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For the efficient analysis and optimization of flexible multibody systems, gradient information is often required. Next to simple and easy-to-implement finite difference approaches, analytical methods, such as the adjoint variable method, have been developed and are now well established for the sensitivity analysis in multibody dynamics. They allow the computation of exact gradients and require normally less computational effort for large-scale problems. In the current work, we apply the adjoint variable method to flexible multibody systems with kinematic loops, which are modeled using the floating frame of reference formulation. Thereby, in order to solve ordinary differential equations only, the equations of motion are brought into minimal form using coordinate partitioning, and the constraint equations at position and velocity level are incorporated in the adjoint dynamics. For testing and illustrative purposes, the procedure is applied to compute the structural gradient for a flexible piston rod of a slider–crank mechanism.  相似文献   

In this work a new formulation for flexible multibody systems is presented based on the floating frame formulation. In this method, the absolute interface coordinates are used as degrees of freedom. To this end, a coordinate transformation is established from the absolute floating frame coordinates and the local interface coordinates to the absolute interface coordinates. This is done by assuming linear theory of elasticity for a body’s local elastic deformation and by using the Craig–Bampton interface modes as local shape functions. In order to put this new method into perspective, relevant relations between inertial frame, corotational frame and floating frame formulations are explained. As such, this work provides a clear overview of how these three well-known and apparently different flexible multibody methods are related. An advantage of the method presented in this work is that the resulting equations of motion are of the differential rather than the differential-algebraic type. At the same time, it is possible to use well-developed model order reduction techniques on the flexible bodies locally. Hence, the method can be employed to construct superelements from arbitrarily shaped three dimensional elastic bodies, which can be used in a flexible multibody dynamics simulation. The method is validated by simulating the static and dynamic behavior of a number of flexible systems.  相似文献   

Fast simulation (e.g., real-time) of flexible multibody systems is typically restricted by the presence of both differential and algebraic equations in the model equations, and the number of degrees of freedom required to accurately model flexibility. Model reduction techniques can alleviate the problem, although the classically used body-level model reduction and general-purpose system-level techniques do not eliminate the algebraic equations and do not necessarily result in optimal dimension reduction. In this research, Global Modal Parametrization, a model reduction technique for flexible multibody systems is further developed to speed up simulation of flexible multibody systems. The reduction of the model is achieved by projection on a curvilinear subspace instead of the classically used fixed vector space, requiring significantly less degrees of freedom to represent the system dynamics with the same level of accuracy. The numerical experiment in this paper illustrates previously unexposed sources of approximation error: (1) the rigid body motion is computed in a forward dynamical analysis resulting in a small divergence of the rigid body motion, and (2) the errors resulting from the transformation from the modal degrees of freedom of the reduced model back to the original degrees of freedom. The effect of the configuration space discretization coarseness on the different approximation error sources is investigated. The trade-offs to be defined by the user to control these approximation errors are explained.  相似文献   

Flexible multibody dynamics (FMD) has found many applications in control, analysis and design of mechanical systems. FMD together with the theory of structural optimization can be used for designing multibody systems with bodies which are lighter, but stronger. Topology optimization of static structures is an active research topic in structural mechanics. However, the extension to the dynamic case is less investigated as one has to face serious numerical difficulties. One way of extending static structural topology optimization to topology optimization of dynamic flexible multibody system with large rotational and transitional motion is investigated in this paper. The optimization can be performed simultaneously on all flexible bodies. The simulation part of optimization is based on an FEM approach together with modal reduction. The resulting nonlinear differential-algebraic systems are solved with the error controlled integrator IDA (Sundials) wrapped into Python environment by Assimulo (Andersson et al. in Math. Comput. Simul. 116(0):26–43, 2015). A modified formulation of solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) method is suggested to avoid numerical instabilities and convergence failures of the optimizer. Sensitivity analysis is central in structural optimization. The sensitivities are approximated to circumvent the expensive calculations. The provided examples show that the method is indeed suitable for optimizing a wide range of multibody systems. Standard SIMP method in structural topology optimization suggests stiffness penalization. To overcome the problem of instabilities and mesh distortion in the dynamic case we consider here additionally element mass penalization.  相似文献   

