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大规模时滞系统的动态规划模型与优化算法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
工业工程中的一些大系统往往具有时滞效应,其最优决策一直是个难题.基于生产计划和生产调度的优化研究,归纳出一类大规模时滞系统的动态规划模型,研究其优化算法.提出条件最优化原理,使动态规划推广到时滞系统的优化中.推导时滞型微分动态规划的递推算法公式,在一定条件下证明了其收敛性.将这一算法用于水厂最优递阶控制的协调级,仿真验证它的可行性和有效性,获得的结果对于水厂节能具有重要意义.所提出的模型与算法可用于更为广泛的场合. 相似文献
针对含完全未知时滞的不确定非线性系统的控制问题,提出了一种自适应模糊动态面控制方案.首先采用模糊逻辑系统逼近系统的未知时滞函数,进而用参考信号代换逼近器输入中的未知时滞信号,取消了对未知时滞常作的假设,摆脱了控制器构造对时滞假设条件的依赖性.模糊逼近和时滞代换产生的误差则采用自适应边界技术处理.基于Lyapunov-Krasovskii泛函,证明了闭环系统所有信号半全局一致最终有界,通过调节设计参数可以实现任意的跟踪精度.仿真实例进一步说明了该方案的可行性. 相似文献
采用具有纯滞后的一阶惯性环节作为时滞工业控制对象的模型,并将广义预测控制应用于系统中。这种控制方法简单、容易实现,同时在优化过程中不断利用测量信息进行反馈校正,在一定程度上克服了不确定性的影响,具有较好的鲁棒性和抗干扰性能。 相似文献
模型预测控制具有鲁棒性强、跟踪快速性好等特点,能够解决复杂工业过程控制中的大时滞问题。该文提出了一种改进的模型预测控制器,基于事先设定的期望响应,实现参考轨迹在预测时域内最大限度地渐进期望轨迹,使系统响应能够准确地跟踪期望轨迹。该文以硅单晶体加热炉为控制对象,分别采用PID、DMC和改进DMC三种控制方法进行预测控制。仿真结果表明改进的DMC控制方法比传统的预测控制方法具有更好的动态响应性能和跟踪效果。 相似文献
针对目前模型预测控制(Model predictive control, MPC)算法处理约束问题普遍以解决定值约束为主,面对大幅干扰及设定值改变等工况,由于定值约束的局限性,系统动态性能、鲁棒性受到影响,系统被控变量波动较大,且运算速度较低。以单层动态矩阵控制(Dynamic matrix control, DMC)算法为核心,提出一种约束自适应控制策略。简化约束在算法预测时域的计算长度,提升算法执行效率;针对控制变量约束引入松弛因子实现约束动态调整,降低动态规划数值求解时间;利用模型结构及反馈原理补偿模型误差。通过单变量系统仿真验证,结果表明:约束自适应算法可自动计算初始约束及过程约束,并对约束动态调整,相对于固定约束系统具有更好的快速性和鲁棒性。 相似文献
文中讨论了基于多模型的预测控制方法。对于在工作范围内发生参数突变的被控热工对象,在典型工况下通过实验数据获得典型工作点的系统模型,从而建立多个局部模型表示,基于每个局部模型分别设计子DMC控制器。通过跟踪工况变化来对子控制器加权以获得控制增量。实验结果表明该方法对参数突变适应快,可取得令人满意的控制效果。 相似文献
锅炉燃烧优化控制技术是保证其在最佳情况下运行,提高其经济效益的提出了基于人工神经网络的预测控制算法原理,并给出了MPC的工程实现过程,并用仿真加以验证. 相似文献
在冷带轧机液压AGC(Automatic Gauge Control)系统中,直接测厚式反馈AGC应用最为广泛,其对成品带钢的精度起着至关重要的作用.但是,直接测厚式反馈AGC存在时间滞后,会使得系统变得不稳定,并影响控制精度.采用Smith预测控制与自适应控制相结合的控制算法,解决了Smith预测控制器对被控对象数学模型依赖较高的问题,同时采用了遗忘因子随机梯度算法在线修正被控对象数学模型.并在冷带轧机液压AGC系统中进行了时滞控制的试验研究,试验结果证明该策略控制效果良好,有效地解决了时滞对板厚精度带来的影响. 相似文献
针对大多数工业系统的控制输入输出都存在约束的情况,提出一种基于改进粒子群算法的隐式广义预测控制算法(IGPC).粒子群算法(PSO)是一种基于群体的智能优化算法,解决受约束的优化问题具有精度高、收敛速度快等优点;为了避免粒子群算法陷入早熟,提高精度,引入细菌觅食算法中的自适应迁徙机制.在隐式广义预测控制的滚动优化环节引... 相似文献
大滞后系统的Smith在线辨识预估控制的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
工业过程中普遍存在大时滞对象,为解决大滞后复杂系统因无法建立精确数学模型而难于控制的问题,将史密斯(Smith)预估控制原理和在线辨识方法结合起来,在Smith预估控制系统中,用系统辨识的模型代替传统预估补偿模型,根据最小二乘辨识算法辨识模型的各个参数,提出了Smith在线辨识预估控制算法;针对二阶加纯滞后对象在滞后时间有/无建模误差进行了仿真研究。研究结果表明,Smith在线辨识预估控制的性能指标和鲁棒性有很大的改善。 相似文献
为使主从式集散控制系统不同参数通讯的实时性与其权重相符合,提出一种基于模糊层次分析法的集散控制系统通讯时序优化方法。以缠绕机集散控制系统为例,制定了参数响应优先级权重的评判标准,利用模糊层次分析法对各参数进行优先级权重分析,并依据分析结果通过线性规划对各参数通讯比例进行优化,以代替现有的轮训通讯方式,降低加权平均响应时间。优化结果表明,在集散控制系统的通讯中相对重要参数的时序响应时间被缩短,而相对次要参数的响应时间被延长。各参数间权重值差异越大,优化后加权平均响应时间缩短的效果越显著,优化结果与参数时序调整倾向一致。 相似文献
This paper presents a technique of multi-objective optimization for Model Predictive Control (MPC) where the optimization has three levels of the objective function, in order of priority: handling constraints, maximizing economics, and maintaining control. The greatest weights are assigned dynamically to control or constraint variables that are predicted to be out of their limits. The weights assigned for economics have to out-weigh those assigned for control