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A modular organization of bands enriched in high concentrations of D2 receptors are observed throughout the rostral to caudal aspects of the temporal cortex of the normal human at postmortem, but are most frequently observed in the inferior and superior temporal cortices [S. Goldsmith, J.N. Joyce, Dopamine D2 receptors are organized in bands in normal human temporal cortex, Neuroscience 74 (1996) 435-451]. In the tissue derived at postmortem from Alzheimer's disease cases (AD), these D2 receptor-enriched modules were found to be largely absent at rostral and mid-levels of the temporal cortex. Regions exhibiting this loss of receptor binding also showed a marked reduction in the number of pyramidal neurons stained for D2 mRNA. In addition, the AD material exhibited numerous thioflavin-positive plaques and tangle-filled extraneuronal (ghost) pyramidal neurons that were D2 mRNA-negative. Regions that are the earliest affected and most susceptible to classical AD pathology are also most sensitive to the loss of D2 receptors. These results, along with our previous data [J.N. Joyce, C. Kaeger, H. Ryoo, S. Goldsmith, Dopamine D2 receptors in the hippocampus and amygdala in Alzheimer's disease, Neurosci. Lett. 154 (1993) 171-174; H. Ryoo, J. N. Joyce, The loss of dopamine D2 receptors varies along the rostrocaudal axis of the hippocampal complex in Alzheimer's disease, J. Comp. Neurol. 348 (1994) 94-110], indicate that specific pathways enriched with D2 receptors, including that within modules of higher order association cortices of the temporal lobe and continued through segregated pathways within the parahippocampus and hippocampus, are particularly susceptible to the loss in AD. These dopamine D2 receptor-enriched modules may play an important role in the reciprocal activity of large groups of neurons in these high-order association cortical regions. Hence, the loss of the D2 receptor-enriched modules in Alzheimer's disease contributes to disturbances in information processing in these high-order association cortices, and may promote the cognitive and non-cognitive impairments observed in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

