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The ganglioside GD3 is preferentially expressed on the surface of malignant T cell lymphoblasts and on resting T cells which express the memory cell phenotype, CD45RA-CD29+. However, GD3 expression in activated T cells and its potential function in proliferating normal and malignant T cells are unclear. Utilizing three-color immunostaining and flow cytometry, we examined changes in the expression of GD3 in conjunction with the RA and RO isoforms of CD45 during in vitro T cell activation. GD3 was equally expressed in resting CD4 and CD8 cells and was specifically found in the CD45RO+RA population. Activation of T cells with PHA resulted in an increased percentage of GD3+ cells. This increase was evident by the first day and was observed in the CD45RO (naive cell) population; by 2 days, GD3 was expressed heterogeneously in a large population of CD45RO+RA+ cells. Further activation of T cells with PHA or anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (OKT3) resulted in a further increase in GD3-expressing cells, and the increase in GD3 density correlated with increased CD45RO and loss of CD45RA. In contrast, increases in GD3 and interleukin-2 receptor (CD25) expression in response to PHA or OKT3 occurred independently, indicating that the GD3/ CD45RO coexpression observed was not a general consequence of cell activation. The results provide evidence for specific comodulation of GD3 and CD45RO during T cell mitogenesis, and thus suggest that these molecules may colocalize on the T cell surface.  相似文献   

The immunoregulatory effects of alloantigen presentation by tissue parenchymal cells to resting peripheral blood CD4+ T cells was investigated. Coculture of CD45RO+ (memory) and CD45RA+ (naive) T lymphocytes with primary cultures of MHC class II-expressing epithelial cells rendered both populations of T cells hyporesponsive to a subsequent challenge by the same MHC molecule expressed on EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid B cell lines. However, the mechanisms responsible for the allospecific hyporesponsiveness were distinct. For the CD45RO+ T cells, responsiveness was restored by subsequent culture in the presence of IL-2; the addition of IL-2 had no effect on the reactivity of the CD45RA+ T cells. In contrast, the naive T cells were protected from the induction of nonresponsiveness by the presence of a neutralizing anti-CD95 Ab during the culture with thyroid follicular cells. In addition, the hyporesponsive CD45RO+ T cells effected linked suppression, in that they inhibited proliferation against a third-party DR alloantigen when the third-party alloantigen was coexpressed with the DR Ag against which hyporesponsiveness had been induced. These results suggest that recognition of Ag by T cells on tissue parenchymal cells plays an important role in the maintenance of peripheral T cell tolerance, inducing nonresponsiveness in naive and memory T cells by distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

Physical contact between human T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes is required for the induction of IgE production. In the present study, we examined the abilities of CD45RA+ and CD45RO+ human T cell subsets to provide help for IgE production by human peripheral blood B cells in the presence of IL-4. Purified peripheral CD45RA+ T cells are much better inducers of IgE synthesis than are CD45RO+ T cells. Activation of CD45RA+ T cells, but not CD45RO+ T cells, via the TCR/CD3 complex is sufficient to confer the ability to provide IgE help, suggesting that an inducible T cell surface molecule plays an important role in this system. The CD40 ligand, an inducible T cell surface molecule, is expressed at higher levels on CD45RA+ T cells as compared with CD45RO+ T cells following CD3-stimulation. Blocking of the CD40-CD40 ligand interaction in vitro by the addition of a soluble form of B cell CD40 Ag completely blocks IgE production induced by CD45RA+ T cells. Finally, the in vitro conversion of CD45RA+ T cells to the CD45RO+ phenotype is accompanied by a loss in the ability of these cells to express the CD40 ligand in response to anti-CD3 stimulation as well as a loss in their ability to provide IgE help. These results suggest that both CD45 subsets may play significant and distinct roles in the induction of IgE production under physiologic conditions: CD45RO+ T cells provide IL-4 and the CD45RA+ subset provides the second signal via the CD40 ligand.  相似文献   