objectives. Control variables (CV) can be controlled at fixed targets or within one- or two-sided ranges around the targets. Manipulated Variables (MV) can have assigned targets too, which may be predefined values or current actual values. This MV functionality is extremely useful when economic objectives are not defined for some or all the MVs. To achieve this complex operation, handle process outputs predicted to go out of limits, and have a guaranteed solution for any condition, the technique makes use of the priority structure, penalties on slack variables, and redefinition of the constraint and control model. An engineering implementation of this approach is shown in the MPC embedded in an industrial control system. The optimization and control of a distillation column, the standard Shell heavy oil fractionator (HOF) problem, is adequately achieved with this MPC. 相似文献
Design and optimization for the occupant restraint system of vehicle based on a single freedom model
Throughout the vehicle crash event, the interactions between vehicle, occupant, restraint system (VOR) are complicated and highly non-linear. CAE and physical tests are the most widely used in vehicle passive safety development, but they can only be done with the detailed 3D model or physical samples. Often some design errors and imperfections are difficult to correct at that time, and a large amount of time will be needed. A restraint system concept design approach which based on single-degree-of-freedom occupant-vehicle model (SDOF) is proposed in this paper. The interactions between the restraint system parameters and the occupant responses in a crash are studied from the view of mechanics and energy. The discrete input and the iterative algorithm method are applied to the SDOF model to get the occupant responses quickly for arbitrary excitations (impact pulse) by MATLAB. By studying the relationships between the ridedown efficiency, the restraint stiffness, and the occupant response, the design principle of the restraint stiffness aiming to reduce occupant injury level during conceptual design is represented. Higher ridedown efficiency means more occupant energy absorbed by the vehicle, but the research result shows that higher ridedown efficiency does not mean lower occupant injury level. A proper restraint system design principle depends on two aspects. On one hand,the restraint system should lead to as high ridedown efficiency as possible, and at the same time, the restraint system should maximize use of the survival space to reduce the occupant deceleration level. As an example, an optimization of a passenger vehicle restraint system is designed by the concept design method above, and the final results are validated by MADYMO, which is the most widely used software in restraint system design, and the sled test. Consequently, a guideline and method for the occupant restraint system concept design is established in this paper. 相似文献