In this work, a two-step approach for model reduction in flexible multibody dynamics is proposed. This technique is a combination of the Krylov-subspace method and a Gramian matrix based reduction approach that is particularly suited if a small reduced-order model of a system charged with many force-inputs has to be generated. The proposed methodology can be implemented efficiently using sparse matrix techniques and is therefore applicable to large-scale systems too. By a numerical example, it is demonstrated that the suggested two-step approach has very good approximation capabilities in the time as well as in the frequency domain and can help to reduce the computation time of a numerical simulation significantly.  相似文献   

Multibody System Dynamics - The structural analysis and optimization of flexible multibody systems become more and more popular due to the ability to efficiently compute gradients using...  相似文献   

Multibody System Dynamics - Modeling a flexible multibody system employing the floating frame of reference formulation (FFRF) requires significant computational resources when the flexible...  相似文献   

This paper discusses a new structural optimization method, based on topology optimization techniques, using frame elements where the cross-sectional properties can be treated as design variables. For each of the frame elements, the rotational angle denoting the principal direction of the second moment of inertia is included as a design variable, and a procedure to obtain the optimal angle is derived from Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions and a complementary strain energy-based approach. Based on the above, the optimal rotational angle of each frame element is obtained as a function of the balance of the internal moments. The above methodologies are applied to problems of minimizing the mean compliance and maximizing the eigen frequencies. Several examples are provided to show the utility of the presented methodology.  相似文献   

Topology optimization methods using discrete elements such as frame elements can provide useful insights into the underlying mechanics principles of products; however, the majority of such optimizations are performed under deterministic conditions. To avoid performance reductions due to later-stage environmental changes, variations of several design parameters are considered during the topology optimization. This paper concerns a reliability-based topology optimization method for frame structures that considers uncertainties in applied loads and nonstructural mass at the early conceptual design stage. The effects that multiple criteria, namely, stiffness and eigenfrequency, have upon system reliability are evaluated by regarding them as a series system, where mode reliabilities can be evaluated using first-order reliability methods. Through numerical calculations, reliability-based topology designs of typical two- or three-dimensional frames are obtained. The importance of considering uncertainties is then demonstrated by comparing the results obtained by the proposed method with deterministic optimal designs.  相似文献   

An original approach for flexible multibody dynamics is proposed, which combines the free–free formulation of elastic body deformation with an impulse-based representation of linear vibration. The resulting system of equations being remarkably simple, this impulse-based substructuring method is straightforward to implement. Simple applications of a flexible rotating beam submitted to various excitation inputs have been selected and developed so as to assess the accuracy of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

The introduction of moving loads in the Floating Frame of Reference Formulation is presented. We derive the kinematics and governing equations of motion of a general flexible multibody system and their extension to moving loads. The equivalence of convective effects with Coriolis and centripetal forces is shown. These effects are measured numerically and their significance in moving loads traveling at high speed is confirmed. A method is presented to handle discontinuities when moving loads separate from the flexible structure. The method is extended from beam models to general flexible structures obtained by means of the Finite Element Method. An interpolation method for the deformation field of the modal representation of these bodies is introduced.The work is concluded by application of the method to modern mechanical problems in numerical simulations.  相似文献   

This paper is dedicated to the structural optimization of flexible components in mechanical systems modeled as multibody systems. While most of the structural optimization developments have been conducted under (quasi-)static loadings or vibration design criteria, the proposed approach aims at considering as precisely as possible the effects of dynamic loading under service conditions. Solving this problem is quite challenging and naive implementations may lead to inaccurate and unstable results. To elaborate a robust and reliable approach, the optimization problem formulation is investigated because it turns out that it is a critical point. Different optimization algorithms are also tested. To explain the efficiency of the various solution approaches, the complex nature of the design space is analyzed. Numerical applications considering the optimization of a two-arm robot subject to a trajectory tracking constraint and the optimization of a slider-crank mechanism with a cyclic dynamic loading are presented to illustrate the different concepts.  相似文献   

The dynamic response topology optimization problems are usually computationally expensive, so it is necessary to employ the model reduction methods to reduce computational cost. This work will investigate the effectiveness of the mode displacement method(MDM) and mode acceleration method(MAM) for time-domain response problems within the framework of density-based topology optimization. Three objective functions, the mean dynamic compliance, mean strain energy and mean squared displacement are considered. It is found that, in general cases, MDM is not suitable for time-domain response topology optimization problems due to its low accuracy of approximation, while MAM works well for problems of a wide range, and when there are many time steps, the MAM based topology optimization approach is more efficient than the direct integration based approach. So for practical applications, when the problem needs many time steps, the MAM based approach is preferred and otherwise, the direct integration based approach is suggested.  相似文献   

