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考虑齿轮时变啮合刚度与齿侧间隙,建立齿轮副系统动力学模型。利用Floquet理论推导了参数激励作用下齿轮系统的近似解析解,得到了系统的稳定性边界曲线。采用Newmark-β数值求解法对齿轮系统进行动力学仿真,研究了时变刚度、齿侧间隙、啮合阻尼对齿轮传动系统动力学特性的影响。研究结果表明:当参数激励的频率等于派生系统自由振动周期的2/n倍时,系统可能产生参数共振,随着参数激励频率的增加不稳定区域逐渐增大;齿侧间隙的存在则导致齿轮系统产生多值解和幅值跳跃等典型的非线性动力学特征;随着外部激励幅值和阻尼比增大及内部激励幅值的减小,齿轮系统的非线性振动特征逐渐减弱。 相似文献
针对斜齿轮系统的扭转振动,在考虑时变刚度和齿侧间隙这两种非线性因素的条件下,建立了斜齿轮副的单自由度纯扭模型。分析了时变刚度和齿侧间隙的非线性特征,并给出了表征方法。对含非线性因素的动力学模型中进行化简求解,分析了齿宽对时变刚度的影响,结果表明,若齿宽使轴向重合度εβ为1(整数)时,时变刚度的幅值约为零。分析了齿侧间隙的大小对系统的影响,对于斜齿轮副,在间隙60μm时,系统振动随间隙增加几乎呈线性增加,当间隙再增大时,系统振动对间隙的变化不敏感。 相似文献
为研究含间隙的采煤机截割部传动系统的非线性动力学特性,建立了考虑齿侧间隙的采煤机截割部齿轮系统动力学模型,并确立了模型中啮合刚度和阻尼的函数关系,运用变步长的Runge-Kuatt方法对动力学模型进行数值仿真,研究齿侧间隙对采煤机截割部传动系统各齿轮副啮合力的影响,结果表明:齿侧间隙增加了各齿轮副啮合力的变化量以及啮合频率倍频的幅值,齿侧间隙增大会增加啮合力的波动幅度会引起传动过程中的很大冲击力,加速齿面的磨损,同时齿侧间隙还会使齿轮由于过载而在齿轮中产生断齿。提高采煤机截割部齿轮传动系的稳定性与使用寿命,应降低其扭振程度与缩小齿侧间隙。本研究对齿轮传动系统的优化设计与研究提供理论基础。 相似文献
人字齿行星齿轮传动系统振动特性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对人字齿行星齿轮传动系统多重啮合间相位关系的分析,给出了考虑啮合相位的时变啮合刚度计算公式。考虑误差激励和时变啮合刚度激励,在行星架随动坐标系中建立了人字齿行星齿轮传动系统的平移-扭转耦合动力学模型。针对两组不同啮合相位的行星齿轮传动系统,采用傅里叶级数法求解其动力学模型,得到频域解和时域解,且分析啮合相位对人字齿行星齿轮系统振动特性的影响。 相似文献
对斜齿轮传动系统 ,建立了质量系统的传动模型 ,根据所建立的模型导出振动方程组。由所编制的计算程序求解系统的振动特性。 相似文献
由于齿侧间隙和时变刚度等因素的影响,导致多路分流齿轮传动系统在运转过程中表现出次谐、超谐和混沌等非线性振动特性。为确认不同振源激励产生的响应强度,需要开展多路分流齿轮传动系统非线性振动特性研究。在考虑齿侧间隙、时变刚度和综合传动误差等因素的情况下,建立多路分流齿轮传动系统非线性动力学模型,采用四阶变步长龙格-库塔数值法求解多路分流齿轮传动系统的非线性振动特性,获得不同状态下多路分流齿轮传动系统的位移响应时间历程、相图、庞加莱映射图和快速傅里叶变换频谱图。研究结果表明,在不同工况条件下,多路分流齿轮传动系统会出现简谐、超谐、拟周期、混沌等多种非线性振动形式。所做研究为多路分流齿轮传动系统的振动控制及动态分流均衡设计提供了参考。 相似文献
齿轮耦合的转子-轴承系统非线性动力特性的研究 总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11
在考虑齿轮时变啮合刚度、齿侧间隙、脱齿、挤齿及齿背接触 等因素的情况下,建立了齿轮耦合的转子—滑动轴承系统的多自由度动力学模型。用数值方 法研究了该系统的质量不平衡响应,结果发现,由于齿轮时变啮合刚度的影响,随着转速的 增加,系统动力学响应首先由周期运动向准周期运动变化,当转速超过某一值时,系统的响应将由准周期运动发展为混沌运动;由于混沌运动,转子将沿齿轮中心线方向产生很大的变 形,脱齿、齿背接触及挤齿现象也将发生,可能导致系统产生破坏。 相似文献
以直齿轮副为研究对象,建立了包含时变啮合刚度、综合误差、齿侧间隙和输入转矩等因素的6自由度弯扭耦合非线性振动模型。结合分岔图和庞加莱映射图,研究了齿侧间隙、输入转矩以及二者耦合作用和主、从动轮轴承支撑刚度对系统振动特性的影响。研究表明,输入转矩一定时,随着齿侧间隙不断增大,系统通过分岔和激变从单周期响应过渡到混沌;齿侧间隙一定时,随着输入转矩不断增大,系统通过倒分岔和激变从混沌过渡到单周期响应;当输入转矩较大时,齿侧间隙对系统响应影响很小;支撑刚度较大系统响应稳定,并且从动轮轴承支撑刚度对系统振动特性影响较大。 相似文献
综合考虑动态侧隙、时变啮合刚度、齿轮偏心和传动误差等非线性因素,建立齿轮 转子 轴承传动系统的非线性动力学模型。以分形理论为基础,引用尺寸一致性的Weierstrass-Mandelbrot函数模拟动态侧隙的变化趋势。利用4阶龙格 库塔法对系统的非线性动力学微分方程求解,探究动态侧隙对系统响应的影响。结果显示:综合对比定侧隙系统和动态侧隙系统,齿轮在扭转方向上振动幅值的波动较大,动态侧隙系统由准周期运动渐变为混沌运动,并且与动态侧隙曲线的复杂程度有关;齿轮在扭转方向相平面的轨迹随动态侧隙的标准差(standard deviation,简称STD)呈现出规律性变化;在系统振动响应频谱中,随着动态侧隙曲线的复杂程度的加剧,频率成分多样性增强,噪声频率的幅值逐渐增加,高倍频的幅值激增。 相似文献
The characteristics of gear meshing vibration undesgo change as the vibration is transmitted from the gear to the housing.
Therefore, vibration transmission characteristics of helical gear systems must be understood before the effective methods
of reducing gear noise can be found. In this work, using a helical gear with different lead errors, the gear vibration in
the rotational direction and the bearing vibration are measured. The frequency characteristics of gear and bearing vibration
are investigated and a comparson is also provided. 相似文献
