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介绍一种新型的气液增力缸,对其结构、工作原理进行了分析,对其在压力成形、焊接设备及装置中的应用前景进行了介绍。 相似文献
The problem of magnetostatics for the following model of a defective body is considered: an inclusion in the form of an infinite cylinder with an arbitrary cross section, which is limited by a smooth contour, is inside an infinite magnetic cylinder with a circular profile. An integrodifferential equation with respect to the strength vector of the resulting magnetic field, which contains an integral only over the boundary of the flaw cross section, was derived for this type of body. An algorithm for calculating such a field for the case of an inclusion in the form of a circular cylinder, which is misaligned relative to the large cylinder, was developed. The results of this study can be used in practice when testing cylindrical items with extended flaws. 相似文献
L. Rozeanu 《Wear》1976,40(3):361-369
Wear and failure of the cylinder-piston-piston-ring system are often due to lubrication failure although the thrown-off oil should provide an immediate and large oil feed.
On the basis of published information and some specific tests, it appears that the oil-mist naturally formed in the crankcase provides a more efficient cylinder lubrication although this is more susceptible to variations in service conditions.
It is concluded that the wear and failure problems of the cylinder friction assembly can be solved if auxiliary lubrication, for emergency intervention, is adopted. Either oil should be introduced in the cylinder as an addition to the petrol, or the oil-mist concentration in the crankcase should be increased when lubrication failure is imminent. 相似文献
我公司的 1台三维汽车型材拉弯设备中 ,有 1只行程可以调节的液压缸 ,它和目前普遍使用的可调行程液压缸有很大的不同 ,现介绍给大家。该液压缸的主要参数如下 :缸径 80 mm,活塞杆外径 55mm,总行程为 60 0 mm,行程可在 0~ 60 0 mm之间任意调节 ,属于单活塞杆缸 ,耐压值为 14MPa,外形及安装尺寸符合日本 JIS8354- 1978标准 ,其结构形式如图 1所示。1.压盖 2 .前端盖 3.缸筒 4.偏心限位套5 .后端盖 6 .垫片 7.调节螺母 8.销子9.螺纹丝杠 10 .空心活塞及活塞杆 11.导向套图 1 可调行程缸的结构形式该液压缸的可调行程部分… 相似文献
Modeling and analysis of mechanical Quality factor of the resonator for cylinder vibratory gyroscope
Mechanical Quality factor(Q factor) of the resonator is an important parameter for the cylinder vibratory gyroscope(CVG). Traditional analytical methods mainly focus on a partial energy loss during the vibration process of the CVG resonator, thus are not accurate for the mechanical Q factor prediction. Therefore an integrated model including air damping loss, surface defect loss, support loss, thermoelastic damping loss and internal friction loss is proposed to obtain the mechanical Q factor of the CVG resonator. Based on structural dynamics and energy dissipation analysis, the contribution of each energy loss to the total mechanical Q factor is quantificationally analyzed. For the resonator with radius ranging from 10 mm to 20 mm, its mechanical Q factor is mainly related to the support loss, thermoelastic damping loss and internal friction loss, which are fundamentally determined by the geometric sizes and material properties of the resonator. In addition, resonators made of alloy 3J53 (Ni42CrTiAl), with different sizes, were experimentally fabricated to test the mechanical Q factor. The theoretical model is well verified by the experimental data, thus provides an effective theoretical method to design and predict the mechanical Q factor of the CVG resonator. 相似文献
介绍一种剖分圆锥面套将轴与轮毂胀紧联接结构,从而实现无键联接.并介绍该联接结构的工作原理、设计要点和有关计算. 相似文献
尤秋铭 《机械工业标准化与质量》2004,(1):14-15
质量改进是从原水平到新水平的突破过程。企业应当有计划、有步骤地实施这个过程,正确引导、组织质量管理(QC)小组开展质量改进活动。在这个过程中,企业内的QC小组为了更好地发挥企业每个职工的作用,还应该在思想上、组织上和工作方法 相似文献
用锤击法对汽车制动缸体进行了模态试验分析,介绍了模态试验分析的设备和方法,得到该结构的模态参数,并对复合材料零件和金属材料零件的性能进行了对比,为其结构设计和振动分析提供了依据. 相似文献
研究6A02锻铝合金压气缸的热处理工艺参数对6A02铝合金固溶时效处理硬度和抗拉强度的影响,通过采用优化热处理工艺和改进加工尺寸效应,解决了6A02铝合金压气缸硬度偏低的问题。 相似文献
空气锤镗缸常需大型或专业化镗缸设备,一般小企业需由专业修理单位协作,周期较长,费用较高,我们设计了一种变位齿轮差动镗缸机,使用方便,效果较好。 一、镗缸机的结构原理与使用 1. 结构原理 如图1所示,刀具固定于导向轴1上。电机驱动蜗杆5、带动蜗轮4,通过U形键带动丝杆8转动,丝杆和导向轴由对盘连结成为一体,使导向轴获得旋转运动。 蜗轮5和齿轮6(m=2.5mm,z=100)借U形键装在丝杆上一起旋转,齿轮7(m=2.5mm,z=99,x=0.5)通过螺纹T85×12旋合于丝杆上,与齿轮6接触。 蜗轮4和齿轮6一起旋转时,带动齿轮9(m=2.… 相似文献