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GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Apparent Shear Viscosity of Native Egg White. E.R. Lang and C. Rha GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Computer Assisted Analysis of Some Theoretical Rate Effects in Mastication and in Deformation Testing of Foods. M. Peleg and M.D. Normand GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological and Sensory Characterization of Comminuted Fish Products from Mechanically Recovered Fish Flesh. R.M. Arocha GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Rheological Characterization of Heat-Induced Protein Gels. D.W. Hickson GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Study on the Viscosity and Density Equations Regarding Temperature of Vegetable Oils and Salad and Frying Oils. K. Kubota, S. Kurisu, K. Suzuki, T. Matsumoto and H. Hosaka GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Physicochemical Rheology of Fruit Juices and Purees. E. Costell and L. Duran GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Thixotropic Properties of Colloidal Precipitates in Preliming Juice. J. Grabka GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Development of a Rheological Constitutive Relation for a Soft Biological Tissue. M. G. Sharma and S. Rafie GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Wheat Starch Pastes. P. T. Callaghan, K. W. Jolley, J. Lelievre and R. B. K. Wong GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Rheological Model of Nonlinear Viscoplastic Solids. K. Peleg GENERAL PRINCIPLES: The Effects of Spoilage on the Dielectric Properties of Frozen Fish. Michael Kent GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Production of Extrusion-Texturized Protein Preparations. J. Scpendowski, L. Smietana and J. Luraw GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Parameters Influencing Spun Protein Fiber Properties 1 – Dope Preparation. M. Boulet, F. Castaigne and R. R. Riel GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Parameters Influencing Spun Protein Fiber Properties 2 – Unit Operations. F. Castaigne, M. Boulet, R. R. Riel GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Influence of Ions of Low Molecular Weight on Solubility and Rheological Properties of Wheat Gluten. R. Kieffer, J. J. Kim and M. D. Belitz OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: Intra- and Intermuscular Variation of Shear Force of Beef. B. L. Dumont OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: A Method for Measuring the Firmness of Cooked Soybean. H. P. S. Makker, O. P. Sharma and S. S. Negi OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: Correlation Between the Dry Matter Content of Fat-Free Cottage Cheese and Its Apparent Viscosity Measured During Production. G. Corrieu, M. Lalande and A. Fissette OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: Instrument Prediction of the Lean Content of Pork Carcasses Using Ultrasound or Light Reflectance. S. D. M. Jones and C. R. Haworth SENSORY MEASUREMENTS: Consumer Reaction to Processed Suntan Apples. A. A. Williams, G. M. Arnold and M. Warrington FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Correlation Between Rheological Parameters and Microstructure of Sausages of Bologna Type. L. Feher, K. Kabok and T. Huszka FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: The Effect of Apple Maturity and Firmness on Bruise Volume. R. G. Diener, S. Singha and J. Petit FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Extrusion Cooking of High-Fiber Cereal Product with Crispbread Character. Y. Andersson, B. Hedlund, L. Jonsson and S. Svensson FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Textural Properties of Untoasted and Toasted Rusks. H. D. Tscheuschner and U. Bindrich FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Instrumental and Sensory Analysis of the Action of Catheptic enzymes on Flaked and Formed Beef. S. H. Cohen, R. A. Segars, A Cardello, J. Smith and f. M. Robbins FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Morphological and Textural Comparisons of Soybean Mozzarella Analogs Prepared with Different Hydrocolloids. C. S. Yang and M. V. Taranto FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Freezing and Thawing Green Curds Before Processing on the Rheological Properties of Cream Cheese. T. Hori FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Textural Properties of Salted Radish Root and Their Changes During Salting. K. Kaneko, M. Kurosaka and Y. Maede FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Canned Shrimp Texture as a Function of Its Heat History. L. Y. Ma., J. C. Deng, E. M. Ahmed and J. P. Adams FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Factors Affecting the Staling of Madeira Slab Cake. Robin C. E. Guy FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Influence of Variety, Site and Storage on Physical, Sensory and Compositional Aspects of Mashed Potato. Richard M. Faulks and Nerys M. Griffiths FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Susceptibility of Yoghurt to Syneresis. Comparison of Centrifugation and Draining Methods. V. R. Harwalker and M. Kalob FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Gelation of UHT Milk During Storage – A Comparison of Some Chemical and Physical Methods of Analysis. K. Guthy, Y. H. Hong and H. Klostermeyer FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Age Gelation of Sterilized Milks. V. R. Harwalkar  相似文献   

GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Wall Slip Corrections for Couette and Parallel Disk Viscometers . A. Yoshimura and R. K. Prud'Homme GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Foam Rheology: III. Measurement of Shear Flow Properties . S. A. Khan, C. A. Schnepper and R. C Armstrong GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Stability of Bovine Muscle Connective Tissues . V. M. Bernal and D. W. Stanley GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Application of Reaction Kinetics to the Denaturation of Whey Proteins in Heated Milk . F. Dannenberg and H. G. Kessler GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Properties of Ultrafiltered Skim Milk . M. Hallström and P. Dejmek GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Mechanical Studies of Sol-Gel Transition: Universal Behavior of Elastic Modulus . Masayuki Tokita and Kunio Hikichi GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological and Thermal Properties of Carrageenan Gels. Effect of Sulfate Content . Mineo Watase and Katsuyoshi Nishinari GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Dymanic Viscoelasticity and Anomalous Thermal Behaviour of Concentrated Agarose Gels . Mineo Watase and Katsuyoshi Nishinari GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Foaming Properties of Protein Solutions: Comparison of Large-Scale Whipping and Conductimetric Methods . David J. Wright and John W. Hemmant FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Responses of CA-stored Bramley's Seedling and Cox's Orange Pippin Apples to Modified Atmosphere Retail Packaging . J. D. Geeson, S. M. Smith, Helen P. Everson, Pia M. Genge and K. M. Browne FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Restructured Pork with Texture Variation . N. G. Marriott, S. K. Phelps, C. A. Costello and P. P. Graham FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Texture Changes in White Bread: Effects of Processing and Storage . U. Stollman and B. Lundgren FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Chemical Composition and Rheological Behaviour of Strawberry Jams Relation with Fruit Content . E. Costell, E. Carbonell and L. Duran FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Influence of Sugar and Cyanide Concentrations and Paste Viscosities of Cassava Flour on Fried Cassava Chip Quality . A. M. Almazan FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Influence of Hot and Cold Boning on the Palatability, Textural and Economic Traits of Restructured Beef Steaks . D. L. Seman, W. G. Moody, J. D. Fox and N. Gay FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Influence of Soy Protein and NaCl on the Rheological Properties of Beef, Pork or Chicken Muscle Homogenates . M. A. Bianchi, A. M. R. Rilosof and G. B. Bartholomai FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Relationship of Water Content to Textural Characteristics, Water Activity and Thermal Conductivity of Some Commercial Sausages . G. R. Ziegler, S. S. H. Rizvi and J. C. Acton FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Texture of Cooked Mantle of Squid Ilex argentinus as Influenced by Specimen Characteristics and Treatments . I. Kolodziejska, Z. E. Sikorski and M. Sadowska FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Relationship Between Pectic Composition and the Softening of the Texture of Japanese Radish Roots During Cooking . M. Fuchigami FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Intrinsic Viscosity of Tomato Serum as Affected by Methods of Determination and Methods of Processing Concentrates . T. Tanglertpaibul and M. A. Rao FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Rheological Properties and Conformation of Tomato Paste Pectins, Citrus and Apple Pectins . T. D. Chou and J. L Kokini FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Aging and Mustard Flour on Rheological Properties of Model O/W Emulsion . R. Fischbach and J. L. Kokini FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Cold Shock in Fish: Its Characteristics in Bighead . R. W. H. Parry, M. V. Alcasid and E. B. Panggat FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Continuous Emulsification and Gelation of Dairy Ingredients by HTST Extrusion Cooking: Production of Processed Cheeses . F. Zuber, D. Megard and J. C. Cheftel FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: The Effect of Fermentation Temperature, Flour Type, and Starter on the Properties of Sour Wheat Bread . H. Salovaara and T. Valjakka FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Rheological Properties of Ultrafiltered Skim Milk. I. Effects of pH, Temperature and Heat Treatment . M. Hallstrom and P. Dejmek. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Improvement of Quality of Whipping Cream by Adding Carrageenan and Milk Constituents. II. Influence of Additives on the Physical Properties of Whipped Cream . D. Precht, K.-H. Peters, and J. Petersen FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: The Effects of Salt Concentration and pH Upon Water-Binding, Water-Holding and Protein Extractability of Turkey Meat . R. I. Richardson and J. M. Jones SENSORY EVALUATIONS: Sensory Profiling and Multidimensional Scaling of Selected Finnish Raye Breads . U. Hellemann, H. Tuorila, H. Salovaara and L. Tarkkonen SENSORY EVALUATIONS: Texture and Sensory Evaluation of Frankfurters Made with Different Formulations and Processes . C. M. Lee, R. C. Whiting and R. K. Jenkins INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY: Adaptation of the Instron to Determine the Surface Tension of Ice Cream Mix . S. A. Wittinger and D. E. Smith INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY: Double Direct Shear Test for Potato Texture . D. R. McComber, R. A. Lohnes and E. M. Osman INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY: Computer Simulation of the Attrition Patterns of Particulated and Agglomerated Foods . M. Peleg and M. D. Normand INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY: A Rapid Method for the Evaluation of Emulsion Stability of Non-Dairy Creamers . R. M. Tran and M. A. Einerson INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY: Elongational Viscosity Measurements of Melting American Process Cheese . O. H. Campanella, L. M. Popplewell, J. R. Rosenau and M. Peleg  相似文献   

GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Density and Compressibility of Selected Food Powders Miutures . G. V. B. Canovas, J. Malave-Lopez and M. Peleg GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Lubricated Squeezing Flow of a Newtonian Liquid Between Elastic and Rigid Plates . O. H. Campanella and M. Peleg GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Surface Active Properties of Food Proteins: Effects of Reduction of Disulfide Bonds on Film Properties and Foam Stability of Glycinin . S. H. Kim and J. E. Kinsella INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: Squeezing Flow Viosimetry of Peanut Butter . O. H. Campanella and M. Peleg FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Texture and Microstructure of Cooked Whole Egg Yolks and Heat-Formed Gels of Stirred Egg Yolk . S. A. Woodward and O. J. Cotterill FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Rheological Properties of Tomato Concentrates as Atrected by Particle Size and Methods of Concentration . T. Tanglertpaibul and M. A. Rao FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Shelf Life Study of Oil/Water Emulsions Using Various Commercial Hydrocolloids . K. A. Coia and K. R. Stauffer FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Flow Properties of Tomato Concentrates: Effect of Serum Viscosity and Pulp Content . T. Tanglertpaibul and M. A. Rao FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Modification of Physical Properties of Gelatin by Use of an Immobilized Protease in Combination with Molecular Sieves . T. Nishio and R. Hayashi FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Rheological and Water-Holding Properties of Gelled Meat Batters Containing Iota Carrageenan, Kappa Carrageenan or Xanthan Gum . E. A. Foegeding and S. R. Ramsey FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Flake Size on Textural and Cooking Properties of Restructured Beef and Pork Steaks . B. W. Berry, J. J. Smith and J. L. Secrist FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Influence of Sodium Tripolyphosphate and Sodium Chloride on Moisture Retention and Textural Characteritics of Chicken Breast Meat Patties . L. L. Young, C. E. Lyon, G. K. Searcy and R. L. Wilson FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Freeze-Textured Maine Shrimp Protein Extract . T. C. S. Yang FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Commercial Food Grade Enzymes on Proteolysis and Textural Change in Granular Cheddar Cheese . J. C. C. Lin, I. J. Jeon, H. A. Roberts and G. A. Milliken FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Sodium Chloride Concentration on Firmness Retention of Cucumbers Fermented and Stored with Calcium Chloride . H. P. Fleming, R. F. McFeeters and R. L. Thompson FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: A Kinetic Interpretation of Textural Changes in Black Beans During Prolonged Storage . J. M. Aguilera and A. Ballivian FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Starch on Textural Properties of Surimi Gel . J. M. Kim and C. M. Lee FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Oral and Nonoral Perception of Solution Viscosity . C. M. Christensen and L. M. Casper  相似文献   

GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Effect of Different Tube Materials on the Steady Shear Tube Flow of Semi-Solid Foods . M. Dervisoglu and J. L. Kokini GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Predicting and Flow Properties of Food Suspensions of Plant Origin . M. A. Rao GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Viscoelastic Properties of Semisolid Foods and Their Biopolymeric Components . J. L. Kokini and G. J. Plutchok GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Measurement and Interpretation of Rheological Properties of Foods . E. B. Bagley and D. D. Christianson GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Mixed Proteinaceous Emulsiflers: Review of Competitive Protein Adsorption and the Relationship of Food Colloid Stabilization . Eric Dickinson GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Viscosity Behaviour of Vicia Faba Protein Isolates and Their Acetylated Derivatives . G. Schmidt, H. Schmandke and R. Schottel GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Functional Properties of Safflower Protein Isolates: Water Absorption, Whipping and Emulsifying Characteristics . Octavio Paredes-López and César Ordorica-Falomir INSTRUMENTATION ∧ METHODOLOGY: Dynamic Rheological Measurements on Heat-Induced Mymh Gels: An Evaluation of the Method's Suitability for the Filamentous Gels . Bjørg Egelandsdal INSTRUMENTATION ∧ METHODOLOGY: Extrusion Behavior of Different Soya Isolates and the Effect of Particle Size . P. R. Sheard, J. R. Mitchell and D. A. Ledward INSTRUMENTATION ∧ METHODOLOGY: Back-Extrusion of Non-Newtonian Fluids . J. F. Steffe and F. A. Osorio INSTRUMENTATION ∧ METHODOLOGY: Instrumentation for Rheological Measurements of Food . C. F. Shoemaker, J. I. Lewis and M. S. Tamura INSTRUMENTATION ∧ METHODOLOGY: Methods for Measurement of Rheological Changes During Thermally Induced Gelation of Proteins . D. D. Hamann INSTRUMENTATION ∧ METHODOLOGY: Effect of Sample Weight and Orientation in the Shear Press Testing of Canadian Bacon . G. E. Skinner and V. N. M. Rao INSTRUMENTATION ∧ METHODOLOGY: Effects of Freeze-Thaw Abuse on the Viscosity and Gel-Forming Properties of Surimi from Two Species . B. Y. Kim, D. D. Hamann, T. C. Lanier and M. C. Wu OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: Rheological and Thermal Properties of Agarose and Kappa-Carrageenan Gels Containing Urea, Guanidine Hydrochloride or Formamide . M. Watase and K. Nishinari OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: Comparative Studies of the Meehnnicpl Properties of Mixed Gels Formed by Kappa Carrageenan and Tarn Gum or Carob Gum . P. Cairns, V. J. Morris, M. J. Miles and G. J. Brownsey OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: The Precipitation of Bovine Plasma Proteins By Anionic Polysaccharides 2. Rheological Study of the Coprecipitates Obtained With Sodium Alginate and λ-Carrageenan . M. P. Goncalves, C. M. Bourgeois, J. Lefebvre and J.-L. Doublier OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: Research of Tests for pndiction and Estimation of Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Wheat Gluten . J. C. Autran, B. Godon, K. Kobrehel, B. Laignelet and Y. Popenau OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: Comparison of Sensory and Instrumental Texture ProfUe Techniques for the Evaluation of Beef and Beef-Soy Loaves . P. L. Brady, F. K. McKeith and M. E. Hunecke OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: Sensory Characteristics, Shear Values and Cooking Properties of Ground Beef Patties Extended with Iron and Zinc-Fortified Soy Isolate, Concentrate or Flour . B. W. Berry, K. F. Leddy and C. E. Bodwell OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: Relationships of Instrumental Textural Roperties and Muscle Fiber Types to the Sensory Properties of Beef . S. C. Seideman and L. K. Theer FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of an Autolyzed Yeast on Physical and Sensory Properties of Frankfurters . L. L. parks, J. A. Carpenter and J. O. Reagan FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Quantitative Analysis of Texture Change in Cod Muscle During Frozen Storage . Y. J. Kim FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Water Absorption in Cereal Grains and Its Effect on Their Rupture Stress . E. U. U. Ituen, J. P. Mittal and J. S. Adeoti FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Feed Moisture and Barrel Temperature on the Rheological Properties of Extruded Cowpea Meal . M. B. Kennedy, R. D. Phillips, V. N. M. Rao and M. S. Chinnan FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Culture Effect on Ripening Characteristics and Rheological Behavior of Cheddar Cheese . G. F. Amantea, B. J. Skura and S. Nakai FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Polysaccharide Stabilizers on the Nucleation of Ice . A. H. Muhr, J. M. V. Blanshard and S. J. Sheard FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Frozen Storage on Protein Denaturation in Bovine Muscle. II. Influence on Solubility, Viscosity and Electrophoretic Behaviour of Myoilbrillor Proteins . J. R. Wagner and M. C. Anon FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Heat Treatment of Whipping Cream II Effect on Cream Plug Formation . A. Streuper and A. C. M. Van Hooydonk FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Innuence of Added κ-Casein and β-Lactoglobulin in the Heat Coagulation Time/pH Profile of Buffalo Milk . M. K. Bhavadasan, Y. S. Rajput and N. C. Gonguli FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Sweeteners/Stabilizer Interactions on the Viscosity and Freezing Point of Ice Cream Mix . S. A. Wittinger and D. E. Smith FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Functional Properties of Meal Products of the Nigerian ‘Red Skin’ Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) . Alfred I. Ihekoronye FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Wheat Proteins on the Viscoelastic Properties of Starch Gels . Lennart Lindahl and Ann-Charlotte Eliasson RELATIONSHIP TO STRUCTURE: Degradation in Muscle Fibreconnective Tissue Junctions in the Spotted Trevalla (Seriolella punctata) Examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy . H. Allan Bremner and Ian C. Hallett RELATIONSHIP TO STRUCTURE: Biochemical Components of Wheat Flour in Connection With Cookie Quality . M. Cottenet  相似文献   

GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Effects of “Ante Mortem” Treatment with Intraperitoneal Injections of Calcium Gluconate and Magnesium Sulphate on Tenderness of Frozen Lamb. E. Garcia-Matamoros, A. Moral, F. Jimenez and F. Senz. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Structural - Mechanical Properties of Fresh Raw Meat, and Technologically Caused Changes. I. Kieszling and H. J. Raeuber. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Gelation of Reconstituted Whey Powders by Heat. R. M. Hillier, R. L. J. Lyster and G. C. Cheeseman. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Study of the Flow Behavior in the Low Flow Region of Skim Milk Solutions. K. Kubota, T. Matsumoto, K. Suzuki and H. Hosaka. INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY: Apparatus for Determining the Rheological Properties of Meat Products. V.D. Kosoi, V.A. Gonotekii, S.N. Shevchenko, O.V. Zvonov, V.M. Yakushin and O.N. Kashelkin. INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY: Instrument for Texture of Small Curd Cottage Cheese. A. Perry and P. A. Carroad INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY: A Nondestructive Test for Determination of Optimum Maturity of French (Green) Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). H.S. Ramaswamy, S. Ranganna and V.S. Govindarajan. INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY: Viscoelastic, Dielectric and Piezoelectric Behavior of Solid Amylose. K. Nishinon and E. Fukoda. INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY: Note on a Method for Measuring Breakage Susceptibility of Shelled Corn during Handling. B. S. Miller, J. W. Hughes, R. Rousser and Y. Pomeranz. INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY: An Instrument for Measuring the Springiness of Chhana. V. K. Gera and G. S. Rajorhia. INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY: Use of a Penetrometer to Determine Firmness of Emulsion-type Sausage. L. Andersson and K. E. Hansson. INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY: Penetrometer to Evaluate Sausage Meat Quality. V. M. Gorbatov, A. V. Gorbatov, V. D. Kosoi and O. V. Zronov. INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY: An Application of the Ultrasonic Pulse Echo Technique to the Measurement of Crispness of Biscuits. M.J.W. Povey and C.A. Harden. OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: Behaviour of the Mechanically Separated Flesh of Some Common Fish Species of the Mexican Shrimp By-catch During Storage at —20%. M.A. Tableros*and R.H. Young**. OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: Sheer Stress Relaxation of Wheat Flour Dough and Gluten. L. Bohlin and T.L-G. Carlson. OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: Changes in the Mechanical Properties of Rhein Riesling Grapes During Ripening. J. Frybort. OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: Storage Temperature and the Dynamic Elasticity of Apples and Potatoes. J. van Lancker. OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: Objective Measurement of Cottage Cheese Texture. P.C. Vasavade. OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: Subjective and Objective Assessments of the Degree of Cooking of Potatoes Heated by Different Methods. R. Collison, K. Johnson, O.O. Okikiolu and A. West. OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: A Rapid Batter Expansion Method for Testing the Baking Quality of Wheat Flours. Nawab Khan and Manzoor Elahi. OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: Emulsifying Properties of Undenatured Potato Protein Concentrate. F. Holm and S. Eriksen OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT: Precision in the Measurement of Meat Texture. E. Dransfield and H.J.H. Mac-Fie. RELATIONSHIP TO STRUCTURE: The Carrageenan from Iridaea undulosa B.; Analysis, Fractionation and Alkaline Treatment. M. C. Matulewicz and A.S. Cerezo. RELATIONSHIP TO STRUCTURE: The Textural Quality of Cooked Potatoes.I. The Relationship of Cooking Time to the Separation and Rupture of Potato Cells. M. Nonaka. RELATIONSHIP TO STRUCTURE: Relationship Between Structure and Rheological Behavior of Juices and Purees of Fruits and Vegetables. T. R. Garcia and A. I. Buron. RELATIONSHIP TO STRUCTURE: The Influence of the Structure of Starch on Its Rheological Properties. D. Howling. RELATIONSHIP TO STRUCTURE: Relationship Between Covalent Structure of Xanthomonas Polysaccharide (Xanthan) and its Function as a Thickening, Suspending and Gelling Agent. K. C. Symes.  相似文献   

GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Thermal Denaturation of Proteins in Post Rigor Muscle Tissue as Studied by Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Eva Stabursvik and Harald Martens. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Effect of Milk Concentration on the Nature of Curd Formed During Renneting, A Theoretical Discussion. D.G. Dalgleish. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Hardening of Food Texture Induced by Microwave Irradiation. III. Changes in Starch Granules Under Conditions of Limited Water. A. Higo, M. Okubo and S. Michiko GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Infared and Laser-Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Thermally-Induced Globular Protein Gels. A.H. Clark, D.H.P. Saunderson and A. Suggett. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Electron Microscopy of Network Structures in Thermally-Induced Globular Protein Gels. A.H. Clark, F.J. Judge, J.B. Richards, J.M. Stubbs and A. Suggett. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Cs NMR in the Sol Gel State of Aqueous Carrageenan. Selective Site Binding of Cesium and Potassium Ions in Kappa-Carrageenan Gels. H. Grasdalen and O. Smidsrod. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Relationship of Chewing Sounds to Judgments of Food Crispness. C.M. Christensen and Z.M. Vickers. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Apparent Activation Energy of Viscous Flow in Pectin Jellies. R.H. Walter and R.M. Sherman. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Ultrastructural Examination of Egg Albumen Protein Foams. T.M. Johnson and M.E. Zabik. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Network Structure in Gels of Rod-like Polypeptides. K. Tohyama and W.G. Miller GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Dynamic Viscoelastic Properties of Gelatin Gels in Glycerol-Water Mixtures. J.L. Laurent, P.A. Janmey and J.D. Ferry. INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: A Simple Centrifugal Method for Measuring Expressible Moisture, A Water Binding Property of Muscle Foods. C.A. Jauregui, J.M. Regenstein and R.C. Baker. INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: Measuring the Breakage Susceptibility of Shelled Corn. B.S. Miller, J.W. Hughes, R. Rousser and Y. Pomeranz. INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: Measurement of Corn Kernel Hardness. T.L. Tran, J.M. deMan and V.F. Rasper. INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: Measuring the Breakage Susceptibility of Soybeans. B.S. Miller, J.H. Hughes, Y. Pomeranz and G.D. Booth. INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: Influence of Postmortem Aging Period on the Fragmentation Index of Bovine Longissimus Muscle. A.B. Cole Jr. and G. W. Davis. INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: Low-Shear, Small Volume Viscoelastometer. K.S. Zaner, R. Fotland, and T.P. Stossel. INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: A New Method and Apparatus for Measuring Foam Stability. G. Nishoika (NASA, George C. Marshall OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: The Effect of Stabilisers on the Viscosity of an Ice Cream Mix. John I.L. Cottrell, Geoffrey Pass and Glyn O. Phillips OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: Rheological Studies of Agar-Agar Gels Prepared from Makusa (Gelidium Amansii) Gathered in Different Seasons. M. Watase and K. Nishinari. OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: Effect of Sodium Hydroxide Pretreatment on the Relaxation Spectrum of Concentrated Agar-Agar Gels. M. Watase and K. Nishinari. SENSORY MEASUREMENTS: Sensory Textural Properties of Stabilized Ice Cream. L.J. Moore and C.F. Shoemaker. SENSORY MEASUREMENTS: Evaluation of Textural Characteristics Produced in Cottage Cheese Creamed with Selected Dressings. H.R. Cooper and T.A. Watts. SENSORY MEASUREMENTS: Potential Fallacy of Correlating Hedonic Responses with Physical and Chemical Measurements. A.S. Trant, R.M. Pangborn and A.C. Little. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Objective and Subjective Texture Evaluation of Irradiation Sterilized Meat Products. R.A. Segars, A.V. Cardello and J.S. Cohen. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Lipophilization of Soy Protein on Its Emulsion Stabilizing Properties. H. Aoki, O. Taneyama, N. Orimo and I. Kitagawa. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Changes in the Tenderness of Meat Cooked at 50–65d?C. P.E. Bouton and P.V. Harris. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Water Activity on the Sensory Crispness and Mechanical Deformation of Snack Food Products. E.E. Katz and T.P. Labuza. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Determining the Radial Distribution of Specific Gravity Within Potato Tubers. A.R. Quarmby. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Improved Method for Preparation of Fruit-Simulating Alginate Gels. C. Pelaez and Marcus Karel. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Recipes for Improvement of Scooperability of Ice Cream. F. Bray. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Molds in Brined Cucumbers: Cause of Softening During Air-Purging of Fermentations. R.N. Costilow, K. Gates and M.L. Lacy. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Influence of Heat and SO2 Treatments on Some Quality Characteristics of Intermediate Moisture Bananas. A. Levi, J.R. Ramirez-Martinez and H. Padua. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Processing of Grapefruit Segments Containing Membranes. H. Hannan Jr. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Physical Properties of Milk and Milk Products I Hardness, Breaking Energy and Elastic Modulus of Milk Rennet Curd. T. Ohashi, S. Haga, H. Fujino, S. Taniyama, K. Yamauchi and T. Akiyame. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: As measured with a rheometer, hardness, breaking strength and elastic modulus of rennet curd varied significantly among different milk samples. Positive correlations were found among these three physical parameters. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: The Influence of Collagen on the Rheological Properties of Meat Homogenates. M. Sadowska, Z.E. Sikorski and M. Dobosz. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Heat Treatment on the Flow Properties of Aqueous Guar Gum and CMC Solutions. M.A. Rao, R.H. Walter and H.J. Cooley. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Texture Profile Analysis of Patties Made from Mixed and Flake-Cut Mechanically Deboned Poultry Meat. C.E. Lyon, B.C. Lyon, C.E. Davis, and W.E. Townsend.  相似文献   

GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Induced Hard-To-Cook State in Cowpeas by Freeze-Thawing and Calcium Chloride Soaking . K. Liu, D. Phillips and K. H. McWatters METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION: Developing a Handling Simulator for Predicting Stored Potato Quality . J. L. Varns, P. H. Orr and J. M. Sacks METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION: Flow Behavior of Wheat Flour-Water Dough Using a Capillary Rheometer. I. Effect of Capillary Geometry . N. Sharma, M. A. Hanna and Y. R. Chen METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION: II. Effects of Water, Protein, Mix and Rest Time . N. Sharma, M. A. Hanna and D. B. Marx METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION: Viscoelastograph Measures and Total Organic Matter Test: Suitability in Evaluating Textural Characteristics of Cooked Pasta . M. G. D'Egidio, B. M. Mariani, S. Nardi and P. Novaro INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Dynamic Rheological Studies on Salt-Soluble Proteins from Three Porcine Muscles . G. H. Robe and Y. L. Xiong INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Cooked Pasta Texture: Comparison of Dynamic Viscoelastic Properties to Instrumental Assessment of Firmness . N. M. Edwards, M. S. Izydorczyk, J. E. Dexter and C. G. Biliaderis SENSORY EVALUATION: Sensory Quality of Australian D'Agen Prunes in Relation to Fruit Maturity and Chemical Composition . K. J. Scott, C. M. C. Yuen and G.-H. Kim FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Drying Temperature and Farina Blending on Spaghetti Quality Using Response Surface Methodology . L. J. Malcolmson, R. R. Matsuo and R. Balshaw FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Sensory and Physical Properties of Cakes with Bovine Plasma Products Substituted for Egg . C. C. Lee, J. A. Love and L. A. Johnson FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Flour, Starch and Composite Breadmaking Quality of Various Cassava Clones . G. Eggleston, P. E. Omoaka and A. U. Arowshegbe FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Flour, Starch and Alternative (Wheatless) Breadmaking Quality of Various Cassava Clones . G. Eggleston, P. E. Omoaka and A. U. Arowshegbe FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Changes in Rheological Properties of Hydroxypropyl Potato Starch Pastes During Freeze-Thaw Treatments. III. Effect of Cooking Conditions and Concentration of the Starch Paste . H. R. Kim, P. Muhrbeck and A.-C. Eliasson FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Heating and Texture Profiles of Packaged Pasteurized Beef Loin Steaks from Precooked Roasts . K. Cooksey, B. P. Klein and F. K. McKeith FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Vacuum Infiltration of Polyamines Increases Firmness of Strawberry Slices Under Various Storage Conditions . T. Ponappa, J. C. Scheerens and A. R. Miller FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Extrusion Process Variables on the Product Texture of Blends of Minced Fish and Wheat Flour . S. Bhattacharya, H. Das and A. N. Bose FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Changes in Textural Properties of Beef Longissirnus dorsi Muscle During Aging . K. Boakye and G. S. Mittal FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Ozone on Softening Enzymes, Sorbate, Pigment and Bacteria in Recycled Pickle Brine . A. R. Brigance and R. Buescher  相似文献   

1. General Principles: ‘Hypothesis for the Structure and Rheology of Glutenin’, by J. A. D. Ewart 1. General Principles: ‘Texture, Structure Affect Flavor Release Rate’, by H. Knechtel 1. General Principles: ‘Collection and Classification of Texture Words’, by S. Yoshikama, S. Nishimaru, T. Tashiro, and M. Yoshida 1. General Principles: ‘Collection and Analysis of Texture Words’, by S. Yoshikawa, S. Nishimani, T. Tashiro, and M. Yoshida 2. Instrumentation and Methodology: ‘A Simple Extension Apparatus for Gelatin Gels’, by W. G. Cobbett 2. Instrumentation and Methodology: ‘A Method for Measuring the Firmness of the Cell-Wall Material of Bread’, by R. C. E. Guy and J. J. Wren 2. Instrumentation and Methodology: ‘The Rheological Testing of Wheat Glutens and Doughs (A Letter)’, by P. W. Heaps, T. Webb, P. W. Eggitt Russell, and J. B. M. Coppock 2. Instrumentation and Methodology: ‘New Dimensions Relating to the Textural Quality of Semi-Solid Foods and Ingredient Systems’, by W. F. Henry and M. H. Katz 2. Instrumentation and Methodology: ‘Routine Rheological Tests in the British Food Industry’, by H. G. Muller 2. Instrumentation and Methodology: ‘Measures Food-Flow Behavior’, by S. J. Popson and J. V. Ziemba 2. Instrumentation and Methodology: ‘Development of a Penetrometer Test to Predict Meat Tenderness’, by J. M. Tuomy and L. C. Hinnergardt A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Two Kinds of Firmness in Apples’, by M. C. Bourne A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘The Effect of Sample Dimensions on the Cleaving of Meat in the Objective Assessment of Tenderness’, by C. L. Davey and K. V. Gilbert A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Cottage Cheese Texture’, by J. M. de Man A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘An Instrument for Automatically Measuring the Firmness of Red Tart Cherries’, by R. G. Diener, J. H. Levin, and R. J. Wolthuis A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Measurements of Olive Texture. II: Compression and Shear Compression Tests’, by M. J. F. Diez and A. V. Sigler A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Determination of Gelatinization Property of Highly Concentrated Starch Suspension by Brabender Plastograph. 1: Examination of Test Condition’, by F. Goto and Y. Yokoo A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Comparison of Sarcomere Length to Other Predictors of Beef Tenderness’, by R. D. Howard and M. D. Judge A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Rheological Activity of Peptides. Simple Disulphides and Simple Thiols in Wheaten Dough’, by I. K. Jones and P. R. Carnegie A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Texture of Cooked Potato. I: Introduction’, by D. J. Linehan and J. C. Hughes A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Texture of Cooked Potato. II: Relationships between Intercellular Adhesion and Chemical Composition of the Tuber’ A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Texture of Cooked Potato. II: Intercellular Adhesion of Chemically Treated Tuber Sections’ A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: Determination of the Period of Mixing of Praline Paste by Measuring Changes in its Rheological Properties’, by L. N. Lunin and Yu. A. Machikhin A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Spaghetti Tenderness Testing Apparatus’, by R. R. Matsuo and G. N. Irvine A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Viscosity Profile of Typical Polysaccharides in the Ultra-Low Shear Rate Range’, by T. C. Patton A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Investigations on Starches from Major Starch Crops Grown in Ghana. 1: Hot Paste Viscosity and Gel-Forming Power’, by V. Rasper A. FOODS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Viscosity of Egg and Egg Products’, by A. M. Scalzo, R. W. Dickerson, Jr., J. T. Peeler, and R. B. Read, Jr. B. PHARMACEUTICALS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Viscoelastic Properties of Pharmaceutical Semisolids. I: Ointment Bases’, by S. S. Davis B. PHARMACEUTICALS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Viscoelastic Properties of Pharmaceutical Semisolids. II: Creams B. PHARMACEUTICALS 3. Objective Measurements: ‘Viscosity and Practical Yield Value of Washable O/W Creams as Influenced by the Complex Emulsifier System’, by K. Münzel and K. Berneis 4. Sensory Measurements: ‘Training for Peak Sensory Performance’, by R. Brenan and M. Vaisey 4. Sensory Measurements: ‘The Effect of Roasting up to Various Internal Temperatures on Weight Loss, and Some Physico-Chemical and Palatability Characteristics of Loins of Very Young Cattle Type “Baby Beef”, by F. Bucar and A. Frolich 4. Sensory Measurements: ‘Personality Traits and Sensory Performance’ by D. Henderson and M. Vaisy 4. Sensory Measurements: ‘Note on Sequential Tasting Tests’, by E. H. Steiner 4. Sensory Measurements: ‘Scientific Basis of Taste, Flavour and Texture of Foods’, by A. G. Ward 5. Factors Affecting Texture: ‘pH and Quality of Chicken Frankfurters’, by R. C. Baker, J. M. Darfler, and D. V. Vadehra 5. Factors Affecting Texture: ‘Study of Ultrastructural Modifications due to Freezing In Vegetable Produce’, by M. Bassi and M. G. Crivelli 5. Factors Affecting Texture: ‘Polygalacturonase Content of Dates and its Relation to Maturity and Softness’, by S. Hasegawa, V. P. Maier, H. P. Kaszycki, and J. K. Crawford 5. Factors Affecting Texture: ‘Pectinesterase and Textural Changes in Processed Apple Slices’, by Y. S. Lee and R. C. Wiley 5. Factors Affecting Texture: ‘Effect of Maturity and Marbling of Beef on Sensory, Histological and Related Characteristics of Rib Steaks’, by H. L. Norris, D. L. Harrison, L. L. Anderson, B. von Welch, and H. J. Tuma 5. Factors Affecting Texture: ‘Effect of Some Factors on the Rheological Properties of Raw-Material Emulsions for Biscuits’, by A. D. Prokopenko and I. M. Roiter  相似文献   

GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheology and Microstructure of β-Lactoglobulin/Sodium Polypectate Gels. E.E. Ndi, B.G. Swanson, G.V. Barbosa-Canovas and L.O. Luedecke GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Theoretical Analysis of Stress Concentrations in Gels Containing Spherical Fillers. Y.C. Gao, J. Lelievre and J. Tang. METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION: Packing Line Bruise Evaluation for ‘Walla Walla’ Summer Sweet Onions. R.W. Bajema and G.M. Hyde. b METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION: A Dynamic Sensor for Cherry Firmness. F.L. Younce and D.C. Davis. METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION: Nondestructive Dynamic ForceAIefonnation Measurement of Kiwifruit Firmness (Actinidia deliciosa). J.A. Abbott and D.R. Massie. METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION: Investigation of Gelation Phenomena of Some Polysaccharides by Ultrasonic Spectroscopy. Spectroscopy. M. Audebrand, J.L Doublier, D. Durand and J.R. Emergy. METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION: Modelling Steady and Transient Rheologicsl Properties. C.F. Chan Man Fong, G. Turcotte and D. De Kee METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION: Rheology of Cooked Debranned Maize Hour Suspensions. S. Bhattacharya and S. Bhattacharya. METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION: Rheological Models for Xanthan Gum. (Research Note) Z. Xuewu, L. Xin, G. Dexiang, Z. Wei, X. Tong and M. Yonghong. METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION: Rheological Behaviour of Sloe (Prunus Spinosu) Fruit Juices. A. Jbarz, A. Garvin and J. Costa. METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION: Yield Stress and Relative Viscosity of Tomato Concentrates: Effect of Total Solids and Finisher Screen Size. B. Yoo Pangbae-Dong, Seochu-Gu, Seoul, So. Korea) and M.A. Rao. METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION: Viscoelastic Properties of Butter. A. Shukla and S.S.H. Rizvi. SENSORY MEASUREMENTS: Consumer Acceptability of Beef Steak Tenderness in the Home and Restaurant M.F. Miller L.C. Hoover, K.D. Cook, A.L. Guerra, K.L. Huffman, H.C. Brittin and L.M. Huffman. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Postmortem Changes in the Mechanical Properties and Ultrastructure of the Longissimus in Two Porcine Breeds. G. Minelli, J. C ulioli, X. Vignon and G. Monin. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Pork Quality Audit: A Review of the Factors Influencing Pork Quality. J.E. Cannon, J.B. Morgan, J. Heavner, F.K. McKeith, G.C. Smith and D.L. Meeker. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Initial Postmortem Porcine Muscle pH Effect on Heat-Induced Gelation Properties. Properties. Y.H. Lan, J.E. Novakofski, R.H. McCusker, M.S. Brewer, T.R. Carr and F.K. McKeith. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Homogenization Pressure on Consistency of Tomato Jiuce. Jiuce. B.R. Thakur, R.K. Singh and A.K. Handa. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Influence of Blanching Treatments on the Texture and Color of Some Processed Vegetables and Fruits. Z. Lin and E. Schyvens. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Freezing Rate on the Rheological Behaviour of Systems Based on Starch and Lipid Phase. A.S. Navarro, M.N. Martino and N.E. Zaritzky. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Changes in Texture and Cell Wall Polysaccharides of Olive Fruit during “Spanish Green Olive Processing A. Jimknez, R. Guillbn, C. Sanchez, J. Fernhndez- Bola& and A. Heredia. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Liquid Drainage and Firmness in Full-Fat, Low Fat and Fat-Free Cottage Cheese. M. Rosenberg, Z. Wang, G. Sulzer. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Mechanical Properties of Gellan Gels in Relation to Divalent Cations. J. Tang, M.A. Tung and Y. Zeng. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Softening Rates of Fermented Cucumber Tissue: Effects of pH, Calcium and Temperature. R.F. McFeeters, M.B. Balbuena and H.P. Fleming. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Freeze-Thaw Stability of Prefermented Frozen lean Wheat Doughs: Effect of Flour Quality and Fermentation Time. J. Rashen, H. Hiirkonen and K. Autio.  相似文献   

GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Cell Wall Compitions and Enzymes of Potatoes, Jicamas and Chinese Water Chestnuts . R. Pressey GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Stress Relaxation Behavior of Apple Pomace and Effect of Temperature, Pressing Aid and Compaction Rate on Juice Yield . S. H. I. Al-Mashat and C. A. Zuritz GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Linear Programming and Response Surface Methodology to Optimize Surimi Gel Texture . J. S. Chen, C. M. Lee and C. Crapo GENERAL PRINCIPLES: The Relationship of the Microstructure of Cooked Ham to its Properties and Quality . K. Katsaras and K. D. Budras INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Dynamic Rheological Measurement of Structure Development in High-Methoxyl Pectin/Fructose Gels . M. A. Rao and H. J. Cooley INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Evolution of Mechanical Characteristics of Tomatoes of Two Varieties During Ripening . R. Thiagu, N. Chand and K. V. R. Ramana METHODOLOGY & INSTRUMENTATION: Experimental Evidence of Slip Development in Capillaries and a Method to Correct for End Effects in the Flow of Xanthan Solutions . L. de Vargas, J. Perez-Gonzalez and J. de J. Romero-Barenque METHODOLOGY & INSTRUMENTATION: Measurement of Biaxial Extensional Viscosity of Wheat Flour Doughs . H. Huang and J. L. Kokini METHODOLOGY & INSTRUMENTATION: Development and Evaluation of an Automated Grain Breakage Tester for Determining Corn Breakage Susceptibility . S. A. Watson, W. D. Kreider, M. J. Sciarini and H. M. Keener METHODOLOGY & INSTRUMENTATION: Evaluation of a Modified Stein Breakage Tester for More Rapid Determination of Corn Breakage Susceptibility . S. A. Watson and H. M. Keener SENSORY ASSESSMENT: A Study of Texture-Flavor Interactions Using Free-Choice Profiling . I. Jaime, D. J. Mela and N. Bratchell FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Physical and Sensory Characteristics of Low Fat Ground Beef Patties . M. F. Miller, M. K. Andersen, C. B. Ramsey and J. O. Reagan FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Carbohydrate or Protein Based Fat Mimicker Effects on Ice Milk Properties . K. Schmidt, A. Lundy, J. Reynolds and L. N. Yee FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Rheological Behavior of Frozen and Thawed Low-Moisture Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese . H. A. Diefes, S. S. H. Rizvi and J. A. Bartsch FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Base-Mediated Firmness Retention of Sweetpotato Products . W. M. Walter, Jr., H. P. Fleming and R. F. McFeeters FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Rheological Relationships Between Surimi Sol and Gel as Affected by Ingredients . B. Yoo and C. M. Lee FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Changes in Rheological Properties of Hydroxypropyl Potato Starch Pastes During Freeze-Thaw Treatments. III. Effect of Cooking Conditions and Concentration of Starch Paste . H. R. Kim, P. Muhrbeck and A.-C. Eliasson FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Amylopectin-Staling of Cooked Nonwaxy Milled Rices and Starch Gels . C. M. Perez, C. P. Villareal, B. O. Juliano and C. G. Biliadens FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: The Role of Xanthan Gum in White Layer Cakes . R. A. Miller and R. C. Hoseney FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Flour Type and Dough Retardation Time on the Sensory Characteristics of Pizza Crust . D. M. Larsen, C. S. Setser and J. M. Faubion GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Sedimentation of a Single Particle in Systems of Xanthan with Locust Bean Gum in Relation to the Rheological Behaviour . H. Luyten W. Kloek and T. van Vliet INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: Development of a Single-Kernel Wheat Characterization System . C. R. Martin. R. Rouser and D. L. Brabec INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: Measurement of Single-Kernel Wheat Hardness Using Near-Infrared Transmittance . S. R. Delwiche INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: Modal Analysis of the Dynamic Behavior of Pineapples and Its Relation to Fruit Firmness . H. Chen and J. Dr Baerdemaeker INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: Breakage Susceptibility of Corn of Different Stress-Crack Categories . S. Gunasekaran and K. Muthukumarappan  相似文献   

GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Distinguishing Among Bruises in Peaches Caused by Impact, Vibration and Compression . P.J. Vergano, R.F. Testin, and W.C. Newall, Jr. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Prediction of Physical Dough Properties from Glutenin Subunit Composition in Bread Wheats: Correlation Studies . R.B. Gupta, F. Bekes, and C.W. Wrigley GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Mechanism of Bread Firming. I. Role of Starch Swelling . M.L. Martin, K.J. Zeleznak, and R.C. Hoseney GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Mechanism of Bread Firming. II. Role of Starch Hydrolyzing Enzymes . M.L. Martin and R.C. Hoseney GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Prediction of the Non-Linear Viscoelastic Properties of a Hard Wheat Flour Dough Using the Bird-Carreau Constitutive Model . S.J. Dus and J.L. Kokini GENERAL PRINCIPLES: The Study of the Glass Transition of Glutenin Using Small Amplitude Oscillatory Rheological Measurements and Differential Scanning Calorimetry . A.M. Cocero and J.L. Kokini GENERAL PRINCIPLES: The Cox-Merz Rule Extended: A Rheological Model for Concentrated Suspensions and Other Materials with a Yield Stress . D. Doraiswamy, A.N. Mujumdar, I. Tsao, A.N. Beris, S.C. Danforth and A.B. Metzner GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Characterization of Nonlinear Creep Behavior of Two Food Products . R. Lu and V.M. Puri GENERAL PRINCIPLES: The Nonlinear Elastic Behavior of Polydisperse Hexagonal Foams and Concentrated Emulsions . A.M. Kraynik, D.A. Reinelt and H.M. Princen GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Test Cell for Meat Cohesiveness Using the Instron Universal Testing Machine . H.W. Ockerman, D.M. Greene and R.R. Hodges GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Results of Testing Sensory Evaluation Methods . P. Molnar, V. Nágel and L. Katona GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Universal Laboratory Texturometer . Á. Álmos GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Textural Determination of “Montomorency” Cherries Using Shear/Compression and Stone Removal . C.R. Santerre, J.N. Cash and A.F. Iezzoni GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Device to Measure the Dynamic Shear Properties of Small Samples . M.E. Mackay and C.A. Cathey GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Probe Impact Sensor for Fruit Firmness Measurement . M. Delwiche and Y. Sarig GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Prediction of Apple Bruising Due to Impact on Different Surfaces . P. Chen and R. Yazdanu GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Impact Bruise Resistance of Peaches . G.H. Brusewitz, T.G. McCollum and X. Zhang GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Triaxial Test Sample Size Effect on Stress Relaxation of Wheat En Masse . R.G. Bock, V.M. Puri and H.B. Manbeck GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Electromyographic Measurement of Textural Changes of Foodstuffs During Chewing . H. Sakamoto, T. Harada, T. Matsukubo, Y. Takaesu and M. Tazaki GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Evaluation of Food Texture by the Masticatory Pattern. I. Analysis of Chewing Force Pattern in the Mouth . J. Takahashi and F. Nakazawa GENERAL PRINCIPLES: The Measurement of Mechanical Properties of Cheese . J.H. Dobrzycki and N. Baryko-Pikielna GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Simple Antibody-Based Test for Dough Strength. I. Development of Method and Choice of Antibodies . J.H. Skerritt GENERAL PRINCIPLES: II. Genotype and Environmental Effects . INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Oscillatory Rheometry of Starch-Water Systems: Effect of Starch Concentration and Temperature . L.M. Hansen, R.C. Hoseney and J.M. Faubion INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Characterization of the Maturation Process by Changes in Pineapple Fruit Texture . H. Vega-Mercado and I. Beauchamp de Caloni INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Relationship of Properties of Rice to Texture of Japonica and Japonical/Indica cooked rice . Y.H. Hong, H.S. Ahn, S.K. Lee and S.K. Jun INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Investigations on the Physical Properties of Whipped Egg White Foam by the Multi-Biting Test . S. Tsuji CORRELATING SENSORY WITH INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Prediction of Sensory Evaluation of Gel Texture by Instrumental Measurement . Y. Watanabe, K. Amaike, T. Tomita and H. Aoki CORRELATING SENSORY WITH INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Textural Classification of Foods Based on Warner-Bratzler Shear . N. Chand CORRELATING SENSORY WITH INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: The Relation Between Instrumental Firmness Measurements and Sensory Chewing Texture of Briihwurst Sausages . P.G. Klettner SENSURY ASSESSMENT: Sensory Analysis of Fiber Formulated Ground Pork Patties . S1. Todd, F.E. Cunningham, J.R. Schwenke and S.J. Goetsch. SENSURY ASSESSMENT: Sensory and Instrumental Evaluation of the Mouthfeel of Beer . S.A. Langstaff, J.-X. Guinard and M.J. Lewis SENSURY ASSESSMENT: The Effect of Temperature on Carbonation Perception . N.J. Newton Yau and M.R. McDaniel SENSURY ASSESSMENT: Evaluation of Cooking Quality of Potatoes Using Sensory and Instrumental Methods . I. Sensory Evaluation. G. Böehler, F. Escher and J. Solms FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Breakage Susceptibility of Shelled Corn Due to Rehydration and Redrying . L.G. Tabil, A. Noomhorm and L.R. Verma FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Dry Bean (Phaseofus vulgaris) Hardening and the Consequences of Pectin Methylesterase Activity in Storage . M.M. Mafuleka, D.B. Ott, G.L. Hosfield and M.A. Uebersax FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Shelf-Life Extension of Michigan Apples Using Sucrose Polyester . Y.-L. Chai, D.B. Ott and J.N. Cash FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Precooling and Modified Atmosphere Storage of Green Asparagas . Y. Gari Cpy, G.S.V. Raghaven, F. Castaigne, J. Arul and C. Willemot FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Texture Analysis of Cheddar Cheese Made From Ultrafiltered Milk . S. Lakhani, E.A. Gullett, L.K. Ferrier and A.R. Hill FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Ultrastructural and Textural Changes in Processed Carrot Tissue . E.M. Ahmed, S. Mirza and A.G. Arreola FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: The Effect of Marination and Cooking on the Mechanical Properties of Intramuscular Connective Tissue . G.J. Lewis and P.P. Purslow FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Vacuum Packaging on Changes Associated with Frozen Cod Fillets . M.E. Sirois, B.M. Slaby, R.H. True and R.E. Martin FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Rheological and Structural Properties of Wiener-Type Products Substituted with Vital Wheat Gluten . C.-Y. Ma, S.H. Yiu and G. Khanzada FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Washing on the Texture and Microstructure of Frozen Fish Mince . K.S. Yoon, C.M. Lee and L.A. Hufnagel FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Influence of Cultivar, Fruit Maturity and Fruit Anatomy on Apple Sauce Particle Size and Texture . W.P. Mohr FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Mechanical Properties of Composite Fruit Products Based on Hydrocolloid Gel, Fruit Pulp and Sugar . A. Nussinovitch, I.J. Kopelman and S. Mizrahu FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Freezing Rate and Storage Time on the Structural Properties of Minced Meat . G.S. Mittal and S. Barbut RELATIONSHIP TO STRUCTURE: Mechanics of Parenchyma Tissue Based on Cell Orientation and Microstructure . Q. Gao and R.E. Pin  相似文献   

GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Contact Angles in a Biological Setting: Measurements in the Human Oral Cavity. M. D. Jendresen, R.E. Baier and P. Glantz GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Toxicological Evaluation of Carrageenans 2. Definition, Structure, Manufacture, Properties and Applications. G. Martin. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Thermal Denaturation and Aggregation of β-Lactoglobulin in Solution. Electron Microscopic Study. V.R. Harwalker and M. Kalab GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Relationship Between Nature of Vegetable Oil, Emulsifier and the Stability of W/O Emulsion. N. Garti and G.F. Remon GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Heat Stability of Fish Muscle Proteins. R.G. Poulter, D.A. Ledward, S. Godber, G. Hall and B. Rowlands GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Characterization of Microcrystalline Cellulose Dispersions: Avicel RC 591. G.J. Brownsey and M.J. Ridout GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Property of Myosin B Fibre and the Fibre of the Mixture of Myosin B and Soya Protein; and the Interaction Between Myosin B and Soya Protein. Liang-Chuan Lin and Tatsumi Ito GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Surface Rheological Properties of Hyaluronic Acid Solutions. H.R. Kerr and B. Warburton GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Macroscopic Wrinkling of Muscle Fibres, a Source of Error in Objective Assessment of Meat Toughness. R.W.D. Rowe GENERAL PRINCIPLES: The Physical Basis of Meat Texture: Observations on the Fracture Behaviour of Cooked Bovine M. Semitendinosus, P.P. Purslow GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Frictional Effects in Compressional Deformation of Gelatin and Starch Gels and Comparison of Material Response in Simple Shear, Torsion, and Lubricated Uniaxial Compression. (Research Note), E.B. Bagley, D.D. Christianson and W.J. Wolf GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Edge Fracture in Cone/Plate Viscometry. R.I. Tanner GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Properties of Deacetylated Xanthan in Aqueous Media. M. Tako and S. Nakamura GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Behavior of High Methoxyl Pectin Gels with a Cone-Plate Rheometer. Relationships Between Rheological Parameters and Gel Composition. S.M. Fiszman, E. Costell and L. Duran GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Thixotropic Properties of Gelatinized Rice Starch Solutions. J.B. Kim, Y.S. Kim, S.Y. Lee, Y.R. Pyun GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Structure-Function Relationships in Food Proteins: Subunit Interactions in Heat-Induced Gelatin of 7S, 11S and Soy Isolate Proteins. Utsumi, S. and J.E. Kinsella INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Analysis of a Biscuit Test: Preliminary Study of Significant Criteria and Prediction Breeding. G. Branlard, K. Benoualid, M. Roussel, J. Grebaut and Y. Seince INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Application of Small Sample Back Extrusion Test for Measuring Texture of Cooked Sorghum Grain. G.B. Cagampang, A.W. Kirleis and J.S. Marks OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: Rheological Properties of Comminuted Meat Batters and the Relationship to Constituent Interactions. D.L. Burge, Jr. and J.C. Acton OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: A Screening Test for Grain Hardness in Sorghum Employing Density Grading in Sodium Nitrate Solution. L. Hallgren and D.S. Murty SUBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: The Design and Practical Use of an Overall Quality Index for Food Products. P. Molnar CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE: Relative Importance of Sensory Factors to Acceptance: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses. H.R. Moskowitz FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Temperature, Light and Storage Time on the Sensory and Exudate Loss Characteristics of Vacuum-or-Nitrogen-Packed Ground Beef. B.H Lee, R.E. Simard, C.L. Laleye and R.A. Holley FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Changes in Freezing Point and Rheological Properties of Ice Cream Mix as a Function of Sweetner System and Whey Substitution. D.E. Smith, A.S. Bokshi and C.J. Lomauro FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Purging on Quality Changes of Ice-Chilled Freshwater Prawn, Machrobrachium Rosenbergii. W.K. Nip, J.H. Moy and J.J. Tzang FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Functional Aspects of Blood Plasma Proteins II Gelling Properties. N.K. Howell and R. A. Lowrie FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Functional Aspects of Blood Plasma Proteins III Interaction With Other Proteins and Stabilizers. N.K. Howell and R.A. Lawrie FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Role of Carbohydrates in Soya Extrusion. P.R. Sheard, D.A. Ledward and J.R. Mitchell FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Studies on the Development of Texturized Vegetable Products by the Extrusion Process. 1. Effect of Processing Variables on Protein Properties. C.B. Pham and R.R. DelRosario FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Engineering Factors in the Production of Concentrated Fruit Juices. II Fluid Physical Properties of Grape Juices. M. Moresi and M. Spinosi FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Phytate, Phosphorus and Calcium Contents of Mature Seeds of Vicia Faba 1. And Their Relation to Texture of Pressure-Cooked Faba Bean. A.M. El-Tabey Shehata, T.M. Abu-Bakr and N.M. El-Shimi FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: A Kinetic Study of Bread Staling by Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Compressibility Measurements. The Effect of Different Grists. Peter L. Russell FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: A Kinetic Study of Bread Staling by Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Compressibility Measurements. The Effect of Added Monoglyceride. Peter L. Russell FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Rheological Behavior of Venezuelan Arepa Dough from Precooked Corn Flour. M.R. de Padua and H.P. Maroun FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Monoglycerides on the Staling of Bread. Y. Malkki, J. Paakkanen and K. Eerola FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: The Influence of the Interaction of Mono-and Di-Glycerides with Milk Proteins on the Rheology and Stability of Food Emulsions. G. Doxastakis and P. Sherman RELATIONSHIP TO STRUCTURE: Hydrophobicity of ν-Cliadins 45 and 42 of Triticum Durum Wheat (Triticum Durum DESF). M. Cotenet, K. Kobrehel and J.-C Autran  相似文献   

GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Flow Proteins of Milk in a Capillary at Low Shear Stress. T. Mineshita, A. Yamamoto, K. Nagano, s. Fujii and H. Takada
GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Modeling of UHT Milk Gels Using a Cone and Plate Creep-Relaxation Test. K. R. Swartzel, D. D. Hamann and A. P. Hansen.
GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Studies on Rheological Characteristics of Red Pepper Pastes. Y. R. Pyun, S. Y. Lee, S. K. Lee, J. H. Yu and Y. J. Kwon.
GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Selected List of Literature References on the Texture of Fruits and Vegetables. S. D. Holdsworth. Campden  相似文献   

Instrumentation and Methodology: 'Study of the Mixing Behaviour of some Foods Using an Electronic Recording Mixer' by G. C. Evans *, J. M. de Man*, and P. W. Voisey**.
Instrumentation and Methodology:'Measurement of Blood Viscosity' by F. R. Spinelli and C. D. Meier.
Instrumentation and Methodology:'"Miniviscometer", A Small Couette Instrument' by C. W. McCutcheon
Instrumentation and Methodology:'Relationship Between the GRL Spaghettit Tenderness Tester and Sensory Testing of Cooked Spaghetti' by R. R. Matsuo and G. N. Irvine.
Instrumentation and Methodology:'Apparatus for Routine Measurement of Food Deformation in Texture Tests at Low Deformation Rates' by P. W. Voisey and D. J. Buckley.
Instrumentation and Methodology:'Evaluation of Methods for Measuring Texture Using Fresh Apples as the Test Material' by M. V. Zaehringer*and M. M. Hard**
Factors Affecting Texture: 'Rheological and Sensory Evaluation of Sweet Corn Maturity' by M. A. Tung*, M. R. Garland*, A. R. Maurer**, and T. K. Watson**(*.
Factors Affecting Texture: 'Surface-Active Principle in Black Gram (Phaseolus mango) and Its Role in the Texture of Leavened Foods Containing the Legume' by N. S. Susheelamma and M. V. L. Rao.
Factors Affecting Texture: 'The Tenderising Effect of a Muscle Proteinase on Beef by I.F. Penny, C. A. Voyle, and E. Dransfield.
Factors Affecting Texture: 'Butterines Made from Rape Seel Oil' by T. Alsafar.
Factors Affecting Texture: 'Post-Mortem Glycolytic and Physical Changes in Turkey Breast Muscle' by J. Vanderstoep and J. F. Richards.  相似文献   

‘Rheological and Other Physical Terms Relating to the Structure-Sensitive Properties of Butter’, by J. C. Novello ‘Food Rheology Today’, by A. L. Elder and R. J. Smith ‘Acceptance and Consumer Preference Testing’, by B. H. Ellis ‘Textural Discrimination Sensitivity as Measured by Frequency Spectrographic Analysis of Chewing Sounds’, by K. K. Kapur, W. Dorr, E. Loftus, and R. Feller ‘The Relevance of Correlating Objective and Subjective Data’, by A. Kramer ‘Relationship between Chemical Structure and Rheological Properties of Gluten Proteins’, by R. Lasztity ‘Application of Stress-Strain Behavior to Thermally Contracted Collagen from Epimysial Connective Tissues’, by P. E. McClain, E. Kuntz and A. M. Pearson ‘Perceiving Visual Texture: A Literature Survey’, by R. M. Pickett ‘Relationship between Structure and Rheological Properties of Gluten Proteins (A review)’, by J. S. Wall and A. C. Beckwith ‘Dessert Gel (Gelatin) Strength Testing. If: Collaborative Study’, by E. Borker and K. G. Sloman ‘Determination of Potato Texture’, by J. M. De Man ‘A Recording Micro-Penetrometer, Design and Application’, by M. Jacobson and G. Armbruster ‘Possibilities of Accurate Assessment of the Quality of Fish’, by O. M. Mel'nikova ‘Measuring Apparent Viscosity of Organic Slurries’, by B. W. Mitchel and R. M. Peart ‘Konsistometrische Untersuchungen an Rindfleisch’ (‘Consistometric Investigations of Beef) by E. Scharner (Leipzig, D.D.R.) ‘An Automatic and Recording Torsion Measuring Apparatus’, by H. J. Scherr and W. E. Palm ‘Penetrometry - Practical Uses’, by J. Kleinert ‘Objective Methods for Estimating the Texture of Foodstuffs’, by G. Thomas ‘Objective Methods for Measurement of Consistency in Solid Foods’, by R. Heiss and H. Witzel A. FOODS ‘Objective Measurements for Baked Products’, by K. Funk, M. E. Zabik, and D. A. Elgidaily ‘Brookfield Develops Reliable Measurement of Chocolate Viscosity’, by David H. Howard ‘Studies on the Quality Characteristics of Canned Grapefruit Segments. I. Factors Affecting the Drained Weight and Texture’, by A. Ludin, Z. Samish, A. Levi, and E. Hershkowitz ‘Studies on the Quality Characteristics of Canned Grapefruit Segments. II. Additives Improving Their Drained Weight and Texture’, by A. Levi, Z. Samish, A. Ludin, and E. Hershkowitz ‘Use of Penetrometer for Assessing the Tenderness of Meat’, by G. T. Pagens and C. Autino ‘The Interrelationship of the Viscosity, Fat Content, and Temperature of Cream between 40° and 80° C, by L. W. Phipps ‘Objective Measurements of French Fried Potato Quality. Laboratory Techniques for Research Use’, by L. R. Ross and W. L. Porter ‘Interpretation of Multiple-Peak Shear Force Curves Obtained with French Fried Potatoes’, by L. R. Ross and W. L. Porter ‘Effect of Moisture Content on Mechanical Properties of Shelled Corn’, by Leora Shelef and Nuri N. Mohsenin ‘Physical Properties of the Potato Tuber’, by P. W. Voisey, N. W. Tape, and M. Kloek ‘The Control of Oil-in-Water Emulsion Consistency Using Mixed Emulsifiers’, by B. W. Barry ‘Quality in Frozen Cod and Limiting Factors on Its Shelf Life’, by T. R. Kelly ‘The Effect of Low Temperature Freezing on Quality Changes in Cold Stored Cod’, by T. R. Kelly and J. S. Dunnett ‘Mechanical Properties of Beef during the Freezing Process’, by N. Kulmanova ‘Phospholipid Concentration in Cocoa Butter and its Relationship to Viscosity in Dark Chocolate’, by J. G. Parsons and P. G. Keeney ‘Influence of Emulsifiers on the Emulsion System of Creams’, by E. Nuernberg ‘The Effect of Level of Skin on the Quality of Chicken Frankfurters’, by R. C. Baker, J. M. Darfler, and M. C. Bourne ‘Type and Level of Fat and Amount of Protein and Their Effect on The Quality of Chicken Frankfurters’, by R. C. Baker, J. Derfler, and D. V. Vadehre ‘Texture Studies on Mushrooms’, by T. R. Gormley ‘Photomicrograph of Studies of Dynamic Changes in (Beef) Muscle Fiber fragments. 1: Effect of Various Heat Treatments on Length, Width and Birefringence’, by R. L. Hostetler and W. A. Landmann ‘Comparison of Sarcomere Length to Other Predictors of Beef Tenderness’, by R. D. Howard and M. D. Judge ‘Pectic Substances and the Texture of French Fried Potatoes’, by A. S. Jaswal ‘Texture, Colour and Chemical Composition of Cling Peaches as Affected by Potassium Fertilization’, by B. S. Luh and F. W. Liao ‘Some Effects of Process Treatment on the Body of Cream’, by J. H. Prentice and H. R. Chapman ‘Deterioration of Frozen Par-Fried Potatoes upon Holding after Thawing. 2. Composition, Histology and Objective Measurements of Texture’, by R. M. Reeve, B. Feinberg, F. P. Boyle, and G. K. Notter ‘Chocolate Particle Size and Its Organoleptic Influences’, by W. Rostagno ‘Hardening Ice Cream by Immersion in Liquid Nitrogen’, by A. W. Rudnick, I. J. Ross, and J. D. Fox ‘The Influence of the Composition of the Fatty Phase of Margarine on Its Consistency’, by E. Sambuc and M. Naudet ‘Properties and Chemical Characterization of a ‘Bloom’ on Process Cheese Slices’, by L. G. Scharpf Jr. and T. P. Kichline (Wheat) Hour Constituents Affecting MacMichael Viscosities, by W. b. Sollars ‘Relation of Trimethylsilyl Derivatives of Fruit Tissue Polysaccharides to Apple Texture’, by M. Tavakoli and R. C. Wiley ‘The Rheology of Meat. IV. Changes in the Rheological Properties of Meat after Slaughter’, by L. Toth and R. Hamm  相似文献   

GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Methods for Testing the Dynamic Mechanical Response of Solid Foods. E.E. Finney, Jr. and J.A. Abbott GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Yield Stress Measurement for Concentrated Suspensions. N.Q. Dzuy and D.V. Boger GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Tensile Strength and Stretchability of Collagen Casings of Different Moisture and Plasticizer Contents. M. Branicz INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Effect of Harvesting Procedures on Measurements of Maturity in Peas. P.J. Rutledge INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: A Mastication Device Designed for the Evaluation of Chewing Gums. C.J. Kleber, R.G. Schimmerle, M.S. Putt and J.C. Muhler. J. INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Texture Measurements of Layer Cake by Different Evaluation Methods. X. Vovan, F. Castaigne, M. Jobin and A. Boudreau SENSORY EVALUATION: The Standard Scales of Texture: Rescaling by Magnitude Estimation. A.V. Cardello, A. Mates and J. Sweeney SENSORY EVALUATION: Perception of Texture by Trained and Consumer Panelists. A.V. Cardello, O. Maller, J. Kapsalis, R.A. Segars, F.M. Sawyer, C. Murphy and H. Moskowitz FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Evaluation of Texture and Water Holding Capacity in Cooked Minced Fish. J.F. Zapata and J.F. Price FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Heat Treatment and Kappa Carrageenan Addition on Protein Solubility and Viscosity of Milk Protein/Peanut Flour Blends in an Ionic Environment Simulating Cow' Milk. R.H. Schmidt and M.R. Padua FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Optimization of Textural and Morphological Properties of a Soy-Gelatin Mozzarella Cheese Analog. C.S.T. Yang, M.V. Taranto and M. Cheryan FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Tenderization of Beef Effect of Enzyme, Enzyme Level and Cooking Method. D.R. Fogle, R.F. Plimpton, H.W. Ockerman, L. Jarenback and T. Persson FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Influence of Native Milk Proteinase on the Viscosity of UH Sterilized Custard During Storage. F.M. Driessen, A. van Hooydonk, A. Streuper and F. Kingma FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Viscosity of Skim-Milk Concentrates. T.H.M. Snoeren, A.J. Damman and H.J. Klok FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Studies on the Relation between Pectin Substances and Stone Gum in Plum Fruits. D. Boothny  相似文献   

GENERAL PRINCIPLES The Voluminosity of Casein Micelles. T. H. M. Snoeren, H. T. Klok, A. C. M. Van Hooydonk and A. J. Jamman INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: A New Viscoelastometer for Studying the Rheological Properties of Bronchial Mucus in Clinical Practice. C. Duvivier, J. Didelon, J. P. Arnould, J. M. Zahm, E. Puchelle, C. Kopp and B. Obrecht INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: A Laboratory Assembled Simple Apparatus for Objective Measurements of Mechanical Parameters of Foods. S. A. Moturi, K. Kubota, K. Suzuki and M. Esaka INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: Viscosity Evaluation of Drum Contents by Torsional Vibration. S. Wu, L. F, Whitney and M. Peleg INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: Texture and Mechanical Properties of Pork Backfat. E. Dransfield and R. C. D. Jones INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: Examination of the Composition and Efficiency of Certain Surface-Active Additives (CPL and CSL Preparations) Used in the Baking Industry. F. Orsi, A. Abraham-Szabo and R. Lasztity INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: A New Apparatus for Measuring the Thread-Forming Property (Spinability) of Biological Fluids. J. P. Arnould, J. M. Zahm, G. Potter, G. Duvivier and E. Puchelle INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: Milk Gel Structure XIV. Fixation of Fat Globules in Whole-Milk Yoghurt for Electron Microscopy. P. Allan-Wojtas and M. Kalab INSTRUMENTATION & METHODOLOGY: Method for the Study of Changes in the Shear Modulus of Milk Gels at Constant Strain. D. E. Johnston SUBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: Investigation into the Interaction of Different Properties in the Course of Sensory Evaluation. 111. Interaction Between Colour, Texture and Flavour. Gy. Urbanyi FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Muscle Fibre Orientation and Its Effect on Measurements of Tenderness of Bovine Longissimus Dorsi Muscle. A. C. Murray, L. E. Jeremiah and A. H. Martin FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Palatability of Meat from Electrically Stimulated Carcasses of Yearling and Older Entire-Male and Female Sheep. A. H. Kirton, R. J. Winger, J. L. Dobbie and D. M. Duganzich FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Study of the Mechanical Properties of Apple with Special Regard to Juice Extraction. K. Vukov, Gy. Patkai, J. Monszpart-Senyi, J. Hamori-Szabo and P. Mohacsy FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Aplication of Polymer Cross-Linking Theory To Rennet-Induced Milk Gels. D. E. Johnston FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Improvement of the Composition and the Texture of the Traditional African Meal “Foufou” by Addition of Monoglycerides to Casava. T. H. Phan and C. Mercier FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Protein Gels in Relation to Their Rheological Properties. T. Sone, s. Dosako and T. Kimura FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Chocolate Tempering Control By Simplified Differential Thermal Analysis. H. Adenier, H. Chaveron and M. Ollivon RELATIONSHIP TO STRUCTURE: Light Microscopy Preparation Techniques for Starch and Lipid Containing Snack Foods. F. O. Flint RELATIONSHIP TO STRUCTURE: Freeze-Etch of Emulsified Cake Batters During Baking. J. D. Cloke, J. Gordon and E. A. Davis RELATIONSHIP TO STRUCTURE: Aspects of Sample Preparation for Freeze-Fracture/Freeze-Etch Studies of Proteins and Lipids in Food Ssytems. A Review. W. Buchheim RELATIONSHIP TO STRUCTURE: Microscopy in the Study of Fats and Emulsions. J. M. deMan RELATIONSHIP TO STRUCTURE: Morphological and Textural Comparisons of Soybean Mozzarella Cheese Analogs Prepared with Different Hydrocolloids. C. S. Yang and M. V. Taranto  相似文献   

GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Cell Wall Characteristics and Firmness of Fresh Pack Cucumber Pickles Affected by Pasteurization and Calcium Chloride. L. R. Howard and R. W. Buescher GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Changes in Cracker Sponges During the First Five Hours of Fermentation. J. Y. Wu and R. C. Hoseney GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Meat Tenderization: Possible Causes and Mechanisms. A Review. A. Quali GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Selected Physical Characteristics of Ground Roasted Coffees. M. Molina GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Modeling of Potato Flour During Extrusion Cooking. K. L. Mackey GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Modeling the Average Shear Rate in a Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruder. I. 0. Mohamed GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Simplified Nonlinear Model for Describing the Viscoelastic Properties of Wheat Flour Doughs at High Shear Strain. B. Launay GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Rheological Characterization of Cereal Starch-Galactomannan Mixtures. M. Alloncle GENERAL PRINCIPLES: On the Influence of Fluid Inertia in Oscillatory Rheometry. G Böhme and M. Stenger GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Shear Induced Order and Shear Processing of Model Hard Sphere Suspensions. B. J. Ackerson GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Fractal Nature of the Structure of Casein Gels. Leon G. B. Bremer GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Viscoelastic Characterization of the Soybean Seedcoat. M. Liu, K. Haghighi and R. L. Stroshine GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Modeling Stress Relaxation Response of Wheat En Masse Using the Triaxial Test. R. G. Bock, V. M. Puri and H. B. Manbeck GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Modeling of Corn Starch Doughs at Low to Intermediate Moisture. K. L. Mackey GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Effect of Calcium Ions on the Thermodynamics of Cucumber Tissue Softening. R. F. McFeeters and H. P. Fleming GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Role of Muscle Fibers in Contributing Firmness of Cooked Fish. K. Hatae, F. Yoshimatsu GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Differences Between Bamboo Shoots and Vegetables in Thermal Disintegration of Tissues and Polysaccharides Fractionated by Successive Extraction. M. Fuchigami INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Flow Behavior of Tomato Sauce with or without Particulates in Tube Flow. S. Bhamidipati and R. K. Singh INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Tensile Characteristics of Squid Mantle. J.-D. Kuo, M. Peleg and H. O. Hultin INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Anisotropy of Apple Parenchyma. Ali A. Khan and Julian F. V. Vincent METHODOLOGY & INSTRUMENTATION: An Evaluation of Simple Method for Following Rigor Development in Fish. R. W. Korhonen, T. C. Lanier and F. Giesbrecht METHODOLOGY & INSTRUMENTATION: Fundamental Aspects of Viscosity Monitoring by the Hot Wire Technique. O. Miyawaki, Y. Sato, T. Yano, K. Ito and Y. Saeki METHODOLOGY & INSTRUMENTATION: Mechanical Criteria of Banana Ripening. A. Nussinovitch, I. J. Kopelman and S. Mizrahi FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Influence of Pasteurization Time and Temperature on the Rheology and Sensory Properties of a Type of Gazpacho. L. Jimenez and A. Lopez FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Functional Properties of the Flour and the Major Protein Fraction from Sesame Seed, Sunflower Seed and Safflower Seed. K. Booma and V. Prakash FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Mechanical Properties of a Raspberry Product Texturized with Alginate. A. Nussinovitch and M. Peleg FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Storage-Induced Hardening in 20 Common Bean Cultivars. D. W. Stanley, T. E. Michaels, L. C. Pljak and K. B. Caldwell FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Selected Commercial Enzymes on Cookie Spread and Cookie Dough Consistency. C. S. Gaines and P. L. Finney FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Role of Ingredients in the Texture of a Flanlike Food. R. S. Kadan and G. M. Ziegler, Jr. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Rheological Changes in Cracker Sponges During an 18-Hour Fermentation. J. Y. Wu and R. C. Hoseney FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Rheological and Cookie Making Studies on Wheat-Rice Flour Blends. N. Singh, A. Kaur, R. P. Singh and K. S. Sekhon FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Relative Humidity Increases that Cause Stress Cracks in Corn. G. Sarwar and O. R. Kunze FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Influence of K+ and Ca++ on the Rheological and Gelation Properties of Reduced Fat Pork Sausages Containing Carrageenans. S. Barbut and G. S. Mittal FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Changes in Protein Solubility and Gelation Properties of Chicken Myofibrils during Storage. Y. L. Xiong and C. J. Brekke FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Heating Rate on Meat Batter Stability, Texture and Gelation. S. Barbut and G. S. Mittal FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Rigor Mortis on Gel-forming Properties of Surimi and Unwashed Mince Preparation from Tilapia. J. W. Park, R. W. Korhonen and T. C. 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