1. Intracellular responses to stimulation of the cerebral cortex (Cx) and cerebellum were analyzed in thalamocortical neurons (TCNs) in the ventroanterior-ventrolateral (VA-VL) complex of the thalamus and neurons in the thalamic reticular nuclei (RNs) of anesthetized cats, and the contribution of reticular nucleus neurons (RNNs) and thalamic interneurons (TINs) to cerebral and cerebellar inhibition of TCNs was determined. 2. Single TCNs projecting to area 4 or 6 received convergent monosynaptic excitatory and disynaptic inhibitory inputs from both the dentate nucleus (DN) and the interpositus nucleus (IN). These TCNs also received monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and disynaptic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) from the pericruciate cortex (areas 4 and 6). Each TCN received the strongest excitatory and inhibitory inputs from the cortical area to which that TCN projected, and weaker inhibitory inputs from adjacent cortical areas. 3. RNNs were identified morphologically by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Stimulation of the brachium conjunctivum (BC) evoked disynaptic EPSPs with a long decay phase in RNNs in the anterior ventrolateral part of the RN. Single RNNs received convergent disynaptic excitatory inputs from both the DNA and the IN. Stimulation of the Cx produced monosynaptic long-lasting EPSPs with two different latencies in these RNNs: early EPSPs with latencies of 0.9-2.1 ms and late EPSPs with latencies of 1.8-3.5 ms. Collision experiments with BC- and Cx-evoked EPSPs in RNNs indicated that BC-evoked disynaptic EPSPs and Cx-evoked early EPSPs were produced by axon collaterals of TCNs to RNNs. The latencies of the Cx-evoked late EPSPs in RNNs were almost identical to those of Cx-evoked monosynaptic EPSPs in TCNs, indicating that corticothalamic neurons (CTNs) exert monosynaptic excitatory effects on RNNs and TCNs. 4. Stimulation of the Cx produced IPSPs in TCNs with short latencies of 1.8-2.7 ms and longer latencies of > or = 2.8 ms. The Cx-evoked early IPSPs with latencies of 1.8-2.7 ms were mediated by RNNs. The origin of Cx-evoked late IPSPs with latencies of > or = 2.8 ms in TCNs was twofold, Cx-induced early IPSPs in TCNs were facilitated by conditioning cortical stimulation that induced late IPSPs in the TCNs. The same conditioning cortical stimulation also facilitated BC-evoked disynaptic IPSPs. The time course of this facilitatation indicated that CTNs produce long-lasting excitation in TINs. These results indicated that Cx-evoked IPSPs with latencies of > 2.7 ms were mediated at least in part by RNNs and inhibitory TINs in the VA-VL complex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that characteristics of posttraumatic temporomandibular disorders (pTMD) differ considerably from those of nontraumatic or idiopathic temporomandibular disorders (iTMD). Both the rate of recovery and the amount of treatment required appear to be different for both groups. In this blinded study, 14 patients with iTMD and 13 patients with pTMD were examined. Patients submitted to a variety of reaction-time tests and neuropsychologic assessments to test their ability to cope with simple and more complex tasks with and without a variety of cognitive interferences. Clinical examination was used to assess signs of TMD. Eleven of the subjects (six iTMD, five pTMD) consented to a second phase of the investigation, whereby the patients were studied with single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) using 99mTc-hexamethylpropyleneamineoxime (HMPAO). For simple and complex reaction-time tests, the pTMD group was significantly slower than the iTMD group (P < .05 to P < .001). Other neuropsychologic assessment tools such as the Consonant Trigram Test and the California Verbal Learning Test indicated that pTMD patients were more affected by both proactive and retroactive interferences and were more likely to perseverate on a single thought. In clinical examination, pTMD patients demonstrated greater reaction to muscle palpation than did iTMD patients (P < .05). The SPECT results suggested that there were mild differences between the two populations, and further ther studies are required to confirm this finding. The results lend support to the concept that there are differences between pTMD and iTMD populations. It is suggested that although patients with pTMD may have some similarities to those with iTMD, the former population may benefit from being handled somewhat differently and should be assessed and treated using a more broad, multidisciplinary treatment paradigm. These results must be confirmed in studies of larger populations.  相似文献   

The functional significance of reorganization in somatosensory cortex following peripheral denervation has not been thoroughly addressed. In this paper, two distinct hypotheses dealing with this issue are discussed. The first is the hypothesis of functional respecification. This influential view suggests that sets of partially deafferented cortical neurons, which respond to new peripheral inputs and acquire new receptive fields, undergo corresponding changes in perceptual meaning. Excitation of these neurons by stimulation of their novel receptive fields is thought to result in a change in referral of sensation from the original (now denervated) skin fields to the newly acquired skin fields. The second hypothesis is that of functional conservation. This equally plausible alternative is that sets of partially deprived neurons, although they respond to novel peripheral inputs, retain their original perceptual meaning. Excitation of these neurons by stimulation of their new receptive fields is thought to evoke sensation formerly mediated by those neurons, and hence is still projected to the original, now denervated skin regions or phantom. Behavioral evidence strongly suggests that cortical reorganization after peripheral denervation does not result in major functional respecification, but that the original perceptual function mediated by those neurons is preserved.  相似文献   

The midline thalamic nuclei have been known to send projection fibres to the ventral striatum and the autonomic/limbic-associated areas of the prefrontal cortex. In the present study, we sought to determine whether or not single midline thalamic neurons project both to the ventral striatum and to the cerebral cortical areas. Experiments were performed on chloral hydrate-anaesthetized male Sprague Dawley rats; two fluorescent retrograde tracers were centred on the medial or lateral part of the nucleus accumbens--the major part of the ventral striatum--and the medial or lateral prefrontal viscerolimbic cortex. Our retrograde double-labelling study revealed that a subset of midline thalamic neurons send projection fibres to both the nucleus accumbens and the cerebral cortex. Such neurons projecting to both targets were principally identified in the paraventricular thalamic nucleus. The majority of the dually-labelled neurons in the paraventricular thalamic nucleus projected to the lateral part of the nucleus accumbens and the medial wall of the prefrontal cortex. Dually-labelled neurons were additionally found in other midline nuclei, including the paratenial, intermediodorsal, rhomboid, and reuniens nuclei, as well as in the medial part of the parafascicular thalamic nucleus. Dually-projecting neurons identified in the present study may represent a potential link between the limbic striatum and the viscerolimbic-associated cortex, thus suggesting that non-discriminative information relayed to the prefrontal cortex might exert an influence through the same neurons on the nucleus accumbens implicated in affective behaviour.  相似文献   

