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The low-voltage-level current-voltage characteristics of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+x
tapes and bulk samples with preferential crystallite orientation were measured in applied magnetic fields both parallel and perpendicular to the samples' surfaces. The data were interpreted within the framework of the collective pinning model. The collective pinning exponent changes from 1 to 0.5 (close toT
c), while in the case of unoriented samples it is constant (and equal to the theoretical value 1/2) as shown in an earlier paper. We suggest that this temperature dependence of is due to the change of the dimensionality of the intragranular vortices. 相似文献
A. Crisan L. Miu S. Popa G. Aldica 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》1996,9(5):539-543
Current-voltage characteristics of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 tapes and bulk samples with preferentially oriented crystallites have been measured in zero applied magnetic field and for temperatures close to the mean-field critical-temperature,T c0. It was shown that the power-law dependence,V=AI a, valid for two-dimensional systems, does not correctly describe the data, which clearly indicate the existence of a finite critical-current density,J c. The experimentalI-V curves are fitted quite well with the model which attributes the finite critical-current density to the coupling between the CuO2 double layers. It was found thatJ c vanishes at a temperature value belowT c0. This behavior can result from the occurrence of vortex fluctuation-induced layer decoupling and/or from the contribution of entropy to the vortex unbinding process. 相似文献
High-quality single crystals are well suited to the investigation of some intrinsic material properties. A modified Bridgman method using a sharp temperature gradient (300°C/cm) was used to grow Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+x
single crystals. Although the samples were contained in alumina ampoules, no aluminium contamination of the samples was detected. Blade-shaped crystals up to 7–8 mm length and 3–4 mm width could be grown by this method, although extraction from the matrix was difficult. Electron diffraction patterns of the [001] zone axis revealed a high degree of crystallinity. The narrowness of the superconducting transition temperature, as determined by ac susceptibility, also suggests the existence of well-formed crystalline domains. In order to determine the relative orientation of the crystalline domains, electron channeling patterns were recorded from several consecutive growth steps from a fracture surface. The poor contrast of these and Kikuchi patterns suggests the presence of a stacking structure. The results showed a [100] growth direction and (001) cleavage plane. Reversible oxygen loss at the peritectic decomposition temperature of 863°C was observed. Knoop indentation measurements showed that the crystals were quite soft, having a microhardness of 0.44 GPa. 相似文献
Thermogravimetric analysis of the individual, binary, ternary, and bismuth-based superconductor mixtures have been carried out to elucidate the excess oxygen content of the Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu4O11+x
. Our systematic approach eliminates the need to assume initial phase present, original oxygen content, and degree of reduction as in other TG studies. The excess oxygen content of the bismuth superconductor increases fromx=0.38 tox=0.64 after three heating cycles in oxygen atmosphere. Most of the excess oxygen is associated with the highly oxidized copper (Cu3+) in the superconducting phase/phases. 相似文献
V. Mihalache A. Totovana V. Sandu S. Popa G. Aldica A. Iyo 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2005,18(4):461-467
Using the transport and magnetization measurements, the influence of neutron irradiation at a fluence of 5 × 1017 n cm−2 on (B0.65C0.35)Ba1.4Sr0.6Ca2Cu3O
has been investigated. The neutron irradiation was found to decrease critical temperature and transport critical current
density, increase the residual and normal state resistivity, and improve the intragranular critical current density with 1.6
× 105 A/cm2 (at 77.3 K and in the applied field up to 160 kA m) and ΔM
nonirr ratio (up to factor of 3) at highest field used for investigation. The field dependence of this ratio, which is below the
unity at very low field but higher than 1 at high fields, correlated with the shape of the hysteretic loops as well as with
the change of the transport parameters after irradiation suggests the role of the irradiation-induced effects on the grain
edges. We discuss these effects in the framework of the Bean-Livingstone surface barriers and geometrical barriers. 相似文献
The effect of nanometer sized NiFe2O4 (∼15 nm) addition in Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 (Bi2223) superconductor was studied. The (Bi1.6Pb0.4)Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 superconductor was prepared through the co-precipitation method and 0.01 wt% to 0.05 wt% of nano NiFe2O4 was added. The critical temperature (T
c), critical current density (J
c), phase formation and microstructure were investigated. All samples showed a major Bi2223 phase with (Bi,Pb)2Sr2CaCu2O8 (Bi2212) as the minor phase. The sample with 0.01 wt% nano NiFe2O4 showed the highest T
