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5G专网是3GPP R16提出来的面向垂直行业应用的局域网技术,例如5G LAN(本地网)、TSN(时间敏感网络)、NPN(非公共网络)等,这些技术各有特点,用于满足垂直行业应用的不同场景需求.针对智能电网中差动保护场景的特点,选择5G LAN和TSN这两种专网技术进行分析,提出了基于5G LAN叠加TSN的差动保护方...  相似文献   

本文对智能电网的业务特点作出概述,并重点分析5G通信技术在智能电网当中的应用。首先研究了5G通信技术在智能电网中的具体应用方式,同时探讨今后5G通信技术在智能电网应用的发展方向。  相似文献   

叶小雄 《通讯世界》2021,(4):261-262
为解决5G新基建在助力智能电网发展中存在的问题,本文对5G新基建的内涵、新基建带来的新契机以及5G技术对于新基建的重要意义进行研究,提出5G新基建助力智能电网的建议,包括扎实推进5G+智能电网建设、5G适配电网全业务环节通信诉求以及落实5G智能电网应用示范项目,以期为相关工程提供参考.  相似文献   

王太峰  颜军 《江苏通信技术》2021,37(3):117-121,124
随着全球新一轮科技革命的兴起,信息技术与能源产业深度融合,发展智能电网成为保障能源安全、实现可持续发展的重要共识.选择智能电网作为5G网络切片的典型应用,是因为电力行业在网络的广覆盖、低时延、高可靠和安全性方面存在着强烈的刚需,5G网络切片有对应的能力匹配.通过分析网络切片端到端的隔离方案、公网切片和专网两种模式、智能...  相似文献   

本文介绍了智能电网的特点,智能电网要求实现信息的快速传递与高度共享,3G技术无疑是一个很好的选择。首先根据智能电网特性提出了基于3G技术的智能电网的基本通信体系架构,然后结合3G技术的特点通过无线接入方式以及分级分层管理模式可实现系统中信息的共享与即时传输,极大地提高了电网的信息化、互动化水平。最后对3G技术在电力系统中的运用进行了例证分析及前景展望,对可能存在的问题进行了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

彭博 《通讯世界》2021,(1):58-59
随着4G网络通信的发展与日趋完善,企业与国家开始考虑更高形态的网络建设与发展,因此5G网络的建设应运而生.5G技术的出现促进了各个行业的发展,电力行业也不例外.本文对智能电网的业务特点进行概述,并重点分析5G通信技术在智能电网中的应用.首先研究5G通信技术在智能电网中的具体应用方式,同时探讨5G通信技术在智能电网应用的...  相似文献   

针对光纤网络、电力无线专网、Wi-Fi网络等电力通信网难以支撑输电线/变电站智能巡检、配网差动保护、广域相量测量、低压集抄等智能电网业务开展的情况,本文提出了基于5G专网的智能电网业务实现方案。即采用网络切片、边缘计算、高精度授时等5G技术,解决视频监测信号、“三遥”信号、电力终端感知信号等数据的灵活接入、实时传输和安全隔离等问题,实现电网运营数据的实时采集和智能控制。模拟仿真验证结果表明采用5G技术能满足智能电网业务对带宽、时延、抖动和安全的要求,可有效支撑智能电网业务实现。  相似文献   

黄留锁  宋艳 《电子测试》2016,(2):110-111
物联网是智能电网的重要组成部分,与智能电网体系中的其他部分也是关系密切,当前研究形势大好。本文是对物联网结构的简要介绍,首先从物联网的概念定义出发,介绍物联网的基本内容,又从组成结构中的三个主要层面介绍整体框架,接下来,进行了架构分析,还有功能的实际应用,提出出现的问题和研究的前景方向。从理论高度层次主要提出研究的下一步计划,对架构分析和功能应用着墨较多。今后要不断加以探索,相信以后发展越来越好。  相似文献   