Multibody System Dynamics - Even if today’s manufacturing technology has great advances, clearance between joint parts in a multibody system is inevitable due to the assemblage and relative...  相似文献   

This study uses model reduction (MR) schemes such as the mode superposition (MS), Ritz vector (RV), and quasi-static Ritz vector (QSRV) methods, which reduce the size of the dynamic stiffness matrix of dynamic structures, to calculate dynamic responses and sensitivity values with adequate efficiency and accuracy for topology optimization in the frequency domain. The calculation of structural responses to dynamic excitation using the framework of the finite element (FE) procedure usually requires a significant amount of computation time; that is mainly attributable to repeated inversions of dynamic stiffness matrices depending on time or frequency intervals, which hastens the dissemination of the MR schemes in the analysis. However, using well-established MR schemes in topology optimization has not been prevalent. Therefore, this study conducted a comprehensive investigation to highlight the drawbacks and advantages of these MR schemes for topology optimization. In the results, the MS method, which generates reduction bases by considering some of the lowest eigenmodes, can lose the accuracy in both approximated structural responses and sensitivity values due to locally vibrating eigenmodes and higher mode truncation in the solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) approach. In addition, the RV and QSRV methods, which generate reduction bases by considering the external force, mass, and stiffness matrices of a structure, can be used as alterative model reduction schemes for stable optimization. Through several analysis and design examples, the efficiency and reliability of the model reduction schemes for topology optimization are compared and validated.  相似文献   

The topology optimization of members of flexible multibody systems is considered for energy-efficient lightweight design, where the gradient calculation has an essential role. In topology optimization of flexible multibody systems, where the function evaluations are very time consuming, the gradient information is necessary to accelerate the optimization process. Different approaches have been introduced and tested for the gradient calculation in the fully coupled topology optimization of flexible multibody systems. However, the computation and implementation costs of these methods are high, which limits the optimization size and the possible number of design variables. In this work, we present a modified gradient calculation based on the equivalent static load (ESL) method, which combines the time efficiency of gradient calculation of the ESL method with the higher accuracy of gradient calculation in the fully coupled methods. This modified approach, which takes into account the linear dependencies of inertial loads on acceleration, is tested on the application example of a flexible slider-crank mechanism, and the results are compared with the weakly coupled ESL method and a fully coupled optimization where gradients are calculated using the adjoint variable method.  相似文献   

Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization - Despite a solid theoretical foundation and straightforward application to structural design problems, 3D topology optimization still suffers from a...  相似文献   

This paper deals with the frame topology optimization under the frequency constraint and proposes an algorithm that solves a sequence of relaxation problems to obtain a local optimal solution with high quality. It is known that an optimal solution of this problem often has multiple eigenvalues and the feasible set is disconnected. Due to these two difficulties, conventional nonlinear programming approaches often converge to a local optimal solution that is unacceptable from a practical point of view. In this paper, we formulate the frequency constraint as a positive semidefinite constraint of a certain symmetric matrix, and then relax this constraint to make the feasible set connected. The proposed algorithm solves a sequence of the relaxation problems with gradually decreasing the relaxation parameter. The positive semidefinite constraint is treated with the logarithmic barrier function and, hence, the algorithm finds no difficulty in multiple eigenvalues of a solution. Numerical experiments show that global optimal solutions, or at least local optimal solutions with high qualities, can be obtained with the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper presents a recursive direct differentiation method for sensitivity analysis of flexible multibody systems. Large rotations and translations in the system are modeled as rigid body degrees of freedom while the deformation field within each body is approximated by superposition of modal shape functions. The equations of motion for the flexible members are differentiated at body level and the sensitivity information is generated via a recursive divide and conquer scheme. The number of differentiations required in this method is minimal. The method works concurrently with the forward dynamics simulation of the system and requires minimum data storage. The use of divide and conquer framework makes the method linear and logarithmic in complexity for serial and parallel implementation, respectively, and ideally suited for general topologies. The method is applied to a flexible two arm robotic manipulator to calculate sensitivity information and the results are compared with the finite difference approach.  相似文献   

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