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Adult cat fleas, Ctenocephalides felis (Bouché), were fed suboptimal in vitro concentrations of lufenuron in blood to allow hatching of flea larvae for cytological study. At concentrations of 0.125, 0.25, and 0.5 ppm, larval hatch was 64, 15, and 4%, respectively. Larvae hatching from eggs laid by adults fed lufenuron at concentrations of 0.025, 0.08, or 0.125 ppm did not differ significantly from the control. However, many larvae from the 0.08-ppm group and higher concentrations died during the 1st instar. Examination of these larvae revealed that they were dying from desiccation caused by bleeding from microscopic lesions in the cuticle or the inability to complete the molt to the next instar. Electron micrographs showed that lufenuron often disrupted formation of the endocuticle resulting in the deposition of an amorphous mass of randomly oriented chitin microfibrils. Other larvae formed normal endocuticle but were unable to digest the old endocuticle or produce new procuticle after apolysis. Failure of larvae to digest old cuticle or form new cuticle was caused by degeneration of the epidermal cells needed for the synthesis of molting fluid and chitin.  相似文献   

Aqueous methanol extracts from the bulbs of Hyacinthusorientalis were subjected to various ion-exchange column chromatographic steps to give 2(R),5(R)-bis(hydroxymethyl)-3(R),4(R)-dihydroxypyrrolidine (DMDP) (1), 2,5-dideoxy-2,5-imino-dl-glycero-d-manno-heptitol (homoDMDP) (2), 2,5-imino-2,5,6-trideoxy-d-manno-heptitol (6-deoxy-homoDMDP) (3), 2,5-imino-2,5,6-trideoxy-d-gulo-heptitol (4), 1-deoxynojirimycin (5), 1-deoxymannojirimycin (6), alpha-homonojirimycin (7), beta-homonojirimycin (8), alpha-homomannojirimycin (9), beta-homomannojirimycin (10), and 7-O-beta-d-glucopyranosyl-alpha-homonojirimycin (MDL 25,637) (11). The structures of the new natural products 3 and 4 were determined by spectroscopic analysis, including extensive 1D and 2D NMR studies. Compound 2 was found to be a potent inhibitor of bacterial beta-glucosidase, mammalian beta-galactosidases, and mammalian trehalases, while 3 was a potent inhibitor of rice alpha-glucosidase and rat intestinal maltase. Compound 4 was observed to be a good inhibitor of alpha-l-fucosidase.  相似文献   

The widespread utilization of frontalis electromyographic feedback as a general relaxation strategy far preceded empirical evidence demonstrating its efficacy for this purpose. This article reviews parametric studies testing the association between frontalis reduction and concomitant EMG decreases in nontargeted muscle groups. The current research supports the contention that biofeedback reinforces discriminative responding to a specific muscle group and not generalized relaxation to adjacent muscle groups. Methodological problems are noted, and implications for future research are addressed.  相似文献   

The name Aedes (Finlaya) kobayashii Nakata, 1956 for the mosquitoes from Japan and South Korea is a synonym of A. (F.) alektorovi Stackelberg, 1943 from the south of the Soviet Far East as well as A. (F.) bunanoki Sasa et Ishimura, 1951 from Japan is a synonym of A. (F.) oreophilus Edwards, 1916 spread in Pakistan, India, China and related to Chinese--Himalayan subregion of the Palaearctic Region; therefore it may be spread also in Nepal, North Burma and in the south of the Soviet Far East. It is proposed to consider A. (Neomelaniconion) aureus Gutvsevich, 1955 from the Primorye Territory of the USSR as a subspecies of A. (N.) lineatopennis Ludlow, 1905 widely spread in the tropics of the Old World, i. e. A. (N.) lineatopennis aureus Gutsevich, 1955, stat. nov.  相似文献   

The study of the species group autumnalis in genus Neotrombicula is carried out. Composition of the group and diagnoses of species are changed, data on variability are reported. A new species, N. oculata sp. n., is described. The new species is similar to N. turkestanica Kudryashova, 1993 and differs from it by disproportionaly large eyes, a little more numerous setae of idiosoma (NDV = 66-78 against 58-69) and their lesser lengths (Dm = 41-46 against 45-49), a lesser width of scutum (AW = 71 against 76). One species, N. alexandrae Stekolnikov, 1993, is synonymized with N. delijani Kudryashova, 1977. For N. delijani and N. turkestanica new localities and new hosts are reported.  相似文献   