The primate orbitofrontal cortex is a site of convergence of information from primary taste, olfactory, and somatosensory cortical areas. We describe the responses of a population of single neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex that responds to fat in the mouth. The neurons respond, when fatty foods are being eaten, to pure fat such as glyceryl trioleate and also to substances with a similar texture but different chemical composition such as paraffin oil (hydrocarbon) and silicone oil [Si(CH3)2O)n]. This is evidence that the neurons respond to the oral texture of fat, sensed by the somatosensory system. Some of the population of neurons respond unimodally to the texture of fat. Other single neurons show convergence of taste inputs, and others of olfactory inputs, onto single neurons that respond to fat. For example, neurons were found that responded to the mouth feel of fat and the taste of monosodium glutamate (both found in milk), or to the mouth feel of fat and to odor. Feeding to satiety reduces the responses of these neurons to the fatty food eaten, but the neurons still respond to some other foods that have not been fed to satiety. Thus sensory-specific satiety for fat is represented in the responses of single neurons in the primate orbitofrontal cortex. Fat is an important constituent of food that affects its palatability and nutritional effects. The findings described provide evidence that the reward value (or pleasantness) of the mouth feel of fat is represented in the primate orbitofrontal cortex and that the representation is relevant to appetite.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to standardize the method of spinal cord monitoring with evoked potentials in the rat. Seventeen male Wistar rats were anesthetized with alpha-chloralose and urethane. Somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) and cerebellar evoked potential (CEP) following sciatic nerve stimulation were mapped at different time points after induction of anesthesia. SEP peaks at latencies of 13-18 ms (P13, N18) were localized to an extremely small area over the sensory cortex. In contrasts, a negative peak of the SEP at 11 ms (N11) and the CEP were widely distributed over the cerebral or cerebellar surface. Anesthesia significantly influenced the cortical components of the SEP. In 10 rats, MEP or posterior fossa evoked potential (PFEP) following stimulation of the sensorimotor or cerebellar cortices respectively, were recorded at T9. Stimulation of different points produced little change on the waveforms of the MEP or PFEP. Successive recordings of MEP and SEP revealed that the P13-N18 complex of the SEP was markedly suppressed after MEP recordings were made. In conclusion, this study identified several factors which alter SEP waveforms in the rat including location of recording, anesthesia and sequence with respect to MEP recording. MEP by stimulation of the same sensory cortex as SEP recordings should not be used for concurrent monitoring, since cortical stimulation will change the waveforms of the SEP.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN; 0.5-s trains of 500-Hz 0.5-ms pulses at 5-10 microA) evokes focal oscillations of cortical electrical potentials in the gamma frequency band ( approximately 35-55 Hz). These evoked oscillations are specific to either the somatosensory or auditory cortex and to subregions of the cortical receptotopic map, depending on what part of the TRN is stimulated. Focal stimulation of the internal capsule, however, evokes focal slow potentials, without gamma activity. Our results suggest that the TRN's role extends beyond that of general cortical arousal to include specific modality and submodality activation of the forebrain.  相似文献   