c and J
c: of more than 3 orders of magnitude higher than the non-added sample at 77 K. A further nano NiFe2O4 addition (>0.01 wt%) leads to degradation of T
c and J
c. These results indicate that addition of an optimum amount of NiFe2O4 nanoparticles can effectively enhance the transport critical current density in this system. 相似文献
True zero-field critical current densityJ
of a well-characterized BPSCCO/Ag tape has been determined by means of high-resolution ac susceptibility in the temperature range 77–110 K. The resultant values (30,000 A/cm2 at 77 K) agree well with the transportJ
of the same tape. Because of a very thin BPSCCO, the coreJ
determined from the imaginary part of the ac susceptibility is nearly the same as the zero field one. AllJ
's follow the same (1-T/T
)n withn=1.45 dependence.J
shows an approximateH
–0.5 field dependence over the explored temperature range. Accordingly, the variations ofJ
withT andH seem to be determined by the flux creep. 相似文献
Mao Zhiqiang Liu Hongbao Zhou Ling Zhang Weijie Mao Jian Xue Bai Li Biyou Lu Jiang Cao Liezhao Ruan Yaozhong Chen Zhaojia Zhang Yuheng 《Journal of Superconductivity》1989,2(2):329-335
In the Pb-doped Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system, optimization of the composition and heat treatment conditions at which a greater amount of the high-T
phase forms has been reported in our early paper [1], where the temperature of zero resistance was 107K. Recently, we have achieved zero resistance at 117 K and observed an a.c. susceptibility step at around 150 K by changing the Cu composition in the Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu2+x
system (x=0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6). 相似文献
Takashi Noji Yoji Koike Hideo Iwasaki Masatsune Kato Norio Kobayashi Yoshitami Saito 《Journal of Superconductivity》1996,9(1):65-71
Anisotropie properties of the single crystal Pb2Sr2Ho0.5Ca0.5Cu3O8 have been investigated by measuring the electrical resistivity in theab-plane
(H, ,T), which depends on the angle between theab-plane and the magnetic-field direction, in various constant fieldsH perpendicular to the current direction. All the angle-dependent values of
(H, ,T) at a constant temperature are scaled to be on one curve as a function of reduced field. The anisotropic parameter (m
)1/2 is estimated as 12–13, which is larger than that of YBa2Cu3O7 and much smaller than that of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8. It has been concluded that the anisotropy does not always depend on the thickness of the blocking layer but seems to depend on the overlap of the electronic wave functions along thec-axis. Anisotropy in the pinning potential has also been discussed from the resistive tail in the temperature dependence of
(H,,T). 相似文献
J. Mannhart 《Journal of Superconductivity》1990,3(3):281-285
Superconducting transport properties of YBa2Cu3O7 grain boundaries have been investigated. The results of these experiments are summarized. 相似文献
The glass rods with the nominal compositions of Bi2Sr2Ca1 – x
Cu2O8 + y
, where x = 0.0, 0.4, and 0.8, were prepared by melt-casting method. XRD studies exhibited that the Cd substitution caused a transition from Bi-2212 phase to Bi-2201 phase. The multiphase structure was obtained for higher Cd concentration cases. It was determined that the activation energy for crystallization was decreased with the increase of the Cd concentration. When the Cd concentration was increased in the system the superconducting properties decreased. The hole concentration, p, was calculated using the Presland's method. The increase in the Cd concentration increased the hole concentration and the results showed that the Cd-substituted samples were highly in the overdoped region. 相似文献
Yuji Yamaguchi Dong Han Ha Fumitoshi Iga Yoshikazu Nishihara 《Journal of Superconductivity》1994,7(2):291-293
The ac susceptibility under a biased dc field near the irreversibility field (H
irr) of a Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 single crystal has been measured. The frequency dependence, the ac-power dependence, and the nearly lossless character of the vs.H
dc curve forHa-axis have been roughly explained from a reversible (elastic) fluxoid motion, while those forH c-axis have been explained from a thermally assisted flux-flow (TAFF) model. The obtained parameters are discussed in relation to anisotropic flux-pinning mechanisms in the layered structure of this compound. 相似文献
C. Topaçh 《Journal of Superconductivity》1996,9(3):263-267
Temperature-swept magnetically modulated microwave absorption is reported in powdered PbBi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O
with a range of particle sizes and in fields up to 700 mT. In low fields a signal of positive sign is observed originating from weak link regions. In higher fields two other signal appear. One is very weak and almost independent of field and is attributed to the bulk intrinsic transition atT
c112 K. The second broader and stronger negative peak moves rapidly to low temperatures with increasing field and is attributed to melting of the flux lattice. 相似文献
We investigated the superconducting critical temperature, the intra- and intergranular critical current density, and the thermopower properties of Bi1.7Pb0.4Sr1.5Ca2.5Cu3.6O