By integrating the traditional power grid with information and communication technology, smart grid achieves dependable, efficient, and flexible grid data processing. The smart meters deployed on the user side of the smart grid collect the users' power usage data on a regular basis and upload it to the control center to complete the smart grid data acquisition. The control center can evaluate the supply and demand of the power grid through aggregated data from users and then dynamically adjust the power supply and price, etc. However, since the grid data collected from users may disclose the user's electricity usage habits and daily activities, privacy concern has become a critical issue in smart grid data aggregation. Most of the existing privacy-preserving data collection schemes for smart grid adopt homomorphic encryption or randomization techniques which are either impractical because of the high computation overhead or unrealistic for requiring a trusted third party.In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving smart grid data aggregation scheme satisfying Local Differential Privacy (LDP) based on randomized responses. Our scheme can achieve an efficient and practical estimation of power supply and demand statistics while preserving any individual participant's privacy. Utility analysis shows that our scheme can estimate the supply and demand of the smart grid. Our approach is also efficient in terms of computing and communication overhead, according to the results of the performance investigation.  相似文献   

随着我国经济与科学技术的迅速发展,现代化智能电网已经逐步取代传统电网,传统的继电保护技术已经无法满足智能电网继电保护发展的需求.因此为保障智能电网的运行环境,需采取继电保护的措施,改善电网的运行状态,维持安全、可靠的电网环境.因此本文从智能电网环境下的保护问题入手,分析智能电网环境下继电保护发展趋势,并提出针对性的建设策略.  相似文献   

在本文中以智能电网为基础,对智能电网建设中继电保护系统的重构进行研究.  相似文献   

In a smart grid, a huge amount of data is collected for various applications, such as load monitoring and demand response. These data are used for analyzing the power state and formulating the optimal dispatching strategy. However, these big energy data in terms of volume, velocity and variety raise concern over consumers’ privacy. For instance, in order to optimize energy utilization and support demand response, numerous smart meters are installed at a consumer's home to collect energy consumption data at a fine granularity, but these fine-grained data may contain information on the appliances and thus the consumer's behaviors at home. In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving data aggregation scheme based on secret sharing with fault tolerance in a smart grid, which ensures that the control center obtains the integrated data without compromising privacy. Meanwhile, we also consider fault tolerance and resistance to differential attack during the data aggregation. Finally, we perform a security analysis and performance evaluation of our scheme in comparison with the other similar schemes. The analysis shows that our scheme can meet the security requirement, and it also shows better performance than other popular methods.  相似文献   

随着经济以及科学技术的发展,我国的电网也由传统电网向智能化电网的方向转变,客观上对电网工作人员的专业技术提出了更高的要求,笔者系统地分析了智能电网的主要特点,并就其中关键的技术要点与功能做出了简要的探究,以供同行参考,共同促进我国智能电网的发展进步。  相似文献   

Cognitive radio (CR)-based smart grid (SG) networks have been widely recognised as emerging communication paradigms in power grids. However, a sufficient spectrum resource and reliability are two major challenges for real-time applications in CR-based SG networks. In this article, we study the traffic data collection problem. Based on the two-stage power pricing model, the power price is associated with the efficient received traffic data in a metre data management system (MDMS). In order to minimise the system power price, a wideband hybrid access strategy is proposed and analysed, to share the spectrum between the SG nodes and CR networks. The sensing time and transmission time are jointly optimised, while both the interference to primary users and the spectrum opportunity loss of secondary users are considered. Two algorithms are proposed to solve the joint optimisation problem. Simulation results show that the proposed joint optimisation algorithms outperform the fixed parameters (sensing time and transmission time) algorithms, and the power cost is reduced efficiently.  相似文献   

中国电网发展的健康问题越来越突出:电网负荷越来越大,能源与电网分布不均,发电模式仍然以火力发电为主,调节能力不足,环境压力非常大,传统电网如何与大范围分布式能源、大规模可再生能源相结合,如何稳定提升电网调度能力等。为了解决这些问题,智能电网应运而生。文章通过简短的篇幅来阐述智能电网优势及其未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着电力系统对电流测量要求的不断提高,传统的电磁式电流传感器已逐渐暴露出一系列的缺陷,如绝缘结构复杂、抗电磁干扰能力差、铁磁谐振、易磁饱和、测量动态范围小和有油易燃易爆炸等。这些缺陷导致传统的电磁式电流传感器已难以满足智能电网的测量需求。本文总结和分析了应用于智能电网的光纤电流传感网络,通过光纤传感与通信技术及计算机技术的融合,使传感由传统的仅仅进行信号形式转换的单个或多个敏感元件扩展为集信号获取、存储、传输、处理于一体的多功能系统,再结合光网络和软件技术,搭建一个结构完整、功能完善的传感体系,实现电网的各项信息指标可观测化。  相似文献   

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