1. Single units and evoked potentials were recorded in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) of paralyzed decerebrate cats in response to electrical stimulation at two sites: 1) in the somatosensory dorsal column nuclei (together called MSN below for medullary somatosensory nuclei), which activates mossy-fiber inputs to granule cells in superficial DCN, and 2) on the free surface of the DCN, which activates granule cell axons (parallel fibers) directly. The goal was to evaluate hypotheses about synaptic interactions in the cerebellum-like circuitry of the superficial DCN. A four-pulse facilitation paradigm was used (50-ms interpulse interval); this allows identification of three components of the responses of DCN principal cells (type IV units) to these stimuli. The latencies of the response components were compared with the latency of the evoked potential in DCN, which signals the arrival of the parallel fiber volley at the recording site. 2. The first component is a short-latency inhibitory response; this component is seen only with MSN stimulation and is seen almost exclusively in units also showing the second component, the transient excitatory response. The short-latency inhibitory component precedes the evoked potential. No satisfactory explanation for the short-latency component can be given at present; it most likely reflects a fast-conducting inhibitory input that arrives at the type IV unit before the slowly conducting parallel fibers. 3. The second component is a transient excitatory response; this component is seen with both MSN and parallel fiber stimulation; it is weak and appears to be masked easily by the inhibitory response components. The excitatory component occurs at the same latency as the evoked potential and probably reflects direct excitation of principal cells by granule cell axons. The excitatory component is seen in about half the type IV units for both stimulating sites. With MSN stimulation, the lack of excitation in some units suggests a heterogeneity of cochlear granule cells, with some carrying somatosensory information and some not carrying this information; with parallel fiber stimulation, excitation probably requires the stimulating and recording electrodes to be lined up on the same "beam" of parallel fibers. 4. The third component is a long-lasting inhibitory response that is observed in virtually all type IV units with both MSN and parallel-fiber stimulation; its latency is longer than the evoked potential. Evidence suggests that it is produced by inhibitory input from cartwheel cells. The appearance of this inhibitory component in almost all type IV units can be accounted for by the considerable spread of cartwheel-cell axons in the direction perpendicular to the parallel fibers. 5. The evoked potential and all three components of the unit response vary systematically in size over the four pulses of the electrical stimulus. These results can be accounted for by two phenomena: 1) a facilitation of the granule cell synapses on all cell types that produces a steadily growing response through the four pulses, resembles presynaptic facilitation, and is seen with both MSN and parallel-fiber stimulation; and 2) a strong reduction in the granule cell response between the first and second pulse for MSN stimulation only. This reduction probably occurs presynaptically in the glomerulus or in the granule cell itself and could reflect inhibitory inputs. 6. The response components described above are seen in type IV units recorded in both the fusiform-cell and deep layers of the DCN; this suggests that both pyramidal and giant cells are activated similarly. The simplest interpretation is that both principal cell types are activated by the cerebellum-like circuitry in superficial DCN. Alternatively, because giant cells appear to make limited contact with the granule-cell circuits of superficial DCN, this finding may suggest the existence of currently undescribed granule cell circuits in deep DCN that are si  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: In order to use short latency somatosensory thalamic evoked potentials (PES) to locate therapeutic targets in functional surgery, thalamic PES were recorded during stereotactic thalamotomy in 25 patients with Parkinson's disease, using a concentric bipolar semi-micro-electrode, 4 mm in diameter. In the 72 trajectories planned. 628 registers were made, obtaining 314 PES in 55 trajectories. These recordings were divided into 5 groups, according to the electrical variables evaluated in each case (absolute latency, inter-peak latency, absolute amplitude and number of phases). MATERIAL AND METHODS: The electrophysiological characteristics of the PES groups obtained, and the spatial representation of these in a tridimensional system of coordinates, is shown. We analyze the sequence of the groups of potentials in each of the trajectories followed. CONCLUSIONS: We consider that the limit between adjacent nuclear edges, ventral intermediate (Vim)-ventro-caudal (Vc), may be represented by the transition of potentials in group 1 to potentials in group 4 and/or potentials of group 3 to those of group 2. This study shows that thalamic PES are useful for locating targets during stereotactic thalamotomy.  相似文献   