Yersinia pestis possesses a unique gene (pla) encoding coagulase and fibrinolysin which is implicated in the transmission of plague by fleas. This gene is encoded on the highly conserved but poorly characterized 'pesticin' plasmid pKYP1. The role of the pKYP1-encoded gene, pla, in plague transmission was addressed by feeding fleas on blood containing avirulent Y. pestis strain EV76-6 and three derivatives of this strain (K10-2, K10-3, and K10-5) carrying Tn801 insertions in pKYP1. One of these mutant strains, K10-5, contains an insertion within the pla gene that eliminates both coagulase and fibrinolysin activities, whereas strains K10-3 and K10-2 retain both pla-associated phenotypes. After feeding, it was found that flea mortality at 4 d after infection associated with strain K10-5 (26%) was significantly lower than the mortality observed with other strains (53-64%). These results suggest that expression of the pla gene product may contribute to the deleterious effects of plague bacilli on fleas that have been associated with flea blockage and plague transmission. This increased mortality is not caused simply by an increased bacterial load in fleas containing pla+ bacteria because fleas ingesting pla+ strains contained no more bacteria by flea blot hybridization analysis than did those that ingested the pla- strain K10-5. It is anticipated that further work in this area will clarify the mechanism by which pla acts and will reveal additional genetic loci in the plague bacillus which are required for transmission by fleas.  相似文献   

A total of 365 isolates of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato from 12 major administrative territories of Russia (from St. Petersburg in the west to South Sakhalin in the east) and from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Byelorussia, Moldavia, Ukraine and Kirghizia were identified by analysis of restriction polymorphism of ribosomal rrf-rrl spacer amplicons. The isolates were obtained mainly from ixodes persulcatus and I. ricinus ticks. Other sources included small mammals, human patients and I. trianguliceps ticks. The results showed that B. garinii (two variants) together with B. afzelii circulated throughout the territories studied. The distribution of the variant NT29 of the species B. garinii, the most frequently isolated, was associated with that of I. persulcatus ticks. B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, and the species B. valaisiana and B. lusitaniae (formerly the genomospecies VS116 and PotiB2, respectively) were isolated only from I. ricinus ticks in the western part of the studied territories. None of these three species were found in 327 isolates from Russia where I. persulcatus is the most frequently distributed vector. This work also provides evidence for a high incidence of mixed Borrelia infections within vectors and hosts (9.3% of isolates were mixtures of Borrelia species). A detailed analysis of Borrelia species distribution over the territories studied is presented.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to discuss, in the light of the results of a survey, the calcium ration of a sample of French youth and to determine whether various sports activities can be related to dietary calcium intake. METHODS: Physical activity was evaluated using Baecke's questionnaire. Calcium intake was evaluated using a food frequency oriented questionnaire. The survey was performed on a population of 10,373 subjects (6,966 males and 3,407 females) including three different groups of subjects: school children and college students, military personnel, and athletes registered in sports federations. The mean age of this population was 19 +/- 9 yr, ages ranging between 7 and 50 yr. RESULTS: The mean amount of declared calcium intake (DCI) for the total population was 1242 +/- 843 mg per 24 hr (mg x d(-1)). Fifty percent of this population consumed less than 1000 mg x d(-1) and 13% less than 500 mg x d(-1). There was no significant relationship between the index of activity and declared calcium intake. Calcium intake decreased with age and was lower in females compared to males. CONCLUSIONS: The subjects trained in individual endurance sports such as triathlon, biking, and road running have a lower DCI than subjects trained in team sports such as volley ball, handball, or basketball. This survey, performed on a large population, does indicate that for half of them daily calcium intake is below the threshold of 1,000 mg x d(-1) considered the daily requirement covering the needs of a population without age or gender distinction and that calcium intake is not related to the level of physical activity.  相似文献   