TCR V genes show differing expression patterns, termed skewing, in CD4+ and CD8+ subsets of T lymphocytes. To determine which elements of the TCR V regions contribute to these observed TCR V gene skewing patterns, we have performed an in-depth analysis, taking advantage of RT-PCR and DNA sequencing, which was focused on the multi-member TCRBV6 gene family. These studies allowed us to evaluate the contributions of the various elements, that constitute the TCR beta chain variable region, to the observed TCR V gene skewing patterns. The results of these analyses revealed that within the TCRBV6 family individual members exhibited differing skewing patterns, i.e. TCRB6S7 was significantly skewed towards the CD4+ T cell subset, whereas TCRBV6S5 was significantly skewed towards the CD8+ subset. Scrutiny of the usage of TCRBV6 family members in combination with TCRBJ gene usage and amino acid composition of CDR3 did not reveal obvious structural characteristics which would explain the differing skewing patterns between TCRBV6S7 and TCRBV6S5. Further examination of these TCR V regions showed that the CDR1 and 2 regions within these TCRBV elements were composed of different amino acids. These observations suggests that these components contribute to the observed TCR V gene skewing patterns.  相似文献   

Conversion factors between the energy imparted to the patient in pediatric radiography and air collision kerma integrated over beam area are presented. The values have been derived from Monte Carlo calculations in soft tissue phantoms and extend results published earlier to cover children from early infancy to the age of 15 years. Variations related to phantom size as well as to focus-phantom distance, radiation field size, orientation of view (a.p., lateral), tube potential, and beam filtration are given. We show that the conversion factor increases with increasing half-value layer of the X-ray beam and the anterioposterior width of the simulated child. Increasing the focus-phantom distance increases the conversion factor, while increasing the field size decreases the factors due to more scattered radiation escaping laterally from the phantom.  相似文献   

The porcine immune system is unique in that the expression of CD4 and CD8 antigens defines four subpopulations of resting, extrathymic (CD1-) T lymphocytes. In addition to CD4-CD8+ and CD4+CD8- T lymphocytes, CD4-CD8- and CD4+CD8+ lymphocyte subpopulations are prominent in blood as well as in lymphoid tissues. In the present study, a functional comparison was made between CD4+CD8- and CD4+CD8+ T lymphocyte subpopulations. In a primary in vitro immune response against alloantigenic stimulator cells, both subpopulations proliferated without significant differences in their reactivity. Different results were obtained when analyzing the antigen-specific functions of the two CD4+ subpopulations in a secondary response against recall viral antigen; these experiments were performed with T lymphocytes from pseudorabies virus-immunized pigs. The proliferative response against viral antigens could be assigned to the CD4+CD8+ subpopulation, whereas the CD4+CD8- subpopulation remained nonreactive. Further analyses of the virus-specific in vitro immune response revealed a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II restricted helper T lymphocyte reaction involving CD4 but not CD8 molecules as restriction elements. Taken together, these results demonstrate that only the extrathymic CD4+CD8+ T lymphocyte subpopulation of swine contains MHC class II-restricted antigen-specific memory T helper cells.  相似文献   

