光固化涂料的组成及其生产。  相似文献   

着重介绍一种适用于超高压水射流表面处理新工艺,可在100%潮湿带闪锈瞬锈表面直接施工,是具有生态环保、无毒阻燃、低表面处理涂装、超强附着力、高边棱保持率以及长效重防腐的无溶剂环氧导静电重防腐涂料体系,以及该涂料系统在密闭的原油储罐中的使用性能测试研究。  相似文献   

赵琪慧 《上海涂料》2010,48(9):38-40
简要介绍了核电站防腐涂料对保护核电站的重要作用。讨论了核电站配套所需涂料的基本性能。针对核电系统防护所涉及的特殊污染介质和涂料性能测试的相关标准,阐述了核电涂料的施工要求。  相似文献   

改性聚四氟乙烯耐磨涂料   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨军  刘艳 《中国涂料》2005,20(3):41-43
通过对涂料成膜情况的比较,筛选和确定了钛酸酯偶联剂、消泡剂、流平剂、成膜剂的品种和用量,得到改性聚四氟乙烯涂料配方.制得的改性聚四氟乙烯耐磨涂料具有良好的附着力、硬度、耐磨性等性能,具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

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