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"三夏"时节,田野麦浪滚滚,收割机机声隆隆。小麦2010年又是丰收年,农民们看着丰收景象,满脸洋溢着喜盈盈的笑,农机手们开着联合收割机,满怀着甜蜜的快乐,机欢唱,人开心,同奏着麦收的"欢乐颂"!  相似文献   

王宇 《机电信息》2010,(28):36-37
<正>刚出火车站,天空幽蓝,空气湿润,寻路未果,索一路人,依其指点,穿过条条巷道,眼前便是一望无际的大海了,心情一下子就豁然开朗,长途的疲累此时早已  相似文献   

正在德国的大街上经常可以看到,既有白发老者,又有高挑美女,还有身着蓝色工装的技工,腋下都夹着一本书,目光祥和,举止优雅,慢悠悠行走着,公交车上、一些乘客静静地读书,有时还能见到在等候乘客的片刻,司机也在翻阅书本。自古以来,读书好学的  相似文献   

时光如水,岁月如歌。《现代零部件》即将走过悠悠十载春秋,在2013年迎来创刊十周年。十年来,《现代零部件》在广大作者和读者的支持与帮助下,脚踏实地,一步一个脚印,取得了令人欣喜的成绩。回首创刊之初,她犹如一株树苗,在春天萌发嫩芽,沐浴阳光雨露,伴随季节更替,历经重重洗礼,  相似文献   

工程机械发展对液压技术的需求动向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进入21世纪以来,世界工程机械发展处于低迷状态,平均增长率有下降趋势,2001年比2000年下降2.2%,自2003年开始,工程机械销售额有一定增长,以日本为例,2003年销售额约100亿美元,比2002年增长15%,其中内需为5247亿日元,增长4%,外需(出口)为6296亿日元,约占总销售额的1/2,增长20%,外需增长主要是中国及亚洲市场需求激增的缘故。由于日本对废气排出量有新的限制,使设备更新量增大,例如,液压挖掘机增长8%,汽车起重机增长12%。据日本建设机械协会预测,2004年日本工程机械将增长9%,达110亿美元,其中液压挖掘机增长16%,小型挖掘机增长6%,由于建设项目…  相似文献   

文中通过运用三轴数控铣床和寻边器,用极坐标编程,对旋切机的凸轮轮廓进行测点,利用MATLAB对所测数据进行处理,找出轨迹方程,利用CAD/CAM软件的公式曲线等工具建模,最终生产出高品质的产品,不但提高了产品的质量,降低了成本,主要为企业找到了反求的捷径.  相似文献   

中国机械工业联合会是为适应国家工业管理体制改革需要,经国务院同意、民政部批准,于2001年4月正式成立的综合性行业协会。按照国家标准委和国家发展改革委的授权,三年多来,特别是在2004年,我们以科学发展观为指导,以市场需求为导向,以为政府、为企业服务为宗旨,本着不“越位”、不“错位”、不“缺位”的工作原则,围绕振兴机械工业,开拓创新,强化服务,  相似文献   

2003~2013时光如水,岁月如歌。《现代零部件》即将走过悠悠十载春秋,在2013年迎来创刊十周年。十年来,《现代零部件》在广大作者和读者的支持与帮助下,脚踏实地,一步一个脚印,取得了令人欣喜的成绩。回首创刊之初,她犹如一株树苗,在春天萌发嫩芽,沐浴阳光雨露,伴随季节更替,历经重重洗礼,一路茁壮成长。而今已有沉甸甸的十岁年轮,并在行业媒体中崭露头角。十年历程,您与我们携手并肩一起走  相似文献   

天然橡胶、轮胎、汽车,从上到下,从源头到终端,彼此之间关系紧密,价格上有明显的联动性,在利润上也紧密相关,照常理来讲,天然橡胶价格下跌,轮胎的利润在较短时间上升,影响到汽车,也会令汽车行业受益,反之亦然。  相似文献   

岚县位于山西省西北部,吕梁山北端高寒山区,地处黄河流域中部,属晋西北黄土高原山区.辖3镇9乡,面积1 514 km2,境内多为丘陵区,地势较为平坦,平均海拔1200 m以上,平均气温6.8 ℃,有效积温2 727 ℃,日温差14.7 ℃,年平均降雨为504.9 mm,无霜期为90~125 d.独特的自然条件,既是理想的马铃薯生产区域,又适宜机械化生产.全县粮田面积3万hm2,其中马铃薯每年种植面积均在1万hm2以上.占粮田面积的1/3,是农民收入的重要来源之一.实现马铃薯机械化生产具有得天独厚的优势.  相似文献   