The biologic role of each CD3 chain and their relative contribution to the signals transduced through the TCR/CD3 complex and to downstream activation events are still controversial: they may be specialized or redundant. We have immortalized peripheral blood CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes from a human selective CD3 gamma deficiency using Herpesvirus saimiri. The accessibility of the mutant TCR/CD3 complex to different Abs was consistently lower in immortalized CD8+ cells when compared with CD4+ cells, relative to their corresponding CD3 gamma-sufficient controls. Several TCR/CD3-induced downstream activation events, immediate (calcium flux), early (cytotoxicity and induction of surface CD69 or CD40L activation markers or intracellular TNF-alpha) and late (proliferation and secretion of TNF-alpha), were normal in gamma-deficient cells, despite the fact that their TCR/CD3 complexes were significantly less accessible than those of controls. In contrast, the accumulation of intracellular IL-2 or its secretion after CD3 triggering was severely impaired in gamma-deficient cells. The defect was upstream of protein kinase C activation because addition of transmembrane stimuli (PMA plus calcium ionophore) completely restored IL-2 secretion in gamma-deficient cells. These results suggest that the propagation of signals initiated at the TCR itself can result in a modified downstream signaling cascade with distinct functional consequences when gamma is absent. They also provide evidence for the specific participation of the CD3 gamma chain in the induction of certain cytokine genes in both CD4+ and CD8+ human mature T cells. These immortalized mutant cells may prove to be useful in isolating cytosolic signaling pathways emanating from the TCR/CD3 complex.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that requires long-term therapy. Oral antibiotics and topical metronidazole successfully treat rosacea. Because long-term use of systemic antibiotics carries risks for systemic complications and adverse reactions, topical treatments are preferred. OBJECTIVE: To determine if the use of topical metronidazole gel (Metrogel) could prevent relapse of moderate to severe rosacea. DESIGN: A combination of oral tetracycline and topical metronidazole gel was used to treat 113 subjects with rosacea (open portion of the study). Successfully treated subjects (n = 88) entered a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study applying either 0.75% topical metronidazole gel (active agent) or topical metronidazole vehicle gel (placebo) twice daily (blinded portion of the study). SETTING: Subjects were enrolled at 6 separate sites in large cities at sites associated with major medical centers. SUBJECTS: One hundred thirteen subjects with at least 6 inflammatory papules and pustules, moderate to severe facial erythema and telangiectasia entered the open phase of the study. Eighty-eight subjects responded to treatment with systemic tetracycline and topical metronidazole gel as measured by at least a 70% reduction in the number of inflammatory lesions. These subjects were randomized to receive 1 of 2 treatments: either 0.75% metronidazole gel or placebo gel. INTERVENTIONS: Subjects were evaluated monthly for up to 6 months to determine relapse rates. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Inflammatory papules and pustules were counted at each visit. Relapse was determined by the appearance of a clinically significant increase in the number of papules and pustules. Prominence of telangiectases and dryness (roughness and scaling) were also observed. RESULTS: In the open phase, treatment with tetracycline and metronidazole gel eliminated all papules and pustules in 67 subjects (59%). The faces of 104 subjects (92%) displayed fewer papules and pustules after treatment, and 82 subjects (73%) exhibited less erythema. In the randomized double-blind phase, the use of topical metronidazole significantly prolonged the disease-free interval and minimized recurrence compared with subjects treated with the vehicle. Eighteen (42%) of 43 subjects applying the vehicle experienced relapse, compared with 9 (23%) of 39 subjects applying metronidazole gel (P<.05). The metronidazole group had fewer papules and/or pustules after 6 months of treatment (P<.01). Relapse of erythema also occurred less often in subjects treated with metronidazole (74% vs 55%). CONCLUSION: In a majority of subjects studied, continued treatment with metronidazole gel alone maintains remission of moderate to severe rosacea induced by treatment with oral tetracycline and topical metronidazole gel.  相似文献   

In a recent double-blind, phase II study, conducted in our department, we showed that Linomide-treated MS patients had significantly less active lesions (in serial monthly MRI tests) and a tendency for clinical stabilization. Here we present the immunological evaluation of the patients who participated in this study and propose a novel mechanism by which Linomide downregulates autoreactivity. Peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs), serum, and CSF samples were obtained at two to four time points over the 6 months of the trial. Flow cytometric analysis (FACS) of the CD5/CD19, CD4/CD8, CD14/CD3, CD16/CD3, CD45RA/CD4, and CD45RO/CD4 surface markers on PBLs was performed and the levels of the IL-1beta, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, and IL-2R were also examined. White blood counts of Linomide-treated patients were consistently elevated throughout the treatment period (P = 0.002-0.04). Cytokines levels in serum and CSF were highly fluctuating and we could not detect any clear trend as a result of Linomide treatment. FACS analysis showed that Linomide treatment significantly increased the percentage of the CD4+/CD45RA+ cells (from 35.5% at baseline to 42.3% at week 24; P = 0.02), and decreased CD4+/CD45RO+ lymphocytes (62.6% at baseline vs 53.7% at week 24, P = 0.02). Linomide also induced a transient increase in the NK-cells, the NK 1.1 cells, and the CD5 B-cells (P = 0.02). Upregulation of naive CD45RA T-lymphocytes and parallel downregulation of memory CD45RO cells seems to be one of the main mechanisms by which Linomide inhibits MS activity and may represent an alternative immunomodulating approach for the treatment of MS and autoimmunity in general.  相似文献   

Chemotactic responses of blood neutrophils and monocytes to media conditioned by eight strains of Escherichia coli with different virulence characteristics were measured in modified Boyden assay chambers to determine if these characteristics were associated with differences in leucocyte mobility. Responding neutrophils and monocytes were prepared on conventional density gradients, and in three instances, the chemotaxis of eosinophils isolated on metrizamide gradients was also studied. Media conditioned by enteroinvasive and nonenteroinvasive E. coli strains were tested as chemo-attractants and compared to the formylated peptide standard attractant. Chemotactic activity of neutrophils was greater than that of monocytes and eosinophils, and migration by all populations was significantly greater to conditioned media than to the control medium. Chemotactic responses to media conditioned by non-enteroinvasive E. coli and strains lacking virulence factors was greater than to media conditioned by plasmid- and Sereny-positive enteroinvasive organisms. The results suggest that virulence factors of E. coli that determine invasiveness did not augment the chemotactic responses of the leucocyte populations tested in vitro, and give no support to the hypothesis that they induce mucosal inflammation by directly increasing chemotaxis in vivo.  相似文献   