Spinal (Th12) and cortical somatosensory evoked potentials by right and left posterior tibial nerve stimulation at the ankle were performed in 20 healthy volunteers (10 females and 10 males) aged 23-50 years. The procedure was repeated after one week to assess the reliability of the parameters and to establish upper normal variability limits. Reliability was measured by the intraclass correlation coefficient and was excellent for all absolute latencies and at least good for amplitudes and for the spinal-cortical conduction time. Upper variability limits were calculated using a method based on the within-subject mean square, which can be also applied in the case of more than two repetitions.  相似文献   

We investigated the synaptic terminals of fibers originating in the ventroposteromedial thalamic nucleus (VPM) and projecting to the main input layers (IV/III) of the rat posteromedial barrel subfield. It was our aim to determine whether or not the subpopulation of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-immunoreactive neurons in these layers are directly innervated by the sensory thalamus. Anterograde tracing with Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) and immunohistochemistry for VIP were combined for correlated light and electron microscopic examination. Columns of cortical tissue were well defined by barrel-like patches of PHA-L-labeled fibers and boutons in layers IV and III. Within these columns VIP-immunoreactive perikarya were located mainly in supragranular layers. Marked perikarya were also seen in infragranular layers, but their immunoreactivity was often weaker. Granular layer IV, which is the main terminal field for thalamic fibers, contained fewer VIP neurons than supragranular layers. In the light microscope, however, PHA-L-labeled fibers appeared to contact the somata or proximal dendrites of 60-86% of the layer IV VIP neurons . By contrast, only 18-35% of the VIP neurons in the supragranular layers, which receive a moderately dense projection from the VPM, appeared to be contacted. PHA-L-labeled boutons were seen close to 13-25% of infragranular VIP-positive cells. Electron microscopy showed that thalamic fibers formed at most four asymmetric synapses on a single layer IV, VIP-positive neuron. Although the proportion of VIP-positive neurons with labeled synapses was lower in supragranular layers, most of them shared multiple asymmetric synapses with labeled thalamic fibers. Up to six labeled synapses were seen on individual VIP neurons in layer III. We conclude that subpopulations of VIP-immunoreactive neurons, located in layers IV, III, and II are directly innervated by the VPM. These neurons may be involved in the initial stages of cortical processing of sensory information from the large, mystacial vibrissae. Since VIP is known to be colocalized with the inhibitory transmitter GABA, it is likely that VIP neurons participate in the shaping of the receptive fields in the barrel cortex.  相似文献   

The authors studied immunologic features of saliva in 1714 workers exposed to vibration and other occupational hazards in microbiologic, chemical enterprises. The examinees demonstrated lower activity of lysozyme and concentrations of IgA, higher levels of IgG. Immunologic features of saliva was proved to have extreme diagnostic importance, therefore could be used to detect early signs of exposure to occupational hazards and to diagnose pathologic conditions caused by those hazards.  相似文献   

Long-lasting potentiation of the cat motor cortex units induced by tetanic stimulation of the VL + SCx led to an increase of the motor cortex unit discharge rate. The findings suggest that co-activation of cortico-cortical and thalamo-cortical afferents modifies neuronal activity of the motor cortex at the specific site which receives convergent sensory input from the thalamus and the somatosensory cortex.  相似文献   

To clarify the role of primary and second somatosensory cortex (SI and SII) in somatosensory discrimination, we recorded somatosensory evoked magnetic fields during a stimulus strength discrimination task. The temporal pattern of cortical activation was analyzed by dipole source model coregistered with magnetic resonance image. Stimulus intensity was represented in SI as early as 20 ms after the stimulus presentation. The later components of SI response (latency 37.7 and 67.9 ms) were enhanced by rarely presented stimuli (stimulus deviancy) during passive and active attention. This supports an early haptic memory mechanism in human primary sensory cortex. Contra- and ipsilateral SII responses followed the SI responses (latency 124.6 and 138.3 ms, respectively) and were enhanced by attention more prominently than the SI responses. Active attention increased SII but not SI activity. These results are consistent with the concept of ventral somatosensory pathway that SI and SII are hierarchically organized for passive and active detection of discrete stimuli.  相似文献   

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