Cadmium, zinc, selenium, and copper were administered, singly or in combination, orally or subcutaneously. Experiment I included 32 calves of both sexes; six received Cd (two groups), Zn, Cd, and Zn, and Cd and Se (two groups) and one group was a control. In Experiment II (21 bulls), three were given Cd, Cd, and Cu, and Cd and Zn, respectively, and one group was a control. For light microscopy, in Experiment I the highest amounts of silver granules were present in the samples of liver, small intestine, and vesicular gland of all the exposed groups; in Experiment II the most affected organs were liver, kidney, and small intestine. For electron microscopy, in Experiment I, after administration of Cd and Zn, the highest amounts of granules were seen in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes and cells of the proximal and distal renal tubules and the lowest amounts were found in glandular cells of the pancreas. Administration of Cd and Se resulted in the presence of large numbers of granules in the nuclei and nucleoli of spermatogonies. In Experiment II, ingestion of Cd and Zn in feed led to the appearance of highest amounts of granules in the nucleoli, nuclei, and cytoplasm of cells in testes, kidneys, and pancreas. Following Cd intake, the highest accumulation of granules was observed in the nucleoli of hepatocytes and cells of the proximal and distal renal tubules. Combined Cd and Cu produced the highest number of granules in cells of the proximal and distal renal tubules and in the nucleoli and nuclei of germinal epithelium.  相似文献   

应用计算流体力学软件FLUENT对超高速磨削用五腔动静压轴承进行动态特性研究,得到动静压轴承内部压力场和温度场分布;计算轴承的承载力、温度、刚度、阻尼等动态参数,分析这些动态参数与偏心率以及转速之间的关系。结果表明:在保持供油压力和轴承偏心率不变的情况下,随着转速的提高,油温上升,轴承承载力及偏位角不断增大;在保持供油压力和主轴转速不变的情况下,随着偏心率的增大,轴承流量有所减少,轴承的承载能力不断增大,偏位角基本保持不变。  相似文献   

In current measurement theory, there are various logical and philosophical troubles, and the evaluation concepts of measurement error are various and inconsistent among different schools. This paper throws away the shackle of the current measurement theories and concepts, and re-discusses basic measurement concepts. By proving a new measurement error theory that any error is a bias and follows random distribution, this paper points out the misunderstanding of traditional measurement theory, subverts the traditional error category theory, gives out a new interpretation of measurement uncertainty concept, proposes abolishing the concept system of precision, trueness, and accuracy, and thereby achieves the united measurement concept system across all the disciplines, including geodesy, geomatics, metrology, instrumentation, and so on.  相似文献   

Xiuchun ZHANG 《Biocell》2019,43(4):313-319
To investigate the effects of polydatin on the proliferation, migration, and invasion of ovarian cancer, the change of proliferative ability, migration ability, and invasive ability of human ovarian cancer cell OVCAR-3, A2780, and HO-8910 was detected by using polydatin and up-regulating PI3K. The anticancer activity and mechanism of polydatin in ovarian cancer were analyzed. Polydatin could effectively inhibit the proliferation, migration, and invasion of OVCAR-3, A2780, and HO-8910, and inhibit the expression of PI3K protein. After the expression level of PI3K protein was up-regulated, the inhibitory effect of polydatin on the proliferative ability, migration ability, and invasive ability of OVCAR-3, A2780, and HO-8910 significantly decreased, suggesting that PI3K was the target of polydatin. Therefore, we concluded that polydatin could inhibit the proliferation, migration, and invasion of ovarian cancer cells by inhibiting the expression of PI3K protein, which provides an experimental basis for polydatin in the treatment of ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the mode of existence of the sarcoglycan complex, neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), beta-dystroglycan, and dystrophin in the normal skeletal myofiber, we examined the ultrastructural localization and mutual spatial relationship of nNOS, beta-dystroglycan, dystrophin, and the individual components of the sarcoglycan complex by using triple immunogold labeling electron microscopy. Each molecule of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-sarcoglycans is located intracellularly or extracellularly near the muscle plasma membrane mostly in accordance with the sarcoglycan antigenic sites against which the antibodies were generated. The association of different two and/or three sarcoglycan molecules out of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-sarcoglycan molecules was frequently observed. Each molecule of nNOS, beta-dystroglycan, and dystrophin was ultrastructurally noted along the cell surface of normal skeletal myofibers. Moreover, the close relation of a sarcoglycan molecule with beta-dystroglycan and dystrophin, and the association of nNOS with dystrophin were also confirmed ultrastructurally. Thus, this study demonstrated that the constituting molecules of the sarcoglycan complex, nNOS, beta-dystroglycan, and dystrophin existed in the form of a cluster at the normal muscle plasma membrane. The association of nNOS with dystrophin and its associated glycoproteins may form a macromolecular signaling complex at the muscle plasma membrane.  相似文献   