bcl-2 proto-oncogene encodes an inner mitochondrial membrane protein that blocks programmed cell death (apoptosis). There is now increasing evidence that regulation of bcl-2 expression is a determinant of life or death in normal lymphocytes. We have recently described that activated (CD45RO+) CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in acute infectious mononucleosis (IM) undergo apoptotic cell death on culturing, indicating an activation-driven cell death of mature T cells. In this work, we examine bcl-2 expression by activated T cells in acute IM using a flow-cytometric analysis with an anti-bcl-2 monoclonal antibody (MoAb). It was consistently observed that most T cells from acute IM patients displayed only much less bcl-2, while normal T cells expressed bcl-2 relatively strongly. Multicolor analysis showed that bcl-2-lacking T cells in acute IM were restricted to the CD45RO+ (activated) populations of CD4+, as well as CD8+ T cells. In contrast, the relatively intense levels of bcl-2 were expressed in both CD45RO+ and CD45RO- T-cell populations from normal subjects. This marked difference in bcl-2 expression of CD45RO+ T cells between acute IM and normal controls was also confirmed by Western blot analysis. Activated (CD45RO+) T cells with low bcl-2 expression, but not bcl-2-expressing CD45RO- T cells, in acute IM patients were found to die easily when cultured without added growth factors. However, in normal individuals, both CD45RO+ and CD45RO- T cells were relatively stable on culturing. These findings suggest that lack of bcl-2 expression by activated (CD45RO+) T cells in acute IM might be associated with their susceptibility to programmed cell death.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the role of synovial fluid (SF) compared to peripheral blood (PB) CD45RO+ T cells in patients with reactive arthritis (ReA) and undifferentiated oligoarthritis. METHODS: We examined SF and PB of 8 patients with a specific lymphocyte proliferation to Yersinia enterocolitica (n = 5) and Chlamydia trachomatis (n = 3). After depletion of the CD45RA+ T cell subset by dynabeads, the remaining T cells (> 95% CD45RO+) from PB and SF of these patients were again stimulated with these bacterial antigens. RESULTS: The mean stimulation index (SI) of these 8 patients with ReA (n = 5) and undifferentiated oligoarthritis (n = 3) was 30.3 +/- 21.86 in SF compared to 1.36 +/- 0.75 in PB. The enrichment of CD45RO+ cells influenced the antigen specific proliferative response of T cells neither in PB (SI = 1.75 +/- 1.35) nor in SF (26.1 +/- 24.05); the initial difference remained unchanged. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that the antigen specific lymphocyte proliferation obtained with SF cells is not due to abundance of nonspecific CD45RO+ T cells but can rather be taken as an indication of specific recognition of local bacterial antigens in ReA.  相似文献   

A majority of circulating gamma delta T cells in humans express the V delta 2 variable segment associated with the V gamma 9 segment. A minor subset uses the V delta 1 gene mainly paired with a V gamma-chain from group I. Although little is known about the function and the Ags recognized by V delta 1 T cells, their expansion has been described in several diseases. Significant alterations of gamma delta subset distribution have been observed in PBMC from HIV-infected persons. In addition to their significant increase, gamma delta T cells showed an alteration in their subset representation because most of them expressed the V delta 1 receptor and, concomitantly, the V delta 2+ subset was under-represented. To gain insight into the mechanisms involved in this selective expansion, we characterized the V delta 1-J delta 1 junctional diversity in PBMC from healthy donors and HIV-infected individuals at different stages of the disease. We confirmed that the V delta 1 repertoire is restricted in most of the healthy donors. In HIV-infected subjects, we found that the increase of V delta 1 T cells is independent to a particular V gamma-chain expression, and the characterization of the TCR-delta diversity demonstrated a similar restricted V delta 1-J delta 1 rearrangement pattern, not significantly different from the pattern of healthy donors. Moreover, no amino acid junctional motif could be identified either in control or in HIV-infected donors. This report demonstrates that the V delta 1 selective expansion in the course of HIV infection is not the consequence of the emergence of some specifically CDR3-dependent expanded V delta 1 T cell clones. Interestingly, this subset showed an increased ability to be expanded in vitro in the presence of IL-2 alone and, although they did not harbor ex-vivo the phenotype of fully activated cells, they did express the activation marker CD38, a marker for disease progression. Altogether this report indicates that, although the patients' V delta 1 T cells seem to be in a pre-activated state, their selective expansion in the course of HIV infection is not the consequence of a peripheral CDR3-dependent antigenic selection.  相似文献   

