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通过分析基础设施专业数字化水平的现状和问题,指出数字化转型是基础设施专业发展的必由之路.并结合ITU-T对未来网络智能化分级的思路,分别从信息采集、数据分析、功能处理等方面出发,定义了基础设施专业智能化分级方案,也明确了基础设施专业的数字化发展路径.最后,分别从接口协议的统一、智能化设备的发展、数据格式的统一以及实施步...  相似文献   

从2020年年初暴发延续至今的新冠肺炎疫情,对世界经济造成巨大打击,在经济恢复的过程中,数字经济发挥了重要作用。在疫情肆虐下,全球加速进入数字经济时代。在数字经济时代,社会生产生活都深深受到数字化的影响,向数字化转型已经成为政府及各行各业的共同追求。能源行业也不例外,只有做好数字化转型,才能适应数字世界发展的需要。  相似文献   

新疆油田公司工程技术研究院最初从1965年的一栋平房已发展成现在的几十栋办公楼、化学实验楼、机械试验站、健身馆、车库等现代化的办工场所。院内的所有基础设施(水、电、暖、网络)维护中存在着因年代久,图纸资料凌乱,不易查询等问题,对基础设施维护有时会伤害施工人员。针对以上问题建设了一套数字化管理系统。实践证明该系统充分解决了上述历史遗留难题,值得推广借鉴。  相似文献   

在信息技术飞速发展的背景下,能源关键基础设施得到了变革性的飞速发展,与人工智能、大数据、物联网等新技术深度融合。信息技术在显著优化能源关键基础设施的效率和性能的同时,也带来了更加具有持续性和隐蔽性的新型安全威胁。如何针对能源关键基础设施建立体系化、智能化的安全防御体系是亟需解决的问题。该文从能源关键基础设施本身的发展趋势入手,对其面对的传统和新型安全威胁的机理进行了分析。在此基础上,对能源关键基础设施的防御技术演进进行深入的研究和分析。  相似文献   

近日,Emerson所属业务品牌、实现关键基础设施可用性、容量和效率最大化的全球领导者艾默生网络能源,出席了在北京举行的“2013年全国电气工程与设计应用高级技术论坛暨全国重点行业供配电系统专家技术工作会议”,并现场展示了以EPK系列低压成套开关设备为代表的工业基础设施供配电系统解决方案。  相似文献   

在3G和电信网络全IP化、终端智能化等因素的作用下,电信网正面临着全新的安全威胁。面对电信网新的发展阶段的特殊安全威胁,ITU-T制定的电信网络安全标准X.805提供了电信网络安全分析和安  相似文献   

近年来广电技术经历了2次重要的技术革命:第1次是数字技术取代模拟技术;第2次是网络化操控取代单机操作。通过对DHD RM4200D的研究并结合实际配置的经验,总结出DHD RM4200D在配置控制面板、输出和逻辑控制功能以及网络功能等方面的特点。充分利用DHD系统强大的组网能力,构建起一套多功能、智能化、网络化的广播电台播控系统。  相似文献   

经过十多年的发展,我国的有线电视网络已经威长为一个拥有一亿多用户的巨大产业。有线电视网络作为广播电视节目的主要传输和覆盖手段之一,在实现社会信息化、发展文化产业、推动经济发展等方面具有不可替代的重要作用,不仅威为国家重要的信息化基础设施,同时也是党和政府喉舌功能的体现和文化信息的主要传媒载体。它集计算机、网络通信、信息处理、广播电视等多种高新技术于一体,是数字化、信息化、网络化的集中体现,技术附加值高,增值潜力和发展空间十分广阔。  相似文献   

2005年11月29日至30日.北京英格码技术有限公司、美国哈里斯公司和广州人民广播电台联合在广州举行了“Enigma 2000-GB1广播专家系统技术研讨会”.这次会议不仅展示了广电设备提供商和广电系统用户密切合作取得的丰硕成果.更是对广播系统实现数字化、网络化后的技术发展方向进行的一次深入探讨,因此这是一次非常有意义的会议,它使到会的同行代表得到许多启迪与经验。会议取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