在长期进化过程中,自然界中的多种动物、植物形成了独特的轻质、高强结构,以此来抵抗外界的复杂冲击载荷,保护自身完整,满足生存需要。生物轻质高强结构的优越性,启发了科研和工程人员采用结构仿生学的方法来对管状和板状两大类吸能结构进行设计优化和改进。对竹子、茎秆/树干、羽轴、骨骼四类管状生物结构和甲虫鞘翅、贝壳、柚子皮、龟壳四类板状生物结构进行综述,阐述了分层、多孔、螺旋、中空等多种结构与轻质高强特性之间的关系。在此基础上,对比和分析了相应的结构元素在单胞管、多胞管、嵌套管、波纹管等管状吸能结构和蜂窝夹芯板、复合材料板、混合结构板等板状吸能机构中起到的作用。进一步对当前仿生吸能领域存在的结构复杂、质量大、缺乏普适性的机理和过渡“桥梁”等问题做出了分析;最后对仿生吸能技术的形式简单化、结构轻量化、理论通用化、“形神兼备”化发展趋势做出展望。  相似文献   

救助打捞是国家应急保障体系的重要组成部分,承担着我国海上人命、财产、环境救助、沉船沉物打捞及其他对海上运输和海上资源开发提供安全保障等多项任务。加强救助打捞装备技术研究,是提高救助打捞综合能力的根本,是国家发展战略的重要构成。救助打捞装备专业性强,具有在高海况和大深度条件下工作可靠的适应性特点,同时又是诸多陆上装备向海上和水下发展的延伸,存在相通之处。救助打捞装备交叉机械、电气、流体、微电子、材料等多学科,其关键共性技术又不仅仅局限于救助打捞领域,在海上运输、海洋油气开发、海洋勘探、军事等领域均有应用。以救助船舶、救助飞机、海上搜寻装备、溢油处置装备等代表性的救助装备和打捞工程船、攻千斤装备、水下作业装备、饱和潜水装备、起浮装备等代表性的打捞装备为对象,分析该领域国内外发展现状和趋势,提出救助打捞装备面临的关键技术问题,为我国救助打捞装备的发展战略研究提供参考。  相似文献   

In recent years, microbial metabolomics, a new field that has attracted wide attention, provides a map of metabolic pathways and clarifies the interaction mechanism between microorganisms and hosts. Many microorganisms are found in the human intestine, oral cavity, vagina, etc. Probiotics could maintain the good health of the host, while pathogens and an imbalance of bacterial flora lead to a series of diseases of the body and mind. Metabolomics is a science for qualitative and quantitative analysis of all metabolites in an organism or biological system, which could provide key information to understand the related metabolic pathways and associated changes. This approach analyzes the final products of cellular regulatory processes, the level of which can be regarded as the ultimate response of the biological system to genetic or environmental changes. Microbial metabolomics has been widely used in different research fields, such as microbial phenotypic classification, mutant screening, metabolic pathways, microbial metabolic engineering, fermentation engineering monitoring and optimization, microbial environmental pollution, and so on. However, there are only a few reviews on microbial metabolomics of probiotics and pathogens. This review summarizes the main methodologies, including sample preparation, identification of metabolites, data processing, and analysis. Recent applications in microbial metabolomics of probiotics and pathogens are also described. This paper first summarized the research progress and application of microbial metabolomics from two aspects: probiotics and pathogenic bacteria. Probiotics and pathogenic bacteria do not exist independently most of the time; hence, these were reviewed in the research field of coexistence of probiotics and pathogenic bacteria, which was subdivided into important microbial research fields closely related to human health, including the human gut, oral cavity, food, and nutrition-related microorganisms. Then, the main problems and trends associated with microbial metabolomics are discussed.  相似文献   

杨茜 《液压与气动》2022,(12):50-56
针对大压力、小压力行程的重型液压设备的结构尺寸大、油泵功率大、利用系数低、液压系统复杂等问题,提出一种压力随机可调、工作效率高、结构紧凑、性能稳定可靠的复合式高增压油缸结构。对比分析了复合缸液压机和普通单缸液压机的工作过程;论述了复合缸液压机的运行原理和设计要求;介绍了可控式增压复合油缸性能及应用。结果表明:通过增压缸将液压系统提供的压力油转换为增压油提供给主油缸,使其产生大的压力输出,可有效地减小设备主机尺寸;通过控制缸随时进行高低压转换,各阶段速度压力按需配置,实现成形工艺的最优搭配,成形周期缩短;可以提高油泵的利用系数,减小泵站装机容量;液压系统工作负荷低,性能稳定可靠,寿命长。  相似文献   

焦锋  李成龙  牛赢  马晓三 《中国机械工程》2021,32(20):2435-2448
砂轮修整在高速高效磨削、精密超精密磨削、成形磨削过程中具有至关重要的作用。磨削过程中主要是砂轮与工件表面相互作用,砂轮随着磨削的进行逐渐磨钝难以有效磨削。为了保证磨削质量和精度,需对砂轮定期修整。砂轮修整自提出以来,国内外学者对其不断改进和创新,取得大量开创性和突破性研究成果,但日益提高的高精度、高效率、高性能生产要求对砂轮修整技术提出挑战。为了推动砂轮修整技术的不断进步,总结分析了目前修整方法的发展现状、基本原理、主要特点以及发展瓶颈,概述了砂轮修整亟需解决的问题,并对砂轮修整探究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

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