T cell activation through the T cell receptor is necessary to achieve a specific and effective immune response. We report here that stimulation of CD8+ T cells through the T cell receptor complex leads to de novo expression of the CD4 antigen on the cell surface that results in susceptibility of CD8+ T cells to HIV infection. In addition, activation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HIV-infected individuals results in the appearance of double-positive CD4+/CD8+ T cells, which become infected by endogenous HIV. HIV DNA sequences could be detected in uncultured and sorted mature CD3+CD8+ T cells from HIV+ individuals. These results suggest a new mechanism by which HIV could attack the immune system and may help to explain the CD8+ T cell defects in AIDS patients.  相似文献   

IL-10 is essential for an early phase of diabetes in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, but later becomes protective against its development. The mechanism by which IL-10 mediates the pathway to diabetes in these mice is unknown. Herein, we dissected the cellular and costimulation requirements for diabetes in transgenic (tg) NOD mice that expressed IL-10 in their pancreatic islets (IL-10-NOD mice). We found that IL-10 alone did not cause diabetes because the offspring (IL-10-NOD-scid mice) from back-crosses of IL-10-NOD mice with NOD-scid mice had no diabetes. Moreover, these IL-10-NOD-scid mice were free of lymphocytic infiltration. Treatment of IL-10-NOD mice with depleting anti-CD4 mAb or control mAb had no effect on diabetes. Surprisingly, depletion of CD8+ T cells by treatment with the corresponding mAb inhibited diabetes without attenuating insulitis, demonstrating a critical role for CD8+ T cells in the disease process. Interestingly, B cell-deficient IL-10-NOD mice readily developed diabetes with kinetics and incidence similar to those observed in wild-type mice, demonstrating that B lymphocytes as APCs were not required in the disease process. Administration of anti-CD40 ligand (CD40L) mAb did not prevent disease, indicating that CD40/CD40L costimulation is not required for diabetes in IL-10-NOD mice. Immunization of IL-10-NOD mice with CFA or heat-shock protein 65, known to block diabetes in NOD mice, had no effect on their diabetes. We demonstrate that IL-10 contributes early to the pathology of diabetes via a CD8+ T cell pathway, eliminating the requirement for B lymphocytes and CD40-CD40L costimulation. Our findings provide a mechanism for the participation of IL-10 in the early development of diabetes.  相似文献   

CD4 T cells bearing high (240-190 kDa) and low (180 kDa) molecular mass isoforms of the leukocyte common antigen CD45 define functionally distinct subsets which have been equated with naive and memory T cells. In the rat, CD4 T cells expressing a high molecular mass isoform [identified by monoclonal antibody MRC-OX22 (anti-CD45RC)] exchange this for the 180 kDa molecule (CD45RC-) when stimulated by antigen. Here we show, by transferring mature allotype-marked CD45RC- CD4 T cells (depleted of immature Thy-1+ CD45RC- recent thymic emigrants) into normal euthymic recipients, that many T cells re-express the high molecular mass isoform in less than 6 h. By 24 h, 30-60% of CD45RC- CD4 T cells became CD45RC+; within a week the entire cohort appeared to exchange the low for the high molecular mass isoform. Isoform exchange was dynamic and many CD4 T cells returned once again to the CD45RC- state. CD45RC- CD4 T cells declined in number more rapidly than the CD45RC+ subset after transfer. The results suggest that CD45R isoforms distinguish between resting T cells (CD45RC+) and those which have encountered antigen in the recent past. CD45R isoforms would appear to be unsuitable markers of naive and memory T cells.  相似文献   