电信运营商的互联网数据中心正在发生着巨大变革,对保障其稳定运行的大功率UPS供电系统也提出了更加“苛刻的”要求:可靠性是第一重要的因素,UPS系统必须保证最大程度的可靠性,以确保数据中心关键负载和通信网络的稳定运行;节能性要更好,以推动绿色数据中心的建设;管理要智能化,以方便运营商客户的维护等。而这几个方面正是艾默生网...  相似文献   

蒋华 《电声技术》2012,36(9):38-40
借鉴发达国家军队战场数字化基础设施建设的有关情况,探析了战场数字化基础设施及其支撑能力、战场数字化基础设施建设的内容和措施等问题。  相似文献   

一个安全的企业域上的PKI建设方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PKI即“公开密钥体系”,是一种遵循既定标准的密钥管理平台,它能够为所有网络应用提供加密和数字签名等密码服务及所必需的密钥和证书管理体系。为企业域上建立PKI提出了具体可行的建设方案,可以为用户生成加密证书和签名证书,并对其安全性进行分析。  相似文献   

中国通信事业的高速发展,给多运营商体制下全程全网的维护和管理增加了极大的难度.文章认为,未来网络建设要在吸取传统电信网和互联网建设经验教训的基础上,对电信网络规划的目标、技术演进、网络结构、网络安全等方面进行深入研究,正确把握技术先进、经济合理、持续发展等原则,为建设高效、灵活、安全、可靠的电信网络提供合理的方案.电信网络规划应注重技术的前瞻性、市场的预见性、服务的可靠性.网络结构应注重简洁性,为未来网络平滑演进、持续发展创造有利条件.电信基本建设应考虑节点安全,增加快速恢复和应急保障设施等手段,以增强未来网络的生存能力.  相似文献   

This paper addresses low power medium access control (MAC) protocols for the downlink channel of infrastructure wireless sensor networks. Access points are assumed to be energy unconstrained. The trade-off between the power consumption of the sensor nodes and the transmission delay is analyzed, focusing on low traffic. We describe WiseMAC (Wireless Sensor MAC), a new protocol for the downlink of infrastructure wireless sensor networks. Another original contribution is the presentation and analysis of PTIP (Periodic Terminal Initiated Polling). Here, polling is used in the reversed direction as compared to common polling protocols. WiseMAC and PTIP are compared with PSM (Power Save Mode), the power save protocol used in both the IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee standards. Analytical expressions are derived for the power consumption and the transmission delay for each protocol, as a function of the wake-up period. It is shown that WiseMAC provides, with low bit rate radio transceivers, a significantly lower power consumption than PSM. Although less energy efficient than WiseMAC and PSM, it is shown that PTIP can, thanks to its implementation simplicity, become attractive for applications tolerating large transmission delays.Amre El-Hoiydi received the electrical engineer degree from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland, in 1994. In 1995, he was a teaching assistant at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), working on mobility management for low earth orbit mobile satellite communication systems. In 1996, he joined CSEM (Neuchâtel, Switzerland). Since then, he has been working on several research and development projects dealing with various aspects of wireless communications. In the ACTS RAINBOW and FRAMES projects, he was involved with the network and air interface aspects of 3rd generation cellular systems. In the ESPRIT INFOGATE and IST OPENROUTER projects, he worked on electronic design and embedded programming of Linux based wireless LAN gateways. His current research focus is low power communication protocols for wireless sensor networks.Jean-Dominique Decotignie is head of the real-time and networking group at the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microsystems (CSEM) in Neuchâtel. He is professor at the School of Computer and Communication Sciences of EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne) and teaches real-time systems as well as hardware and software design. From 1977 to 1982, he has worked at EPFL and the University of Tokyo in the area of optical communications. In 1983, he joined the Industrial Computer Engineering Lab. at EPFL where he became Assistant Professor in 1992. From 1989 to 1992, he has been the head of an interdisciplinary project on Computer Integrated Manufacturing at EPFL. Since January 1997, he is with CSEM. His current research interests include industrial and real-time local area networks, distributed control systems and software engineering for real-time systems as well as real-time wireless networks.  相似文献   