samples. All these properties have been compared with those of Bi1.7Pb0.4Sr1.5Ca2.5Cu3.6O
specimens. It was found that the critical temperature determined from resistive and AC complex susceptibility measurements show a maximum and the transition width shows a minimum for the intermediate values of y. Powder X-ray diffraction studies and the AC complex susceptibility measurements reveal that in our samples the amount of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 + high-temperature superconducting phase is maximum for y 0.02. The amount of LiCl in Bi1.7Pb0.4Sr1.5Ca2.5Cu3.6O
changes the superconducting properties of the grains as well as of the intergrain matrix. The splitting of the peak in the temperature dependence of the imaginary part of the complex susceptibility, corresponding to the dissipation inside the grains, was also observed. 相似文献
J. A. Xia H. T. Ren P. R. Munroe Y. Zhao H. K. Liu C. Andrikidis S. X. Dou 《Journal of Superconductivity》1994,7(6):947-950
Silver has been previously added to the melt-textured YBa2Cu3O7–x
in order to increase the critical current density (J
) of these materials. However, the effect of this addition on theJ
is presently unclear. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of silver on both critical current density and the microstructure of the melt-textured YBa2Cu3O7–x
superconductors by means of X-ray diffraction, optical polarized microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). TheJ
of the MTG YBCO/Ag samples is more than 104A/cm2 under the 5 kOe magnetic field. It has been shown that as the concentration of silver increases, the fraction of the 211 phase dispersed within the 123 matrix decreases. Therefore, theJ
slightly decreases. These results, together with the effect of the 211 phase, dislocations, and other structure defects on flux pinning, are described in this paper. 相似文献
M. A. Hein S. Beuven M. Gottschlich M. Perpeet H. Piel M. Siegel 《Journal of Superconductivity》1996,9(2):233-236
The temperature, microwave current, and dc magnetic field dependencies of the effective surface resistanceR
of YBa2Cu3O7–x
grain boundary Josephson junctions have been investigated at 6 GHz. The junctions were prepared on stepped LaAlO3 substrates and incorporated into tapered linear half-wavelength microstrip resonators. The characteristic parameters of the heterogeneous resonator were analyzed theoretically considering the junction as a lumped element of complex impedance. The microwave properties of the junction could then be extracted and related to their characteristic dc transport properties. The critical currentI
c of the junction was found to limit the linear power dissipation in the superconducting strip. At microwave currents aboveI
, highly nonlinear microwave losses occurred, which displayed a characteristic magnetic field modulation. At even higher currents,R
saturated at a level corresponding to the normal resistanceR
of the junction. 相似文献
Guillot M. Tholence J.L. Marchand A. Potel M. Gougeon P. Noel H. Levet J.C. 《IEEE transactions on magnetics》1989,25(5):3215-3217
The magnetic properties of single crystals of GdBa2Cu 3O7 were investigated in a magnetic field of up to 20 T applied parallel to the c axis in the 1.7-300 K temperature range. In the superconducting state, the field and temperature dependences of the critical current densities were deduced from the hysteresis of the half-cycle using Bean's critical state model. The Gd3+ paramagnetic moment was then studied. Above about 20 K, the M (H ) isotherms were found to be given, at different temperatures, by the Brillouin function of the free Gd3+ ion. Below 20 K, the average magnetization does not obey the Brillouin law. The normal-state susceptibility was described by the free-ion Curie-Weiss law 相似文献
Sinter forging has been employed to improve critical current density of Bi-2223 bulks. After that, optimal post annealing is also very important to get good performance. Different annealing schedules have been used to produce Bi-2223 sinter-forged bulks in different atmospheres. In this paper, Bi-2223 long bulks were prepared by a combination of cold isostatic pressing (CIP) and sinter-forging techniques. The samples were undergone deformation rates from 50 to 90% totally. The effect of post annealing in atmosphere of 7.5% O2/N2 on critical current density Jc for such (Bi, Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy long bulks was investigated. Their microstructure features and phase changes were also studied. 相似文献
The effects of electrode on the resistive switching in Nd0.7Ca0.3MnO3(NCMO)/YBa2Cu3O7(YBCO) heterostructure are investigated at room temperature. For Cu/NCMO/YBCO, resistance can be switched on-and-off from a high- to low-resistance state at a steady ratio of 25% with a pulsed-voltage of ± 3 V. On the other hand, a giant resistance-change as large as 1350% is observed with ± 5 V for Ag/NCMO/YBCO with a fast decay down to 550%. Our experimental results show clear evidences that the nature of interfaces can be modified by the electric field and it dictates the resistive switching behavior of these heterostructure devices, which are the potential candidates for the random access memory. 相似文献