Experimental studies on the effects of reduction in gear tooth stiffness and lubricant film thickness in a spur geared system 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
M. Amarnath Author Vitae Author Vitae S. Swarnamani Author Vitae 《Tribology International》2009,42(2):340-352
Gears are one of the most common mechanisms for transmitting power and motion and their usage can be found in numerous applications. Studies on gear teeth contacts have been considered as one of the most complicated applications in tribology. Depending on the application, the speed and load conditions of teeth may change triggering several types of failures on teeth surface such as wear, scuffing, micro-pitting and pitting. The above-mentioned faults influence changes in vibration and acoustic signals, due to changes in operating conditions such as increase in temperature and decrease in lubricant film thickness and specific film thickness. These abnormal changes result in cumulative effects on localised or distributed faults on load bearing surfaces of gears. Such damages cause reduction in tooth stiffness and severity of damage can be assessed by evaluating the same using vibration-based signals.This paper presents the results of experimental investigations carried out to assess wear in spur gears of back-to-back gearbox under accelerated test conditions. The studies considered the estimation of operating conditions such as film thickness and their effects on the fault growth on teeth surface. Modal testing experiments have been carried out on the same gear starting from healthy to worn out conditions to quantify wear damage. The results provide a good understanding of dependent roles of gearbox operating conditions and vibration parameters as measures for effective assessment of wear in spur gears. 相似文献
Gear drives are one of the most common parts in many rotating machinery. When the gear drive runs under lower torque load, nonlinear effects like gear mesh interruption can occur and vibration can be accompanied by impact motions of the gears. This paper presents an original method of the mathematical modeling of gear drive nonlinear vibrations using modal synthesis method with degrees of freedom number reduction. The model respects nonlinearities caused by gear mesh interruption, parametric gearing excitation caused by time-varying meshing stiffness and nonlinear contact forces acting between journals of the rolling-element bearings and the outer housing. The nonlinear model is then used for investigation of gear drive vibration, especially for detection of nonlinear phenomena like impact motions, bifurcation of solution and chaotic motions in case of small static load and in resonant states. The theoretical method is used for investigation of two-stage gearbox nonlinear vibration. 相似文献
齿轮传动系统的复模态分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
综合考虑齿轮传动系统阻尼对系统固有特性的影响,并对齿轮传动系统阻尼形式进行初步的探讨,采用比例阻尼的方式考虑阻尼对齿轮传动系统动力性能的影响,并运用复模态理论对齿轮传动系统的固有特性进行分析。 相似文献