OBJECT: In this retrospective study, the authors analyzed the frequency, anatomical distribution, and appearance of traumatic brain lesions in 42 patients in a posttraumatic persistent vegetative state. METHODS: Cerebral magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was used to detect the number of lesions, which ranged from as few as five to as many as 19, with a mean of 11 lesions. In all 42 cases there was evidence on MR imaging of diffuse axonal injury, and injury to the corpus callosum was detected in all patients. The second most common area of diffuse axonal injury involved the dorsolateral aspect of the rostral brainstem (74% of patients). In addition, 65% of these patients exhibited white matter injury in the corona radiata and the frontal and temporal lobes. Lesions to the basal ganglia or thalamus were seen in 52% and 40% of patients, respectively. Magnetic resonance imaging showed some evidence of cortical contusion in 48% of patients in this study; the frontal and temporal lobes were most frequently involved. Injury to the parahippocampal gyrus was detected in 45% of patients; in this subgroup there was an 80% incidence of contralateral peduncular lesions in the midbrain. The most common pattern of injury (74% in this series) was the combination of focal lesions of the corpus callosum and the dorsolateral brainstem. In patients with no evidence of diffuse axonal injury in the upper brainstem (26% in this series), callosal lesions were most often associated with basal ganglia lesions. Lesions of the corona radiata and lobar white matter were equally distributed in patients with or without dorsolateral brainstem injury. Moreover, cortical contusions and thalamic, parahippocampal, and cerebral peduncular lesions were also similarly distributed in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: The data indicate that diffuse axonal injury may be the major form of primary brain damage in the posttraumatic persistent vegetative state. In addition, the authors demonstrated in this study that MR imaging, in conjunction with a precise clinical correlation, may provide useful supportive information for the accurate diagnosis of a persistent vegetative state after traumatic brain injury.  相似文献   

A 3rd species of the flea genus Polygenis Jordan was added to the U.S. fauna by extension of known range from Mexico into New Mexico. Eleven males and 24 females of P. martinezbaezi Vargas were reared from a rodent nest, probably that of a yellow-nosed cotton rat, Sigmodon ochrognathus Bailey.  相似文献   

Described and figured are deutonymphs of 18 species of the genus Hirstionyssus Fonseca, 1948, parasites of small mammals (H. carnifex (L. C. Koch) Oudemans, 1913; H. blanchardi (Trouessart, 1904); H. ellobii Bregetova, 1956; H. myospalacis Zemskaja et Piontkovskaja, 1957; H. transiliensis Bregetova, 1956; H. georgicus Bregetova, 1956; H. sciurinus (Hirst, 1921); H. confucianus (Hirst, 1921); H. bregetovae Razumova, 1953; H. macedonicus (Hirst, 1921); H. pauli Willmann, 1952; H. criceti (Sulzer, 1774); H. latiscutatus (Meillon et Lavoipierre, 1944); H. apodemi Zuevsky, 1970; H. pavlovskii Zemskaja, 1959; H. soricis (Turk, 1945); H. meridianus Zemskaja, 1955; H. isabellinus Oudemans, 1913); Keys to deutonymphs of the genus Hirstionyssus are given for the first time.  相似文献   

Over a three year period, 119 strains of enterobacteria isolated from patients have been found resistant to trimethoprim (TMP) and sulfonamides (Su); 11 strains were resistant to TMP only. MIC of TMP were between 32 and 2048 microng/ml. Three groups of strains are described: (1) thymineless variants (2 strains); (2) TMP resistance non-transferable into Escherichia coli K12 (95 strains); (3) TMP resistance transferable into E. coli K12 (33 strains). TMP marker and Su marker have been transferred independantly from 13 strains; they were cotransferred from 20 strains. The incompatibility group of 31 plasmids has been determined: 10 belong to the fi+ type, group FII; 21 belong to the fi--type, group 6, group 7, group 10, group N and group I1. Epidemiological implications of such a wide range of incompatibility groups among a small number of plasmids specifying TMP resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