The Gal beta(1-3)GalNAc-binding lectin jacalin is known to specifically induce the proliferation of human CD4+ T lymphocytes in the presence of autologous monocytes and to interact with the CD4 molecule and block HIV-1 infection of CD4+ cells. We further show that jacalin-induced proliferation is characterized by an unusual pattern of T cell activation and cytokine production by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). A cognate interaction between T cells and monocytes was critical for jacalin-induced proliferation, and human recombinant interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6 did not replace the co-stimulatory activity of monocytes. Blocking studies using monoclonal antibodies (mAb) point out the possible importance of two molecular pathways of interaction, the CD2/LFA-3 and LFA-1/ICAM-1 pathways. One out of two anti-CD4 mAb abolished jacalin responsiveness. Jacalin induced interferon-gamma and high IL-6 secretion, mostly by monocytes, and no detectable IL-2 synthesis or secretion by PBMC. In contrast, jacalin-stimulated Jurkat T cells secreted IL-2. CD3- Jurkat cell variants failed to secrete IL-2, suggesting the involvement of the T cell receptor/CD3 complex pathway in jacalin signaling. IL-2 secretion by CD4- Jurkat variant cells was delayed and lowered. In addition to CD4, jacalin interacts with the CD5 molecule. Jacalin-CD4 interaction and the proliferation of PBMC, as well as IL-2 secretion by Jurkat cells were inhibited by specific jacalin-competitive sugars.  相似文献   

The influence of ageing on phenotype and function of CD4+ T cells was studied by comparing young (19-28 years of age) and aged (75-84 years of age) donors that were selected using the SENIEUR protocol to exclude underlying disease. An age-related increase was observed in the relative number of memory cells, not only on the basis of a decreased CD45RA and increased CD45RO expression, but also on the basis of a decrease in the fraction of CD27+CD4+ T cells. Our observation that the absolute number of CD45RO+CD4+ T cells was increased, while absolute numbers of CD27-CD4+ T cells remained unchanged in aged donors, indicates that the latter subset does not merely reflect the size of the CD45RO+CD4+ T cell pool. The increased fraction of memory cells in the aged was functionally reflected in an increased IL-4 production and T cell proliferation, when cells were activated with the combination of anti-CD2 and anti-CD28, whereas IL-2 production was comparable between both groups. No differences were observed with respect to proliferative T cell responses or IL-2 production using plate-bound anti-CD3 or phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). The observation that IL-4 production correlated with the fraction of memory cells in young donors but not in aged donors suggests different functional characteristics of this subset in aged donors.  相似文献   

The TCR confers immunity by the specific recognition of foreign Ag peptides in the context of self-MHC molecules. The mechanisms controlling TCR selection and repertoire generation are not clearly understood and seem to occur in an apparently random, (self) Ag-driven manner. To address the question to what extent the TCR repertoire is randomly shaped or genetically predetermined, we have analyzed the alpha beta TCR repertoire of the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets of peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures of monozygotic twins by using the polymerase chain reaction technique with TCR V region gene family-specific oligonucleotide primers. Our studies demonstrate that there is high concordance in the overall patterns of V gene usage within a pair of twins, particularly in V beta usage (mean V beta CD4+ R2 = 0.869 and CD8+ R2 = 0.833) and to a lesser extent V alpha usage (mean V alpha CD4+ R2 = 0.621 and CD8+ R2 = 0.627); whereas the patterns between unrelated individuals show more variability. This study has also demonstrated that the V alpha and V beta genes are not randomly used within the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets. We observed significant preferential skewing of several V alpha or V beta gene families to either the CD4+ or CD8+ subset in the majority of individuals analyzed (p-value range = 0.0476 to < 0.001). In particular, V alpha 11, 17, 22, and V beta 3, 9, 12, 18 were skewed to the CD4+ subset; whereas V alpha 2, 6, 12, 15, 20 and V beta 7, 14, 17 were skewed to the CD8+ subset. Furthermore, a number of the V genes showed patterns of skewing consistent only within a pair of twins. In three pairs of twins, V beta 2 was skewed to the CD4+ subset, whereas the fourth pair used almost equal frequencies of V beta 2 in both subsets. This observation was made for the V beta 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 19 and V alpha 7, 16, 18, 21 families. Finally, the ratio of the relative V gene usage frequency that could be observed within an individual was conserved within the sets of twins; for instance, the relative amount of V beta 2 to that of V beta 3 was higher in both individuals of one set of twins, whereas it was lower in all of the other three sets. Together these observations suggest that the predominant influence shaping the TCR repertoire is genetically predetermined, of which, HLA-predicted selection mechanisms exerted during thymic maturation might be contributing factors.  相似文献   

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