公钥基础设施(PKI)是现代网络信息安全领域中的一门新兴主流安全技术。首先介绍了电子政务信息安全的需要,而在各种网络信息安全技术中只有利用PKI体系的管理密钥和证书技术才可以建立一个安全的电子政务环境。然后剖析了PKI的体系组成和PKI的管理,根据PKI技术特点,论文最后详细探讨PKI技术在电子政务系统信息安全方面的各种应用。  相似文献   

分布式系统安全保障新体系的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
安全问题是阻碍分布式系统发展和实用化的主要因素之一.分布式系统的安全性包括security和safety两个重要且紧密相关的方面,然而目前绝大多数的研究只限于security.可是随着软件的大量应用,分布式系统正面临严峻的防危考验,迫切需要新的safety保障技术.本文在深入分析分布式系统安全需求的基础上,提出了建立集security和safety保障为一体的分布式系统安全保障新体系的设想,并对该体系应具有的特点和设计目标进行探讨.然后针对把防危核这种safety保障新技术用于大型分布式系统存在的困难,提出了基于实时操作系统的解决方案.最后建立了一种新的安全保障体系SADS (security and safety assurance structure of distributed system),并在实时Linux平台上,以交通灯指挥系统为对象建立了SADS,验证了该SADS的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

随着大数据时代的到来,网络需要从基础架构到上层应用等各方面做好准备,本文聚焦于网络基础架构侧,从机房建设规模、布局、网络带宽与质量要求等方面探讨如何整装待发,迎接大数据时代。  相似文献   

A successful evolution towards a unified global WAN platform allowing for the coexistence and interoperability of all kind of services requires careful planning of the next generation global cooperative wired and wireless information infrastructure.The absence of commonly agreed upon and adopted design principles, allowing for smooth and cost efficient scalability without loss of control over the structurally based properties may prevent or seriously delay this evolution and as consequence be a barrier for introduction of new foreseen types of demanding services. Some of the key problems to be solved can be found in the interrelation between communication, connectivity and convergence.This paper will focus on steps to be taken in planning the physical infrastructure as a prerequisite for a successful evolution. Ole Brun Madsen is born in 1942 in Denmark and received his M.Sc. in Mathematics & Computer Science from the University of Copenhagen (1962–1972) researcher and from 1968 head of the Computer Science Laboratory at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. (1972–1981) head of the Development Department, RECAU, the Regional Computing Centre at Århus University (1981–1996). Head of the Data Network Section and Head of the Network Infrastructure Strategy section at Jutland Telephone (1996–1999). Manager for Infrastructure Network Technology and Strategy at TDC, Tele Denmark (1999-). Professor in Distributed real-time Systems and from 2004 as Head of CNP, Center for Network Planning and Co-director for CTIF, Center for TeleInFrastructur at Aalborg University. He has been project leader for a number of national and international R&D projects and acted in high level advisory tasks within the European Commission on the R&D framework programmes in DGXIII and with United Nations UNDP activities. Present research is focused on Infrastructure Architecture and Modelling Tools for Network Analysis and Design  相似文献   

王弈 《电信科学》2007,23(7):69-72
本文通过分析基于公钥的密钥管理技术,提出一个改进的公钥基础设施模型和相应的密钥恢复方案,旨在提供更高的安全性能和实现合法侦听功能.整个基础构架在提高系统安全性与实现合法侦听两个有冲突的问题之间寻找了一个合适的平衡点.文章最后讨论了整个构架的性能.  相似文献   

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