Chromosome studies were performed on 54 apparently healthy relatives of 29 scleroderma patients and on 40 controls. Increased chromosomal breakage is observed in 86 per cent of brothers and sisters and in 68 per cent of children of patients. If the findings in relatives are compared to those obtained in the 29 scleroderma patients of these families, the percentage of abnormal cells does not differ significantly between the two groups (25.8 per cent and 29.1 per cent respectively), and there is no difference for the frequencies of gaps and open breaks. However acentric fragments, "minutes" and morphologically abnormal chromosomes are significantly increased in patients as compared to their asymptomatic relatives with increased breakage. The distribution of breaks is found to be random. The presence of structural chromosome aberrations in relatives of scleroderma patients may have a special importance with regard to the concept of familial autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

Conclusions The fractographic features of the fractures of W-Ni-Fe (9073) powder composite material depend upon the character of fracture of the basic structural constituents.The refractory constituent may fracture in the grain boundaries (W-Ni, W-W) and transgranularly with the formation of a fan-shaped, river, or herringbone pattern. Fracture of the -solid solution may also be inter- and transgranular by brittle rupture without traces of plastic deformation (in the boundaries of the grain colonies and the basic structural constituents), by the formation and merging of voids, and by shear leading to pulling out "at the tooth" and failure of the cross-links (in the volume of the grain and in the boundary zones).The change in the forms of fracture, including at the boundaries of the basic structural constituents, in accordance with the conditions of the metallurgical process reflects the concurrent influence of segregation phenomena on the boundaries and of the processes of decomposition of the -solid solution on the geometry, degree of deformation, ratio of the properties, and mechanisms of fracture of the body of the grain and the boundary volumes in these constituents.The combination of different forms of fracture of the structural constituents in relation to the production prehistory influences the position of the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature range and, consequently, the properties of the alloy at a specified temperature. The alloy with increased strength and plasticity characteristics at room temperature is characterized by primarily transgranular fracture of the grains of the refractory constituent and of the -solid solution in which these grains are dispersed.Further investigations of the alloy must be directed to studying by transmission electron microscopy the fine crystalline structure of the basic constituents (nickel-base aging solid solutions and tungsten) and revealing the conditions of formation of the optimum structure of these constituents and the adhesion-strong boundaries providing occurrence of the effect of composition hardening.Obtaining the required level and stability of the properties of W-Ni-Fe alloy is related to establishment of the allowable interstitial element impurity content, revealing of the "dangerous" substitutional impurities, and optimization of the conditions of heating, cooling, and heat treatment providing a reduction in the influence of segregation phenomena in the boundary volumes on the geometry of deformation and on fracture.Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No. 2(266), pp. 81–92, February, 1985.  相似文献   

Between January 1993 and November 1994 a total of 1300 red foxes from the administrative districts Halle and Dessau were examined for the presence of nematodes in the stomach and the small intestine. The following nematodes were found: Toxocara canis (26.5%), Toxascaris leonina (10.5%), Uncinaria stenocephala (15.9%) Ancylostoma caninum (1.7%). The search for Trichinella spp. larvae was negative in all 780 examined foxes.  相似文献   

In the last years different classification systems for hospitalized patients have been developed in the United States, that allow to evaluate different aspects of any Hospital: The quality, the efficacy and the efficiency. The classification of "The Diagnosis Related Groups" (DRG) relates the hospitalized patients with the expenses that they generate, and it is the most used in Europe. In the version DRG-All Patient, all the diagnoses and procedures of the hospitalized patients, using the International Classification of Diseases, are divided in to 25 Major Diagnostic Categories (MDC) where each one excludes all the others. We describe the behavior with respect to the age, sex and stay of all the GDR integrated in the CDM 6 and 7: diseases and disorders of the digestive tract, and diseases and disorders of the hepatobiliary system and the pancreas. The study has been carried out with a national data base of two millions of cases seen from 214 acute-care Hospitals. The MDC number 6 is the most frequent, with an important number of patients in the pediatric age; it is more frequent in males; the average stay is 8.59 days and 19 GDR (36.5%) have a variation coefficient greater than one. The other MDC, number 7 is less frequent, the majority of the patients are between 60-80 years of age, the average stay is 12.2 days with a coefficient of variation greater than one in 4 GDR (17.4%). Clinical Services should know the characteristics and behavior of their patients, as well as the comparison with the national data bases. This may allow a control of the quality and the costs by using a common "language" with the managers.  相似文献   

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